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20 JL'
The Girl Reserve Movement is a movement
of the Young Wornens Christian Associations for
teen age girls. Therefore, to use the name and
the programs it is necessary to establish a super-
visory relationship with a city, town, country or
district or student Young Womans Christian As-
sociation, or with a traveling secretary of the
National Y. W. C. A. who is responsible for work
with teen age girljs. The program content,
however, is at the disposal of all people interested
in the welfare of girls.
Published September, 1918.
Revised: January 1919
September 1919, June 1921
Copyright, 1921, by
The National Board of the Young Womens Christian Associations
of the United States of America
THIS edition of the Girl Reserve Manual is the result of
long1 years of experimentation, study, and practical ex-
perience on the part of many workers in the Young
Women's Christian Association, who because they steadily be-
lieved in the potential power of girl life have felt the "Charm
of the Impossible" and like "Fishin' Jimmie" have gone upon
a quest.
The first Girl Reserve Manual, issued in 1918, was but a pre-
liminary and temporary edition. Since that time the many
pamphlets containing various Girl Reserve programs as well as
the first preliminary Manual have offered a wealth of material
which has been of use to many workers with girls.
It is hoped that this Manual, including as it does the philo-
sophical principles, content and methods of work developed and
tested by the Young Women's Christian Association through
many years of practical experience, will prove of even greater
value and use to those who have grasped the significance of
Christian leadership to-day* and have accepted its responsibili-
Bureau for Work with Younger Girls
National Board, Young Womens Christian Associations
THE Young Women's Christian Association • is a fellow-
ship of women and girls. The value of the fellowship
lies in whatever it may contribute to self-expression, dis-
cipline and growth of the whole life of each of its members and
in the effectiveness of that group as it functions in the life of
a community. It offers, therefore, to advisers of g'irls a place
of leadership which has the greatest value.
There is a standard toward which the development of all the
membership — both girls and advisers — is set. The standard
is expressed in the name "The Christian" and makes the teach-
ings of Jesus the informing and directing principles of any of
the Association's programs. His example of growth in wis-
dom and stature and in favor with God and man is consciously
followed. Any girl may enter this fellowship; there is noth-
ing selective about its membership. The possibility of ful-
filling this standard — of achieving -this growth, is in direct
proportion to the gift of self of those advisers who have ac-
cepted places of leadership in the " Association movement.
The Girl Reserves are a cross section of the whole fellow-
ship. They are a movement within the movement of the whole.
All the resources of the organization, general and specialized,
lie back of the Girl Reserves, and are available for their de-
velopment. The Girl Reserves are to the Young Women's
Christian Association, of which they are a part, the fresh
stream which feeds into the main current of the movement at
its source or along itsl course — the very youth of its youth.
They have its future in their keeping.
National Board, Young Womens Christian Associations,
United States of America.
June 1921.
THE Bureau for Work With Younger Girls wishes to ex-
press grateful appreciation to the following people for
the contribution they have made to this Manual:
To Miss Marjory Lacey-Baker and Miss Hazel MaeKaye
for the chapter on the Drama ; to Miss Emily T, Goding for
the chapter on 'Conferences; to Miss Esther Dayman for the
chapter on Camps; to Miss Margaret Proctor for the material
on Pood Values; to Miss Alice G. Moore for "Triangles for
Girl Reserves" and for various stories for use with leaders and
girls; to Miss Mabel E. iStone for the chapter on Religious
Education; to Miss Mary L. Cady1 for the chapter on Voca-
tional Guidance Emphases and for the chapters on Citizenship
and Thrift; to Mrs. Alice Standish Buell for material on Legis-
lative 'Standards; to Miss Eliza Rhees Butler and Mrs. Marion
Rider Robinson for ''School Girl Ideals"; to Mrs. Marie Stan-
ton Lruetters and Miss Vesper Bell for the chapter on Business
Principles, Ideals and Details; to Miss Blanche Geary and Miss
Sutherland Griffith for the chapter on Music ; to Miss Gertrude
Gogin and Miss Etha Louise Buchanan for material on organi-
zation and program planning for grade school and high school
girls, for younger girls in business and 'industry and in busi-
ness college; for the chapter on "Books and Reading"; for
the preparation and the editing of the sections on "Needs of
Girls" and "The Leadership of the Girl Reserve Movement,"
and for the chapter on "Material for Program Building"; to
Miss Clara Bartram for the material on "Dress"; to Miss
Clara I. Donihoo for the material on Sealing Wax Craft; to
the Bureau of Social Education for the section on Health Edu-
cation; to Miss Era Betzner for the material on Recreation; to
the Division of Work for Foreign-Born Women for Program
Suggestions in Work with Girls with a Foreign Background;
to Miss Amanda O. Nelson, Miss Katherine Gerwick, Miss Al-
niira Holmes, Miss Crystal Bird, Miss Ethel Cutler and other
secretaries of the National Board, both field and headquarters,
and to many local secretaries), for material and suggestions in
preparation and revision of this material; to Doubleday Page
and Co., for permission to use the excerpt from Christopher
Morley's "Parnassus on Wheels"; td Charles Scribner's Sons
for permission to use excerpts from "Prayers by R. L. S.";
to the Westchester County Children's Association for
permission to use "I Am the Future1' by Tudor Jenks; to Wal-
lace's Farmer for the material "The Story of Our Flag"; to
George H. Doran Co., and the author for permission to use the
poem "Songs for SL Little House"; to the Reilly and Lee Com-
pany, Publishers for permission to use Edgar A. Guest's poem
"Mother's iDay"; to Miss Etha Louise Buchanan for her con-
stant and untiring attention in connection with, the preparation,
editing, and production of this Manual.
National Board, Young Womens Christian Associations
I. The Needs of Girls 11
Chapter 1. The Younger Girl in Cities 13
Chapter 2. The Younger Girl in Towns 14
Chapter 3. The Younger Girl in Villages and the
Open Country 16
Chapter 4. The Needs of School Girls 18
Chapter 5. The Needs of Younger Girls in Busi-
ness and Industry 22
Chapter 6. The Needs of Young-er Business Col-
lege Girls 25
Chapter 7. The Needs of the Foreign-Born Girl . . 26
Chapters. The Needs of the Colored Girls 30
Chapter 9. The Needs of the American Indian Girls 33
Chapter 10. The Psychology of Girlhood 34
Chapter 11. The Survey of the Girl Life in a Com-
munity 36
II. The General Plan of the Girl Reserve Movement 41
III. The Organization of Groups of Girls '81
Chapter 1. Principles of Organization 61
Chapter 2. Organization Among Grade School
Girls 68
Chapter3. Organization of Junior High School or
High School Freshmen Girls 77
Chapter 4. Organization of Girl Reserve High
School Clubs 83
Chapter 5. Organization of Younger Girls in Bus-
iness and Industry 100
Chapter 6. Organization of Younger Business Col-
lege Girls H3
IV. Program Planning 117
Chapter 1. A Clue to Program Planning 117
Chapter 2. Typical Programs for Groups of Girls 128
V. Activities for Developing a Christian Personality. . 295
Chapter 1. Religious Education or Training in
Christian Thinking and Living 295
Chapter 2. Health Education and Recreation 316
Chapter 3. Nature Lore 374
Chapter 4. Handicraft 387
Chapter 5. Story Telling 392
Chapter 6. The Place of the Drama in the Girl
Reserve Movement 39i>
Chapter 7. The Place of Discussion in the Girl
Reserve Movement 423
Chapter 8. The Practice of Citizenship 452
Chapter 9. The Place of Thrift in the Girl Reserve
Programs - • - 468
Chapter 10. Business Principles and Ideals and
Details 476
Chapter 11. Books and Reading in* the Life of a Girl 483
Chapter 12. Vocational Guidance Emphases in the
Girl Reserve Movement 503
Chapter 13. The Place of Music in the Girl Reserve
Movement 526
Chapter 14. Camps for Girls 567
Chapter 15. Conferences ...,,..,. 589
Chapter 16. Service Activities .... 600
VI The Leadership of the Girl Keserve Movement 609
^Chapter 1. Qualifications 609
Chapter 2. The Girls' Work Committee '614
Chapter 3. Community Relationships 650
VII Material for Program Building-; 665
VIII. History of the Growth of Girls' Work in the Young
Womens Christian Association 80G
The Girl
Reserve Movement
Section I.
efl am the Future, for in me
there lies
What through the ages our land
shall be;
Yet what I am is what you are
to me —
7 am the question to which you
make replies!3*
between twelve and
eighteen is facing the critical
character building years of her
life. At the age of twelve certain habits have been acquired—
some of which are not very firmly fixed. Whether for good or
evil these will probably become established within a short "time.
The years ahead are therefore the ones in which new habits for
good may be acquired and bad habits replaced by good ones ;
certainly habits of the most vital character content will be
formed to meet the new needs of the girl's developing personality.
* Written by Tudor Jenks for the Westchester County Children's Afts'n.
11 '
The instincts for self-preservation, self-expression, and self-
perpetuation, or as they are sometimes stated, the egoistic,
the rational, the sex, and the relation instincts— are manifest-
ing themselves in many ways and making it necessary for^the
girl to make adjustments an all phases of her living. It is a
difficult period for the girl and for all people related to and
working with her. Her mental growth, her bodily development,
her consciousness of herself not only as an individual but as a
part of a social whole, her spiritual yearnings are all matters
of adult concern. The home, the church, the school, and the
community as a whole through its various agencies are all ^re~
sponsible for seeing that careful guidance is given at a time
when such guidance will have results. Moreover, there is
need for correlation of the different training processes given a
girl through these various channels. The standards, work and
appeal made by one group are often not related in a girFs
mind to like standards and appeals made by another. The
home is the logical place in which such correlation should take
place but it is not always possible to have it so and therefore
the worker with girls in the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation or in any organization must so understand the; funda-
mental needs of the girl with whom she is dealing that out
of those needs and desires she will be able to evolve a pro-
gram of work which will make for successful Christian living.
The fundamental instincts of self-preservation, self-expres-
sion and self-perpetuation give rise to certain relationships of
human life which have been termed needs. Such needs express
themselves differently, perforce, because of racial and individual
experience, but in every girl there is the possibility of ex-
pressing through recreation, fellowship, work, and religion the
fullness of her life. These four great forms of expression do
not function equally in different groups of girls and for that
reason secretaries and advisers concerned with program plan-
ning find themselves analyzing the needs of different groups
of girls and choosing as majors and minors these various forms
of expression, the choice depending upon the outstanding indi-
vidual and group needs. It has seemed wise, therefore, in -this
section to state briefly the specific needs of different groups of
adolescent girls in which the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation and other kindred organizations are interested.
FIFTY years ago ninety-seven out of every one hundred peo-
ple were living in rural communities. To-day fifty-four
out of every one hundred people in the United States are living
in cities. Great industrial enterprises and the lure which is
always associated with the city attract vast numbers of men,
women, boys and girls, many of whom have been brought up
in rural communities, either in this country or in foreign coun-
tries. This means a readjustment for part of a city's popula-
tion to different methods of living and to certain new conven-
tions; very often this adjustment is not made by parents as
rapidly as by the younger members in a family and so difficul-
ties arise.
The complexity, the intensity of life, the possible isolation
and loneliness of individuals and groups even in the midst of a
dense population; the extreme individualism possible because
of a sense of detachment caused by the very numbers of un-
known people and at the same time the great necessity for co-
operation because of the dependence of one individual upon an-
other both for housing and transportation and food supply; the
possible letting down of moral standards; all these are factors
which must be taken into consideration when one faces the needs
of a girl in the city. The highly colored theatre posters, the
trashy love stories and mock heroics featured on the many bill-
boards which so often line city streets, as well as the great
electric signs that flash across one's vision at night and trans-
form the dull and dirty street into a veritable fairy-land, the
flippant music of the streets, the gray movie "palaces," the very
crowds themselves and the sense of action everywhere, all stim-
ulate the newly awakened emotional senses of the adolescent
girl, whether she be a school girl or a younger girl at work.
Therefore, not because girls who live in a city are different
in themselves from other girls but because their surroundings
and influences are different, is it necessary to consider the spe-
cific needs of city girls. Briefly speaking, these needs are:
First, standards based upon such principles that there will
result a wise choice in the midst of the complex and intense
life which presents such a variety of activities and interests —
such standards to be rooted in a belief in a God-controlled
(Second, an opportunity for recreation which is the result of
a girl's own ingenuity and not "store-bought" and which shall
include a chance to glimpse the joy and beauty of the great
Third, the opportunity to remain "young" an the midst of
what is often a very sophisticated and blase atmosphere.
Fourth, the opportunity to obtain help in choosing and in
finding the right kind of employment and to benefit by advice
which will help tfer not only to see the need for more educa-
tion and training but also the way to secure them.
OBERT LOUIS STEVENSON said that it was not in vain
that he returned to the nothings of his childhood, for each
of them had left its impress upon him; the same intangible reac-
tions to environment are occurring in the lives of hundreds of
thousands of younger girls in the towns of this country. Whether
the towns are agricultural, suburban, mining, tourist, manu-
facturing, college or health resort, each is weaving into the
life of its girlhood its particular characteristics, good, bad or
indifferent. Each contributes to the growing girl certain op-
portunities for human relationships, which the diversified life
of a city rarely affords; yet the very social solidarity is in a
measure a handicap. The very neighborliness sometimes blinds
the adult minds to the infinite possibilities of leadership in
these growing girls ; inability to see recreational needs met by
parks and club rooms is sometimes caused by the fact that par-
ents did not have these things in their youth.
But to-day, the town which is desirous of holding its boys
and girls as future citizens must recognize at once their needs
and supply a leadership which wall be adequate,
One of the outstanding needs is wholesome recreation; the
play spirit has wide range dn a town. There are no hamper-
ing conditions such as one finds in a crowded city; but unless
it is directed, the play spirit is not sufficiently constructive to
result in .coordinated Individuals. Recreation needs to be
cumulative, directed, and based upon definite standards of
right thinking and right living.
Often there is a tendency on the part of a neighborhood
group of girls to become "unconsciously snobbish" — one of the
needs is to instill a democratic spirit, which will help to bring
together different groups in church, school and community ac-
tivities. Closely related to this sense of democracy, and per-
haps an outgrowth of it is the sense of the value of all human
life, regardless of what clothes it wears, how it speaks, and
what color it is.
Another need of the adolescent girl in towns is an apprecia-
tion and understanding of the place of the church in her life.
Usually her relationship to the Sunday school is established
because her family is a church going group. The necessity is
to have her experience of the church and the church school or
Sunday school such a vital growing one that her loyalty to them
when she grows older will be unbroken. Through organized
class work in the church school and club activities which em-
phasize character standards she may develop into a Christian
Too much cannot be said about the need for developing
character standards for all girls wherever they are. In her
relations to girls, boys, the home, the school, and the church,
there is the greatest need for a sense of right values on the
part of every girl. Questions of honor, chaperonage, dress,
kinds of social gatherings and foims of amusements are end-
Sometimes, as girls are growing they become so conscious
of the "limitations" of their home town that they need to be
helped to see the value in the best which is to be found in
every town. The right kind of town pride will keep the girl
from being a "grouch" if she stays on in her own town or from
shedding every sense of responsibility for enriching the life of
whatever place in which she may be
BEFORE one who travels the road of leadership there pass
in mental review great stretches of prairies, long vistas
of cotton fields, mountain valleys and endless plains. She
remembers the occasional houses and buildings clustered to-
g-ether, marking the places where people have made homes.
When she knows that almost fifty per cent of all the people of
the United States live in villages with populations of less than
2,500 or in the open 'country, she is overwhelmed by the needs
of the younger girls in these great portions of our country.
But after all, the, girl is not different from other girls in her
desires and needs. In a homely phrase, which (by its very
forcefulness) claims a place in one's mind, people have been
compared to nuts, with many similar and delightful qualities
within, but one must know how to crack the different shells.
This is the task of the successful secretary and adviser for girls
in villages and the open country — to find the right way into
the life of this girl.
(The isolation of the girl's life may have made her shy; she
does not have the knowledge of many man-made devices which
are the common experience of the city or large town girl; she
may not be accustomed to many of the social forms which mark
the conventional parties of the day, but she has a self-reliance
and resourcefulness which are much to be desired. She has
a knowledge of nature and an acquaintance with bird and plant
life which other girls will work long to attain, and many times
there is no true appreciation .of this possession. Sincere and
direct she will respond to the right approach and it is the op-
portunity of those who work with her as friends, teachers and
club advisers as well as in the more intimate relationships of
the home to find the way to crack the shell so that the good
within stands revealed.
Specifically stated her needs are as follows: a new vision of
health as being not merely * not ill but as being well, vigorously
and wholesomely so; recreation which teaches her team play,
which has a standard of values that helps her to play right
games, and which carries with it the message that play is not
the possession of youth only-— something that one grows away
from — but that it is an ever present means for joyous living;
citizenship training which shall be not only specific in the sense
of teaching her how to vote but to recognize and understand
the spiritual motives underlying it; new friendships and new
interests which will prevent an accumulation of the sense of
Isolation; a training which will help her to break down barriers
within herself which sometimes keep her from becoming a co-
operative person; and greatest of all, an opportunity to form
those character standards which will make her a dynamic
Christian, living with power in her community.
Her new standards will find their expression in her renewed
Interest in the church, in all forms of community and home
service, and in her own growing understanding of God.
The agencies which bring about the satisfaction! of these
needs will be many. To-day there are at work among people
In villages and the open country, an increasing number of fac-
tors. The Young Women's Christian Association through its
younger girls' movement should be in the closest cooperation
with directors of Boys and Girls Club Work, operating under
the Federal government. The Rural Section of the Home Mis-
sions Council is a great coordinating force for rural social work
and the church plans made by it must be fully considered by
secretaries and advisers. The evergrowing cooperative move-
ment among farm people, and all the various types of informa-
tion pouring into the rural homes through the media of farm
journals, newspapers and magazines as well as books upon
scientific agriculture, are helping to transform the life of this
girl. Increased transportation facilities are thrusting upon her
and her mother new vistas which they have not glimpsed be-
fore^and she must be made ready to make the right choices.
The^expression of much of this new outlook will be in terras
of abtaviti^s. Her need is that the activity shall be expressive
of her best self — through pageantry, field days, a desire for
continued education, which will come if vocations are presented
rightly to her.
IN the public schools of this country to-day are enroled sev-
eral millions of girls, girls with every conceivable racial
inheritance, and representing homes where opportunities have
been most meager and homes where all the culture of genera-
tions exists as the girl's heritage. The girl whose father and
mother do not speak English meets in class and assembly rooms
the girl who is a direct descendant of "one of the original
families." Increasingly they are receiving from the public
school a conception of a democracy which equips them alike
for certain fundamental duties which are the due of every
future citizen in a democracy and yet makes allowance for their
individual differences.
Just as different as the backgrounds of the girls are the
schools in which they are to be found. On the one hand are
the magnificent school buildings, with the latest equipment
for the study of science, manual training1, domestic arts and
out-door athletics; some of them are built upon the cottage
plan, and have splendidly equipped faculties. On the other
hand are the isolated one or two room schools where children
from the 'country districts are receiving their preparation for
life. However, the consolidated school system is bringing1 new
school standards and many new influences into the lives of
girls who live in the open country. In between are the hundreds
of mediumly well equipped buildings, itheir interiors sometimes
as uniformly drab as are their exteriors.
In any type of school are to be found both the girl who
will graduate from high school and enter college, and the girl
who may or may not finish high school. She very probably will
enter the business or industrial world; there is also the gft-l
who will just "stay at home."
There will be found the studious girl (more frequently
known in, the parlance of her school mates as "the grind") ,
the athletic girl, the girl who thrives on social affairs, both of
the school and of her own contrivance, and the all-round girl
who has a very large share in all (the activities of the school
and many relationships in her community.
And yet, different as are these types and varied as are the
environments in which they are found, their fundamental needs
are the same; to find ways to a full self expression through
recreation, work, fellowship and religion.
All of the needs which have been designated as fchose char-
acteristic of great groups of girls in cities, towns, villages,
and the open country apply to the school girl. But the specific
application reveals the fact that it is necessary to interpret
these four modes of expression in relation to the every day life
of the girl. A school girl's need for recreation differs in degree
from that of the younger girl in business and industry. She has
experienced, generally, and will continue to receive, certain
training in games, and plays and pageantry, while it is usually
true that her social experience is greater (i. e. she knows "the
hostess feeling"— see the chapter on Health Education, page
362); therefore, in bringing school girls to self-expression
through recreation, an adviser can begin almost at once to help
them build up standards for their recreation, give them a vision
of what it truly is— "renewal of life," and help them to see it
in its relation to work, fellowship and religion.
To interpret to a school girl the way to find self expression
through work requires skill and patience on the part of an
adviser. The girl's conception is usually measured by her
experience of household tasks or by a growing sense of her
responsibility to make an economic contribution to the world
(she is stirred to this very often in secondary school work by
a study of economics). The adviser's opportunity lies^in the
need to help the girl see work as a mode of expression for
her growing self and to recognize that it means more than
simply doing a task every day. It means creative production,
which should bring to the girl skill, a sense of craftsmanship
and fellowship with all others who work, whether with hand
or mind. Everywhere work is an expression of life, whether
in a home or in business or industry. Many girls think of it
only in relation to business; therefore the real task is to help
the girl see the place of work in the life of a woman.
Fellowship is a growing consciousness of neighborliness.
There was a time when the latter word meamt the family in
the house next door to one; then it grew so that it began to
include families in other sections of the community, where
dllness or poverty had come. Through the channels of organiza-
tions such as the American Red Cross the word took on new
meaning when sudden calls came from nearby or even faraway
communities in our own country. The real manifestations of
neighborliness came with the Great War and girls' horizons
were widened until they included suffering peoples in the de-
vastated regions, throughout the world. New knowledge of
peoples in other countries brought a revelation of the alikeness
of humanity and therefore the opportunity to-day is to keep
girls' thinking international in its scope. It sometimes is easier
to be neighborly at "long-distance" — to have one's appreciation
of the girls in China or Japan! or Russia or Armenia much
stronger than one's understanding of the foreign speaking
group or family "across the railroad track." Further interpre-
tation of the term "fellowship" allows it to mean an understand-
ing of the value of another's personality; it is a trust of their
beliefs and purposes. To help a girl avoid "the box car" view of
life (where one has only the tiny glimpses of the real contribu-
tions of other people to the common life of a city or town or
a nation or the world) is a very real need which an adviser and
a secretary must meet.
The other way in which the school girl's need may be met
as through the avenue of religion. To many people the very
use of this word will bring a sense of limitation, or a ques-
tion of dogmatic teachings, sometimes interpreted in terms
of denominationalism, but it is not so used here. When it is
stated that a developing personality (which is what any girl
in school is) is growth toward God and man, and that religion
is a consciousness of God in life, a dynamic for action, then an
adviser can see how broad is the use of the word and how
fundamentally true is the application. Almost all girls need to
see the relation between an individual experience of a relation-
ship to God (which they have been taught) and the social appli-
cation of it in their every day standards of living. (See the
chapter on page 117, "A Clue to Program Planning," and the
chapter on "Religious Education or Training in Christian Think-
ing and Living," page 295.)
The same fundamental needs are *found among the girls in
the many private schools of th-is country. The New England
academy, the agricultural school of the South, the country
boarding and day schools, the city day schools, and the town
and city boarding school, all offer in their various ways op-
portunity for a girl to become an intelligent citizen.
In the lives of most girls who are sent to private schools,
there is often a greater need for the interpretation of fellowship
given above than for the public school girl who has more con-
tact in her daily life -with girls' from all opportunity groups.
For the private school girl, work needs to be related to her
own life as a woman in such a way that she conceives of it as
a factor in her every-day living, regardless of her position.
While in most private schools, recreation is a carefully
planned factor in the curriculum, there is still opportunity for
helping the girl to form right standards of choice and value,
so that when she must make decisions for herself she will have
a scale of true values.
The private school girl experiences the same need for ex-
pression through the avenue of religion as does the girl in the
public school. In addition to any moral, ethical or religious
training given either as a part of the curriculum or through
the school life, there is need to help the girl to relate her
individual experience of a relationship to God to her every-day
The Girl Herself
THE group of younger girls in business and industry is on*?
of the most stimulating to advisers of girls. Because of
the great diversity of the school attendance laws and the
child labor laws in the various states, in this group will be
found girls from twelve to eighteen years of age. The direction
of the girPs new sense of independence, due to her new environ-
ment and the first taste of real freedom, the knowledge of condi-
tions under which she lives,, works and plays, grip the imagina-
tion of any one who really believes in girls. Generally speaking,
this yo<unger girl resents too much formality in work and or-
ganization. Life has early become a more intricate thing for
her than for the school girl of the same age; she spends her
days doing work which is an expression of the commands of
some one else or in producing machine work which comes out
a product, each time the same. The continuing monotony
normally results in a voluble and volatile outburst of the
repressed spirit of energy, when work is over. This very fact
accounts for certain extremes in behavior, in dress, in speech;
her desire like that of any normal adolescent girl, is for "the
best time possible/7 and sometimes if the best way -is not at
hand, she takes some other. The girl needs to know what good
wholesome fun means. Whether the girl admits it or not, the
adviser needs to know that there is a longing on the part of
the girl to do something and be somebody worthwhile. To help
the girl ,to understand herself more clearly, to see herself in
relation to the world of which she is a part and to satisfy
this unspoken longing for that which is worthwhile both for
herself and her fellow worker, through wholesome recreation
and through a sincere personal interest, through self-govern-
ing group activities, which give the girl ample chance to express
herself, is the opportunity of an adviser.
Where to Find Her and How to Reach Her
Preliminary survey. Before attempting: club work for
younger girls in business and industry, a girls' work secretary,
the committee chairman or an adviser should be acquainted with
the state regulations in regard to the following conditions:
(a) Age at which girls may go to work.
(b) Occupations open to girls.
(c) Length of working day.
(d) Average wage.
(e) Opportunity for trade training,
(f) Conditions of work; how regulated by law; provision
for continuation schools.
(g) Period of apprenticeship.
(h) Number leaving school when in the eighth grade.
(i) Number of commercial or technical high schools,
(j) Number of girls leaving such schools at end of two
Information should be obtained also concerning the following
(a) Number of places employing girls between twelve and
eighteen years of age.
(b) Nationalities of girls.
(c) Number living at home.
(d) Housing conditions.
(e) Opportunities for vocational training.
(f ) Recreational facilities.
(g) Distinct districts into which the community may ^be
divided; e. g.; foreign, factory workers, etc. Is the community
divided by the railroad tracks ?
Such a survey should always be made in cooperation with
the industrial department if it is organized in the Association.
A previous survey made by the industrial department may
make unnecessary another by the girls' work committee. (See
page 623, Cooperation with Industrial Department,)
After such a survey it should be apparent whether the
approach to this younger girl in business and industry is better
made through the continuation school — the technical or busi-
ness high school, or if the educational laws are such that the
continuation school does not exist, and girls can go to work
at a very early age without further education— the only ap-
proach with the exception of the grade school — the place of
work itself. If the latter is true, the girl's work secretary
and the industrial secretary should work in close cooperation,
and the girls' work secretary should have as excellent grade
school work as possible ; she should be in close touch with tilts
attendance officers, any vocational bureau which may exist in
the schools and any person or machinery used to follow girls
who leave school at an early age. The girls' work committee
should make every effort to havef full information regarding1
the plans of Girl Reserves who graduate from the eighth grade;
it should extend its interest to the many other girls who have
not been Girl Reserves. Such an extensive piece of work as
this might possibly be accomplished through the help of high
school Girl Reserves who are in their junior and senior years.
These girls may seek opportunity to visit their former grade
schools at promotion time and tell about high school life and
with the help of the teacher secure the names of the girls who
are planning to stop school. Through other grade school Girl
Reserves themselves, much information can be obtained about
the girl who thinks she wants to leave before the eighth grade
and sometimes the presentation of the value of continued educa-
tion to her and her parents will keep her in school for a longer
Experience has revealed that work with younger girls in
business and industry is twice as difficult if not begun until the
girl is at work. To "catch the girl's interest" before she is in
the throes of a new life with its .unsettling elements is the best
way to help her when she makes this new step, and the Associa-
tion will keep her loyalty nine times out of ten. ^Otherwise it
is just an additional element in her life and she does not always
find time for it.
THE girl in a short term business college in town or city is
likely to be only fifteen or sixteen years old and so has all
the characteristics of adolescence. Generally speaking, the
course in such a college is from three to nine months in lengfth.
Several types of girls will come to the attention of those in-
terested in this group. One is the girl who has graduated from
a grammar school in some small town or rural community and
comes ito the large city or town to equip herself for work.
She is often away from home for the first time, and her sense
of independence and freedom from home restraint and com-
munity opinion is likely to overbalance her judgment of what
are right standards, both of work and play. Her needs are
1. A spirit of friendliness among the women and girls of
the community, which will express itself in an active interest
in how she is living and what she is doing.
2. Sane and normal recreation.
3. Vocational guidance.
4. Better housing conditions.
5. A growing: interest in "the things that matter most."
Another type is the girl who has been in a commercial high
school and has enrolled for a few months as a student in n
business college in her own community. While her needs are
not parallel in all respects to those of the girl away from
home, yet obviously, there is a considerable contribution which
may be made by a girls' work committee to her all-round
THE business of being the first friend in this bewildering
country into which the stranger has come is the very
heart and key a*nd secret of all the foreign community work
of the Young Women's Christian Association, which is done by
the International Institute. International work is actually
and only that work which is with and for, and shared by
foreign girls and women themselves. It is not getting students
to a state of intelligent respect for the glories of other coun-
tries and people other than their own, although that is a useful
thing to accomplish. It is not getting industrial club girls to
perceive that their opportunity for patriotic social service lies
in befriending and treating as a Christian should the non-
American girls they meet, although that, too, needs to be done*.
. . . The idea has taken hold that to give the same ehanet*
for education and inspiration to the foreign girls themselves—
* The material for this chapter on the Nceda of CIrls with n Fm'4*k«
Background has been taken from the. Report of th«* Division of Work for
^oreign-Born Women, Department of Research and Method, 1015-1020.
is "international" or "immigration work." And a second idea
which has gained acceptance is this: really to do (this work
with foreign girls, the Association must go and be to them in
their language and in their communities, all that it now is, and
even more than it now is, to American girls in their American
life. In other words, this immigration work is not "a new
Association activity"; but, on the contrary, it is all kinds of
standard Association activities worked ouit to fit a new kind
of community. Foreign community work simply duplicates all
the different ''groups" of girl life the Association already knows.
Women, young or older, of other races, other countries, are
essentially the same sort of beings as are American born
women, who dress as we do, speak and think the language we
do. Therefore the Association's program with them and for
them and their participation in the life and activities of As-
sociations everywhere is a complete thing", and in no essential
way different from the same thing with Americans. It differs
tin approach, and in method, but not in the purpose nor in kind,
nor in extent. It includes the ''whole Association program/'
The four points of Association emphasis are there but in dif-
ferent forms. From (the census and from official immigration
reports it can be estimated that at present our United States
population includes nineteen million souls whose childhood was
spent in other lands. Whoever remembers how deeply the
experiences, the traditions, the influences about her childhood
have cut into her tastes and character, will realize what that
fact means. The girls and older women whose childhood was
spent in -the "Old Country" have deeply rooted bias, prejudice,
ideas which must be understood and taken into account. In
the old country, clothing was made from the same materials
we use over here. But it was cut differently and the com-
pleted costume was a totally different creation. Most nations
use beans for food, but each has a peculiar way of cooking
them and each certainly likes its own best! And so in its
International Institute building, at as central a point for the
currents of life of different foreign communities as can be
found, the Association will have an informal, non-institutional
neighborly place, with a class for learning English, and a club
for singing old country songs.
The Association's platform on Americanization is revealed
to be as follows: Helping individual women to find a useful
place in American life; working steadily to help them out of
difficulties which so thickly beset the daily experience of
strangers in a strange land; quietly, continually practicing the
"loving kindness" which springs only from democracy and
Christianity; opening new roads to health, to education, to
ambition, to life itself!
Where English is not the language of the home, it becomes
necessary to understand backgrounds and customs in order to
include them in the program. The employed workers of an
International Branch always begin with the individual, not by
classes and clubs, but by going out into the very homes of tho
young women they would reach.
Girls' work in an International Institute is based upon recog-
nition of the fact that the foreign neighborhood brought certain
Old World experiences to this country. The composite ex-
perience of a race based upon centuries of similar experiences
is difficult to comprehend. The roots of our American past are
so short that we find it hard to understand how deeply rooted
are the lives of peoples from other nations.
Peoples from other countries have brought with them firmly
fixed traditions and customs of family life; in their groups no
member has ever thought of herself apart from a family rela-
tionship. The great individualism, freedom and egotism of
American youith in thought and action, are wholly new ideas
to the foreign neighborhood, and the examples which they wit-
ness in their streets serve not to recommend these character-
istics as working principles. Therefore, the grown folks in
foreign homes cling more closely than ever to their (traditions
about the protection and seclusion of their homes.
Because of all this, the International Institute, that branch
of Association work charged with carrying the message of the
Young Women's Christian Association into foreign homes and
foreign communities, necessarily faces girls' work as a home
problem. The adolescent girl is absorbed not only in the difficult
task of growing up, but also she is passing through a period of
breaking away from the traditions and customs which have
held the youth of her national group steady; and she is shift-
ing* her standards and changing her ideals in an effort to accord
with those of her adopted country as she sees them in the school
or in the workshop. The Association reaches out to her with
its understanding and sympathy to help her hold on to the
best that is in her home while reaching toward the best in
America. The Association also reaches out to the mother with
the same understanding and sympathy to help her to attain
to the best in America ; this "best" combined with the best that
she has in her home will help her to grow with her daughter
and not away from her.
Another reason for approaching work with foreign-born
girls in slightly different ways is the fact that in general the
youth of the old world has not the strong "gang" spirit, nor
does it have the group experience so characteristic of American
adolescents. So the foreign home muat be led to appreciate the
purpose and value of group life for their daughters; the girls
will come very slowly to find a place for themselves in it
Therefore, clubs will be small, programs will be ever changing
with the growth of the group ideals in the minds of its mem-
bers; milestones of group attainment will be placed close to-
gether and the activities will express the mingling of old world
culture with American ideals for life.
THERE are more than a million younger colored girls in
this country. The great majority of them live in the
Southern sitates; in some of these states the colored girl out-
numbers the white girl three to one. In order to understand
the needs of this large group of girls, it is necessary to know
something of their background, and to realize some of the ^con-
ditions in which they live, particularly in that section of the
country where they form such a considerable portion of the
It is a well-known fact that in many parts of the South
to-day, large numbers of colored people are owners of valuable
property; they are building and owning* their houses, are
entering the business and professional world. But despite these
facts that bespeak progress, there are yet larger numbers of
colored people who are still living in frame shanties and cot-
tages with few or no sanitary facilities. There are communi-
ties where the streets are often unpaved, undrained and un-
policed. It can be seen readily what the health conditions am<m£
the colored people in such communities must be. In the last
five years, however, annual "clean-up campaigns," "Netfro
Health Weeks," and some health education have been encouraged
by the United States Health Service, and by some of the state,
county and city boards of heal/th.
Moreover, in many of the communities there are few or
no recreational facilities in the negro neighborhoods—not even
playgrounds. In those moving picture houses which do exist,
the entertainment provided is usually of a rather low order,
very young girls being admitted without question. The 8&mtk
thing is true at the public dance halls which very often arc of
the cheapest and lowest type.
Taking the country as a whole there arc almost as many
colored girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen out of
school as in school, — those who do enter continuing until the
age of fourteen, then dropping out. This is truer in the South
(which has the largest percentage of colored girls) than in the
North and West. It is due to several reasons; chief among
them being an inadequate number of public elementary and
secondary school buildings. There is also a lack of equipment,
and the teachers receive low salaries. With very few excep-
tions there are no public city high schools • most of the second-
ary schools are supported by private funds, four-fifths of which
are supplied by white church boards, the remaining fifth by
colored denominations. These reach but a small proportion
of the thousands of younger colored girls. There is, however,
an ever increasing tendency in many of the larger cities to pro-
vide more adequate educational facilities for the colored group.
Southern states are granting appropriations for better school
facilities among Negroes; the Julius Rosen wald Fund also
provides money to assist in erecting rural school houses. 'Com-
munities will not be granted aid unless their school term is
at least five months, and unless an amount is secured equal
to or exceeding" the amount offered by the Julius Rosenwald
Fund either from public school funds or from funds raised
among themselves.
In the Northern and Western states where the colored
people are more closely identified with the community and
share in the general influences of the community life, both
living and educational facilities more nearly meet the needs
of the colored people. As yet, with the exception of a few
outstanding cities, the recreational facilities for colored people
are very meager. But even in those states where the educa-
tional facilities are better, the colored girl drops out of school
at a very early age, untrained and in most cases totally unfit
to be employed in any responsible position. Her leaving school
is often due to lack of encouragement from her own people,
and a lack of vocational information and guidance ; also the
fact that there exist few opportunities in the community to use
such -training, once it has been acquired, influences her in her
decision to leave school.
Within the last few years community life and school life
have been made more difficult for the colored girl in the
Northern and Western cities because of the large numbers
of young colored girls who have migrated from the South with
their families. On account of the school attendance laws,
these girls are compelled to attend school; because they fre-
quently lack knowledge of the simplest fundamentals of living
and are overgrown, over age and retarded, they form a \ery
serious problem. This has resulted in many cases in the white
people becoming acutely and unpleasantly aware of the colored
group, and a consequent loss of good feeling has developed In
the community. It has been felt in many of the mixod schools
and constitutes another reason for numbers of colored girl**
dropping out of high school in their freshman or sophomore
The colored people have found their biggest and truest
outlet for self expression through their church life so that to
the average younger colored girl, both in the North and the
South, church attendance ds a very natural part of her life.
Despite the great progress that has been made by the Neii'ro
church, there are still large groups of younger colored girla
lacking trained Christian leadership.
It would appear therefore, that although the manifestations
of the needs of younger colored gills may vary slightly because
of different local conditions, they are in general the same;
vocational information and guidance; encouragement to con-
tinue education; more opportunities for employment; moru
knowledge of recreation and health standards; better muni-
cipal facilities for amusement; greater knowledge of and prick*
in the history and achievements of the Negro race, thus bring-
ing about freedom from the thought of being handicapped in
life because one belongs to the colored race; a sense of respon-
sibility for a contribution to the progress of the race— "Etluca-
lion for Service" • the development of a mutual respect for each
other among both white and colored girls which will result in
natural contact with white girls bringing1 about a healthy,
normal relationship and mutual understanding, faith and trust;
development of the rich emotional gift which is particularly
characteristic of this group and building up of Christian
ideals by means of a trainee! Christian leadership of the highest
¥7"ASCINATING as their history has been and thrilling as
JL they are in pictures and story and poems, the American
Indians have been consigned to the Government for care and
direction by the great mass of American people. For several
hundred years, representatives of the Protestant and Catholic
faiths have worked among the many tribes, yet many problems
remain unsolved to-day in spite of government and mission
The necessity for an understanding" of the life of an Ameri-
can Indian girl to-day is very great Like the adolescent white
or colored girl, she must receive, she must possess and she
must give. And what are the gifts she must receive?
First: An understanding that the teachings of Christianity
are better for her people than their own non-Christian beliefs
and practices.
Second: Proof from the lives of Christian girls that the
love and teachings of Christ are adequate for all their needs.
To help her gain this understanding and proof, friendship
in its largest meaning" must become her possession. She must
find friends among girls who have Christian ideals and
standards. , There must be friends amonar older Christian
workers who can and will help her to live up to these ideals
while she is in school and when she goes home to meet the
hardships and temptations of reservation life. But the circle
of her friends must grow larger always and there must be
a growing sense of friends around .the world, a feeling of fel-
lowship with girls in other lands who are working and praying
for the same ideals and for a stronger Christian womanhood.
Third: She must give all she has received of understanding
or proof of friendship, to other girls at school who have had
less opportunity, and to all the people at home, many of whom
have not yet heard of these things. She must also share her
personal allegiance to Christ, who will give to her the ability
to understand, the love and sympathy and the patience she
needs and courage to push ahead and lead her people along
new trails.
A Girl and Her World
IT is of vital importance to an adviser to be able to put her-
self in the place of her girls, to remember how she felt
when she was their age, to see how they will look upon the
plans which she proposes. Between the ages of twelve and
eighteen every girl goes through certain psychological as well
as physiological changes. An understanding of these changes
helps a club adviser immeasurably.
Although no two girls develop in the same way or at the
same rate of progress, there are in general three stages of
girlhood development; -the early "teen age" (twelve-fifteen
years) which is a period of rapid growth and physical change
resulting in awkwardness and self consciousness; the "middle
teen age" (fif teen-eight een years) in which the girl has at-
tained a womanly appearance, although her growth is still in-
complete and her nervous tension strong ; the "late adolescent
period" (eighteen-twenty-five years) in which responsibility
begins to loom large, the girPs horizon broadens and she is
ready to give definite social expression to her thoughts.
Build on What Girls Need and Enjoy
It is impossible in short space .to discuss adequately this
large subject of the psychology of girlhood. A chart showing*
this development is included in this manual (see page 32).
Ample material is also to be found in such books as "Girlhood
and Character" and "Leadership of Girls' Activities/7 by Mary
C. Moxcey; "Leaders of Girls," by Clara Ewing Espey, and
'The American Girl and Her Community," by Margaret Slat-
tery. All of these may be obtained from The Book Shop, 600
Lexington Avenue, New York City.
A study of the characteristics of girlhood development forms
the foundation for a wise choice of club activities. Age is not
the only consideration which necessitates variations in a pro-
gram. If an adviser recognizes differences in environment,
education, types of homes, occupations, and nationalities of her
girls, she can plan with the girls in the group a club program
•which combines what the girls will enjoy with what they need.
Eecreation is an essential in every club program-
The chart showing the Normal Development of Girlhood is
included in this Manual for advisers because it helps to retain
in one's mind some very important psychological principles,
upon which work with girls should be based. It is essential,
however, to keep in mind several of the following suggestions,
lest an adviser or secretary be tempted to follow the chart too
A. The division into age groups is not an absolutely deter-
mined one which will always hold. The passing from one
stage to another, in a girl's life, is a process of insensible
B. There may be some cases where the characteristics noted
tinder Sections B. C. D. of each stage, seem to be more
true of girls a year or two younger than the age given
for this stage.
0. Sometimes it is discovered that a "girl feels herself mis-
understood" when she is still in the first or "Me and My
Crowd" stage of development.
This feeling would therefore continue until she is about
Such a survey is essential before it is possible for a Girls9 Work
Department to try to meet adequately the needs of the various groups
of girls.
1. Population.
A. What is the population of the city?
B. How many girls under eighteen included in the total
population are among this number?
C. How many of these girls are at work?
D. How many of these girls are in school ?
II. Nationalties.
A. What are the nationalities represented in the city?
B. Do they group together in certain neighborhoods?
III. Religious Denominations.
A. What churches are there in the city?
B. How many are there?
C. What are the names of the ministers and priests?
D. What kinds of activities do they have in their parishes,
aside from the religious work?
E. What are they doing for their young people?
IV. Recreational Facilities.
A. What is the number, location and character of dance
halls, motion picture theatres, lodges, skating rinks?
B. Are public dance halls supervised in any way? If so»
by whom are the supervisors appointed? Are they
men or women?
C. What methods of chaperonage are used at semi-public
entertainments given under the auspices of private
organizations ?
D. Are there any parts of the community which offer no
recfeation for girls ?
E. Would it be possible to start a club in any of these
neglected places?
F. Where could such a club meet; in any unused halls or
rooms in churches; in any available rooms or gym-
nasiums in public schools?
G. Are there community halls or other shacks or cabins,
or camp grounds controlled locally, used by groups of
younger girls? What chaperonage is provided?
V, Organizations Already Doing Work With Girls.
A. Typical examples.
a. What churches have institutional work?
b. What are the number and location of playgrounds?
Are they private or municipal?
c. What factories or stores have welfare work which
includes club and recreational work?
d. What special organizations, as Catholic Sodalities,
Community Service, Women's Clubs, are promoting
a program for girls?
B, What is the nature of the work they are doing?
VI, Industrial Conditions (give separately for each establish-
A. How many factories, stores, etc., are there which em-
ploy girls under eighteen ?
B. What is the number, nationality and approximate age
of these girls?
C. Is any welfare work done among them?
D. What is the attitude of the firms toward outside or-
ganizations helping with or undertaking work among
their employees?
E. What are the labor laws of the state governing- work
for girls under eighteen?
F. On what conditions are work certificates granted, and
by whom?
G. Is there a Junior Employment Bureau in your com-
munity? If not, how are girls 'guided in selection of
VII. School Conditions.
A. How many of the public schools have playgrounds?
What apparatus is there? Is it used after school
hours? How is the play supervised?
B. Is there a physical director in the schools ? What does
she do for the playtime of the girls?
O. What equipment is there within the school building1
for recreation and physical training?
D. Is it used by others than the school children?
E. What use is made of school buildings as community
centers ?
F. What clubs or societies (of a social or recreational
nature) are there within the school?
G. Is there a dean of girls in the high school?
H. What effort is made to give vocational guidance in
grade and high schools ? Are there vocational advisers ?
L What provision is made for vocational education ? Are
courses along this line included in regular grade? and
high school work or are there separate vocational
schools ? . If so, what courses are included ? Classify
these according to agricultural, commercial (retail
selling), home making, industrial.
For this survey the following sources of information are
suggested :
A. Census reports, including school census reports,
B. Reports of public officials.
C. Investigations made by Women's Clubs, the National
Consumers' League (105 East 22nd Streets, New York
City), and like organizations.
D. Private inquiry of employers, teachers, ministers and
E. Direct conversation with girls and women.
A graphic way to study the community as it really is, and
he girl in relation to it, is to use a chart made by indicating1
n a large map of the city, town or county, by use of colored
i ins, or stars, the following: The grammar schools, parochial
,nd private schools, continuation and trade schools, consolidated
chools, business colleges, factories, department stores and five-
,nd-ten-cent stores, moving picture theatres, dance halls1*, thea-
res, skating rinks, recreation parks, both public and private',
nunicipal recreation centres, settlements, car lines, public
ibraries, sections of the community where foreign-born, col-
red and trade groups are settled; institutional churches,
foung Men's Clmstian Association and Young Women's Ohris-
ian Association buildings, if there are any, or like organiza-
ions. Those public schools which are being used for night
chools should be indicated in some special manner.
In making such a chart be sure that the map used is large
>nough to permit the indication of all these places without con-
'using the eye. Such maps are usually procurable at the city
>r town hall.
Section II.
YOUNGER girls in open country, in towns and cities, for
whom and with whom work is done by the Young Women's
Christian Association, are known as Girl Reserves. The
fellowship of young-er girls, which includes grade school, high
school, younger girls in business and industry and young-er bus-
iness college girls between twelve and eighteen is in truth a
girl movement within the larger Association movement.
The object of the Girl Reserve Movement, in direct accord-
ance \vith the purpose of the Association, is to provide or sup-
plement those ideals and convictions which help a girl to live as
a Christian of her age should and to aid her to put into practice
in her community her standards of Christian living. It en-
deavors to give girls through normal, natural activities the
habits, insights and ideals which will make them responsible
Christian women; capable and ready to help make America
more true to its best hopes and traditions.
The Girl Reserves, whose insignia is the Blue Triangle with
the letters G.R. inscribed within, form a part of a national and
an international movement for girls and women. The Blue Tri-
angle of the Younff Women's Christian Association is already
well known throughout the world to-day, and by wearing It
here in America a girl is sharing the responsibility of girls
throughout the world to help bring about the kingdom of
friendly citizens.
The Girl Reserve Movement includes five programs designed
to reach groups of adolescent girls; i. e., grade school, junior
high school, high school, business college and younger girls in
business and industry. Each of these programs should be
adapted to local conditions.
The Girl Reserve Movement has incorporated many princi-
ples used formerly in Association programs, such as Rainbow
Club, Be Square Club, The Girl Guardians, and Silver Link
Club, and has the additional advantage of bringing unity to all
the work being done with teen age girls in the Young Women's
The unit of organization in work with grade school girls Is
the corps, made up of ten to twenty girls under the direction
of a competent leader called an adviser,. In high school work
the group is generally larger and is called a club. In work
with younger girls either in business or in industry the
unit of organization may be any of these, the corps, the com-
pany, or the club. Two or more corps make up a company,
All the corps, companies and clubs in the community make up a
division. Thus in a given community there might be four
companies of grade school girls, two of high school girls and
two of younger girls in business and industry. The Girl Reserve
division would be made up of all of these. In this way all
the work for younger girls in an Association is linked together
and the girl passing from grade school to high school, or to
work, is still a part of the same movement.
In so far as the organization and program of the several
groups — grade school, high school, and younget girls in busi-
ness college and in business and industry — -must differ some-
what because of the differences in age and needs of the girls in-
volved, the details of each are to be found in the special sec-
tions which follow.
The Girl Reserve plan may be used in any district, county,
town, or city, where there is an organized Young Women's
Christian Association. It also may be used in any district,
county, town or city where work is being carried on under the
direction of a field or headquarters secretary who is supervising
the work done by a group of volunteers. Care should be taken
in this case that the work in the territory under the supervision
of this worker will be organized within a reasonable time as
a Young Women's Christian Association. Any community
adopting the Girl Reserve plan must recognize it as a distinc-
tively Young Women's Christian Association plan. The plan
may be used in any Sunday school or church school where the
above requirements are met.
Supervision of Girl Reserve work is interpreted to mean
the supervision of a regular town or country field worker*, a
field secretary for work « with younger girls, a county or dis-
trict organizer, a field student secretary, or a local student As-
sociation where the club work in the community is being
handled by members of the local student Association. Any As-
sociation may become responsible for a Girl Reserve group in
an outlying district through its g-eneral secretary or girls'
work secretary, provided the city, or town or country field
secretary is willing that this should be done.
Any girl between the ag-es of twelve and eighteen may be-
come a Girl Reserve,
It is difficult at the present time to make any standard regu-
lations as to membership fees for younger girls in a local
Young Women's Christian Association, inasmuch as local con-
ditions differ so greatly in different parts of the country, Un-
der certain conditions it is undoubtedly better to have no fees.
Girl Reserve work should never be blocked by a membership
Every corps or company or club is requested to register at
National Headquarters, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
Application blanks, requesting detailed information about the
name of the school or firm, group of girls applying for regis-
tration, number in group, name and address of the adviser and
the name of the girls7 work secretary, may be secured from
the field secretaries for younger girl work.
Upon return of these blanks, carefully filled out, to the
Bureau for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington Avenue,
New York City, Girl Reserve registration cards are sent to the
corps, company or club, making the request and to the field
secretaries for younger girl work in whose field the Associa-
tion is located. A third card is retained at headquarters, so that
the Girl Reserve registration file will be complete.
"To face life squarely"
"To find and give the best0
"As a Girl Reserve I will be —
Gracious in manner
Impartial in judgment
Ready for service
Loyal to friends
Reaching toward the best
Earnest in purpose
Seeing the beautiful
Eager for knowledge
Reverent to God
Victorious over self
Ever dependable
Sincere at all times "
"I will do my best to honor God, my country, and my com-
munity, to help other girls, and to be in all ways a loyal, true
member of the Girl Reserves."
The teen age girl is generally imaginative and easily ap-
pealed to by the symbolic. The Blue Triangle of the Girl Re-
serve should be to every girl who wears it the symbol of the
highest type of service for God and her country, the kind of
service which requires not mere handiwork but the kindling" en-
thusiasm and the determination to make good, which come only
when a girl begins to understand some of the simple funda-
mental facts about her relationship to God, and to life as a
whole. The base of the Blue Triangle is Spirit, its two sides
are Knowledge and Health. This means that the Blue Triangle
girl is physically fit, is mentally and morally trained. With
these three characteristics, the Blue Triangle girl need have no
fear in undertaking the big adventure of life. The interna-
tionalism of the Blue Triangle and the work being done under
its symbol in the many countries of the civilized world to-day
give a girl the feeling of a great world sisterhood, which is so
important a part of the Blue Triangle spirit. The initiation,
recognition and installation services used by the various groups
in the Girl Reserve Movement offer a special opportunity to
interpret this symbolism.
The Girl Reserve €ode serves further to express the mean-
ing of the Blue Triangle. In interpreting it advisers are asked
to lay special stress upon the fact that "to face the life square-
ly,"''"to find and give the best," "to be reaching toward the best"
and "to be earnest in purpose," involve a willingness on the
part of a girl to train herself to be her very best. This means
working- at all things long enough really to finish them, stay-
ing by a thing until it is really completed. What the world
needs to-day is girls and women, who are not mere drifters and
players, but those who can be relied upon to finish a piece of
work; by so doing- they add much more to their own worth.
From time to time all girls should be given a chance to say
what the code means to them; sometimes a single phrase may
be used as the subject of an informal talk about the way girls
can make the code really effective in everyday life.
The following interpretation of the meaning of the code
should be regarded as fundamental, and advisers and secre-
taries will find it helpful in aiding girls to express in their own
words what it may stand for in their lives.
To face squarely the daily tests which come at home, in
school, at work, at play; to be a friend to all and strive to
show Christ's love in every little deed, to give the best of self
in service to God and in fellowship with girls everywhere, are
golden threads woven through the fabric out of which a Girl
Reserve fashions her thoughts and actions.
The "Christ way" for everyday living means to a Girl Re-
serve: simple graciousness; constant and consistent impartial-
ity; readiness for service however humble and insignificant; mi-
waiving, unqualified loyalty to friends ; an eager desire for
knowledge of the beautiful and the worth-while in life and in
living; a sincerity and earnestness of purpose which leads ever
upward and outward; a sense of responsibility which not only
begins a task but also finishes it; a control of self which makes
for a body and mind clean and pure in all ways; and a reverence
for God which shows itself in work and in worship which rec-
ognizes Christ as the Light and the Way.
This and much more does the Girl Reserve code strive to
symbolize to every Girl Reserve. Whether it becomes mere
words or a vital force for living, depends upon the interpreta-
tion and emphasis given it by an adviser. To make the code live
for girls means to live it for ourselves.
It is from the visions of youth that come inspirations to
make to-morrow better than to-day. Visions come from a be-
lieving In belief; from believing in love and loveliness, from a
spirit which hates wrong and injustice, which strives for a
"best" that has God for its goal and Christ's standards as its
test for action — a spirit which sees, in the shadows of the great
trees and in the gold of the sunset, a God not old but young
who calls youth to follow him and find eternal life. This is the
meaning to a Girl Reserve of the key note of her code "reverent
to God," the giving of self in love for God and love for man,
love expressed in terms of human helpfulness. Towards this
and from this all the rest of the code leads, helping every Girl
Reserve to find for herself and others the "life abundant."
Girl Reserves salute their advisers, each other, and the Blue
Triangle, The salute is made by placing the thumb of the
right hand in the middle of the palm. The right hand is then
brought in salute to the place on the left arm where the Girl
Reserve Triangle patch is to be worn.
The four fingers have been chosen to symbolize the four
principles of development in a girl's life: Health, Knowledge,
Service, and Spirit.
Every time a Girl Reserve sees the Blue Triangle, she will
salute and, as she salutes, will remember that it stands for the
goal toward which she is striving — "to face life squarely, to
seek and give the best, and to be in all ways a loyal, true
member of the Girl Reserves."
Sung1 to the melody, *'Keep the Home Fires Burning:"
To the girlhood of our country
There sounds a trumpet call,
To the girls by mountain, sea and plain,
In town and village small.
Arise! Arise] O daughters!
Lift up your eyes and see, —
The fields are ripe for harvest!
Will you the gleaners be?
Girl Reserves! Who'll join us?
Eager, glad for service.
Sisters, daughters, friends and comrades
We'll be true.
Reaching toward the highest,
Honor, Truth and Beauty,
Find and give the best in life,
The world needs you!
Do you love good times and hiking,
Wi'th the camp fire at the end?
Will you be a strong true comrade
To someone who needs a friend?
Can you meet a sharp word bravely,
With forgiveness and a smile?
Can you stand for what you know is ri
Then you're a girl worth while.
The way is bright with promise
But the path is steep and lonp:,
For it were not worth the struggle
If the prize were cheaply won.
As our men have fought for freedom,
So we will fight for rig*ht,
For we will hold the torch of truth
And bear aloft the light.
The letters G.R. placed within the Blue Triangle, the three
sides of which symbolize the three cardinal principles of the
Girl Reserve movement — Health, Knowledge, Spirit.
Ann Bands.
The arm bands are made of grey cloth and have embroid-
ered on them a Copenhagen blue triangle. Grade school girls
outline the triangles on their arm bands with a very light blue
floss. Freshman high school girls (if organized in a separate
club) use tan floss, and younger girls in business and industry
use red floss. Some of the younger girls of the latter group
want to use the armband embroidering on it, perhaps their com-
pany or club color as a bar at either side of the blue triangle.
Older girls will be more interested in the little sew-on triangle
and the pin.
Special Insignia.
Health Badge: A reel circle to be described around the
triangle on the armband. This circle is to be embroidered by
the Girl Reserves themselves.
Knowledge Badge: A small owl, to be placed at one side
of the triangle (sec diagram page — ),
Service Badge: A blue star, to be placed at one side of the
triangle (see diagram page — ).
Spirit Badge: A Roman lamp to be placed above the tri-
angle (see diagram page — ).
Sew-on Triangles.
Patch triangles: These are Copenhagen blue triangles em-
broidered on white wash material. They are to be worn on
middy blouses, coats and hats.
Brush-away triangles: These are Copenhagen blue triangles
embroidered on a transparent background, which brushes away
when the triangles have been whipped to the ties. These are
to be used on the ties which grlrls will secure for themselves.
These are three-quarter-inch triangles made of gold and blue
enamel with the letters G.R. in the center.
Official Costumes.
The official costume is a white middy blouse worn with either
a blue or a white skirt, a Girl Reserve tie of Copenhagen blue
or black silk, with an embroidered Girl Reserve triangle on one
end of it, and a white d-uck hat.
Girl Reserve Rings.
These are sterling silver rings with a raised silver seal on
which is mounted the Girl Eeserve triangle enameled in blue
hard French enamel. The possession of the Girl Eeserve rin£
is the greatest honor that can come to a Girl Reserve, No girl
can purchase the ring. It must be earned by one of the fol-
lowing methods:
Grade School Girls.
When a grade school girl has won the required one hundred
and sixty honors necessary for the chevrons, she may work for
one hundred additional honors from the Girl Reserve List and
win a Girl Reserve ring. She is then called a special Girl Re-
serve aide.
High School Girls.
High school girls may win the Girl Reserve ring in either
of two ways:
(1) By working on certain standards for health,
knowledge, and spirit because the Blue Triangle stands as a
symbol of the finest kind of living. Any girl who wears the
Girl Reserve ring should feel that it stands as a measure of
her growth toward attaining her ideal in health and knowledge
and spirit. These standards may vary slightly in different
communities, because girls and advisers are helping to set
them, but such things as good posture, fine scholarship, faithful
club attendance, active service work, a good team spirit, will
help to determine whether a girl deserves a ring.
Suggestions for standards for the winning of rings by high
school girls may be secured from the secretaries for younger
girls in the several fields. No standard can be adopted until 5t
has been accepted by the field secretary for younger girls and
the Bureau for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington Ave-
nue, New York City. In the section on Material for Program
Building, page 713, will be found suggestive standards which
may be adapted by any group to fit its own needs.
Very frequently a committee of club girls, who will be,
probably, cabinet or council girls, will help the advisers in
choosing girls who should receive the rings.
(2) High school girls may win the ring by earning rtwo
hundred and sixty points taken from the honor list or from
lists which have been approved by their field secretary for
younger girls.
Younger Girls In Business and Industry.
Younger girls in business and industry may win the Girl
Reserve ring in either of two ways:
Method I.
(A) By showing a desire to establish, good health habits
through :
(a) Keeping the Girl Reserve Health Code for at least eight
months (see page 204).
(b) A physical examination, if possible.
(c) Personal first aid.
(1) Knowing and observing proper care of the body by
bathing; care of the teeth; care of the hair and
(2) Knowing the important organs of the human body
and observing their functions.
(B) By trying* to become a more intelligent citizen and worker
through at least six discussions of some such topics as:
(a) What lies behind and ahead of the pay envelope?
(b) Thrift.
(c) Books — why? when? where?
(d) Who makes "your laws ?
(e) Health — personal and community.
(f) Pictures — good and bad.
Suggestions for these and other discussion topics will be
found under "Knowledge," in the chapter on Content and
Method Typical of a Program for Younger Girls in Business
and Industry. (See Section IV, chapter II, page 209.)
(C) By trying to be a real Girl Reserve at home, at work, at
play, for at least eight months. This means:
(a) Keeping the Business and Industrial Code (see page
(b) Doing a good turn daily or saying a kind word daily.
(c) Trying to make concrete through active service work,
through personal reading and discussion, the motto of
the Y. W. C. A., "I am come that ye may have life, and
have it more abundantly."
These regulations might be posted on a bulletin board in
the club room or center and the attention of new girls called
to them from time to time.
A "ring committee" might consisit of two or more girls
chosen or elected, the girls' work secretary and adviser.
Method II.
By winning 260 Honors. (See Special Honor List for
Younger Girls in Business and Industry for suggestions for
such honors, page 280.)
No girl under twelve years of age can win a Girl Reserve
ring even though she may have covered the ground required
for the winning of the ring.
In making application for rings for grade school girls, the
age of the girl must be stated.
I. For Girls.
(a) If a girl is entitled to a ring on the basis of honors,
the following information, approved by the local girls'
work chairman, must be sent by the local girls' work
secretary to the Bureau for Work with Younger Girls,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, and a copy of
it must be sent to the field secretary for younger girls.
(1) A statement of the honors either by number in the
list or written in full.
(2) The length of time which the girl has taken to win
the required number of honors. That is, when she
began work on them and when she completed them.
(b) If a girl is entitled to a ring because she has attained
the standards set by her club, and accepted by the field
secretary for Younger Girls and1 by the Bureau for
Work with Younger Girls, the recommendations for the
recognition should be approved by the ring committee,
the adviser In charge of the group (and if a high school
girl, by a faculty adviser), and by the chairman of the
S. 0. S. or the chairman of the council (cabinet) and
the local guisy work secretary. The recommendation
must contain full information as to the kind of work
. done and the amount of time given.
If committee work is part of the standard set it must ex-
tend over the regular period for which the committee serves or
if the work is done on a special committee, the time given must
be sufficiently long to prove a real test. In either case, the
committee work must be of such character that it demands
special interest aid effort in the way of dependableness, spirit,
and ability.
If service work is part of the standard set it must be the
kind which really takes effort, and while no definite time can
be set as the minimum, it must not be something wmcn can oe
accomplished in a few minutes.
This information and the recommendation must be sent to
the field secretary for younger girls and upon her approval
the ring will be sent to the Girl Reserve by the Bureau for
Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York
II. For Advisers.
Any adviser who has served for any nine months during any
calendar year is entitled to a Girl Reserve ring on the recom-
mendation of the local girls' work committee. The basis for
making this recommendation should be the following:
(a) The general reliability and dependableness of the leader.
(b) Initiative and ability to hold the interest of the girls.
(c) Punctuality and faithful attendance at meetings. Five-
sixths of the meetings held during- the year must be at-
tended by the adviser unless there is some definite reason
such as unavoidable illness or absence from the city,
Under these circumstances the local girls' work secretary
must be notified of such proposed absence in advance of
the club meeting and a substitute should be provided by
the adviser in consultation with the g*irls? work sec-
No ring can be sent to any Girl Reserve or authorized for
an adviser until the information, as outlined above, is
sent in by the local girls' work secretary.
The information under I and II should be sent direct to the
Bureau for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington
Avenue, New York City, with a duplicate to the field
secretary for younger girls. The recommendation under
I~b must be sent direct to the field secretary for younger
girls who will forward it (to the Bureau for Work with
Younger Girls at Headquarters.
Rings for advisers (price $1.25) must be purchased from
the Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
(Checks or money orders should be made payable to M. H.
Broadwell, Treasurer). Applications for these ring's should be
sent to the Bureau for Work with Younger Girls; when re-
ceived, they will receive official recognition and an order for
shipment will be forwarded to the Womans Press. These rings
may be given to the advisers by local associations, or the ad-
visers may be authorized by the local association to purchase
their own rings.
Information regarding the rings won by the Girl Reserves
may be obtained from the Bureau for Work with Younger
Girls, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
To be filled out by the local girls' work secretary, signed by
the field secretary for younger girls, and returned to the Bu-
reau for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington Avenue, New
York City.
This is to certify that
Age ........... of the
(Name of the city and state)
Young Women's Christian Association, is entitled to a Girl
Reserve ring, size , having met one of the following
requirements :
No. of Honors Committee Work Service Work
Grade School
High School
Younger Girl in Busi-
ness and Industry
A. A Grade School girl is not entitled to a Girl Reserve ring
until she has earned 160 honors necessary for the chevrons
plus 100 additional honors from the Girl Reserve list.
A High School girl may win the Girl Reserve ring in either of
two ways :
(1) By working to meet certain standards, as outlined in the
special statement for high schpol giirls. (See page 50,
Girl Reserve Manual for Advisers.)
(2) By winning 260 points taken from the honor list or
honors which the field secretary for younger girls con-
siders equivalent to those in the list.
A Younger Girl in Business and Industry is entitled to a Girl
Reserve ring through either of the following1 methods:
(1) The method outlined in the special statement printed in
the pamphlet, "The Younger Girl in Business and Indus-
try," or found in the Girl Reserve Manual for Advisers,
page 51.
(2) By winning 260 points taken from the honor list or
honors which the field secretaries for younger girls
consider equivalent to those on the list. Please attach to
this application blank the list of honors which the girl
has won.
This application blank must be signed by the field secretary for
younger girls before any ring will be awarded to any girl, regard-
less of whether she is in grade school, high school or a younger
girl in business and industry.
Girls' Work Secretary.
Field Secretary for Younger Girls.
These blanks are to be ordered from the field office.
Processional "'Hymn of the Lights"
(Form circle around table, finding place by card)
O, beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain!
America I America !
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Salute to American Flag:
I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to the Republic for
which it stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all.
O, beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
Salute to Christian Flag:
I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the Kingdom for which
it stands — one brotherhood uniting all in service and love.
0, beautiful for patriot's dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Statement of requirements which have been fulfilled. Each
girl in turn presents briefly the requirements which she has
Girl Reserve Song
Girl ReservesI Who'll join us?
Eager, glad for service,
Sisters, daughters, friends and comrades,
Well be true
Reaching toward the highest,
Honor, Truth and Beauty
Find and give the best in life,
The world needs you!
Talk by the Adviser or Committee Chairman.
Closing Hymn "Hymn of Lights"
Sung as prayer
Prayer by the Adviser
Presentation of rings to Girl Reserves who have won them.
Producing Notes:
Place a small table (round, if possible) in the centre or at
one end of the Club room. Decorate the table with club colors,
using them to form a triangle or con-centric circles. For the
centre of the triangle or circles place a bouquet of flowers.
These flowers may be seasonal ones or they may be the corps
or club flowers. Fasten attractive place cards to one end of
ribbon streamers ; attach the 'Girl Reserve ring and the other
end of the ribbons to the stems of the flowers.
If this ceremony is used only when a considerable number
of Girl Reserves are receiving their rings, the remainder of the
corps or club members become an audience. If only one or two
girls are being awarded rings, the corps or club as a wholo
would participate in the ceremony. The talk by the adviser or
the chairman should be brief and very probably symbolism
would have some place in it. Since the Girl Reserve ring
represents real achievement, it is desirable that its significance
as a measure of growth should be stressed.
If this ceremony is being used by older high school girls,
the talk might be made by one of the club members. The pur-
pose of the High School club could be incorporated in the cere-
mony, possibly at the pojnt where a girl reports how she has
won the ring.
It is advisable that all work with Girl Reserve groups in
a community be unified and correlated so that among all club
members there is a consciousness of belonging to a movement
of younger girls and not merely to an isolated group. This
may be accomplished through a Girl Reserve Council for Com-
munity Wide Activities. Such a council should include:
One girl and one adviser from every ten corps of grade
school Girl Reserves.
One girl and one adviser from each high school club.
One girl and one adviser from each younger girl in busi-
ness and industry group.
The girls7 work secretary and the chairman of girls' work
committee should be ex-officio member of the Council.
The girl representatives on this Council should be elected in
whatever way seems best to the local units. Such a Council
should have a girl chairman and a secretary elected from and
by the group. It should meet at least three times a year. Its
purpose is to create a sense of fellowship among all Girl Re-
serves of the community, and to make the community aware of
the existence of this group of younger girls and of the char-
acter of their activities as self-governing units.
Plans for at least two meetings of all Girl Reserves, during
a year, should be considered by this Council. A community-
wide piece of service work, a pageant, World Fellowship work,
standards of health, dress, school work and recreation should
all be discussed and planned for by this council. Many of these
plans will be carried out in the different clubs as integral parts
of their programs, but some of them are so important that
they could easily be chosen as the programs for the two mass
Section III.
OUCCESSFUL activities with girls rest upon a foundation
O of organization, formal or informal. Each form has the
same object, namely, the development of individual initiative
through self-government and the creating of a group con-
sciousness through group activities. The method of procedure
differs in some respects; groups of girls, calling themselves
clubs, corps or companies, as in the Girl Reserve Movement,
may use either formal or informal organization. Formal or-
ganization consists of the selection of officers, committees, such
as membership, program, social and service, the drafting of a
constitution and the use of a regular order of business.
Informal organization consists of the appointment of a
chairman who presides at the meetings of the group. She may
be elected by the girls from among their number at the time
of each meeting or she may serve for a longer time. It is
necesessary also to have some committees appointed to carry out
the activities in which the group may be interested. The chair-
man and members of these committees serve just as long as it
takes to do their particular task.
Such organization is often advisable for a type of girl who
is not primarily appealed to by formal organization — often
younger girls in business and industry — for it is more flexible.
It requires as much or even more careful management than
does a formal organization, for its purpose is the same as that
of a formal organization, the development of responsibility on
the part of the girls themselves, and this is more difficult to
achieve when the group is not so closely organized. It is often
possible to have informal organization lead to formal organiza-
tion after several months of work.
/The first few meetings of any group of girls are of great
importance, for it is through them that the girls gain their
impressions of what such group work? can mean. For these
the adviser should make the most definite kind of preparation.
No rule for the exact method of dealing with groups of
girls can be given; it depends upon the personnel of the group
and the personality of the leader. It is not always possible to
accomplish much organization in the course of the first few
meetings, but surely within five or six meetings the following
things should result:
A. A short interesting talk on what can be accomplished by a
group of girls working together. In the informal talk on
what a club is, emphasis should be placed on the fact that
it is self-governing, that the girls are responsible through
their own treasuries for club expenses, and that the program
of the club is in the hands of the club members. It is a
good plan to -tell concrete stories of other clubs, describing
club parties and "stunts" so the girls will feel that in joining
a club they are coming in touch with a country-wide move-
ment in which many other girls are participating. A
definite description of a club program which includes class
work is a good thing to give. Pictures of other club girls,
convention pictures and banners, printed club programs, sam-
ples of club yells and songs, all stimulate interest.
B. Discussion of whether the girls wish to accomplish these
things through a permanent organization; if they do, the
appointment of some such committee as the following is
(a) A committee to draw up a very simple constitution
(see page 66). This committee should consist of
three or five girls who should be nominated by the girls
and voted upon by all. Care should be taken that if
the group represents several different cliques of girls,
each as far as possible should be represented on this
committee. A tactful remark to this effect can be
made by the adviser presiding- so that the girls will
bear this in mind in their nominations. "This com-
mittee should understand that it must meet several
times with the adviser before the next club meeting
to draw up the club constitution. Care should be taken
that the time for this committee meeting is arranged
and clearly understood by all. The girls should not
leave the meeting without arranging for it, for a
definite appointment will save much time and trouble.
Suggested constitutions may be shown at this meeting,
but should never be adopted "wholesale" by the com-
mittee, for the girls need to realize that they are con-
tributing something to the club through the constitu-
tion which they write. Special emphasis should be put
upon the wording of the high school club purpose, which
should be in the words of the girls.
(b) A committee to nominate officers: It is sometimes wise
to have nominations made directly from the floor. In
choosing the nominating committee, the girls should
be warned to put on it representatives of all cliques,
and not to choose girls whom they eventually want for
officers, but girls who will make a wise choice of other
girls for officers.
C. Discussion of club name and colors.
D. Discussion of club dues. -Care should exercised that the club
dues are not excessive.
E. At the meeting following their appointment, the committees
should report. The chairman of the constitution committee
should submit the suggested constitution and it should be
voted upon. The nominating: committee should also report
and voting* should follow at once. Voting' by ballot is far
more acceptable than voting by acclamation. After the
tellers have been appointed and are counting the ballots
there is opportunity to teach the girls a cheer or a short
snappy song to be sung* to the incoming officers. Such fun
results in esprit de corps.
P. Discussion of what the club is| going to do. This might
result in the election of a program committee and a com-
mittee to plan the social affairs; also the membership and
service committee chairman may be appointed. An adviser
should plan to meet with all the officers and committee
members to explain their duties. The club secretary should
be told of the importance of keeping her minutes up to
date in a regular book, not on loose sheets of paper. The
form in which minutes are usually kept should be explained,
and also the value of writing only on the one side of the
page and of numbering the pages. An example of club
minutes may be found in the Primer of Parliamentary Law
(The Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New
York City, 10 cents). If this is shown to a girl, she usually
has a different feeling about her work as secretary, for
with a definite example before her, any feeling of hesitancy
about her work vanishes and she knows how to begin. In
the same way the treasurer should be shown a simple system
of accounting and told that as soon as possible club funds
should be put in a bank and club bills paid by check.
The vice-president should assist the president in every
way. She assumes the duties of the president in case the
latter is ill, or otherwise unable to carry on the duties of
the office and may be made the chairman of the membership
The president should call the meetings to order at the
appointed time. 'She should preside at all meetings of the
organization. The president should rise when putting a
question to vote; otherwise she remains seated. When the
president's vote would have an effect on the outcome of a
motion, or when the vote is by ballot, she may vote.
G. Necessary Committees: The following committees are
necessary for good club work: (a) Membership, (b) Pro-
gram, (c) Social, (d) Service. Five is a good number for
the membership of each of these committees with the excep-
tion of the social committee, which should have a member-
ship of seven. When the membership of the club is small,
the adviser should use her own judgment In determining the
number of girls necessary to carry out successfully the
work of each committee. In the beginning of organized
club work it is well to have these committees serve for only
three to six months; this gives opportunity for more girls
to serve and gives the adviser greater chance to judge the
latent capacities of the girls. On the social committee the
chairman should serve six months. The other members
change every three months so that all girls have an oppor-
tunity for committee responsibility. Another committee
often found necessary is the one on "hiking." The sug-
gestions as to number of members and term of service,
given in regard to other committees apply also to this com-
H. Committee Duties: The program committee should be re-
sponsible for planning the year's work of the club. The
meetings which it plans should draw the girls together
through their mutual interests. These meetings should be
varied; some should be educational, some of them should be
led by outside speakers, and, of course, the social and service
committees will be in charge of some others of them.
The membership committee of any club should be responsi-
ble for promoting a spirit of friendliness among the girls
in the club; it should also help to interpret real friendliness
to the girls of the community. This committee should invite
new girls to join the club, not insisting that they should be
members, but showing them how much a girl receives from
membership in such a group. The membership committee
should help with publicity and enlist the girls in greater
loyalty to the Association, their respective Sunday-schools
and churches. If the club desires some kind of recognition
service to mark membership in it, this committee should
prepare this service in consultation with the club adviser.
The social committee should be responsible for the good
times of the club, both indoors and out. It, too, should
help to promote friendliness in the school and the com-
munity. The committee members should plan the good
times for several months ahead. 'Sometimes it is advisable
to have a special group of girls to help with the "hikes"
since they need to be very carefully planned if they are to
be successful.
The service committee should provide various kinds of
service to be done by the club members. There are many
kinds of service; for the school, the church, for charity
organizations, for children's wards in hospitals, and for
mission schools both at home and abroad.
Each of these committees should meet at least once a
month to plan its work. The club adviser meets with each
The following outline of a very simple club constitution is
suggested as a guide for groups of grade school girls or younger
girls in business and industry. See page 95, for the outline
of a constitution for High School Clubs of the Girl Reserves.
Article I. Name and Purpose.
Section 1. The name of this club shall be the —
Club of the .
•Section 2. The purpose of this club shall be to unite its
members in a spirit of friendliness and service, to win other
girls to its membership, and to stand for the best things at
home, in school, at work and in church and community.
Article II. Membership.
Section 1. Any may become a mem-
ber of this club.
Section 2. The dues shall be (whatever amount the
club decides — fifty cents is usual), payable in whatever way
the club decides is best.
Article III. Officers.
Section 1. The officers of this club shall be a president, a
vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.
'Section 2. The duty of the president shall be to preside at
all meetings of the club, to appoint all standing committees,
subject to the approval of the club and to make such changes
in the personnel of these committees as may be required for
good work.
The duty of the vice-president shall be to perform all the
duties of the president in the absence of the president.
The duty of the secretary shall be to keep full minutes of
all meetings and an accurate record of attendance.
The duty of the treasurer shall be to have charge of all
club funds and to give a monthly report to the club.
Article , IV. Committees.
Section 1. Committees of this club shall be Membership,
Program, Service and Social. Other names may be given to
these committees, but the work covered should be that sug-
gested by these names. The first three shall be standing com-
mittees for the year. The social committee shall be changed
every three months.*
^Section 2. The club leader shall be ex-officio a 'member of
all committees.
* This is a general suggestion and some club work, as it develops, may
demand a more permanent committee so that strong: standards of work may
be built.
Article V. Meetings.
Section 1. The club shall hold weekly meetings on
evenings at o'clock, or afternoons at
o'clock. The club shall hold a business meeting each month.
Section 2. Two-thirds of the club members shall constitute a
Article VI. Amendments.
This constitution may be amended at any regular business
meeting of the club.
I. Essential questions to be considered in organizing Grade
School Corps.
A. How many grade schools are there in the community?
Where are they located? Do the locations of these
schools make work at the Association building pos-
B. What might be the limitations upon the work if it
is carried on in the school buildings?
C. What is the total number of girls in the seventh and
eighth grades?
D. 'Is the number of grade school girls leaving school
to enter business each year very large?
E. Are there school representatives doing placement or
vocational guidance work with grade school girls?
F. Are the churches of the community doing work with
grade school girls? 'How can duplication of effort
be avoided and cooperation become an established
G. How many demands upon the girl's time are being
made by the school and its organizations — such as
glee clubSji athletic teams, and the usual pageants
and demonstrations of domestic arts training which
occur in the usual school year? Is her loyalty being
sought by many groups with partially developed
programs of activities, such as Junior Ked Cross,
Health and Thrift Campaigns ?
H. How large a place do commercialized amusements
hold in the life of the grade school girl?
I. What are the school regulations in regard to out-
side organizations being allowed to approach the
girls at school, or to use the school buildings as
places for meetings?
J. What are the state laws or local regulations relative
to the use of the Bible in the public schools and the
possibility of religious instruction?
K. What is the plan whereby mothers of grade school
girls will be reached so that they will understand
the corps work about to be organized?
L. What is the biggest contribution that the Young
Women's Christian Association can make to the life
of the grade school girls in the community?
M. How much work among grade school girls is the
girls' work department justified in undertaking?
How shall the girls'' work committee determine where
to begin? Does the matter of space enter into the
planning? What kind of mass work (the bringing
of several groups to a common center) is being
planned ?
IT. The unit in grade school organization is the corps, com-
posed of ten to twenty girls under the direction of the
corps adviser.
III. Membership:
Since all Girl Reserves must be twelve years old, the
grade school corps usually have as their members girls
who are in the seventh and eighth grades. In some sec-
tions of the country the schools are organized differently,
and sixth grade girls who are twelve years old are
eligible for membership. Any girl is eligible to member-
ship who expresses her desire to fulfil the purpose of
the Girl Reserve Movement
IV. Advisers:
The corps adviser may be a young college girl, a busi-
ness woman or any girl or woman who loves girls and
is willing to look upon this position of adviser as a real
opportunity and not a mere pastime. (For the duties
of, and suggestions to, advisers, see 'Section VI.)
V. Name:
Each corps chooses a name. The choice should be guided
by the following suggestions:
A. The name should have some real significance. It may
be chosen because of some historic event which oc-
curred in the community. It might be the name of
some woman who has achieved greatness through
her service to the nation or the worldy or it may be
the name of the school.
B. It should not be a Greek letter name.
VI Purpose:
"To -find and give the best." A grade school girl accepts
the slogan, "To face life squarely," the purpose and the
code. The following interpretation of the meaning of
' the code may be helpful to grade school girls.
Learning to say the code as it is printed in this manual is
not all that is meant when the requirement is made that, to be
initiated, a Girl Reserve must know the code, the slogan, and
the purpose. It means that every girl who wishes to be a
Girl Reserve is accepting as a part of her every-day living
standards of courtesy, fair play, and willingness to help. ,She
is loyal to many friends, not to one friend only; she is willing
to help her friends when they need her.
Purpose means that one is guided toward a goal, just as a
ball is directed toward the basket by a practised wrist. A
girl who is earnest in purpose is a girl set straight toward a
worth-while goal. Seeing loveliness both in people and things
where a quick glance reveals seeming ugliness, is a quality
which every girl who is a true Girl Reserve will want to have
in her life. Merely to memorize has been always an easy thing
for many girls ; to gain knowledge which will help not only to
play games well and to aid some one in need,, but to understand
•what power her life will have if she is reverent to God through
clean thoughts and pure living is a victory over herself which
every girl wants to win. People seeing her sincerity and depend -
ableness will know that she is what she is because she has a
standard for living ; she is seeking and finding the best; she is
facing life squarely.
VII. Registration:
Each corps shall be known by the number it receives on
registration at the Girl Reserve Headquarters — '300 Lex-
ington Avenue, New York City — and by the name of the
school. For example, the "7th Corps Girl Reserves,
McKinley Grammar School." If two or more corps are
registered in one grammar school, the school then has
a Company of the Girl Reserve Division in the commun-
ity. For example, "Company B, of the McKinley Gram-
mar School/7 composed of Corps 8, 9, 11, 14.
The company becomes a part of the Girl Reserve
Division of the community, which is composed of all
corps, clubs and companies organized in the community
among all girls between twelve and eighteen, L e. grade
school, high school, and younger girls in business and
VIII. Dues:
If a local Association is carrying forward its work on a
fee basis, then the fifty-cent membership fee of the Asso-
ciation, payable on the instalment plan, if desired, might
be charged, this fee to include all expenses connected
with Girl Keserve work except the cost of the insignia
and the Guide for Every Loyal -Blue Triangle Girl. In
other words if the 'fifty cent fee is established there
should be no special corps or company fees.
All membership fees should be paid directly by the
girls either in full or in part to the chairman of the
service squad, or to someone whom she may appoint
from her committee. After the Girl Reserve member-
ship cards have been signed and some payment made by
each girl, the Scout chairman and the service squad
chairman take the cards and money to the membership
secretary of the Association and tell her that these are
the applications of the Girl Reserves to become members
of the Association. The secretary lists these names and
returns the original cards to the Girl Reserve chairman.
The girls should neither pay fees nor sign membership
cards at the desk of the membership secretary. All this
is better done with these younger girls through their
own officers.
IX. Committee Work and Officers:
Committee Work of the Corps. Each corps has the fol-
lowing committees:
S cout — membership.
Outings and Innings — good times and hikes.
Service .Squad — service work.
The chairmen of these committees are elected by the
girls of the corps to serve for half the school year. New
chairmen are elected for the summer months. Each
^chairman may appoint two or more members of the
corps to serve with her on her committee. No girl should
be on more than one committee at one time.
The chairman of the Scout Committee is prac-
tically the "president" of the corps. She is called the
•Corps Scout and has the following; duties: first, she
presides at the weekly meetings; second^ she is respon-
sible, with the help of her committee, for interesting
new girls and looking out for the old members of the
corps. One member of the Scout Committee is responsi-
ble for Knowing at weekly roll call why any of the corps
members are absent.
The chairman of the Outings and Innings Committee
acts as record keeper or secretary for the corps and,
with her committee, which consists of five or more
members is responsible for planning with the adviser
for good times and hikes.
The chairman of the Service Squad is responsible for
keeping the record of the funds of the corps, i. e., acts
as treasurer and with her committee and the adviser sug-
gests forms of service for the corps.
These three chairmen plus the adviser form the *S. 0. S.J or
Executive Committee, which discusses and plans program work
in general and refers its decision to the corps as a whole. The
Scout Committee Chairman presides at the >S. 0. S. meetings.
A. General Insignia.
Every grade school corps chooses its own color, and each
girl may embroider on her arm band in Copenhagen blue
or the corps color two bars, each two inches long' and
one-eighth of an inch wide (see diagram, page 76).
The corps color is to be used at banquets and parties for
decorative purposes and, if corps members desire, a hat-
band of that color may be worn.
Girls of grade school age are interested in insignia,
in ranks and in working for honors. For this reason in
the grade school plan of organization there are five
classes of Girl Keserves for a girl passing from one
class to another by the winning of honors.
The five classes are the Volunteers, the Fourth Reserves,
the Third Reserves, the Second Reserves and the First Re-
serves. As soon as a girl has passed the initiation test
(learning of slogan, purpose and code) and has won forty
points from the list of honors in Section IV, she becomes a
Fourth Reserve and is entitled to wear a chevron embroid-
ered in Copenhagen blue placed at the right of the triangle
on the arm band. Forty more points entitle her to a second
chevron placed at the left of the triangle; when she has won
one hundred and sixty points and has four chevrons, two on
either side of the triangle, she is a First Reserve. (These
chevrons should be one-fourth inch wide and one and one-
half inch from the point on either side. The best way to
secure a pattern for them is to use a regular army chevron.)
An effort should be made to have each girl earn some
honors from each of the four divisions of the Honor List;
it would not make for balance if half of the one hundred
and sixty points were Health Points.
B. Special Insignia,
Health Badge
Thirty points from the Honor List under Health entitle
a Girl Reserve to the special health badge, a red circle
described around the Girl Reserve triangle. See diagram,
page 7-8.
Knowledge Badge
Thirty points from the Honor List under Knowledge
entitle a Girl Reserve to the special knowledge badge, an
owl placed on one side of the triangle. See diagram,
page 7-6.
Service Badge
Thirty points from the Honor List under Service en-
title a Girl Reserve to the service badge, a blue star
placed at one side of the triangle. See diagram,
page 76.
Spirit Badge
Thirty pounts from the Honor List under Spirit entitle
a Girl Reserve to the special Spirit insignia, a Roman
lamp placed above the triangle. See diagram, page 76,
A Girl Reserve may work for the required number of
points under the four headings Health, Knowledge, Serv-
ice, Spirit, and win the special insignia. These special
honors cannot be won by grade school girls until the
one hundred and sixty general honors have been won.
These insignia may all be obtained from The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York 'City, upon
presentation of a certified statement from the corps ad-
viser that a girl has won them.
Girl Reserve Rings:
A grade school Girl Reserve, when she has completed
the one hundred and sixty honors necessary to secure
her chevrons, may work for) one hundred more points
and win a Girl Reserve ring and be callec^ a Special Girl
Reserve Aide. For information regarding the way to
secure this ring see page 50.
XL Meetings
Every corps should meet regularly once a week for
one and one-half to two hours. Once every two months
or oftener, if desired, the various corps from the seventh
and eighth grades may have a joint meeting. If it is
necessary to form two corps in one grade, joint meet-
ings may be held as often as desired or the two corps
may meet together for the opening ceremony and then-
separate for the program work.
Girl Reserves who have passed the initiation test (learning
the slogan, purpose and code), and have won their first forty
points or have qualified as Third, Second, or First Girl Re-
serves, may appear before a Court of Awards, which is com-
posed of the chairman of the girls' work committee in the As-
sociation, the chairman of their section of girls' work (grade
school, higii school or younger girls in business and industry),
the girls' work secretary, and 'any other members of the com-
mittee who may seem necessary, with a written list of these
honors. This Court meets once a month,, and has the right to
judge a Girl Reserve not only for her knowledge of her honor
points, but also upon her spirit of team-work and faithful-
A. E
Circle — Special Health Emblem.
Corps Bars.
Owl — Special Knowledge Emblem,
C. Star — Special Service Emblem.
D. Roman Lamp — Special Spirit Emblem.
Fourth Reserve Chevron,
Third Reserve Chevron.
Second Reserve Chevron.
First Reserve Ohevron.
The -Corps Bars may be omitted if desired.
THE junior high school has grown up in democratic Amer-
ica as the last chapter in the history of the struggle
against the mediaeval dual system.5' There are many phases
of- this interesting subject of the development of the present-
day junior high school which cannot be treated in so short a
space as this. The movement is "about or slightly more than
a decade old." Departmentalization is a characteristic of the
school, and the division of work varies widely. Some junior
high schools include the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, some
include only two grades and some only one. They also differ
as to location, some being grouped with the grade school, some
alone, and some with the high school. TJh.ere are many different
forms of curriculum and in most cases the teachers are becom-
ing more and more highly trained. But however much the
schools may vary in courses of study, equipment and faculty
grouping, the following are some of the underlying facts of the
movement to-day.
A. There has come to be more than the traditional assump-
tion that the public schools are ^'merely educative in
function." They are becoming protective or conserving
factors, and they are attempting to lengthen the school
careers through helping the individual to make better
adjustments to individual differences. In the school this
is called educational guidance. Between school and work
this is called vocational guidance.
B. For many years there was a growing emphasis upon- the
necessity to accept the seventh grade- as the natural
turning point in the child's life, for the age of adoles-
cence demands new methods and wiser direction,
C. Eeports of various committees in the "late nineties"
showed an increasing conviction that it was difficult to
relate a secondary education of four years to the ele-
mentary school subjects and methods.
D. Moreover it came to be accepted that the scientific prin-
ciple of individual differences must be recognized; the
concept of equality was interpreted to mean more than
mere uniformity. Pupils were leaving schools — are leav-
ing them still — because they found in industry and busi-
ness concessions to their individual needs.
E. Also the principle of economy became a factor.
It has been stated that the peculiar functions of the junior
high school are as follows:
I. Realizing a democratic school system through
a. Ketention of pupils.
b. Economy of time.
c. Recognition of individual differences.
d. Exploration for guidance.
e. Vocational education.
II. Recognizing the nature of the child.
III. Providing conditions for better teaching.
IV. Securing better scholarship.
V. Improving the "disciplinary situation and socializing
Because there are so many variations in the practice of
junior high school education in this country to-day, it is safe
only to say that there are at least these two points of agree-
ment: (a) specialization on the part of teachers so that the
work is departmentalized and assigned to the various faculty
members, and (b) the manner or advancement of pupils (pro-
motion by subject) "curricula are widely different, standards
in the selection of teachers vary greatly from community to
community, admission requirements, methods, advisory sys-
tems, disciplinary and social organization and buildings and
equipment range through variation upon variation. In fact the
junior high school is hardly the same thing in any two com-
munities." *
Sjich facts as these reveal clearly to the prospective advisers
of junior high school girls some of the problems which they
face with this particular group of girls.
In organizing a junior high school or in forming a fresh-
man girls* club, it must be remembered that the girls are
brought in many instances from different sections, from varied
environments, all new to their surroundings and needing some-
thing to give them a group consciousness and esprit de corps.
To meet this need the Girl Reserves offers a loose form of
organization which will provide a constructive outlet for the
superabundant energy of the group through the management
by the girls themselves of manifold activities in which they
must be interested and which should be related to school life.
I. Essential points to be considered in organizing junior high
school girls or freshman girls in a large high school:
A. Is the junior high school helping to solve the difficulty
of "keeping* girls in school" beyond the grammar grades ?
B. How large is the proportion of girls who leave junior
high school, during the years included in its curriculum?
C. Is there a dean of girls in the junior high school; what
is her relationship to the girls. Does she plan social
activities for them?
There are many of the essential points mentioned in
the organization of grade school into Girl Reserve corps
which should be considered in planning for the organiza-
tion of junior high school groups. See page 68.
II. The Unit of Organization.
The emphasis in the formation of a freshman club or
junior high school company wants to be not so much
upon the corps but upon the larger unit, the company. "
*Staternent regarding: junior high schools is based upon "The Evolution
of a Democratic School System," Charles Hubbard Judd and "The Junior
High School" by L. V. Koos.
To make possible the smaller unit of girls for pur-
poses of discussion, for certain kinds of service work,
and for individual work along certain lines, such as voca-
tional worky the company should be divided into corps
composed of ten to fifteen girls. This division should be
alphabetical or by lot if large numbers of girls are in-
volved, to avoid cliques, and if girls understand that the
division is purely for efficiency in handling the group
and not for real organization no objections can be made.
Each corps elects from its members a corps leader who is
responsible for keeping in touch with corps members,
answering at roll call for corps members, and represent-
ing the corps on the «,S. 0. S."
The corps in the freshman company of Girl Reserves
do not choose corps colors or have committees. The entire
company has a company color, flower and the three regu-
lar committees for the entire company, and in this way
the needed emphasis is upon the group as a whole.
III. Membership.
Any girl is eligible to membership who expresses her
desire to fulfil the company code and the regular Girl
Eeserve Code,
IV. Advisers.
Each company should have one or more advisers; the
adviser should be a college girl or a young woman in the
community who loves girls and who expects to find in
her work with these girls a real opportunity, not a mere
pastime. In many junior high schools, the size of the
company; which is organized may make it necessary to
have several advisers and in such case, it is desirable
to have some of these advisers members of the junior
high school faculty, since the activities of .the company
are so closely related to the school.
Some clubs of freshman girls may find it desirable
to have the same system of committee work as the high
school club has, and therefore it will be necessary to have
at least four advisers, one of whom will consult with each
of the four committees.
V. Name.
Each company chooses a name. Choice should be guided by
the following suggestions:
A. The name should have some real significance. It may be
chosen because of some historic event which occurred
in the community. It may be the name of some woman
who has achieved greatness through her service to the
nation or the world.
B. It should not be a Greek letter name.
VI. Purpose.
The company draws up its company code, which must
be learned by every girl in addition to the regular Girl
Keserve code, slogan, and purpose, before she can be
VIL Registration.
Upon receipt at headquarters of this code, which
should be short and written in the form of a purpose, for
that is what it is, the company receives its registra-
tion number and the right to have Girl Reserve insig-
nia and other Girl Reserve privileges.
VIII. Dues.
See section on Dues under Organization of Girl Ke-
serve Corps among Grade School Girls.
IX. 'Committee Work and Officers of the Company
Each company has the following committees:
Scout — Membership.
Outings and Innings — good times and hikes.
Service Squad — iService work.
The chairmen of these committees are elected by the
girls of the company; they may serve for half "the school
year or for the full year, according to the needs of the
group. Each chairman may appoint four or more mem-
bers of the company to serve on her committee. It
seems desirable that no girl should serve on more than
one committee at one time.
The duties of the chairmen or officers are the same
as the ones outlined for the chairmen or officers of the
grade school corps (see page 73).
The "S. 0. S." or Executive Committee.
The "-S. 0. >S." consists of the chairmen of the three
committees, the Scout, Outings and Innings and Service
Squad, plus the corps leaders of as many corps as there
are in the company, plus a member of the high school
faculty, if desired, plus the company adviser, who should
be a young college woman.
The chairman of the "S. 0. S." is the Scout Commit-
tee chairman. She presides at all meetings of the
"S. 0. S."
The duties of the "<S. 0. $.," which should meet regu-
larly once a month, are:
(1) To consider the general program and work of the Girl
Reserve Company and to see that this work supplements
and does not overlap other school activities.
(2) To discuss school standards and needs and see how the
Girl Reserve Company can be an effective force in up-
holding and making these.
X. A. General Insignia.
The insignia of the junior high school Girl Reserves
or of the freshman Girl Reserves is the regular arm
band with the Copenhagen blue triangle, in the center
of which are the letters G. R. Every high school Girl
Reserve outlines this triangle with tan floss.
If desired, the corps bars, two by one-eighth inches,
may be embroidered in Copenhagen blue on the arm
band at eacl| side of the triangle. (See the -diagram
on page 76.)
In general it is not best to try to use the one
hundred and sixty point honor system in work for fresh-
man high school girls.
B. Special Insignia.
If any girl in the freshman or junior high school
company wishes, she may work for the special honors
under Health, Knowledge, Service, and Spirit, and re-
ceive the special insignia to be placed upon her arm
band. (See Insignia, Grade School Corps, page 74.)
(Special Girl Reserve rings may be awarded to the
girls when they have fulfilled the requirements stated on
page 50 of this Manual,
XI. Meetings:
There should be regular weekly meetings of the com-
pany or club.
I. Essential points to be considered in organizing high
school clubs:
A. How many high schools are there in the community?
Where are they located?
B. What is the total number of girls in all the high
schools? What is the total number in each high
s'chool? What is the total number of girls in each
class in each high school?
C. What proportion of girls last year left to enter busi-
ness at the end of the freshman year; sophomore
year; junior year?
D. Are more girls leaving this year because of economic
readjustments due to the war?
E. Have yon a dean of girls in your high schools? If
so, what does her position include?
F. What vocational work is done in the high schools?
Is there any vocational guidance work done through
the dean of girls or some such person on the faculty?
<G. How many school societies and organizations are there
in your high school for girls? How many demands
are made upon the high school girl's time by societies,
churches and clubs in the community?
H. Is there a council for older boys and girls, organized
by the Sunday-schools of the community? If so, what
relation may a high school club of the Young Women's
Christian Association have to it?
I. What is the biggest contribution that the Young-
Women's 'Christian Association can make to the life
of the high school in the community? Through what
kind of work can this best be effected, i, e., what kind
of a club or what group work if any is needed among
* the high school girls ?
J. What are the school regulations in regard to student
activities and organizations?
K. What are1 the state laws and ordinances concerning
the use of public school buildings, etc?
L. What are the state laws or local regulations relating
to the use of the Bible in the public schools and the
possibility of religious instruction?
II. 'The unit in high school organization is the club. The
size of the club may range from a small number of girls
in a small high school to several hundred girls in a
large school.
III. Membership:
Membership in the club is open to any girl in the high
school. In some instances there may be girls of high
school age who are staying at home and yet they would
like to become members. The local girls' work secretary
should make the necessary adjustments.
IV. Advisers:
In a club which is part of a city, town and county
Association, club advisers should be chosen from
among mothers, college girls, and young married
women. The ideal number of advisers is four, one
of whom would serve as adviser to the program com-
mittee and therefore to the whole club, and the
others who would advise with the other regular com-
mittees described below. It is essential that one of
this number be a teacher, representing1 the school
in which the club is organized. A faculty adviser is
sometimes suggested by an interested school prin-
cipal, or by the girls or by some member of the Board
of Directors of the Y. W. -C. A. or by some member
of the Association.
If there are several high school clubs in a com-
munity, the club advisers automatically become mem-
bers of that sub-committee of the local girls' work
committee which considers the development of work
for high school girls. This sub-committee is led
by a sub-chairman appointed by the chairman of the
girls' work committee either from this group of ad-
visers or from some other group. (See Section VI,
Chapter 2, page 614, of this Manual.)
The meeting of this group once a month offers the
opportunity for discussion of problems and the ex-
change of ideas which is essential to good work on
the part of advisers.
In communities where the girls' work committee is
not as yet divided into three sub-committees — grade
school, high school and younger girls in business and
industry, — the high school advdsers may become mem-
bers of the girls' work committee.
V. Name:
Many names for high school club work have l^en
used in various parts of the country during the past few
years. The Young Women's Christian Association has
always endeavored to avoid three of them: any abbrevia-
tion, such as "Hi-Y," any fancy names, and any name
containing Greek letters. The "Hi-Y" is the name used
by the Young Men's Christian Association for work
among high school boys, and is not advocated for use
as a name for a high school girls' club. There are many
considerations to be kept in mind in suggesting a name
but it has seemed feasible to call by the name Girl Re-
serve any club group which started under that, plan of
organization, especially if the purpose Is well understood
by the girls. However, it will be necessary to make very
plain to them that the plan of organization and program
are not the same as those used in grade school Girl
Reserve work, but are the ones advocated in the high
school program. Any newly organized group of girls
may assume the generic name Girl Reserve, becoming
for instance "The* Student Club of the Girl Reserves."
VI. Purpose.
One of the most distinctive features of any high school
club is its purpose. It should always be written by the
girls, for it then becomes an expression by the group of
Its ideals of democracy, service for others, high standards
of honor in school life and personal living. Thus in the
very beginning of the club is developed personal initia-
tive. Such a purpose should necessarily be in accord
with the spirit of the purpose of the Young Women's
Christian Association which is promoting the club.
Any purpose should be a growing one; the wording
of it, as it is reconsidered and possibly rewritten every
year should show a steady growth toward the principles
underlying all Association work, a Christian fellowship
both individual and social which finds its highest expres-
sion in a personal loyalty to Jesus Christ and his prin-
ciples for everyday living. It is such a purpose which
binds together all high school girls' clubs, wherever they
may be, In counties, towns, cities or independently af-
filiated schools.
Any purpose so written is therefore in accord with
the spirit of the -Girl Reserve 'Code. The phrases of this
code epitomize and give in simple terms the individual
and social elements which are found in the Association
The purpose of a high school club thus becomes the
expression of the girl's own thinking about 'Christian
principles of living which she finds given to her through
the code and the Association purpose. It is desirable that
every high school Girl Reserve should know the Girl
Reserve Code so that she may share to the fullest degree
in the Younger Girl movement of the Association ; but
the dynamic for work in every high school club should
be the club purpose, for it is the group expression of
the reason for forming and maintaining the club. Such
a purpose should be always in accord with the Associa-
tion purpose, although phrased in the girls' own words.
Small cards on which are printed the club purpose prove
of value in keeping members mindful of what they have
agreed upon as their purpose. Such cards, if made by
hand or printed, should be made of heavy cardboard so
that they may be used as mirror cards, book marks, or
for memory books.
VII. Constitution:
Every high school club should have a constitution,
which should be based upon the suggested one in this
Manual. (See Chapter IV, page 95, in this Manual.)
A copy of this constitution when written must be sent
to the field secretary for Younger Girls, who will have
the supervision of all work where there is an organized
VIII. Dues:
The dues for any high school club which is a part of
the city, town or county Young Women's Christian As-
sociation depend upon the policy regarding younger^girl
membership as determined by the membership committee
of the local Association in consultation with the girls'
work committee.
The dues for any high school club which is affiliated
directly with the National Board of the Young Women's
Christian Association through the student committee are
whatever the club votes to have them. (See the Consti-
tution for Secondary Schools. Secure from The Wonians
Press, 600 Lexington Ave., New York City.)
IX. Officers:
The officers of a high school club are:
Vice President
These officers are elected by the girls for one year,
the elections to take place in the spring. The duties of
these officers should be the regular duties of such officers,
and will include the following:
President — presides at all meetings of the club and
of the council or cabinet (see below) ; is in general
touch with all other officers and committee chair-
men • is responsible for the general spirit and work
of the club.
Vice President — presides at all club and council or
cabinet meetings in absence of the president; is
chairman of the membership committee.
Secretary — is responsible for minutes of each meet-
ing; these minutes should be kept in a regular
secretary's book together with written reports
which are submitted by the chairman of the stand-
ing and special committees. She sends out notices
of meetings; carries correspondence with all outside
clubs and organizations.
Treasurer — is responsible for presenting1 at each
business meeting a statement of the club funds —
the treasurer's book should show complete record
of the business transactions of the club — having a
debit and credit side. Every treasurer is respon-
sible with the cabinet for making a budget to cover
the club's expenses for a year,
X. Committee "Work:
A committee must always have a reason for being —
L e., there must be work for it to do; the following1 con-
tent should be covered through the work of a high school
club — membership, good times, service, and program and
it may be administered through four regular committees,
such as:
Membership (Who We Are)
Program (What We Do)
Social (Our Good Times)
Service (How We Put Into Practice Our Ideals)
If a simpler plan for a small and less mature group
is desired, the grade school plan of three committees with
the "S. 0. S." acting as the program committee may be
used. The three committees would then be:
Scout — (Membership)
Outing and Innings — (Social)
The chairmen of the committees should be appointed
by the president of the club in consultation with the
other officers and the club advisers. Three or more girls
form a good working committee. Every chairman should
remember that as large a number of girls as possible
should be used to carry out this work. In some instances
it may seem wise to have committees serve for half the
school year, the four chairmen being continued in office,
and the rest of the committee rotating.
It should be realized that much of the success of com-
mittee work depends upon the Initial interpretation given
to it by the adviser or secretary. Committee members
will need to receive a clear definition of their duties.
This may be given in several ways; a "black board5' talk
at which a secretary or adviser" makes graphic to the
girls the real mechanism of a club and the way each
committee fits into the general scheme; by cabinet or
•council training. (.See Section IV, page 187.) Discussion
and study by each committee member 'of the committee
duties as outlined in the following paragraphs will be
helpful, also.
A Membership Committee should be responsible for
promoting a spirit of friendliness among the girls in
school; for inviting- and encouraging new girls to join
the club; for keeping in touch with members, encourag-
ing church and Sunday-school attendance; for publicity
in connection with the school, the Association, and other
clubs in the community or in various parts of the coun-
try. This committee should be responsible, also, for the
recognition service which marks formal membership in
The Social Committee should be responsible for the
good times of the club, which should Include indoor and
outdoor activities. It should cooperate with the mem-
bership committee in looking after members who are
ill. .Service for the school, such as ushering at general
programs and being responsible for helping- to furnish
and keep attractive the girls' rest room, are also a part
of their responsibility.
The social committee should do more than plan par-
ties and hikes. It should interpret to the club and to all
the school, principles of courtesy and friendliness and
help to set standards for all kinds of recreation. To
accomplish this it is sometimes advisable to have a sub-
committee of the Social Committee to be known as the
Committee on Standards, Such a sub-committee would
censor any social event of the club given either for social
purposes or for the purpose of raising: money. Censor-
ship of this kind should be constructive, not destructive
and should strive to have all social events in accordance
with the real purpose of the club.
The Service Committee: Every club will grow in
interest and permanency in proportion to the definite-
ness of its community service. .Service has come to have
a new meaning- in the last few years, and it is being
realized that if the spirit of the service done abroad is to
continue, we must have the finest interpretation, of it
in this country. The very highest kind of service can be
accomplished in our schools and communities, but it
means just recognizing needs near at hand. The ser-
vice committee has three channels: the school, the com-
munity, and the world.
In planning the service work of the program, the
committee should cooperate with the social and mem-
bership committees.
Care should be exercised that as many club members
as possible have some share in all committee work. This
may be done in several ways:
(a) By changing the personnel of the committees at the
close of the first semester (it is taken for granted
that the chairmen are retained).
(b) By having many sub-committees on each committee.
(c) By providing service work which will appeal to the
club as a club and work which will appeal to certain
members as individuals to be done in addition to
that which is done by the club as a group. (See
Service Suggestions in Section IV, Chapter 2, on
Content and Method Typical of a High School Pro-
granij and Chapter 16, Section V, on Service Acti-
vities, page 600.)
A Program , Committee should be responsible in con-
nection with the entire council or cabinet for a general
plan of a year's work, if desired, or at least for six
month's work. Such a ,plan should include the inspira-
tional, informational, service and social meetings which in
many cases will be developed by the discussional and
demonstration methods.
The program committee thus acts as a "clearing
house" for program work. It should be kept in mind in
shaping the program that sometimes there are things
happening in the club which will be of interest to the
whole school and therefore an invitation should be ex-
tended through the principal.
'School recognition for certain program work is de-
sirable, but quite frequently it comes after the work
has proved itself.
The program committee will also have charge of
the planning for study classes such as Bible, mission
study, current events, nature study, story tellingy hand
work and other social studies. These meetings should
not take the place of the regular club meeting and in
many instances, it has seemed advisable not to have
them before or after the regular meeting but on another
day. The\ program committee should also plan for
Vesper services three or four times during the year,
cooperating with the Religious Education Department of
the Association.
The actual planning and responsibility for all these
various types of meetings rests upon the committee
responsible for the particular type of work. For instance,
a service meeting should be in charge of the service
committee ; a world citizenship meeting might be cared
for by the members of the membership and service com-
mittees; a party would fall to the lot of the membership
and social committees • an inspirational or informational
meeting might be in charge of the program committee,
their responsibility being the receiving of speakers, mak-
ing of general arrangements, etc.
The responsibility of planning for conferences should
be shared equally by all the committees, with the
treasurer serving as chairman of this special group. The
committee chairmen and members should be interested
an raising funds to send delegates to conferences and
should have this in mind during the entire year.
The advisers and the girl's work secretary, while
helping the program committee to plan the year's work
so that it will carry out the ideas expressed in the pur-
pose, will always remember that the ultimate purpose
of all high school club work is to train girls in the way
of Christian thinking and living. Therefore the girls
need to develop initiative and a large sense of personal
XI. Cabinet or Council Work:
The entire high school club program is made effective
through the following groups:
A. The four officers.
B. The chairmen of the four standing committees.
These officers and chairmen together with the girls'
work secretary and one adviser complete the executive
council known as either the cabinet or the council. The
latter word is suggested as one better suited to some
groups of girls; it seems less formal than the word
"cabinet" which will come into the girl's vocabulary when
she goes into a college association. Either name may
be used. The council meets at least once a month.
XII Inter-club Council:
To give unity to the club work in a community where
there are several high schools?, it is suggested that an
inter-club council be formed. Such a council is composed
of the presidents of the various clubs, one girl from the
general membership and a club adviser from each of the
clubs. "This council may meet every three months or
more frequently if desired and serves as a clearing house
for all business, social and service undertakings which
are community-wide in their scope. The girls' work
secretary is ex-officio a member of the inter-club council.
In communities where there is no Young Women's
Christian Association, provision for the organization of
high school girls into the Association fellowship is made
through a unit called an Independently Affiliated High
'School Association. 'Such Associations can only be organ-
ized after consultation with a field office. Full informa-
tion regarding the method of ^organization 'may be
obtained by writing the field office responsible for the
supervision of Association work in that state.
(For list of Field Officers of the Y. W. C. A. see
page 797.)
Programs for work in such Associations are identical
in their content and method of presentation with the
typical one for high school clubs suggested in Section
IV, Chapter 2, page 169. All material on the Training
of Leadership and "Activities for Developing a Christian
Personality" is usable in High School Association pro-
A large number of girls enrolled in the public high schools
of to-day are in communities where there are Young Women's
Christian Associations. Practically every Association has
undertaken some work with this group of girls which naturally
forms an important part of the Girls' Work Program that
every Association is feeling called upon to promote.
Through the study which the Department of Research and
Method of the National Board has made of girls' work, these
plans for high school girls have been definitely thought* out.
Wherever high school clubs are organized, a copy of their con-
stitution should be filed at field and national headquarters.
Article I. Name *
The name of this club shall be the .
Article II. Purpose
(Insert here the purpose written by1 the girls themselves.
It should be in accord with the purpose of the Association under
which this club is promoted.)
Article III. Membership
The membership of this club shall be divided into three
groups: general, advisers, and honorary.
Section 1. General members. Any girl in a high school is
eligible to membership in the club.
* AH abbreviations, all fancy names, or Greek-letter names should be
Section 2. Advisers.
a, The advisers' group shall consist of four persons
who become members of that sub-committee of the
girls' work committee which plans the development
of the high school work.
b. The advisers7 group shall be selected in accordance
with the constitution,, of the Association which this
high school club is a part, and shall be chosen from
among the recent college or high school graduates,
resident in the community, who are willing- to train
for large responsibilities. For plans for the meet-
ings of this group of advisers, see Section VI, page
Section 3. Honorary membership. Any woman graduate of the
high school or any other person especially inter-
ested in the welfare of the club may be suggested
for this distinction by the unanimous vote of the
club. Their duties and obligations shall be those
usually incumbent upon honorary members.
Section 4. tMembership dues.
For Cities
If a city Association requires membership for the use of
the privileges of the building, the high school club dues are
determined by the girls' work committee and the membership
committee in consultation. In cities using the new membership
plan, membership in the Association is separate from club mem-
bership and club dues should be determined by the members
of the high school club in, consultation with the girls* work
For Towns
The dues for any high school club which! is a part of a
town Young Women's Christian Association depends upon the
policy of each local Association. Where there is an Associa-
tion membership fee, club dues are determined by the girls'
work committee and the membership committee in consultation.
Where there is no Association membership fee, as in the major-
ity of town Associations, the girls* work1 committee and the
finance committee in consultation decide the relationship of
the high school club to the financial support of the Association.
For Counties
When a high school club in a country or district is affiliated
with a country or district Association, its members are by that
act members of the Association.
Where there is an Association membership fee, club dues
are determined by the girl's work committee and the member-
ship committee in consultation.
Where there is no Association membership fee, club dues
are determined by the members of the high school club in con-
sultation with the girls' work committee.
In either case it is hoped the club wall vote a proportion
of its budget toward the financial support of the Association.
Section 5. Duties of members. It shall be the duty of all
members to work together heartily in carrying out
the purpose of this club and to make it of permanent
value and service to the school and to the community.
Article IV. Officers
The officers of the club shall be president, vice president,
secretary, and treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually
required of such officers. They shall be elected by the .members
at the annual meeting of the club and shall hold office for one
year or until their successors are elected.
Article V. Committees
There shall be such standing and special committees as are
found necessary to direct the various activities of the club in
fulfilment of its purpose.
Article VI. Council (or Cabinet)
The chairmen of all standing committees, tlie officers of the
club/ the girls' work secretary and one club adviser shall act
as the council (or cabinet) of the club. It shall serve as a clear-
ing house for all proposed work whether it originates in the
general membership, in a committee, or in the council itself,
The results of its thinking should be crystalized into recom-
mendations which should be submitted to the whole member-
ship at the following- club meeting. The council (or cabinet)
shall meet regularly at least monthly and may have special
meetings at the call of the president.
Article VII. Meetings
Meetings of the club shall be held at regular intervals.
Article VIII. Amendments
Amendments to this constitution shall require for their
adoption the approval of the council (or cabinet), notice in
writing at a previous meeting, and a two-thirds vote of the
members present at a regular meeting.
I. Meetings
Section 1. The regular meetings of the club shall occur
on .
Section 2. The annual meeting of the club shall occur
on .
Section 3. members of the club shall
constitute a quorum.
II. Duties of Officers
Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of
the club and of the council (or cabinet). In consultation with
the other officers and the advisers she shall appoint all stand-
ing committees. She shall appoint all special committees with
the approval of the council, and she shall be ex-officio a mem-
ber of each committee.
Section 2. The vice president shall, in the absence of the
president, preside at all meetings, and shall serve as chairman
of the membership committee.
Section 3. .The secretary shall give necessary notice of
meetings and keep the minutes of transactions of the club.
She shall also receive and file written reports of officers and
'Section 4. The treasurer shall have charge of the funds
of the club under the direction of the council (or cabinet). She
shall collect the dues, pay bills approved by the council, and
make a report to the club at its regular and annual meetings
of all receipts and expenditures.
III. Committees
Section 1. The work of the committees shall be planned in
consultation with the council (or cabinet). Monthly^ reports
with recommendations shall be presented first to the council
(or cabinet) and then to the club for action and filing.
Section 2. The standing "committees shall be as follows:
program, membership, social, and service.
.Section 3. The duties and responsibilities of the several
committees shall be as follows:
a. The Program Committee shall plan with the council (or
cabinet) a year's program. Such a plan should include the
inspirational, informational, service, and social meetings which
in many cases will be developed by the discussional or demon-
stration method. It shall also plan for study classes such as
Bible, mission study, current events, the drama, nature study,
story telling, and hand work. It shall cooperate with the other
committees, so that the various interests of all the members
shall be adequately represented in the year's work.*
b. The Membership Committee shall be responsibly for
promoting a spirit of friendliness among the girls in the school;
for inviting and encouraging new girls to join the club; for
keeping in touch with members; for the enlistment of girls in
greater loyalty to the Association and to their respective Sun-
day-schools and churches; for publicity concerning the Associa-
tion and other clubs in the community or in various parts of the
country and for publicity within the school; it shall also be
* For suggestions, see Section IV, page 169, "Content and Method Typical
of a Program for a High School Club."
responsible for the recognition service which marks formal
membership in the club.
c. The Social Committee shall be responsible for the good
times of the club, the preparation and the conduct of all parties,
both indoors and outdoors. It shall interpret to the club and
the school the principles of courtesy and friendliness. It shall
cooperate with the membership committee in looking after
members who are ill, and shall do service for the school.
d. The Service 'Committee shall provide for the expression
of the Christian life and activity of the club through the various
forms of work for the school, Sunday-school, church, community
betterment or charity organizations, such as hospitals, day
nurseries and mission work of all kinds, both at home and
abroad. It shall oifer a wide variety of service. In coopera-
tion with the Membership Committee, it shall provide oppor-
tunity for every club member to enter some form of service.
e. The responsibility of planning for conferences should be
shared equally by all the committees with the treasurer serv-
ing as special chairman of this group.
Informal Group Organization
THE name Girl Reserves, standing as it does for the younger
girl in the Association and not for one specific program,
offers a unifying element for group work. To be a Girl Reserve
in such an informal group it is necessary to understand and
subscribe to the code and the purpose of the Girl Reserves which
means trying to live up to its standards. In many larg-e cities
and industrial communities where numbers of girls between
fourteen and eighteen are employed, Associations have found
that an informal work of this kind is successfully carried out
in a center located in a district where the largest number of
girls is to be found, A center which includes a rest room, some
kind of a reading room and a game room and facilities for
serving one or more hot dishes meets a need in the lives of
the girls and they come to it gladly. More and more it is ap-
parent that the equipment offered to the girl for her recreation
and play must be where she is and that it must be so simply
and attractively designed that she accepts it as her own and is
proud of it. It often happens that a city Association, because
of its location and the large number of people using its rest
rooms, club rooms and cafeterias, does not offer sufficient space
and freedom at the very time when this group of younger girls
can come. In smaller cities and towns, however, many Associa-
tions are able to provide several rooms or one large club room
where many activities may be occurring at one time. These
rooms can belong to this particular group of younger girls and
can be used and especially decorated for them. If this can be
done in any Association, an informal club program can be
worked out to great advantage. In other Associations it has
been found possible to have one or more special nights when
club rooms and other necessary equipment are turned over to
this group of younger girls in business and industry.
Whatever plan is used by the Association, it must be remem-
bered that self-government and a certain freedom of expression
on the part of the girls must never be overlooked. If an
Association starts a center in a given locality the interest of
the girls is naturally aroused and they come to it with little or
no urging. If the work is being done in the Association club
rooms, it is sometimes necessary to interest the girls through
personal invitation, through attractive dodgers and through
older industrial girls. It has been found feasible sometimes to
appoint in each store or factory a Girl Reserve chairman. She
is a young girl interested in Girl Reserve work and is respon-
sible for interesting other girls. As the work grows and more
and more girls come to the center or to the Association club
rooms these chairmen from the different plants can be formed
into what might be called "The Girl Reserve Executive Council."
Little by little they can be made to assume responsibility for
planning activities and for setting- standards for the work done
at the center or in the club rooms. From such an executive
council and from such informal noon recreation work will often
come the demand on the part of several girls for definite club
Formal Club Organization
The formal organization for Girl Reserves in business and
industry has usually taken the form of three committees: the
first known as the Scout Committee, which is practically a mem-
bership committee, responsible for interesting new members
and keeping in touch with old members; the second, the Outings
and Innings Committee which is the social and recreation com-
mittee, and the third, the Service Committee which, as its name
indicates, has full charge of service work for the club. Every
girl in the club should be made a member of one of the three
committees. By this method each girl bears a real responsi-
bility for a piece of work, is more interested, and so is a better
member. The work of each committee can be so planned that
a large number of girls can be kept busy on each committee.
The chairman of these three committees, plus any members
from those committees which the girls desire to have, form
the Girl Reserve Executive Council known as the S. 0. S. This
group us responsible for planning general program work and
submitting it to the club as a whole for its formal approval.
The chairman of the S. 0. S. is the Scout Committee chairman.
She presides at all meetings of the <S. 0. S. and at all meet-
ings of the Girl Reserve club, which may be called either a
Girl Reserve Company or a Girl Reserve Club, depending upon
the vote of the girls themselves. The S. 0. S. should meet
regularly once a month and should (1) consider the general
program and work of the club and see that this work supple-
ments the needs of the girls in the club and sets standards of
•which a Girl Reserve will be proud; (2) discuss how the Girl
Reserve club or company can be an effective force in upholding
these standards in their homes and at work and in the com-
In many cities and towns where there are many grade and
high school Girl Reserves, there may be formed a divisional
council for Girl Reserves. This council consists of representa-
tives from the grade school, the high school and the Girl Re-
serves in Business and Industry. (See Girl Reserve Manual
for Advisers, page 59.) They may meet once in three
months or oftener if desired to discuss general pieces of service
work and to see how the Girl Reserve can become as a whole
a more effective force in the community. The chairman of this
group may be elected from and by the group itself. Such a
divisional council does much to bring about a feeling of unity
among all the girls and helps to form a better understanding
between the school girl and the younger girl at work.
In addition to this committee organization, any group may
elect the four regular officers — president, vice president, secre-
tary and treasurer — to serve for the time the group desires.
Older girls will undoubtedly want to organize in this way. Care
should be taken that such officers feel the responsibility of their
positions and understand the duties of their office and how to
perform these duties. (See Primer of 'Parliamentary Drill,
Womans Press, price ten cents.)
Every group of Girl Reserves whether an informal or formal
club, should register at New York headquarters,- 600 Lexington
Avenue. Formal registration blanks may be obtained through
the field office. Girl Reserve code cards are sent to each Girl
Reserve as soon as the application card with the number in the
group is received in New York. In case of informal groups, if
exact number cannot be given, state approximate number.
The best time for meetings of younger girls in business
and industry is in many communities a problem. Where there
is no center to which the girls may come at noon it sometimes
seems as if there were no chance at all really to come in close
contact with them. A problem of this kind is necessarily local
and must be worked out differently in each case.
There are four times when meetings for this group of girls
are possible:
(a) Noon hour.
(b) During school hours at the continuation school
or the Y. W. C. A.
(c) At night.
(d) On Sundays.
For suggestive activities to be used at these times, see
Section IV, 'Chapter II, page 195, on Content and Method Typical
of a Program for Younger Girls in Business and Industry.
Suggested Methods of Approach.
If the approach to the girl is to be made through a school,
the following kinds of school with their curricula must be un-
derstood and contacts made with them:
(a) 'Grade school (see suggestions above).
In some communities the girls' work committee may,
through its share in a community council create inter-
est on the part of representatives of parochial schools
in their graduates or "drop-outs" who are going to
(b) Continuation school.
(c) Commercial, business or technical high school.
(d) Business college.
Continuation Schools
The continuation school does not exist at present in some
communities while in many others it is new and is weighing:
and testing out methods to meet the many demands placed
upon it. The recent federal education legislation, known as
the Smith-Hughes Law, the proposed Sterling-Towner Bill, Sen-
ate No. 1252, H.R. No. 7 (the Smith-Towner Bill of the pre-
vious session *) and 'Federal Child Labor Law,f raising the age
standard at which children may be employed in certain occu-
pations, state legislation relating to the raising of school at-
tendance age and its enforcement plus the growing public sen-
timent that youth has certain rights which cannot be denied
nor abrogated, have led to the growth of the continuation
school movement. At present the following states have contin-
uation school laws:
Arizona, Iowa, Nebraska, New York, South Dakota, Cali-
fornia, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oklahoma^ Utah, Connecticut,
Michigan, New Hampshire, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Mis-
souri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Mon-
tana, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Wisconsin.
The summary of the text of these laws may be secured by
writing to the Bureau of Education,, Department of Interior,
Washington, D. C.: W. R. Hood, law specialist, and to the State
Department of Public Instruction at the state capital.
Suggested Methods of Cooperation with Continuation Schools.
If a girls' work department an a local Association is begin-
ning work with continuation school girls, the following course
of action has proven a good one in many cases.
(1) Ask the field secretary for younger girls to have an
interview with the state supervisor for continuation
schools, which will explain that the Y. W. C. A.
is glad to know whether it can in any way supplement
the work of the continuation schools in that community.
She will explain that such cooperation will in no sense
duplicate continuation school plans. She will also ask
* See Section VII — Topic : Legislation, for summary of these laws,
f See August, 1920 , American Child — quarterly journal published by the
National Child Labor Committee, 105 East 22nd Street, New York City.
the state supervisor for the list of local principals which
then will be forwarded to the various local Associations.
(2) Request an interview with the local principal at which
the local girls' work secretary, and if possible the field
secretary for younger girls, will be present. At this
time should be discussed what needs, if any, the Asso-
ciation can help to meet. Experience has shown that
the following- are needs which the Association can help
to meet: .
(a) Noon Eecreation with the girls at the Continua-
tion School.
This may be held either at the school or the As-
sociation, depending upon the equipment and desire
of the school. The girls' work secretary, a volun-
teer worker trained for such work, or the physical
director may have this in charge.
One Association used a nearby park in spring
and fall, urging the girls to bring their luncheons
there. Afterward games were played. Another
Association regularly moves all the furniture from
its sewing room and turns this over to the continu-
ation school girls for a play room at noon. In-
genuity and a real desire to serve will carry an
Association through the many obstacles which at
first seem to stand in the way of work of this
(b) Gymnasium Work.
Associations have been glad to offer free of
charge their gymnasium and physical director for
forty-five minutes of work one morning a week.
In other Associations, a trained volunteer worker
has handled simple floor work. If the physical
director is in charge, it has been found advisable
for the girls' work secretary to play the piano or
join in the games with the girls in order to make
the necessary contracts. One Association has had
a business arrangement in the continuation school
and a flat rate for the year for the use of th© gym-
nasium and physical director has been worked out.
In many instances when the continuation school has
no gymnasium,, they are glad to make some ar-
rangement with such an organization as the Asso-
ciation. The question of whether this service from
the Association is free or not depends of course
upon the local conditions. The fact in -which an
Association is interested is that the continuation
school girls need this kind of physical work and
play and since it is a community agency it will
want to do what it can to cooperate with these
(c) Stimulation of the Social Activities in Continuation
•School Circles.
Many continuation schools are as yet very
crowded for space and equipment and the teachers
are very busy. This makes difficult the development
of a real school spirit which will be of the finest
kind. With the help of an Association worker the
continuation school teachers through cheers, yells
and songs taught at parties or a noontime recrea-
tion, can bring to the boys and girls a feeling of
pride and joy in the school of which they are a
part. For instance, such cheers and songs as the
following have been used with great effect:
"Continuation — Continuation,
Continuations — Continuati on,
We are cheering, we are cheering,
Cheering now for Continuation,
Rah, rah, rah!"
The famous Johnny Smoker song (usually in-
cluded in a collection of popular music) can
be used most successfully. Both boys and girls
enjoy singing it.
(d) Assistance in Home Visitation.
Sometimes help Is needed in home visiting and
a girls' work secretary has a real opportunity to
prove to the continuation school principal that she
is one who can be of use. Usually the continuation
school closes earlier than other schools at the
Christmas season in order that the girls and boys
may be free for the Christmas rush in their various
places of employment. 'In a large city a girls'
work secretary may be welcomed as an additional
home visitor at this time and the knowledge which
she gains of home conditions is one of the most
valuable assets she can have for constructive work
with the girls (e. g., if Mary regularly goes to
sleep at school it may mean sleeping conditions for
Mary at home are not what they should be).
(e) An Increased Knowledge of Club Methods and
Recreation Work.
In one section of the country where cooperation
with continuation school staffs has been well
worked out, the experience of the Association in
training people for club and recreation work has
been utilized in those training schools where the
continuation school teachers are prepared. Lec-
tures and demonstration work often can be fur-
nished by the local girls' work secretary or the
field girls' work secretary if they are desired by
the continuation school supervisor.
Technical and Commercial High Schools — Business Colleges
This group of schools differs from the continuation school in
that the girl is there for a much longer period of time every
day in the week and so the school is a major and not a minor
activity with her. School life and activities are necessarily
more highly organized.
Most technical and commercial schools have a two years9
course which gives the girl a certificate and a four year course
which results in a diploma. Large numbers of girls go only
long enough to receive the certificates and so at an early age
enter the business world as stenographers, file clerks, and other
kinds of office workers.
In some sections of the country, technical schools have ar-
ranged to have pupils do laboratory work in certain stores and
factories. Thus the "hours of school" for the girl are spent
partially at the school building, partially in a store or factory
at work. The girl who through such an arrangement is at work
and in school at the same time is often in need of the kind of
programs the Association can offer. SJie needs help in those
adjustments of thinking and living which a good Association
program should provide.
The approach to such schools is through the principal — the
faculty — and individual girls. An assembly talk, recreation,
camp work, all offer points of contact. Again the closest kind
of cooperation needs to exist between the girls' work secretary
and the person in the school in charge of placing the girl at
The needs and the desires of the younger business college
girl have been considered in Section I of this manual.
The Girl Already at Work.
If the approach is to be made to the girl at her place of em-
ployment, the first things to be taken into consideration are
the approach to the employer and the ways of securing his co-
operation (see Section VI on "Cooperation with Industrial De-
There are two possible ways of approaching the younger
girl already at work — one through older girls connected with
the Association who are at work in the same industry or busi-
ness ; the other, by contagious enthusiasm of the girls* work
secretary and the adviser who "become personally acquainted
with girls and who are seers enough to believe that every girl
has a gift to bring and the Association has one to give. This
latter method means getting acquainted with the girls "over the
counter" and at noontime in the factory or by visits to offices
where the girls are employed. It may seem a slow process but
eventually it does win the confidence of girls who become a
nucleus for larger results. Efforts of this sort imply the most
careful cooperation and understanding with any welfare or
service workers, junior superintendents, and nurses employed
by the management. Through them it is possible to gain access
to- the girls at noontimes in their rest rooms or dining rooms
and permission to place on bulletin boards attractive posters
and announcements of hikes, summer camp or general enter-
tainments. Often, also, it is possible to cooperate with the
management's plan for noon recreation in a place provided by
the management in the plant itself, dn a nearby park or a
vacant lot. A schedule for handling such recreation if requested
by the management, should be worked out in cooperation with
the physical director and the industrial secretary.
Whether the Association maintains a center outside the
building and particularly for the use of the younger girls in
business and industry, or whether a room or whole floor in a
local Association building is given over to their use, the at-
mosphere should be that of a place which is utterly their own.
A little money combined with much thought and ingenuity
can make attractive a room in an Association or any space
rented to serve as a center. The luxury an both color and
equipment found in the modern department store where many
younger girls are employed, and the glitter of the "movie pal-
ace" and other places of commercialized recreation overstimu-
late the girls' love of color, and it is necessary therefore for
the Association to compete by some method which through its
very beauty and simplicity will attract and help brighten their
Many of the town Associations with their plain home-like
rooms will prove attractive to the younger girl in business and
industry, once she knows the Association secretaries. Both the
executive and the associate need to know and understand as fully
as possible the needs and) desires of this younger girl who is
such a vital part of the town community. Sometimes she comes
with a definite need, such as a job or a place to live. That is
the time to serve her well and make her acquaintance. The
chances of service by the town Association are many and great
and sometimes the finest piece of work in a town or in a city
is not through organized club work but through individual per-
sonal service and informal recreation.
The following suggestions may prove helpful to a secretary
or adviser who is approaching the girl already at work in a
town or a city:
(a) Read the "want ads" and advertisements in the daily
and Sunday newspapers. "Want ads" supply informa-
tion about the kind of job offered, the kind of business
concerns using this method of obtaining girls, and
something of the labor turnover among floating groups.
Advertisements in both daily and Sunday papers give
an idea of the "personality" of the various stores. Every
employee in a store is affected by an "Annual White
Sale," a "July Clearance Sale" or a "Red Tag Bar-
gain Sale," and the stores having this type of
•sale have a different "personality" from, tthe stores
with another kind of bargain sale. It is es-
sential for a girls' work secretary to know of such sales
in order that she may be intelligent about the kind
of program needed, the time that camp is possible for
girls and the kind of recreation and club supper needed
if club night falls on sale day. A girl who has been all
day in a store with a "Red Tag Bargain Sale" going on
needs a certain kind of food and recreation. Most girls
read the newspapers — at least parts of them; conversa-
tion is not so difficult if the secretary and adviser have
also read of the same current topics and know of such
an event as a big sale.
(b) Eead in current magazines stories and articles with such
titles as the following. They give color and information
about store life and methods of work:
"$16.50 Trimmed."
^How Department .Stores Watch One Another."
(c) Watch theatre and movie announcements also. Special
attractions of the various commercialized amusement
places. Know when the "big dance" is to be at one of
the popular halls and when free refreshments are being
served at any one of them.
(d) ^Learn to understand the vocabulary of the younger girl
in business and industry and to talk with her intelligently
of things she understands, appreciates, and works with
daily. For instance, understand such expressions as the
following: tube room, the "cage," time-keeper, jogger,
models, comptometer, ticket sorter, dictaphone, calla-
These are but a few examples of terms in the daily
vocabulary of the younger girl in business and industry.
They must be known to the person working1 with her.
(e) Know how working papers and permits are secured. Try
to know personally the official in charge of issuing these,
(f ) Secure from business houses and industrial plants sample
copies of:
a. Blanks which applicants for work must fill out.
b. Health certificates if required.
Show these to girls and discuss them so that when
application is made, the girl will not feel ill at ease.
(g) Know the name, address, policy of work (free or pay)
of the various employment agencies in the community*
(This information should be secured through the employ-
ment secretary of the Association and all work connected
with employment done in close cooperation with her.)
(h) Have full information regarding the location, hours, and
method of work of free clinics, emergency hospitals, good
dentists, oculists, and doctors.
(i) Know when civil service examinations are to be given. By
information about the requirements and opportunities of-
fered, many a girl may be helped to better positions and
more interest in her work.
(j) Have a file containing the following information:
(1) Catalogues and bulletins of business colleges.
(2) Catalogues of schools of salesmanship.
(3) Papers published by local stores and plants.
(4) Names and addresses of girls who just "drop
into" the Association and who do not seem to
want anything offered. Some day word sent
them about a definite meeting or "stunt" may at-
tract them.
THERE are two kinds of organization possible among
younger business college girls. One 4s the regular club
organization with the usual officers and committees, and the
other a more informal organization an which the business of the
group is handled by committees elected whenever there is need
to put into execution any of the desires of the group. This does
away with overhead machinery which sometimes is not wanted
by these girls. See preceding pages for a discussion of formal
and informal organizations.
*This is suggestive material to be adapted and changed as the needs of
the girls demand, for no two communities can use the same program in the
same way. It is hoped that this material, together with that prepared for
older business and professional women by the Business and Professional
Women's Bureau, will form the basis for a consecutive and constructive piece
of work with these groups which should be closely allied in all interests.
If a club is organized', it should have a constitution and a
purpose which are in line with those of the older Business and
Professional Women's Club in the Association. (See "Suggested
Program for Business and Professional Women's Clubs, The
Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, $.25.)
The club of older women should feel itself responsible for the
younger girls, both individually and in club work. The girls'
work secretary, the chairman of the girls' work committee, a
group of business and professional women from the older club
and when possible a representative from the business school or
college should be responsible for initiating work among the
younger business college girls, and for all policies and programs
carried on in connection with this kind of work. Such a commit-
tee of older business women might well be made part of the
service committee of the Business and Professional Woman's
Club when such a club exists.
Since the work among younger business college girls is new,
it has seemed wise not to suggest a name but to leave that mat-
ter to each local community. If the girls desire to be a part of
the younger girl movement of the Young Women's Christian
Association, known as The Girl Reserve Movement, they may
do so by designating themselves as the Club of
the Girl Reserves/ by registering themselves at headquarters,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, and by receiving and
using the Girl Reserve code posters.
This official connection with the younger girl movement of
the Young Women's Christian Association may or may not
seem wise. This probably will depend upon the way in which
the Girl Reserve Movement has been presented to the community
If it has been conceived of as a program for school girls and not
as a movement providing programs for all girls under eighteen —
grade school, high school, younger girls in business and industry,
and younger business college girls — the girls may not care to
be related to it, feeling that it is a single program for school
But the advantages of this connection are obvious. It pro-
vides at this very experimental stage of the work, a definite
channel of organization and purpose, expressed in posters and
code cards and other supplementary material, all of which will
be extremely valuable to the older business woman, who for the
first time interests herself in the leadership of younger girls.
At the same time, this connection in no way interferes with the
kind of program to be used with this group of younger business
college girls. It merely provides a framework for the program.
The leadership of younger business college girls should come,
in so far as possible from among the older business and profes-
sional wonten of the community, and whenever there is a Busi-
ness and Professional Women's Club, it should come from that
membership. The older business and professional women have
more to contribute, probably, than any other group of women in
the community, in the way of standards of living and of work.
The object of such a club among younger girls is to develop the
girls themselves for positions of leadership, and those who are
sponsoring the workr therefore, should be very sure that the
club is a self-governing one.
THE purpose of the Association, and hence of all its pro-
grams and activities, is essentially the bringing of the girl
to her full development. In response to many requests for a
program which shall bring about such a development, this
philosophy of program making is suggested. Our task in, life
is to live in a way which completely develops through user
powers of body, mind, spirit. In the development of Christian
womanhood there are four fundamental expressions of life, any
one of which may be inclusive of the others. The necessary
thing is that all four, with their Christian interpretation, shall
contribute to a developing personality.
These fundamental expressions are:
First: Work — a creative production, both mental and
Second: Kecreation — a renewal of life, emotional, physical,
mental and spiritual,
Third: Fellowship — a consciousness of the value of other
personalities expressed through an outgoing of spirit
and manifested by good acts,
Fourth: Eeligion — a consciousness bf God in lifej, the
dynamic for action.
A well developed life program needs to include plans to
make one a better workman, means of renewing life, avenues
for growing fellowship, and ways of coming to know God
better. What are the processes of growth? What is involved
in growing? What are the tests by which we measure plans
that will help us in our growing? First of all we ask, in what
ways do we need to grow? Second — How is this to be achieved?
Third— Is it worth while? Fourth— Out of the many possibili-
ties which the study and planning and evaluation have brought
forth, which will we actually follow out ? Again we are driven
back to the worth while things of life, to the fundamental ex-
pressions, by means of which we achieve development of per-
This is always found through work. Work is essential to a
developing personality, defining work as the expression, use or
exercise of our abilities in the actual participation in the in-
dividual and collective production of the world. Unless one's
tasfc is truly a complete expression of self, is it enough to
work? Through the days and through the years it is by means
of recreation, the renewal of life that we continue in happiness
and growth. Renewal of life occurs when the use of our
emotional force, the powers of our body, mind, and spirit, no
matter what the form of expression, fulfills the aims and de-
sires of our whole personality, producing rest, satisfaction,
peace and joy. Yet can we find complete development of per-
sonality alone ? Plants are best in gardens, sheep are loveliest
in flocks; all of us iind ourselves at our best when we reach
out to other people in a growing fellowship and friendship.
Yet one thing is lacking.
What is it that furnishes the urge? What is it that gives
one the sense of responsibility for the use of life? What is it
that sends one reaching out to a joyous sense of brotherhood?
What makes the garden truly fair when the cool of the day is
over all? Is it not the presence of God in the garden? Our
lives express themselves through work and in the giving of
gifts, because it is God that worketh in us, and work and
recreation and fellowship take on a new meaning and new
glory when permeating them all, encircling them all is the
consciousness of God.
Do we measure each of life's projects by these tests? Do
we balance our lives by these fundamental measures? Are we
truly growing into the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Him who found his joy in giving of Himself in work, who
never missed the perfect balance, who loved even the least and
lowliest, who lived his life in the conscious fulfillment of the
purpose of his Father and ours?
A Renewal of
A Conscious-
A Conscious-
Life, Emo-
ness of the
ness of God in
tional, Physical,
Value of Other
Life — the
Dynamic for
i. Social contri-
I. Evaluation
of leisure
Through an
Outgoing of
Spirit and
I. Sense of
freedom in
2. Economic
2. Restoring of
Manifested by
Good Acts.
I. Growing
2. Sense of
3. Development
3. The play
of skill.
3. Urge of life.
2. Appreciation
4. Craftsman-
4. Freeing of
of people;
4. Sense of re-
Mastery Sense.
of their be-
havior, be-
3. Trust of
4. Spirit of co-
Too often our programs have created interest among certain
girls but have failed to reach and satisfy the needs of others.
This is because we have not taken into account the fact that
there are in each individual unformed, developing desires, many
times unexpressed, which must find satisfaction if the girl is to
develop normally and richly. A^ girl has many interests, or
latent interests, but too often no definite plan or purpose for
her life. Most of her future power and happiness depends upon
the way these interests and the demands they make, are met.
These forces of her personality cannot be repressed without
danger. The opportunities offered* her should therefore be
•rich, stimulating, and varied.
Study needs and desires of group
Select the avenue of expression for the year's work.
Choose the emphases
Build the project
Analyze the project by the program tests
Therefore, in building a program we have in mind four
supreme avenues of expression — work, recreation, fellowship
and religion. First we study the girls and find what is their
greatest need. We also discover what things they want in the
way of program. For instance, the adviser, knowing that a
group of girls cares for nothing but dancing and other forms
of physical activity, also realizes keenly that the same girls
need certain character standards developed. Therefore, when
the girls choose for their year's emphases in their club pro-
grams, nothing but forms of amusement, the adviser keeps
always in mind such emphases as will give the girls through
recreation, properly developed, not only all the play and fun
they want*, but also activities from which develop ideals of
Christian character.
The program emphases now being decided upon, the adviser
studies whether these emphases will bring to the girls elements
of work, recreation, fellowship and religion. Satisfied that
they will, she decides through which one of these four avenues
of expression the girls will find most normally complete develop-
ment. Next, the group in consultation, chooses the methods by
which not only immediate interests are satisfied, but also ways
(of which they are not immediately cognizant) in which their
lives may be given proper balance and power of growth.
To illustrate: This group of girls who desire only physical
activity chooses to form a basketball team. A few of the group
want to have a class in candy making; others want to learn
to cook • still others want to do some good reading. Tha
adviser acquiescing in all these desires, immediately sees oppor-
tunities in the basketball and cooking classes, and especially
in the study of literature, to do the work fundamental to the
formation of character standards, which she feels this group of
girls so badly needs. The major emphasis, or main expression,
for the year then is recreation, a basketball team with minor
emphasis on candy making, cooking and literature. The ad-
viser's knowledge of the character standards which are to be
the permeating and integrating element, is, where advisable,
to be kept in the background. The project would then start
with a skeleton outline as follows:
A group meets for supper, which the class in cooking pre-
pared under the guidance of a capable instructor. After supper
while the basketball team practices, or plays a game, the class
in candy making goes to work, and the class in literature goes
off under their adviser. When the basketball team is tired, the
girls all come together in the club room for the final hour of
the evening; the adviser or some other girl chosen from the
class in literature, tells a story or reads some poems, and time
is given for discussion. This is the adviser's great opportunity.
The candy makers pass their wares and the evening ends with
a note of fellowship.
With a plan similar to this in mind, the group is satisfied
because each girl feels that her needs are to be met. The
project is thus built. Ideally, this should cover a year's club
work and should be broad enough to meet the girPs interest
at the moment, and yet carry her forward to new fields of
growth and understanding1. For illustrations see the suggested
project, page 124.
When the project is complete in the minds of the girls
and the adviser, and before it is entered upon, it should be
analyzed by the following tests of a program:
A. Acquisition of knowledge.
B. Development of technique.
C. Formation of habits.
D. Character expressed through action.
Is the girl able to learn through basketball, the laws of
health, hygiene, the value of team play, and honesty? Through
a cooking class, does she learn something of dietetics, cleanli-
ness, the relation of a balanced diet and good habits of life to
a well body? Through candy making, does she learn accuracy
of weighing and sifting and testing? Something of social ser-
vice perhaps? Through literature, the use of English, the
influence and style of great writers, the lives of men and
women in 'their relation to one another and to 'God ?
If the proposed project answers these tests, it will result
not only in meeting the unexpressed and developing desires of
the girl at the moment, but will lead her on into a fuller and
richer growth of Christian womanhood.
And what is Christian womanhood? It is typified by a
woman whose sympathies are as broad as the needs of people;
whose understanding is as deep as the unfathomed heart of a
girl, whose life is rich and full and joyous with the joy of Christ
because she has learned of Him the meaning of friendship and
gives herself in wholehearted devotion to all His friends. A
woman who stands as He stood, dauntless and unafraid, cham-
pioning the oppressed, righting hideous wrongs, pouring balm
on wounded hearts, comforting the sorrowing, rejoicing with
the joyous, living the abundant life.
The success of the project can be determined only at the
close of the year's work. If there have opened to the girl new
vistas of knowledge, skill in the use of technique, contacts
resulting in a greater appreciation of peoples, a consciousness
of <God in all of life, the project has been a success.
The following project on fellowship has been prepared to
illustrate^ the way in which the program planning just out-
lined may be carried out by a group of younger girls.
Time: From six weeks to three months depending upon
the comprehensive treatment of the project.
First Step: In magazines and books find pictures of girls
of other countries, Japan, China, India, North
American Indian, South American Indian, Poland,
Bulgaria, iSyria, Italy, Czechoslovakia and any
other countries desired.
Se-cond Step: From these draw and color designs for costumes.
At these meetings the leader tells interesting
facts about these countries — how religion and
tradition have been formative influences in the
lives of the women and girls of these lands. Dif-
ferent girls would add items of interest which
they have discovered In their search for the
Third iStep: The making of costumes. This offers an oppor-
tunity for a class in sewing. Also in order to
get proper shades, the material could be dyed
and this could occupy one step of the project.
The making of the costumes should not be hur-
ried. Again the leader or adviser seizes every
opportunity to sympathetically interpret girls
and women of the various countries which have
been chosen for representation in this project,
At some meetings a story hour may be used by
someone telling a foreign story while the girls
sew. A part of each meeting during the sewing
period is devoted to recreation, to playing games
of foreign countries. Music can be used also —
the leader or someone secures for this purpose
teaching the songs and pointing out the main
differences in Oriental and Occidental music.
Poetry can be read at certain meetings and in-
terpreted to reflect the religious ideals of the
country and also to instill a sympathetic under-
standing and appreciation of non-Christian cul-
ture and religion.
Fourth 'Step: When the costumes are nearing completion, or
earlier if desired, simple folk dances can be
learned — the girls and advisers studying the sym-
bolic nature of these dances, their relation to the
religions of the country. When the dances are
learned, and the costumes completed, advance
to the
Fifth Step: Which is in the nature of a simple pageant or
style show. This should be entirely in pantomime
and can be worked out in any form the group
desires. The, following is merely suggestive.
A Court of Nations with Columbia posed in
simple dignity is arranged. Each nation is rep-
resented by one or more girls in costume and
appears either singly or in groups, each girl
carrying some flower or tree which is character-
istic of her country. (Cherry blossoms for Japan,
maple leaves for Canada, etc.) The girl advances
slowly, seeking to express the idea of the country
she represents in gesture and posture, (This
should have been carefully thought through and
planned beforehand.) She makes obeisance and
deposits her offering at the feet of Columbia.
She then beckons to the entrance from which
she came; a group of girls run out and join
her in the folk dance of her country. In the
end Columbia, wi'th gestures — symbolic of pro-
tection^ understanding and appreciation, wel-
comes all the girls Into a circle of friendship
which is formed by the girls joining hands and
forming some simple and beautiful tableau.
The same costumes, music and dances can be
used again in a bazaar given for money-making
purpose at which times booths decorated to
represent the countries, could be most effectively
used and merchandise peculiar to that nation
Again at a special vesper service the same cos-
tumes and music can be used in presenting The
Prayers of the Nations (printed in this Manual).
A number of the honors listed under KNOWL-
EDGE can be made into Interesting projects—
e. g., No. 4, 7, 8, 10.
References: Pictures for costumes: The National Geographic
magazine — Asia — back copies of The "World Out-
look— Koka.
Games: See "Children at Play In Many Lands/'
by Katherine S. Hall, Missionary Education
Movement, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Bancroft Game Book, Music: Native Melodies —
Missionary Education Movement, 156 5th Ave.,
New York City.
Two selections from Chinese tone poems in low
voice by John Alden Carpenter, Schirmer, New
York. Two selections from Gitanjali (Tagore),
John Alden Carpenter, Schirmer, New York.
Folk Songs of Many Peoples, The Womans Press,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York.
The Crescent Moon Rabindranath Tagore
Fruit Gathering.. Poems 12, 19, 27, 57 and 79
The Broken Wing Sarojini Naidu
Bird of Time Sarojini Naidu
The Golden Threshold Sarojini Naidu
Hispanic Anthology, arranged by Thomas Walsh
(Poems from Spanish)
Anthology of Jugoslav Poetry,
B. 'Stevens /Stanoyevich
Stories :
Girl Reserve Book List,
Children of India,
Janet Harvey Kellerman — Chap. 2
Children of Japan
Janet Harvey Kellerman— The Story of
African Adventures
Jean Mackenzie— ^Chaps. 25-28— A Girl's
Japanese Fairy World
William Elliott Griffis— The Firefly's
Woodcraft Manual for Girls
Indian Stories — page 107
Story of Cornsmut Girls (A Hopi Legend)
The Seven Swans, How We Found the
Great Spirit. Page 119.
Junior Mission Story Margaret Applegarth
"The Story of Jill" .(Southern Highlander)
Dancing Frazer (for Hindu Folk Dances)
The following programs have been included in this Manual
because they typify some of the necessary elements which must
be present both in the content and method of all project building
as stated in the preceding pages. The fundamental way of build-
ing a program which contributes to the fulness of life of a
developing personality is an ideal toward which all educational
programs in the Association will be directed henceforth. But
because all advisers and secretaries are still finding their way
into the study of program building, it has been considered wise
to assemble many topics or manifestations of 'the four avenues
of expression, and to develop them as units which may be com-
bined into a project on work, recreation, fellowship or religion.
To illustrate this by a diagram, a large circle may be drawn
which may be divided into four equal parts*, or right angles, each
of which would represent one of the four avenues through which
a developing personality expresses itself. But the needs and
desires of the group might make it necessary to have the major
emphasis upon recreation. Therefore the project would be pic-
tured by a circle equal in diameter to the other, but with the
angle representing the emphases placed upon recreation equal
to two hundred or two hundred and seventy degrees approxi-
mately. The remaining degrees may include emphases upon
any one or more of the other avenues of expression, in terms of
their Christian interpretation. The life of a girl or the life of
group of girls will grow as any project stands the tests men-
tioned before and represented diagrammatieally by a series of
concentric circles, the smallest of these representing1 the develop-
ing personality, which grows as it acquires knowledge, develops
technique or skill which will be utilized in all further life experi-
ences, forms good habits and expresses all its development in
action, thus becoming a social factor for good.
1' A DtHtADTlM Tt
The test of a club program is the way in which it holds' the
girls' attention. Variety is an essential which must not be over-
looked and yet underneath there should be a continuous theme
which will make for growth in the life of the girl. Each activity
should be a definite step toward this goal. Fullness of life for
the girlhood of to-day will make a responsible womanhood for
In the chart, "Activities for Developing the Girl Citizen,"
the activities which girls enjoy and need have been grouped under
four divisions: the girl's physical life, the girl's mental or intel-
lectual life, the girl's social life, and the girl's spiritual life.
These terms are descriptive of processes which are measured by
the four expressions of life indicated dn the preceding pages of
this chapter, recreation, work, fellowship, and religion.
The weekly program of every club should provide one major
activity and some supplementary activities from any one of
these divisions, depending upon the kind of project which has
been undertaken by the decision of the group. The chart will
help to serve as a guide. (Page 128.)
THE following program demonstrates in a very simple way
certain principles which an adviser needs to bear in mind
as she plans her program, First, the assignment, made at least
a week in advance of the regular meeting; second, a list of
material to be prepared or secured by the adviser; third, the
actual meeting.
It is only suggestive, for it is clearly recognized that the
sort of topics listed here will not be applicable to situations
existing in certain communities. As this program stands, no
provision has been made for the opening and the closing of the
meetings. In other words, an adviser planning for a meeting
must have in mind these three distinct parts of the program, —
the opening,, the' major activity, and the best way to spend the
last haft-hour. This program deals only with the major activity
and somewhere in the program should occur one half-hour of
carefully planned recreation. (For suggestions in regard to
the opening of the meeting, and recreation, see pages 157, 348,
To show how the Honor System becomes the basis of any
program or any single meeting in the year's work, there have
been included in the directions for the preparation of these
meetings direct reference to the kind of honor it represents
and to the number of that honor in the revised list of honors
which appears elsewhere in this Manual. For example, Honor
No. 19, Health, placed at the right of the directions for the
meeting means that members of the corps or company will
have an opportunity to begin and perhaps complete that par-
ticular honor, because the subject of the program Is one which
is included under7 Health in the Honor List.
One meeting each month should be a business and good-
times one, and therefore only three are outlined in the program
which follows.
It is not always possible to have the first meeting of a Girl
Reserve Corps in the fall one where a complete program is
attempted. Especially is this true if the corps is a new one, or
is being reorganized. Therefore, the outline for two meetings
has been stated in the following way, so that the new girls
will understand what the whole plan is. After this point in
organization has been passed, it is easy to undertake the con-
tent of the program suggested, and carry it forward in the
way best suited to meet the girls' needs.
First Meeting:
(A) Have ten to fifteen minutes of good lively recreation
so that the girls will feel at ease. See "Ice-Breakers"
by Edna Geister for suggestions for games; pub-
lished by The Womans Press.
(B) Explain in an interesting and graphic way what the
Girl Reserve Movement is, stressing the fact that
it is part of a national and international movement;
show what the Blue Triangle means to-day in the
world and what the Blue Triangle girls are doing
here.48 Have pictures of club girls, insignia, etc., to
show. This talk should not be over fifteen minutes
in length.
(C) Let the girls ask questions. Have slips of paper
ready for the girls to write their names and ad-
dresses if they want to be Girl Reserves. Appoint
time for next meeting,
(D) Play games. Have general good times for fifteen
to twenty minutes at close of meeting. Girl Reserve
cheers and yells can be used at this meeting if
Sample yells:
(1) We're here — we're there
We're everywhere
Girl Reserves.
(2) (Spell slowly, emphasizing italicized letters)
G-I-R-L R-E-S-E-R~F~E-$
Girl Reserves!
Second Meeting:
It is not always possible to organize at the second meeting,
as the girls are not always ready for organization for several
meetings. In such a situation, continue a good recreation pro-
gram, working in some of the regular Girl Reserve program.
If possible, however, try to do the following at the second
/(I) "Roll call," e. g., read names of girls handed in at
last meeting to see how many more are present.
(2) If many new girls are present, explain the three
committees and have the election of the three chair-
men. It is well to tell clearly what these three girls
must do and to bring out that girls must not be
chosen because they are "popular/' but because they
are able, faithful, and to be relied upon. The first
officers of any group are apt not to be the right
(3) If possible, have a little formality connected with the
nomination of the chairmen and have the voting by
(4) While the ballots are being counted have the girls
learn some cheers and make up short songs to be
sung to the incoming officers.
(5) Selection of name of corps, color, flower if desired.
(6) Decision as to regular time and place for corps
(7) Explanation and discussion of the "Honor System.''
Show girls how record of honors is to be kept. (See
pages 255-294.)
(8) Recreation for at least twenty minutes. Use good
team games which the girls can be learning, and
which will count later as an honor under "Indoor
SEPTEMBER • Honor No. 12
First Meeting. A School Girl's Wardrobe.
Have the girls make a list of the clothing necessary
for a girl who is going to school, giving the approximate
cost of each article. Each girl should bring pencil, note-
book and scissors to the club meeting.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should prepare a list of the clothing neces-
sary for a girl who is going to school and should secure
samples of material. It would be wise to secure samples
of different grades of material so the girls may select
the best. Designs may be secured from fashion maga-
zines. % The adviser will also need scissors and paste.
Club Meetings:
Discussion centering about the lists submitted by the
girls may be stimulated through such questions as the
What should be one's standard of values in regard
to clothes?
Do clothes make a girl?
How far should a girl be influenced by what others
"Be not the first by whom the new is tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside."
Let each girl make a fashion book containing pic-
tures cut from fashion magazines, illustrating the various
articles in a girl's wardrobe; place beside each "cut-out"
samples of the material and the prices. Impress the fact
that simplicity, durability and girlishness are qualities
which are desirable.
Second Meeting. It is often desirable to have two club programs
on plain sewing, following such a discussion as suggested
in the first meeting.
Honor No. 79
Have the girls bring needles, scissors, thread, and
pins and white goods.
Material needed by the adviser:
Obtain simple patterns of undergarments. Send to
Extension Service, New York State College of Agricul-
ture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, for Junior
Extension Bulletins 1 and 2* Similar material may be
secured from almost any of the State Colleges of Agri-
Club Meetings:
See that the girls make use of the different kinds of
seams and stitches as they work together. Insist on
accuracy and neatness. Assign some home work "to be
done and plan to complete the garments- at the next
meeting. While the girls work there is opportunity for
teaching group songs.
Third Meeting. This meeting is a continuation of the second
meeting. Make a doll's dress.
Honor No. 80
OCTOBER " Honor No. 32— Spirit
Honor No. 33— Spirit
First Meeting. Girls the World Around.
Use during this month the Third Inch of the Inch
Library, which may be secured from The Womans .Press,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Assign to three
6f the girls the stories of the (a) "Geographical Adven-
tures in Friendship," (b) "One of the Shining Ones,"
(c) "Carmela."
Material needed by the adviser:
The Third Inch of the Inch Library, and "Children
at Play in Many Lands," by Katherine Stanley Hall.
Club Meeting:
Locate on the map the lands mentioned dn these
stories. Have the girls read or tell their stories. Show
any curios from these countries which an adviser may be
able to secure. If possible, choose from "Children at
Play in Many Lands" games to be played by the giris
during their recreation period.
Second Meeting. Girls the World Around (continued).
Choose three other girls and ask them to read or
tell the following stories from the Third Inch of the
Inch Library: (a) "The Russian Stage Coach," (b)
'"East of Suez/' (c) "The Mark on the Loaf."
Material needed by the adviser:
"Children at Play in Many Lands." The Third Inch
of the Inch Library.
Club Meeting:
Use the map as before. Have the girls play the
games and tell the stories.
Third Meeting. Girls the World Around (continued).
Choose three other girls and ask them to read or tell
the following stories from The Third Inch of the Inch
Library: (a) "Saki, the New Woman," (b) "Nat So Very
Different," (c) "Bargains."
Material needed by the leader:
The same as for the previous meetings.
Club Meeting:
Use the map as before and make the people real to
the girls.
Honor Nos. 1-2-5-24-31-32
Honor No. 31
First Meeting. The Why and How of Cooking.
Decide on the desired food to be prepared and have
the girls bring the necessary materials, notebooks and
Material needed by the adviser:
All the necessary cooking equipment. Secure from
the Metropolitan Life Insurace Company, 1 Madison
Avenue, New York City, the Metropolitan Cook Book.
Mothers of club members are often very glad to help in
such a demonstration.
Club Meetings:
Demonstration. The following questions are sug-
Why is food necessary to the human body?
What foods are tissue builders?
Which ones are energy builders?
What foods should growing girls eat? What should
they avoid?
Demonstrate the way to set a table correctly and
How should flowers be used?
Why are salads and meats garnished?
Honor No. 43, Service
Honor No-. 1, Knowledge
Second Meeting. The Why and How of Cooking (continued).
See above. Ask the girls to think about this question:
How can a Chouse be arranged to save steps and labor?
Material needed by the adviser:
The same as stated for the first meeting. Secure
from the Bureau of Public Health Education), City of
New York, "Keep Well Leaflet," No. 17, "Sample Whole-
some Luncheon for Working People" ; also special bulle-
tins on "The Home" from the Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C., and from the Extension Department
of State Agricultural Schools. Farmers' Bulletin 927,
"Farm Home Conveniences," is especially helpful.
Club Meeting:
Use such questions as the following to stimulate dis-
What labor-saving devices are there in your home?
What would you like to have or use?
Third Meeting. Recipe Party. Honor No. 11 — Service
Have each girl bring to the meeting her favorite
recipe; also the menu for a dinner.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should secure several good recipes for
dishes usually served at a dinner to be served in courses.
She should also review the proper way to serve and
clear a table, finding the directions for this in some
Domestic Science textbook.
Olub Meeting:
Discuss and exchange recipes. Plan several balanced
meals. Demonstrate the serving of a meal and the
clearing of a table.
First Meeting. A Christmas Play.
During this month it is often advisable to prepare for an
entertainment to be given by the cluB during the holidays,
•Suggested plays: "The Christmas Story/' by Jean Miller,
and "The Ruggles Party" from "The Birds Christmas Carol."
See the full list of Christmas Plays included in A Second
List of Plays and Pageants, The Womans Press, 600 Lexing-
ton Avenue, New York City. Price 35e. The T. S. Dennison
Company, 154 West Randolph Street, Chicago, 111., has
excellent catalogues of plays and stunts; also, Samuel
French, 28 West 38th Street, New York City; The Penn
Publishing Company, 536 South Clark Street, Philadelphia,
Penna., and the Walter H. Baker Company, Hamilton Place,
Boston, Mass. Whatever play is decided upon should be
ordered early. Probably at the first meeting the girls would
be interested in exchanging ideas for Christmas presents.
Let each girl bring to the meeting- some very simple
gift suggestions.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure from popular women's magazines such as the
Woman's Home Companion or the Ladies' Home Journal
many suggestions for small inexpensive gifts. These
plans should be shared with the girls at club meeting.
Club Meeting:
Read aloud some Christmas story while the girls work
on their gifts. The second and third meetings are similar
to the first and include rehearsals for the play and gift
First Meeting. How Much Do I Cost ?
Honor No. 40
Have the girls write down what they think they cost
per year.
Even though a girl is living at home, she can estimate
from prices in the community the approximate cost of
her living.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should carefully estimate what she considers
the amount necessary to care for a girl, considering living
expenses, cost of clothing, education and amusement.
Club Meeting:
Discuss the girls' outlines^ comparing amounts.
Through carefully guided discussion, a girl /may 'be
taught to appreciate more fully her home. She becomes
more conscious of her own value in the home and realizes
her responsibility.
Discuss also the value of keeping accounts during
the year. Why should a girl budget her income when
she first starts to work? Should the housekeeper have
a budget system?
Second Meeting. What's in a Letter? Honor No. 20
Have the girls bring to the meeting a letter to a
publishing house regarding the changing of an address,
an invitation to a luncheon, and a "bread and butter"
Material needed by the adviser: «
The adviser should write similar letters, neatly, and
paying special attention to spacing and paragraphing.
C'lub Meeting:
'Suggestive questions: What is the value of a well-
written business letter? A neatly addressed envelope?
Discuss the letters the girls have written. If it is
at all possible, secure a man or woman from a nearby
department store or business firm, who can talk about the
value of good letters.
Third Meeting. Mistakes I Hear Every Day; Honor Nos. 56-57
Assignment :
Have the girls bring in a list of the mistakes in speech
which they hear every day.
Ask the girls to think about the following question:
Does a person's speech make any impression on her
hearer ?
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should note carefully the conversation of
her girls ; she must remember that for every incorrect
and uncouth expression removed from their conversation
a substitute must be provided, otherwise they will become
timid and inarticulate.
Club Meeting:
Suggestive questions: What are the ordinary gram-
matical mistakes one hears every day? How did slang
originate? When is slang not slang?
Even though a person may be able to express exactly
what she means in a correct way, one requisite is a well-
modulated voice. In how far can a girl determine the
nature of her voice? If she has not the kind of a voice
she admires, how can she cultivate it? Does the man-
ner of expressing a statement influence its interpre-
Honor Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4
First Meeting. Care of -the Sick Room.
What effect does the room in which a patient is lying
have upon her condition? Bring to the club a small
floor plan of a bedroom, indicating on it the things one
would wish if one were ill.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should carefully study the things neces-
sary in a sick room. It would be well for her to draw
a plan of a model bedroom simply furnished with the
essentials of home nursing. Pamphlets' may be secured
from the 'Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1 Madi-
son Avenue, New York City.
Club Meeting:
If it is possible, hold this meeting in the home of the
adviser or at the home of one of the girls. Have the girls
prepare one of the bedrooms as a sick room.
Suggestive questions: In what part of the house
should a sick room be? Does a patient like to have
many pictures on the wall? How should the lighting of
a room be arranged? Where is the best place for a
bed? When the doctor comes, what should be ready for
his use?
Second Meeting. Care of the Sick Person.
Ask the different girls in the group to come prepared
to tell how to take care of patients having such diseases
as: scarlet fever, pneumonia'., diphtheria, the usual dis-
eases of childhood.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should secure pamphlets from the Met-
ropolitan Life Insurance Company, as they will be helpful
to her in carrying on these discussions with the girls.
Pamphlets regarding the special care of children may be
secured from the Child Health Organization, 370 Seventh
Avenue, New York City.
Club Meeting:
Girls like things to be concrete, therefore it is ad-
visable to have the meetings in one of the homes where
a girl may be the patient. The girls should learn the
symptoms and method of 'treatment of each disease.
Suggestive questions: What is the most comfortable
way for a patient to lie in bed? Where should the pil-
lows be placed to ease the weight the most? Fix a chair
upside down for the patient's back so that she may sit
up in bed.
"hird Meeting. Honor No. 31
Ask the girls to bring to the next meeting a diet for
the patient suffering from the different diseases which
they have learned to treat.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure information regarding the diet of a sick per-
son, the care of utensils, the disposal of the food. The
pamphlets secured for the previous meeting's contain
helpful suggestions.
If possible secure the services of a nurse or doctor
at the meeting. If this is not possible, be sure to con-
sult one or the other before the meeting.
Club Meeting:
Suggestive questions: Why does the food for a sick
person have to be considered so carefully? If a person
is on a liquid diet, how many things can be named which
would be appetizing and nourishing? Why should care
be used in sterilizing dishes which have been in the sick
room? How soon should they be sterilized? Why is it
so necessary to dispose of the food which has been re-
turned from the sick room? How should this be done?
'How may a tray for a sick room be made attractive?
First Meeting. What am I Going to Be? Honor Nos. 28-29
Have the girls bring in a list of as many occupations
as they know are open to women and what preparation
is essential for each; also information as to where such
preparation may be secured.
Material needed by the adviser:
See material in this Manual on Vocational Guidance,
page 503.
•Secure from the standard colleges catalogues show-
ing what scholarships are available for girls.
Club Meeting:
Go over with the girls the vocations which are open
to women. Discuss the amount of preparation necessary
for each and where it can best be secured.
Suggestive questions: What is the value of being
well trained for work; does training make possible great-
er enjoyment of work ? How much will it cost to be well
trained for the work one wishes to do? To what college
should one go?
Explain how scholarships may be obtained and the
usual amount which is to be secured.
Second Meeting. What My Community Needs Most.
Honor Nos. 38, 39, 40
Honor No. 30
Honor No. 34
Ask the girls to think very definitely of the things
that they would give their communities were they finan-
cially able to do so j also to be able to answer the fol-
lowing questions:
Where is the county poor farm?
How many people live there?
Where are the insane people of our community sent?
Where is the state penitentiary?
Are there any state reform schools?
How are the poor in our community cared for?
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should acquaint herself with everything
regarding the community and should be able to answer
the questions assigned to the girls. She should be able
to explain to the girls the various systems whereby the
community disposes of its garbage, how the water supply
is kept pure and how sanitation for the whole community
is achieved.
Club Meeting.
Have the girls discuss the above questions: also seek
answers to the following:
What are the needs of our community?
How are they met? Hew should they be met?
What can our club do as a piece of service work for
our community?
Third Meeting. Citizenship.
Honor No. 44 (d)
Honor No. 54
Have the girls think of what it means to be a citizen
in their community. Assign to some of them the life
stories of women who have served their communities in
splendid ways.
Suggested names are: Jane Addams; Anna Howard
Shaw ; Mary McDowell ; Catherine Breshkovsky, "the Lit-
tle Grandmother of the Russian Revolution"; Mary Lyon;
Frances Willard.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure stories of the lives of these women and of others
who, through forming public opinion and through being
good citizens, have brought great good to the women
of the world. Be able to lea^l the discussion in the club
meeting in such a way as to have it mean something
definite in the lives of the girls. See material in this
Manual on Citizenship.
Club Meeting:
The following questions might be used to start dis-
What is citizenship?
What is .the responsibility of a girl or woman citizen
in a community?
Am I a good citizen? How can I be a better one?
What is the value of a woman's vote?
How is the ballot an instrument to form public
opinion ?
How is public opinion created?
What am I doing to be well educated for citizenship ?
What should I know to be able to vote intelligently?
First Meeting. When We Go Traveling.
Honor No. 56
Have the girls bring to the club meeting a list of the
things they would need to take for a two-weeks' trip.
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser should also make such a list. Secure from
the railroad offices a time-table, a hotel guide, and a
large map to trace the journey.
Club Meeting:
The following questions are suggested to help in the
What should we take when traveling?
How should a girl be dressed?
How should she conduct herself?
If she is not sure what to do <in the station, from
whom should she ask directions?
Should she tip the porter?
How should she act in a diner? See material in Sec-
tion VII— "When I Go Traveling."
Have a demonstration of how to buy a ticket, a Pull-
man berth or secure a chair in a parlor car; show how
to check baggage; arrange for a transfer; use of a time-
Second Meeting. When We Go Traveling (continued).
Third Meeting. When We Go Tiaveling (continued).
Have the girls make out the tour they wish' to take,
mentioning as many places of interest as they possibly
can which they wish to visit.
Material needed by the adviser:
Suggestive travel material can be secured from
Thomas Cook & Son, 245 Broadway, New York City;
Agwi Steamship News, published by the Atlantic Gulf
and West India Steamship Line, 165 Broadway, New
York City; New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Com-
pany, foot of Wall Street, New York City; Ideal Tour,
Almon C. Judd, Waterbury, Conn. Very attractive book-
lets usually may be secured from the ticket offices of
various railroads.
Club Meeting:
During these two meetings, take, the girls on an im-
aginary tour, carefully planned and followed on a map.
It is well to include the approximate cost, for some-
time it may be possible for some of the girls to take
such a trip. Discussions of the places visited in this im-
aginary trip should have in them the elements of "fel-
lowship" or understanding of the customs and beliefs of
the people in these particular sections of our country or
the world.
MAY Honor No. 7
First Meeting. Insect Study — "Little teenty things down be-
low that most folks never see."
Have the girls bring to the club meeting a list of all
the insects they know, giving some description of them
by which they can be identified.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure "Nature in Camp" (price ten cents, from The
Book Shop, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City,
Pages 4 and 5 and the questions on page 8 deal specifi-
cally with insects. Bulletins may be secured from Cor-
nell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and from the Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Club Meeting:
Base the discussion for the club group on the ques-
tions on page 8 of "'Nature in Camp."
Second Meeting. Birds.
Honor No. 9
Honor No. 10
Have the garls bring to the club meeting a list of all
the birds they know, mentioning some distinctive char-
acteristic of each.
Material needed by the adviser:
•See page 4 and the questions on page 7 of the pamph-
let "Nature in Camp," which will serve as very good bases
for the meeting. Pamphlets may be secured from the
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and from
•Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. (Farmers7 Bulletin
630 is especially helpful.) Attractive nature study cards
in color may be secured from George B. Brown and
Company, 38 Lovett Street, Beverly, Mass.
Club Meeting:.
Base the discussion of birds on "Nature in Camp."
Take the girls on a field trip to see whether they can
identify any of the birds. Begin a "bird calendar," not-
ing on it the name of the girl who saw the bird and the
date upon which it was recognized.
Third Meeting. Stars, and Out-of-Door Cooking.
Honor No. 5
Honor No. 6
Have the girls learn as much as they can regard-
ing the stars and constellations. Plan definitely for an
out-door supper. The social committee should have
charge of preparing the supper.
Material needed by the adviser:
"Nature in Camp" also contains helpful study mate-
rial about the stars. The Monthly Evening Star Map for
May may be secured from Leon Barritt, 150 Nassau
Street, New York City, for ten cents. This will be very
helpful in locating the constellations. The Boy Scout
Manual and the Woodcraft Manual for Gdrls both have
good material in them. Secure from the public library
stories about the stars and especially any myths con-
nected with them. See also "Trees, Stars, Birds," by
Edwin Moseley, World Book Company, Yonkers, *N. Y.
Club Meeting:
Take the girls on a hike, starting late in the afternoon. Let
them cook their supper out of doors. Return home after
the stars come out, so that they may be studied.
Honor Nos. 21, 25
Honor Nos. 8, 22
Honor No. 75
First Meeting1.
Have the girls bring to the club meeting a list of all
the trees and flowers which they know in their com-
munity and ask them to be able to describe them.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure from Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and
the Department of Agriculture, Washington* D. C.,
pamphlets about trees and ffowers. "Nature in Camp"
also contains valuable material.
Club Meeting:
Take the girls on a hike which has Been very care-
fully planned so that they may identify trees and flowers.
Note the discussion on the questions given in "Nature in
Have the Social Committee responsible for games in
some open space, as a field or meadow.
Second Meeting. What Shall I Do to Keep Well?
Honor Nos. 1, 22
Have the girls bring a written list of the things
which help to keep a person in good health. Include in
this personal and home hygiene and community sanita-
Material needed by the adviser:
The adviser must map out carefully a discussion on
health. See pages 316-374, of this Manual on Health
Education. Other helpful material may be secured from
the -Child Health Organization, 370 Seventh Avenue, New
York City; Metropolitan Life Insurance, 1 Madison Ave-
nue, New York City; Ten Talks to Girls on Health, The
Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
Club Meeting-:
The following questions are suggestive in discussion:
How should a girl "keep fit" ?
What is the comparative importance of health, edu-
cation, skill and genius?
Is the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure," still true?
What are the essentials of good health?
What can I do to keep myself up to the proper
standards of health?
Third Meeting. Care of the Hair and Hands.
Honor Nos. 15, 19, 20
Suggested questions:
Is it worth while to care for one's personal appear-
Should one make oneself as attractive as possible?
.Should one make oneself attractive only on special
occasions, or should one constantly take care of one's
personal appearance?
Material needed by the adviser:
Plan for a, demonstration of care of the nails and
the hair; this usually proves very successful. Ask one
of the girls whether she will serve as a model at the
club meeting. Ask her to bring her own toilet articles,
good soap, etc.
Club' meeting:
Have the demonstration, letting some of the girls
help in dressing the hair. This will give opportunity
for direct questions about the ways of dressing the
hair; should it be a la mode whether it is becoming or
These questions, may stimulate the discussion:
What makes beautiful hands?
How should we care for them?
Is it of any importance to keep one's hair combed?
Honor Nos. 8, 14
Honor Nos. 34, 45, 46, 47, 58, 61
F-irst Meeting-. Stories and Music.
Assignment: B
Assign to different girls some short stories and ask
them to be prepared to read or tell them at the next
meeting. A list of well-known songs that the girls like
should be selected and some girl should be asked to
tell about them at the next meeting.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure several books containing short stories; see
,the bibliography suggested in Chapter II, on "Books and
Beading in the Life of a Girl/7 in this Manual, page 483.
The adviser also needs a list of songs which the girls
know or could learn. The following are suggested and
can be found in most song books. (See Chapter 13,
on The Place of Music in the Girl Reserve Movement.)
The Star^Spangled Banner.
The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Ben Bolt.
Swanee River.
Hark, Hark the Lark.
Club meeting:
The program should be carefully planned, with the
stories and the songs alternating. These* should be
chosen wiith the purpose of forming the program for
the community evening program to be given some time
in the third week of the month.
Second Meeting1. Stories and Music.
Honor No. 36
Ask the girls who told their stories successfully to
repeat them at the next club meeting. Assign stories
to the girls who had not been asked to tell them pre-
viously. <Song practice should be continued. Complete
arrangements for the community program. Ask the
girls to make posters inviting their parents and friends
to a community meeting- and sing.
Material needed by the adviser:
Additional stories and music.
Club meeting:
Practice for the Community Meeting and Sing. Have
the girls choose the stories and songs to be used in the
program. No admission should be charged but if refresh-
ments are to be sold, arrangements for them should be
Third Meeting-. The Community Meeting and 'Sing.
All the details of this program must be very carefully
planned by the adviser. It will be necessary to have a
complete rehearsal before the program is given. It
would help very much, if interested mothers would assist
in the serving of refreshments. Proceeds from the sales
could be used for club expenses.
The people present at the Community Party will
understand the purpose of the club and its place in the
community if one of the girls is prepared to tell about
it, the organization of committees, and what the club
is planning to do.
First Meeting. Canning Fruits and Vegetables.
No. 1 (c) 1 (e) 1 (f)— Service.
Ask the girls to bring a list of the vegetables and
fruits that are easily canned. Ask them to find how
much time is required for the cooking of each.
Material needed by the adviser:
Secure Farmers' Bulletin No. 839, and Department
Circular No. 3, and descriptive pamphlets from the Direc-
tor of Boys' and Girls' Extension Work, through the
Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. These
pamphlets contain material about the drying of vege-
tables and the one-period cold pack method. Also secure
any publications of the Extension Department of some
State Agricultural School.
Club Meeting:
Plan to have this meeting in one of the homes where
it will be possible to do some canning.
Suggested questions are:
What is the value of preserving food?
Why does heating preserve it?
Why should the jars be scalded?
Why should the jars be dipped in paraffine?
Second Meeting. Canning Fruits and Vegetables (continued)
Secure answers to the following questions: What
does the word dehydrate mean? What vegetables and
fruits can be so treated?
Material needed by tho adviser:
Secure from the Department of Agriculture, Wash-
ington, D. C., the bulletins on dehydrating and the
making of a dehydrator. The adviser should make a
simple dehydrator to use in experimentation. Secure
one fresh vegetable to dehydrate at the club meeting.
Club Meeting:
Plan to have this meeting in a home where it will
be possible to demonstrate the process of dehydration.
Explain the construction of the dehydrator and the
method of work. Prepare the vegetables or fruits.
Suggested questions are: Why does it take such a
long time to dry it? What are the advantages com-
pared with canning? The disadvantages? How is
dehydrated food prepared for table use?
Third Meeting. Party.
Have the Social Oommlittee in charge of a party.
Suggestions are:
Colonial Tea or Reception.
Book Party.
Baby Party.
Tacky or Hard Times Party.
No girl can wear the Girl Reserve insignia until she has
been formally initiated. Initiation meetings should come once
every four weeks, and a girl must have attended three meet-
ings and have learned and understood the Girl Reserve slogan,
purpose and code before being eligible to the Initiation meet-
ing. She is called a Volunteer Girl Reserve until her initia-
tion, after which she is a real Girl Reserve.
(1) Girls march in, with the chairmen leading. The Corps
Scout carries the Christian flag; the Outings and Innings
chairman carries the American flag. The three chairmen
with the Corps advisers and the girls form a square.
(2) Salute the American flag.
Sing the first verse of "America" or the second verse of
"0 Beautiful for Spacious Skies."
(3) Salute the Christian flag, v
Sing the last stanza of "America" or the last verse of the
hymn "0 Beautiful for Spacious Skies," or use & prayer.
(4) Corps Scout says: "Have we Volunteer Reserves for ad-
mission to membership In Corps of the Girl
Outings and Innings Chairman: "We have Volunteer
Reserves for admission to membership in the •
Corps of the Girl Reserves."
Corps Scout: "Have they been examined?"
Outings, and Innings Chairman: "They have."
Corps Scout: "You may present them for initiation."
The Outings and Innings Chairman brings the girls in and
they form in line facing the Corps Scout. Each Vol-
unteer has a yellow candle.
Corps Scout: "Do you wish to become a Girl Reserve?"
Volunteer: "I do."
Corps Scout: "What is your reason?"
Volunteer: "I wish to face life squarely and to find and
give the best,"
Corps Scout: "How as a Girl Reserve will you do this?"
Volunteer: "As a Girl Reserve I will be" (repeat code).
Corps Scout: "Can I trust you on your honor to try to
keep this code and to be a loyal Girl Reserve?"
Volunteer; "I will try on my honor to keep this code and
to be a loyal Girl Reserve."
(The official insignia is then placed upon the girl's arm by
the -corps or the division advisers.)
Each Girl Reserve then gives the salute.
The adviser gives a short talk on the meaning of the Blue
Triangle, ending with the following:
"Our bodies shall be as physically perfect as we can mate
them — clean, holy, fit temples for the most high God to dwell in.
"Our minds shall be keen and alert; our thoughts shall be
clean and pure and kind.
"Our spirits shall be put in the care of our friend Jesus
Christ, who will keep them lovely and loving to Him and to all
his children everywhere.
"These three in one — body, mind, and spirit — we shall give
to the service of God and of our country and girls the world
"In your hands you hold the yellow candle of service.
"Before me stand the red candle of health, the blue candle
of knowledge, and the white candle of spirit.
"Will you in dedication of yourself in body, mind, and spirit,
in service as a loyal Girl Reserve, light your candle at these
(5) Sing: "Hymn of the Lights."
The use of this ceremony is optional, and if it does not
meet local needs, another may be substituted.
The Girl Reserves form in a line, led by the 'Corps Scout,
followed by the other Corps officers.
The Corps Scout carries the iflag and takes her posi-
tion in the center of the room; others form in a square
facing flag.
(1) Salute and Pledge to the Flag:
I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for
which it stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all.
(2) Repeat Girl Reserve Code.
(3) Five-minute talk by a Girl Reserve on one phase
of code or upon something interesting and worth
while. (See The Meaning- of the Oode, page 46.)
(4) .Sing one verse of a Girl Reserve song or some hymn
or patriotic song.
If desired, one of the following prayers may be used
in connection with the opening ceremony; also the salute
to the Christian flag:
Dear Father of us all, bless us as we meet together.
We axe girls, just girls, not old and! wise with years
and experience, but young and eager for life. Make
us care for the best thing's in thy world. Help us to
think of every other girl as our sister, whether! she be
rich or poor, quick of wit or slow of understanding.
Let us not leave a< girl to be lonely, or sad, if we can
cheer her. And remind us always that the thing we
do for another is done for Thee, if we want it to be so.
"0 may I be strong and brave to-day,
0 may I be kind and true!
May I meet all men in a gracious way
With frank good cheer Jin the things I say,
And love in the things I do.
May the simple heart of a child be mine,
And the grace of a rose in bloom.
May I fill the day with a hope divine
And turn my face to the sky's glad shine
With never a cloud of gloom.
With the golden levers of love and light
I would lift the world, and when,
Through a path with kindly deeds made bright,
I come to the calm of the starlit night,
Let me rest dn peace! Amen!"
Salute to the Christian Flag:
"I pledge allegiance to my flag and to my Saviour
for whose Kingdom it stands — one brotherhood uniting
all in service and love."
The Christian flag has a white background with the
Cross in red on a blue field in the upper left-hand corner
may be made, or obtained from The Presbyterian
Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work, (The
Westminster Press) George W. Brazer, Mgr., 156 Fifth
Avenue, New York.
They are made an the following materials:
A. Victory Bunting Flags Size 2x 3ft. — $2.00
3x 5ft — 2.00
(2 ply cotton bunting) 4x 6 ft. — 4.00
8x12 ft. — 11.50
B. Printed on Silk,
mounted on stick Size 16x24 in. — 1.50
24x36 in. — 2.50
C. Wool Bunting Flags, canvas
heading and gromets Size 2x 3 ft. — 3.00
3x 5 ft. — 5.00
4x 6 ft. — 7.50
8x12 ft. — 21.00
(This program has been arranged to start with the month
following the opening of school, probably October; it is difficult
to do any organization work with girls during the opening
month of the school term.)
I. Recreation meeting, such as a track meet j(for full
description see "Icebreakers," by Edna 'Geister).
At this meeting it is necessary to create among
the girls a sense of group consciousness — of belonging
to something. Nothing is more effective/ than a good
cheer. The following might be used. (Either Girl Ee-
serves, or Young Women's Christian Association may be
We are the girls of world-wide fame,
Y. W. O. A. is our name,
Tall girls, short girls, fat girl&, thin,
Y. W. C. A., takes them all in.
You don't need money and you don't need pearls,
Anybody, everybody, just so you're girls.
II. Organization meeting. (With every club it is not possi-
ble to have an organization meeting at the second meet-
ing it may have to be delayed and more recreation meet-
ings put in.)
(A) Elect chairmen of Scout Committee, Outings and
Innings Committee, and Service Squad. The elec--
tion of officers should be formal. While the ballots
are being counted have the rest of the girls learn
cheers and songs to sing to the incoming officers.
(B) Recreation, good active games (see "'Ice-Breakers"
for suggestions).
III. "A Long, Long Trail."
River or shore party. (Have several older, attrac-
tive high school girls talk informally on some such sub-
ject as "Sign Posts on the Trail," e. g., experiences in
high school life which will give the younger girls in-
sight into the many new relationships which they are
entering such as "purpose of high school organizations,"
"place of athletics," "how to be an all-round girl in high
school/7 "standards of honor," "faculty relationships/')
IV. Service Meeting.
(A) Open this meeting, if desired, by the use of the
regular opening ceremony of the Girl Reserves,
into which, through discussion, stories, talks and
poems, can be worked] the spirit of the Girl Re-
serve movement. ,As the group becomes more
homogeneous, what might be called an informal
Bible class can be given in these few minutes. The
girls often like to call such a period "Serious time."
Suggestions for this time —
(1) Ask the girls some such questions as "What are the
greatest war songs that you know? National airs
and poems will be given. Discuss these. Then ask
if they ever knew that some of the Psalms were the
greatest war songs ever written. Read and encour-
age them to learn some. From such discussion with
the right kind of leadership will develop a real under-
standing of the Bible and a desire to study it.
(2) Give in a series of vivid, interesting talks the history
of the making of the Bible, showing why it is such
a precious book.
(3) Ask such a question as "What is the insignia of a
lady? Is it the clothing a girl wears, an arm band,
or what is it?"
(B) Initiation of girls. (See the suggested ceremony,
page 155.)
(C) Red Cross or Community Service. See Section V,
Chapter 16.
(D) Recreation — games, general good time (thirty to
forty minutes).
V. Organized Hike.
VI. Business Meeting.
(A) Opening ceremony, Girl Reserves.
(B) Bring linto this in an interesting way points about
Parliamentary drill.
(C) Recreation (thirty to thirty-five minutes).
VII. Thanksgiving Party.
Kitchen Garden party to which guests are invited to
come dressed as vegetables. (Have short one-act play,
or pantomime or tableaux illustrating Thanksgiving
See a Second List of Plays and Pageants (35c),
obtained from The Womans Press, -600 Lexington Avenue,
New, York 'City, and Section V, Chapter 6, of this Manual.
VIII. "The Land of Cherry Blossoms" — Japan.
Costumes and customs.
People and play.
Houses and health.
"The Lady of the Decoration," "Little Sister Snow,"
by Frances Little.
"Japan To-day," by Ruth Emerson.
"It Happens in Japan."
The purpose of this meeting and the following- ones
on China, South America and India is to arouse in the
girls a sense of world citizenship. As much color and
atmosphere as possible should be put into this work and
therefore it is suggested that these meetings be social in
nature. Decorations, costumes and dramatic work, table-
aux, charades, may all be used. The foreign trunks
obtained through the Field Offices contain material which
will be very helpful. Plan for this meeting sufficiently
in advance so that one of these trunks may be secured.
IX. Service Meeting.
(A) Regular opening ceremony of Girl Reserves. Initia-
tion ceremony if necessary.
(B) Make arrangements for the giving of a Christmas
party (this might involve a short business meeting
and would unquestionably be the time to string
popcorn, make other decorations for the Christmas
party, and also to rehearse games to be played at the
Christmas party, and make preparations for any
pantomime to be given there.) See Section V. Chap-
ters 2 and 6, for suggestions.
X. "In-as-much" Christmas Tree Party.
Each club member is responsible for being Santa
Claus to some child. Children may be invited from the
settlements, Associated Charities, etc. Have a tree,
presents, refreshments, singing of carols, and an enter-
tainment by the company or club girls, such as the
pantomime entitled "The Night Before Christmas."
XL "The Land of the Dragon" — China
Costumes and customs.
People and play.
Houses and health.
"Shanghai Sketches," by Jane Ward.
"My Chinese Days/' by Gulielma Alsop.
"Mook," by Evelyn Worthley Sites.
XII. Baby Welfare Work or "First Aid to Beauty" Meeting.
(•See Section V, Chapter 2 of this Manual.)
(A) Opening ceremony of the Girl Reserves if desired.
(B) Baby welfare work demonstrating the proper bath-
ing and dressing of a baby or under the title of
"First Aid to Beauty," give demonstration of —
(1) Proper care of the hands (for this have orange
sticks and files).
(2) General care of body — that as, use of soap, powder
and perfume; proper bathing.
(3) Eecreation (thirty to forty-five minutes).
XIII. Business Meeting.
(A) Opening ceremony of Girl Eeserves if desired.
(B) Discussion of plans for supper of next week; possi-
ble election of new officers.
(O) Recreation — Eskimo party (see "Ice-Breaker s\" by
Edna Geister).
XIV. Girl Reserve Supper.
Either one of the following "stunts" is suggested for
such a supper:
(A) A Backwards Party. Do everything backwards; for
instance, girls come dressed backwards, eat dessert
'first, sing songs backwards.
(B) Registration Day at high school. The girls may
register with either of the three following pro-
I. M. Bowin, professor dramatic art.
Miss D. Sign, professor interior decorations.
Miss Carry Callory, professor domestic science.
All girls registering under dramatic art prepare
the "stunts" for the evening ; all under interior
decorations decorate tables and make place cards;
all under domestic science get supper ready.
Note: — Have the registration cards which all girls
sign include foolish questions as: "How many teeth
were you born with?" "Do you expect to marry?"
Decorations, of course, should be simple, and made in
a very few minutes. Have clever toasts which shall be
greeting's to the officers elected at previous meeting.
XV. "The Land of the -Coffee Berry" or "The Land of the
Llama" or "The Christ of the Andes"— South America.
Costumes and customs.
People and play.
Houses and health.
XVI. 'Baby Welfare Work, or "First Aid to Beauty" (con-
(A) Formal Girl Reserve opening ceremony, if desired.
(B) Under baby welfare give proper feeding and use
charts. Under First Aid show proper method of
(C) Valentine Party with stunts.
XVII. Business Meeting.
(A) Formal Girl Reserve opening ceremony, if desired.
(B) Reports of committees, etc.
(C) "Town Topics," e. g., talks, discussions, tableaux or
charades illustrating fire department, police depart-
ment, health department; or "Where, When and
What," a dramatic, presentation of how to introduce
one person to another — social courtesies at home.
Remember that a girl of high school age is "keen"
to do things correctly and in an up-to-date way.
She will accept this kind of teaching and follow
it because the Girl Reserve company is standing for
it, and it becomes a group matter. (See Section
V, Chapter 7, in this Manual.)
(D) Fun and recreation.
XVIII. Colonial Tea.
Have the host and hostess represent George and
Martha Washington, and have a colored butler to an-
nounce the guests. Dance the minuet; story telling,
for instance, the story of Betsy Ross. Have games and
other stunts which are in accordance with Washington's
Birthday. For refreshment have gingerbread and tea or
lemonade, served by a colored mammy. (See Section
V, Chapter 2, for suggestions about Boy and Girl Parties.)
XIX. "The Land of Jeanne d'Arc"— France. (See Section V,
Chapter 7, for suggestions regarding discussions.)
Have one of the Girl Reserves tell the story of Jeanne
d'Arc, and have one of the Girl Reserves play "The
Discussion: "At the Sign of the Blue Triangle in
France," "What does the French girl .think of me?"
"What do I owe to her?" "Is there a Young Women's
Christian Association like ours an France?"
Read from "Dere Godchild," by Margaret Bernard —
Edith Serrell.
XX. "Spring Opening," or "How to Dress and How not to
Dress." This may be put in dramatic form by repre-
senting the suit and cloak department of a store. The
girls may be used as salesladies and as customers. Cor-
rect modes of dress may be illustrated by ill-chosen and
well-chosen costumes.
XXL Business Meeting.
(1) Parlimentary drill (five to ten minutes).
(2) Committee reports.
(3) "Town Topics" or "Where, When and What" (thirty
(4) Fun and recreation.
XXII. "Book Party."
•Girls may come dressed to represent either one char-
acter in a book or the entire book. Have guessing con-
tests- provide story-telling. Suggested stories for this
are, "Of Water and the Spirit," by Harriet Montague,
or "The Happy Prince," by Oscar Wilde. (If Girl Re-
serve Book List has not been used before this use it at
this time. See Section V, Chapter 11, and Section VII—
"Book Friends/'
XXIII. Service Meeting for Easter.
(1) Girl Reserve opening ceremony, if desired. Tell the
Easter Story or read a poem from "Christ in the
Poetry of To-day."
(2) Make bean bags for day nursery, or stencil flower
pots, or make Easter baskets, have an Easter egg
hunt (forty-five minutes).
(3) Recreation — general good time (thirty minutes).
XXIV. Outdoor Meeting.
(1) Plan for either —
(a) Hare and Hounds.
(b) Trailing.
(c) Treasure Hunt. Send group to certain place where
directions will be found under a stone or on tree
for a continuation of the Treasure Hunt. End with
"bacon bat" or a picnic supper.
(d) Penny Hike. Divide the group of girls into .two or
more parts. Each group takes a penny. Tossing it
up, the leader says: "Heads, we go to the right,"
or "straight ahead" or any direction she wishes to
indicate. Then the group goes as rapidly as they
choose to the next corner as indicated by the toss of
the penny. There another girl tosses the penny
and names the direction she wishes the group to
go. The object, of course, is to see which group
gets back to. the starting point first, and it is neces-
sary that they go as the penny indicates each time.
It is wise to have the first two tosses named so that
they will take the girls away from the goal.
XXV. Business Meeting.
(1) Parliamentary drill (five to ten minutes).
(2) Committee reports.
(3) World citizenship program.
(4) Fun and recreation.
XXVI. Mother and Daughter Banquet.
This banquet should be for the entire Girls' Work
Department and mothers of all the girls should be the
guests. (See Section VII for suggestions regarding
a Mother and Daughter Week.)
XXVII. "Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid?"
A Vocational Meeting.
Have a good vocational talk on the value1 of staying
in school. Use the vocational "Ready for Service" blanks
if not filled out previously. Calling the girl's attention
to what she is going to do is an essential part of every
program. While technical vocational guidance is in no
sense the work of the Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion, it is within its province to stimulate a girl to make
the most of her life. Therefore any program for girls
should include some emphasis on this topic. The voca-
tional conference, one day or a, half a day long, is the
logical outgrowth of any incidental work done at such a
meeting as the one above. Through the use of attractive
posters and charts at the meeting, by putting in dramatic
form the right and wrong way to apply for a "job," by
having a business woman or a vocational expert present
"the value of staying in school/' much can be done to
interest a girl in the conference. For further sugges-
tions regarding the place of vocational guidance in the
regular program, see Section V, Chapter 12, page 510,
in this Manual.
5CXVIIL "Census of the Woods."
Competent leaders should take groups of ten girls to
certain sections. Equipped with notebooks and pencils,
a certain length of time is given to note the foliage,
plant and insect life in that section. At the end of the
time all groups return and compare notes. This can be
made the beginning of work to be carried on during the
summer. -See Section V, Chapter 3, for further resources
regarding Nature Lore.
£XIX. Business Meeting.
(1) Formal Girl Reserve opening.
(2) Reports of committees.
(3) Election of summer chairmen.
(4) Consideration of summer work and of next year's
This might be called "Alice Through the Looking
(5) Fun and recreation.
XXX. Garden Party.
An opportunity to raise conference funds will be
afforded by a "Mother Goose" party at this time. Girls
may be dressed as characters in Mother Goose rhymes;
for instance, milkmaid, selling either milk or ice cream;
Simple Simon and the Pieman selling pastry; Little
Bo-Peep, selling sandwiches; Jack Horner with a large
grab bag; Jack and Jill with a bucket of lemonade; Queen
of Hearts selling tarts. Handkerchiefs, aprons and other
fancy articles may be sold from the clotheslines of the
"Maid in the Garden hanging up the clothes."
Stunts to do:
"Old Woman in the Shoe" pantomime, taken from
"Mother Goose" or any fairy tale.
This program provides for a monthly business meet-
ing. This is not necessary if it seems wiser to have two
fifteen-minute business meetings as part of two of the
monthly meetings. The entire program is suggestive
and should not be followed absolutely. It includes much
recreation but every so-called "party" is worth, while
and educational.
This program has its beginning in the month of Octo-
ber, a more promising time for organizing work with
girls than September — if school does open in September.
This schedule presents three meetings in October, four
during the intervening months, and the regular com-
pany or club work closes the last week in May.
The suggested content of this program centers about school
and community life and may serve as a nucleus about which a
program combining variety, balance and continuity may be
It is understood that the building of any high school pro-
gram is in the hands of the program committee/ made up of
girls assisted by an adviser. An adviser knowing the needs
and desires of the girls will be able so to shape their thinking
that the activities chosen will be built into projects as described
in "A Clue to Program Planning." The work of any group
of girls thus itself becomes a part of the whole project idea.
These suggestions presuppose only two meetings of the club
each month, the other two times being given over to committee
and council meetings respectively. The first and third meet-
ings might be general club meetings and the others should be
devoted to the committee and council work.
Past developments of high school work have suggested that
much of the content and method of club work rest upon a cycle
which falls somewhat into seasonal lines. This division is by
no means a hard and fast one but may be helpful to a girls'
work secretary in planning a year's work. The cycle as de-
veloped here is indicated by grouping the months according to
the seasons, — fall, winter, spring, and summer.
The word "content" is here used ito indicate club material
which may be ined in the general meetings and by "method" is
meant the means by which a girls7 work secretary and her
club advisers successfully promote the program for the high
school club.
.September and October
This is the time for perfection of the club organization,
securing and training club advisers, the approach to school
authorities, and the first get-together of the former club girls.
If delegates have been present at a girl's conference reports
should be given by them.
These first few weeks of a school year may be used in two
ways, depending upon the development of girls' work in a com-
munity. A girls' work secretary may have an established
club to deal with or she may be in a community where no work
has been doVie heretofore and so faces new work. In the case
of the high school work already organized, the following sug-
gestions may be of use:
A. The first get-together of club girls may be a combina-
tion picnic and business meeting, held out-of-doors if
possible. At this meeting such things as the follow-
ing should be considered in relation to the club work
as a whole:
1. How to- interest new girls:
(a) Secure lists of names of new girls from the
school office.
(b) Posters: planning and permission to display
them in the school building.
(c) Plan* a party to be given to new girls*
(d) Recognition service plans.
2. General reports from the committee chairmen,
noting vacancies on committees.
170 '
B In case of forming a new club, this meeting* is also
social and business, but the work of organization
must be launched. Two committees should be chosen
by acclamation:
1. 'Constitution Committee:
All constitutions must be submitted to the Field
Secretary for Younger Girl Work, a copy being
filed in the field office.
2. Nominating Committee:
(These committees will report at the following
club meeting.)
3. Interpretation of possible names:
(a) Student Club.
(b) Friendship Circle.
(c) Girl Reserves as a generic name; e. g., "The
Student Club of the Girl Reserves," or "The
Friendship Club of the Girl Reserves" or just
"The Girl Reserves."
4. .Recreation and refreshments.
5. Announcements: time and place of the next meet-
ing. For both club groups the second meeting is
a continuation of the work launched at the "get-
For suggestions in regard to the securing and training of
club advisers see Section VI.
For approach to the school authorities, see suggestions in
Section III, Organization of Groups of Girls.
I. World Citizenship.
Topics: To be used at meetings of the club. These
•topics may be developed by the discussional and demon-
stration methods when desired:
"Who is My Neighbor?"
"How Large Is Your World?"
"Things That Sting."
II. Thanksgiving.
Topics: An inspirational service, with an outside
speaker if possible.
This meeting might possibly be a Vesper -Service.
Preparation of Thanksgiving baskets.
A "sing" at some home for aged people, the blind
or shut-ins.
Hallowe'en Party.
'^Harvest Home Party."
Presentation of "The Wayside Piper."
"How Large Is Your World ? Use a map of the com-
munity and also one of the world. Have the girls see for
themselves the boundaries of their own worlds as made
by their own interests.
"Things that Sting." See The Association Monthly
for August, 1919.
Americanization. See pamphlets from The Depart-
ment of the Interior, Bureau of Education, American-
ization Division. Use the poem, "I Am the Immigrant,"
included in Section VII, Material for Program Building.
In preparing the Thanksgiving baskets, care should
be taken that when ready they are dlistributed through
the channels of recognized social agencies in the com-
Hallowe'en Party: Suggestions for carrying out a
successful Hallowe'en party are scarcely necessary here
since there are so many splendid plans given in every
book on "Home Entertainments," etc.
Harvest Home Party: This kind of party can be
given very successfully in mid-autumn when brightly
colored leaves are abundant and shocks of corn can be
secured for decorating a house or a large barn. Lively
games, and charades and seasonal refreshments make
for its success.
vThe Waysidei Piper" may be secured from The
Womans Book Shop, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York
December, January, February
These months are the time for presenting vocational guid-
ance, for emphasis on school standards, for interesting in the
club new girls, who are entering high school at semester time,
for the reorganization of committee personnel (if the com-
mittees are reorganized at this time, the girls' work secretary
should be careful to include the ndW girls in the committee
work); it is a good time for boy-and-girl parties at the Asso-
ciation building or in the school and for promoting a "-Mother
and Daughter" banquet or tea or reception. Discussions center-
ing about the home and school standards of honor may be used
ft this time.
I. School Standards:
Topics. To be used at the club meetings. These
topics may be developed by the discussional and demon-
stration methods when desired:
"Everything real, nothing artificial."
"I will be square
In what I say
In what I do
In what I am."
"What is a snob?" — cliques.
"Popularity vs. Success."
II. Our Attitude toward Foreign-speaking- Girls.
"If I were from France or Russia."
"The Kindest Person I Know."
"Customs, Costumes, and Courtesy."
III. Vocational Guidance.
"Fits and Misfits."
"My Grandmother's Job and Mine."
IV. Bible Study
"Is Your Book Dusty?"
V. Christmas.
"What Does It Mean?"
VI. Open Programs (when the school is invited to share in
a club program.)
"Patriotism Old and New."
"What Is Real Patriotism?"
" "A Perfect Tribute" Day (February 12).
Singing of Christmas carols.
Preparation of Christmas baskets.
A Christmas party for needy children.
Decoration of the school corridors and rooms.
A Colonial party (for boys and girls).
Mother and Daughter banquet.
Father and Daughter party.
"If I were from France or Russia." For this and
other similar ones, use "The Immigrant's Appeal." (See
Section VII, Material for Program Building.) Secure
material from The Division on Work for the Foreign-
Born, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
"Fits and Misfits." (See Section V, Chapter 12.)
"My Grandmother's Job and Mine." See the Second
Inch of the Inch Library, published by The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
"Is Your Book Dusty?" The girls' work secretary
who suggests the use of this topic will recognize that it
is one way of saying, "Why have Bible study?" See
Lynn Harold Hough's "A Living Book in a Living Age,"
and the Girls7 Year Book with its teaching outline for
Section I; also Section V, 'Chapter 1, of thiis Manual.
"Christmas — what does it mean?" This may be de-
veloped through the use of tableaux, a pageant, or by the
story method.
"Patriotism, Old and New," and "What is Real Patriot-
ism" and "A Perfect Tribute" may offer opportunities
for .the use of outside speakers who will bring a real
message to the club.
Preparation of Christmas baskets and the giving of a
party for needy children should have the same careful
consideration as was suggested in the comment regarding
the preparation of the Thanksgiving baskets. See that
the baskets a*-e distributed through some recognized local
agencies and that the children who are invited to the
party come as family groups, since disappointment so
often comes to several when one child is chosen to go
to a party and several others are left at home.
"A Colonial Party" offers a means of cooperation be-
tween the Young Men's Christian Association wlxen
members of the Hi-Y clubs may be invited to the party
or the girls may invite their own boy friends.
"The Mother and Daughter Banquet" offers an op-
portunity to acquaint the mothers with the ideals and
purpose of the club work, and it very often reveals a
mother to a daughter in a new way. Through a cleverly
arranged toast program the mothers may express their
appreciation of the club and what it means to the
girls. (See Section VII, Material for Program Building,
page 726.)
"The Father and Daughter" Party. In so far as the
Boys' Work Department of the Young Men's Christian
Association is having "Mother and Son" parties, it would
seem that "Father and Daughter" parties might well
be a part of the Girls' Work program of the Young
Women's Christian Association. For a^good many years
it has been very usual to have the relationship between
father and son and between mother and daughter stressed
much more than the relationship between father and
daughter and mother and son.
March, April, May
These months are the time for presenting plans for a voca-
tional conference, for planning a St. Patrick's party, for the
election of officers, for planning Mothers' and Daughters' week,
for a discussion of summer camps, summer conferences, Senior
parties, parties for grade school girls who will enter high school
in the autumn, for council (or cabinet) training through the
medium of a week-end house party when the new and the
old councils meet together, for the planning of a summer pro-
gram, the Girls' Work Committee and the club committees all
considering what should be done and how.
Topics: To be used at the club meetings. These are
suggested only. They may be developed through the
discussional or demonstration method.
"Discovering Myself."
"How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day."
"Feet—A Good Understanding."
"Have We Fulfilled Our Purpose This Year?"
"Choose Ye."
"Shall We Have a Summer Program?"
"Making Our Triangles Perfect."
"Through Freshman Spectacles, or High School as
We See It."
"Habit Postures, Good and Bad."
"Camps— Why Have One?"
"Conferences — Why Go to Them?"
"What Does Easter Mean to You?"
Presentation of "A Pageant of Sunshine and Shadow."
A Vocational Conference, to which all girls in the
school may be invited.
Social: *
A party for the Senior girls.
A party for girls who will enter high school in the
The Council Training House Party.
"Discovering Myself." Chapter 12, Section V of this
Manual contains a bibliography of material to be used
in presenting vocational work.
"How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day/' the
title of a book by Arnold Bennett. It may be read
aloud at a club meeting or the adviser or girls' work
secretary may read it and tell it to the girls, or the
girls may read it and then have a discussion based upon
"Feet — A Good Understanding." Secure from .the
Womans Press a series of posters' on posture and .the
right kind of shoes and see the article in the July (1919)
"Association Monthly" on "A Perfect Shoe For a Perfect
Foot"; see Section V, Chapter 2.
"Have We Fulfilled Our Purpose This Year?" A
time of reckoning" when the girls face squarely whether
the club purpose is real, and if not, why not.
"'Choose Ye." A meeting- when senior girls tell what
they would do if they were starting- to high school again.
The following quotation from Kipling may be used:
"I wish myself could talk to myself,
As I left 'im a year ago,
I could tell 7im a lot that would save 'im a lot
Of the things 'e ought to know."
"Shall we have a summer program?" Discussion in
this case should center around the following points:
The advisability of a summer program^ what should be
its nature; how often should the club meet ; what should
be the nature of the meetings?
"Making Our Triangles Perfect." John Oxenham's
poem, "Everymaid," might be used in this meeting. It
is to be found in his little book of poems, ""Bees in
Amber," which may be secured from The Book Shop, 600
Lexington Avenue, New York City.
" Through Freshmen Spectacles" does not need inter-
"Habit Postures, Good and Bad." Data which will be
helpful in such a meeting as this may be found in
Section V, Chapter 2, of this .Manual.
"Camps — Why Have One?" This may be a discussion
on the part of the girls as to what a camp may mean;
the kind of publicity to make a camp successful; why
camp songs are necessary; how many days should be
spent at camp. The girls' work secretary will consider
location, equipment, recreation, the creation of camp
spirit which results in self-government, how much time
can be reserved completely for the girls' work depart-
ment, if it is a camp shared by the whole Association,
and how to relate the camp program to the programs of
the other groups in the Association. See Chapter 14,
Section V, of this Manual.
"Conferences — Why Go to Them?" See Chapter 15,
Section V, of this Manual. Those girls who have attend-
ed a summer conference will be able to make all their
experiences very vivid to the other girls through the
use of kodak pictures and conference memory books and
"What Does Easter Mean to You?" Sometimes a
series of Lenten meetings may be arranged in the Girls'
Work Department, or perhaps a vesper service, held in
a church or in some place made attractive with flowers
and vines, will help to make the Easter season a very
lovely one for the girls.
"A Pageant of Sunshine and Shadow." This will be
real service for all proceeds from it are to be devoted
to the work of The National Child Labor Committee.
Party for Senior Girls: This party should be planned
for the senior girls by all the other members of the club.
It may be a tea with faculty members present. It
represents, usually, the closing of the school year part ol
the club program.
Cabinet or Council Training: The purpose is to bring to-
gether the old and the new council members, so that the^
may learn all the detail of club work and committee
organization and management.
June, July, August
These months offer excellent opportunities for out-door
activiUles, such as camps, auto-truck parties, beach parties,
tennis, group singing; it is also time for attendance at a sum-
mer conference. A summer program is essentially informal,
and may mean that the advisers meet the girls only once a
month instead of the more regular meetings of the school year.
Such summer work as that mentioned above requires leader-
ship, which can only be obtained by careful thought and
planning, in which the girls7 work secretary and the girls' work
committee members and advisers will all share. Sometimes,
when regular advisers are unavailable, there are college girls
who will be glad to help while home for the summer.
All good program work must take into consideration a sea-
sonal grouping of activities, whereby the year is divided into
quarters — fall, winter, spring and summer. The program com-
mittee, in preparing its outline for the year's work, will find
in these lists of material the suggestive elements which will
provide the variety, balance and continuity essential to suc-
cessful club work, and which may be adapted to the needs
of individual girls in the local community. All of the ma-
terial in Section V and Section VII of this manual will con-
tribute additional strength to the program.
Every program committee should also remember that the
program which they plan should make concrete the ideals which
the club has incorporated in its purpose. The purpose of any
club should be "the pace-setter" for the quality of the work
done, both in regular club meetings and in council and com-
mittee meetings. All program committee members, advisers
and the girls' work secretaries must always remember that the
ultimate purpose of all high school club work is to train girls
in the way of Christian living. This, being interpreted, means
to help a girl to understand what it means to be a Christian,
and to help her ,to live as a Christian in her community.
The value of any club work to its members is in direct pro-
portion to the way in which that work enables' the members,
as individuals and as a group, "to face life squarely"— and to
do this means to accept Christian standards of living and to
so adjust personal desires and problems to these standards
that all members attain abundant life. Such adjustments for
every one come in home, school, church and community living.
To obtain abundant life, club members must be strong in body,
alert in mind, and must seek in God, the Father, and Jesus
Christ, His Son, their purpose "to find and give the best." The
triangle of health, knowledge, spirit, expressed in service, should
become the keystone for a girl's Hiving in her normal environ-
ment— home, school, church and community. The suggested
material has been prepared with this thought in mind.
I. Book Poverty — "I Don't Have Any Time to Read."
II. My Book Shelf:
"Books I Would Like to -Own."
"Books I Would Leave in the Library."
III. "If I were having a party and could have only twenty
guests, whom would I choose?"
IV. "My Five-Foot Shelf." — Ask each club member to
make a list of .the books which she would include in
her five-foot shelf if she had one. These lists will
serve as the content of a discussion for the club
members to determine what volumes would make a
Five-Foot Shelf for the club, and why certain books
should be retained and others discarded.
V. "Trash or Classic — Hysterical or Historical — What
Do You Read?"
VI. Book parties, where club members come representing
well-known book characters or book titles; guessing
games which involve a knowledge of books, and bio-
graphical sketches done by some one who knows how
to tell stories, all help to stimulate a girl's interest
in reading1.
VII. "What have I in my sweater pocket?"
What are my treasures? — might be another way of
staging1 this topic. Every girl has them; many she
carries with her, and they vary as do the girls them-
selves. Poems should be part of the treasures of
girlhood, for they are results of the gift of some one
who can see the land of far distances and the King
in His glory, and who crystalizes "the beautiful" into
It ds fortunate that many volumes of verse and
anthologies, such as "The Little Book, of Modem
Verse," are sweater pocket size, and every adviser and
secretary has an untold opportunity to indicate such
use of sweater "carrying space."
Pocket size:
The Golden Treasury of Magazine Verse. — William
Stanley Braithwaite.
Second Book of Modern Verse. — Jessie Rittenhouse.
Bees in Amber. — John Oxenham.
High Tide—Selected Poems. — Mrs. Waldo Richards.
Poems That Have Helped Me.— S. E. Kiser.
A Little Book of Western Verse. — -Eugene Field.
Poems of Childhood. — Eugene F|ield.
Trees and Other Poems. — Joyce Kilmer.
Old Fashioned Roses. — James Whitcomb Riley.
Volumes from The Little Leather Library Corpora-
tion, 44 East 23d Street, New York City. Write
for catalogue.
VIII. The Woman Movement:
The Woman's Land Army of America, 19 West 44th
Street, New York City.
The Woman Suffrage Party, 373 Fifth Avenue, New
York City.
The Woman's Trade Union League, 7 East 15th Street,
New York City.
The National Consumers' League, 105 East 22d
Street, New York Oity.
The National Child Labor Committee, 105 East 22d
Street yNew York City.
The World's Student Christian Federation; address re-
quests for information to The 'Student 'Committee,
Department of Research and Method, 600 Lexing-
ton Avenue, New York City.
IX. The Blue Triangle the World Around: India\ China,
Japan, France, Russia, England, South America.
(Helpful material for such a meeting may be secured
from the Foreign and Overseas Department, National
Board, Young Womens Christian Associations, 600
Lexington Avenue, New York City.)
X. "The World at Our Door." -See "Peter of the World"
in the first Inch of the Inch Library. Use the follow-
ing verse, entitled "The Window of the World," on
a poster:
Through the window-,
Through the window
Of the world,
Over city, over lea,
Down the river, flowing free
Toward its making with the sea,
I am looking
Through the windows
Of the world.
XL "The World Beyond Our Borders."
Such a topic gives the opportunity to increase in
knowledge and understanding of "World Oitizenshfip."
See "The Magic Carpet," "The Air Route to Buenos
Aires," UA Camel Trip to Cairo" and "Precious
Flower and the Flies," all of which may be secured
from The Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New
York City.
XII "Different Angles of Our World"
Our individual angles: — Home, School, Church.
Our industrial angles: — Native-Born, Foreign-Born,
Our world angles: — Europe, Asia, South America.
This could be made graphic by using three tri-
angles— one for each of the divisions at the corners of
a poster.
This topic can be developed by showing how the
triangle of home, school and church can never be per-
fect until there is a realization that the triangle
of colored and foreign-born girls in the great indus-
trial centers is becoming more nearly equilateral be-
cause of improved working conditions, wages and
hours; and that the distress lin other continents can
only be rectified as we realize that it is our responsi-
bility to reach out from our immediate little triangle
of home, school and church to the triangle which lies
at our very door, and from there to the world triangle.
(Use again /if desired, the poem given under topic D,
Chapter VII, Section V, of this Manual, "The Place
of Discussion in the Girl Eeserve Movement."
XIII. "Ups and Downs" — ."All mortals have their ups and
downs ; in all the modern styles ; one day they wilt
'neath Fortune's frowns, the next enjoy her smiles.
Some men put up a gorgeous front when all things
come their way; they blithely tackle every stunt,
their curves are glad and gay. They move with an
elastic step, the bluff they make is tall; we say, 'these
men are full of pep, they're winners, one and all.'
Sane people calmly take their joys, and do not tear
their gowns or make a woeful, sobbing noise when
ups give way to downs." — Walt Mason.
XIV. "The Letters We Write in Our Faces"
Where do the lines come from? See Robert Love-*
man's, poem, "A Sunshine Heart and a Soul of
Song," and John Oxenham's poem, "Everymaid/' in
"Bees in Amber."
XV. "Through the Looking Glass"
Life's mirror.
A look into our own niirrors.
XVI. Three Requisites for Success: Desire, Efforts, Results.
XVII. Grace, Grit, Gumption, Girls.
XVIII. The Alibi Habit: "I was Busy Here and There."
XIX. "Are You Extravagant?"
Money Giving. Time Giving. Joy Giving. Self
XX. Care of the Teeth. Care of the Hands. Care of the
Hair. (These should be practical demonstrations,
given by specialists if possible.)
XXI. Common Sense Hints on Dress.
XXII. A Girl's Relation to Men.
XXIII. "When I Go Traveling."
See in Section VII "Material for Program Building,"
a "movie" which may be used to dramatize this topic.
XXIV. On the Fence— School Honor.
XXV. The Green-Eyed Monster (Envy).
XXVI. A Girl's Storage Batteries.
XXVIL "How Would I Explain to a Girl from a Foreign
Country My Christianity?"
XXVIII. The Women Jesus Knew and What They Thought of
Him. (This might well be a talk given by an out-
side speaker.)
XXIX. A Girl's Triangle— Others, God, Myself.
XXX. Courage — the things which help one reach toward
XXXI. A Gfirl's Garden. (The following poem by Thomas
Edward Brown might be used:
"A garden is a lovesome thing — Got wot!
Kose plot,
Fringed pool,
The veriest school of peace.
And yet the fool
Contends that God is not —
Not God! in gardens, when the eve is cool?
Nay, but I have a sign!
Tis very sure God walks in mine."
"Patience and Her Garden," by Ida Smith Decker,
published by Paul Elder & Go., San Francfisco, is a
delightful story, which possibly could be used at such
a meeting.
XXXII. "Habits that are of value in Personal Relationships."
Thoughtfulness. Avoidance of petty and
Courtesy. unjust judgments
Quiet Voice. Punctuality.
Aversion to gossip. Honesty,
XXXIII. "A Glass of Blessings."
"There are three ingredients in the good life, learning,
earring and yearning. A man should be learning as
he goes; and he should be earning bread for himself
and others; and he should be yearning to know the
unknowable. When God made man (says George
Herbert) he had 'a glass of blessings standing by.'
So He pours on man all the blessings in His reservoir;
strength, beauty, wisdom, honor, pleasure — and then
He refrains from giving him the last of them which
is rest, i. e., contentment. God sees that if man is
contented he will never win his way to Him."
— Christopher Morley.
(From "Parnassus on Wheels/* reprinted by per-
mission of the author and publishers, Doubleday
Page and Co.)
"Life Came to Me Today ."
This I entreat —
Flow in my hands, inform my lagging feet,
Shine in mine eyes, and smile "upon my lips.
Oh, lift my spirit's flame from dull eclipse
And), sing, within my heart, that I may be
Life, in my turn, for those who look to me."
XXXIV. "Whatsoever Things Are Lovely."
(a) Poems I love.
(b) Pictures I love.
(c) Books I love.
(d) Music I love.
(e) People I love.
XXXV. "What can I, a girl, do to help?"
At home.
In my school.
In my community.
The world.
XXXVI. "How can we do common things in an uncommon way ? "
For additional interpretation of the world fellowship,
4 which can become so easily a part of any program, see
the suggested interpretation of the honors which will
make them international — see page 290. Even
though high school girls themselves may not
be (interested in honors the adviser of the Program
Committee will find there much which is suggestive
It sometimes happens that girls who are elected to office in
the High School Club, because of their leadership qualities,
do not understand what are the responsibilities which become
theirs with office-holding. The week-end Cabinet or Council
Training has proved a very effective way of preparing them.
Who — The old cabinet or council, the newly elected one, the
advisers, and the secretary. In the case of the independently
affiliated high school where the visit of a secretary is not possi-
ble, one of the advisers will have charge of the training.
When — jnor a week-end as soon after the election of officers
as practicable, beginning Friday afternoon or evening.
Where — The place should be away from the usual scene of
action both for more concentrated work and greater interest.
A cabinet or council house-party offers great possibilities.
What — Information.
Tentative Program for Such Training.
Friday evening — I. Our responsibility — Retiring president.
II. The girl who leads: The girl who follows
Secretary or adviser.
III. Our purpose: what it means, and how we
carry it out — Discussion.
IV. Closing — cabinet or council member or
Saturday Morning —
I. Opening Devotions — Cabinet (Council)
member or adviser.
II. The Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion of whlich we are a part — secretary or
III. Parlimentary Drill — this should be short,
"snappy" and stimulating.
IV. The Relation of the Cabinet or Council to
the club as a whole — secretary or ad-
This may be illustrated by a diagram or
a chalk talk, interesting relationships
figuratively described as follows:
a. "Your Cabinet or Council the Hub."
b. "Your Committees the .Spokes."
c. "Your Club the Wheel."
V. How to plan for a Cabinet or Council
Meeting — 'Cabinet or Council member or
adviser or secretary.
A. The following is the usual plan of
procedure for a business meeting.
1. Meeting opened by president.
(Something devotional at the be-
ginning or the end of the meeting.)
2. Minutes of the last meeting.
3. Old business.
4. New business.
a. Report of all committees.
b. Future plans.
VI. How to plan for a committee meeting.
A. Regular time for a meeting.
B. Outline of business.
C. Discussion of work to be done and the
best ways to do it.
D. Monthly report to the cabinet — this
report should include work that has
been done and also future plans.
VII. Discussion of the duties of cabinet or
council members — adviser, secretary or
member of Cabinet or 'Council.
A. President.
B. Vice President (membership chair-
man). Refer to Constitution.
C. Secretary.
D. Treasurer. (See! the Chapter on Or-
ganization in this Manual, page 61.)
E. Program committee chairman.
F. Service committee chairman.
G. Social committee chairman. Organi-
zation of high school and private
school associations.
Saturday Afternoon —
I. Model Cabinet Meeting.
II. Our Program.
A. For the year.
1. For the summer.
a. 'Camps and conferences.
b. 'Community service.
2. For the school year.
III. Installation services planned and re-
IV. Closing.
The right spirit for a cabinet otf council meeting can be
secured in a number of ways. There are poems', which are in-
spirational, stories and biographies that challege us to our best,
and which all of us want to use at times, but for those of us
who know the inspiration that comes from the study of our
Bible and the fellowship of prayer, these latter are the most
direct ways.
To many members of girls' clubs in the Young Women's
Christian Association, the words "Recognition Service" have
come to have a very definite and beautiful meaning and be-
cause of a desire to make this experience available to all girls
who share in the fellowship of work, play, love and worship in
the Girl Reserve movement, the following suggestions for a
Recognition .Service for New Members have been included 'dn
this Manual. It is very desirable that for every club the ser-
vice should have an especial meaning* and therefore it is hoped
that these suggestions will be adapted to fit the immediate
needs. Always there should be beauty and simplidity and a
spirit of reverence ; what mode of expression these will find is
not so vital, but that they should be ever present is most
Producing Notes:
At the end of the room place a table on which is set a large
candle that is lighted. Mark out on the floor, immediately in
front of the table, the three angles of a large triangle, which
shall serve as guides to the old members of the club when they
march in and form a triangle outline. The President of the
club and the Vice President head the procession and take their
places at either end of the table.
The old members, carrying unlighted candles, march into the
room. They advance by twos to the middle of the base of the
triangle (D) and there separate, turning at the angle of the
triangle and marching to the apex, where .they light their
candles. They turn and march down the other side to the
points E and F. The new members, also carrying unlighted
candles, enter the same way and separate at (D) as did the
old members. They march in single file, inside the lines formed
by the old members. The order of service is as follows:
Processional Hymn — "0 Beautiful for Spacious Skies."
(At the close of the hymn, the Vice President steps forward
and speaks as follows.)
Vice President: "Whom do we welcome to the fellowship of
this club?
Old members (in unison): All who work, play and worship
with us in a common purpose.
Vice President: In what words do we express our purpose?
Old members (in unison): (Repeat the club purpose.)
Vice President (turning to the President): I present to
you these new members.
President: Is it your desire tq become members of this
New members (in unison) : It is.
President: In token of your common pledge with us to
share in the fellowship of this club, will you come forward and
seek your light where we have lighted ours ?
(The new members step forward to the large lighted candle;
when they have lighted their candles they march down the sides
of the triangle formed by the old members and complete the
triangle by forming the base.
Short talk or story by a member of the club or one of the
advisers (interpretation of what the club can mean to girls).
Recessional: Hymn of the Lights.
The preparation for an installation service must be started
several weeks in advance of the date determined for the formal
installation. This tflme is necessary because it is desirable that
many parts of the suggested service included in this Manual
should be prepared by the new and the old council or cabinet
officers. Much discussion will be needed to make it very clear
and very attractive to the club members, who really share in it
'as much as do the officers who are being installed.
Producing Notes:
The service proceeds according to the order indicated below.
While the members of the club are assembling, hymns or other
appropriate selections should be played. When the processional
is ready, play the hymn *'Lead On, 0 King Eternal"; the mem-
bers of the club stand while the officers of -the club, old and new,
enter. They are preceded by a girl who is dressed in white.
She carries a large lighted candle. Each retiring officer marches
with her successor • they all carry candles, and the candles of
the retiring officers are lighted. The candle bearer places her
candle on a table at one end of the room and steps to one side.
The retiring officers place their lighted candles on the table as
they file by and the new officers place theirs in a similar position
on the other side. When the processional hymn is ended, all
are seated, chairs having been arranged for the officers so that
they face the club membership and form a semi-circle about
the table. The retiring president arises and tells very simply
the story of the choosing of David or the calling of some other
great leader of the people. This story may be told in the
words of the Bible story or in the girl's own words; it must
receive careful preparation, so that none of the beauty and
significance of it escapes the auditors. She then repeats the
purpose of the club, stating very briefly how the retiring officers
have tried to help the club carry it into its work and fellowship.
She states that the old officers are about to give their trust to
the new officers. When she has said this, all of the officers
arise and the retiring president presents to her successor the
constitution, and in a few sentences, gives her trust and respon-
sibility to her. The order of the service is indicated below.
I. Music
II. Processional — "Lead On, 0 King Eternal."
III. President's address and charge to the new president.
IV. New President's response.
V. Retiring Vice President presents the membership roll to
her successor and charges her with the responsibility
for the club membership.
VI. New Vice President's response.
VII. Retiring 'Secretary presents record book to her successor,
with a brief address.
VIII. New Secretary accepts the charge and the treasurer's
IX. Retiring President explains the meaning of the large
candle and bids the new officers light their candles from
X. Candle Service.
New President (stepping forward, takes her candle
and lights it, while she repeats these words), "Jesus said:
'I am the Light of the World/ "
When she has returned to her place, .the new Vice
President steps forward and lighting her candle, repeats:
"The True light, even the Light which lighteth every
man coming1 into the world."
The new Secretary repeats, as she lights her candle,
"Light shall shine out of darkness."
The new Treasurer repeats: "Jesus said 'Ye are the
light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot
be hid.'"
The retiring President speaks, saying: "Let your
light so shine before men that they may see your good
works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."
The retiring officers then step forward, take up their
lighted candles and join with the new officers in a prayer
such as .the following:
"Light of light, that shined ere the world began,
Draw thou near and lighten every heart of man."
XL Recessional Hymn — 'Hymn of the Lights.
The candlebearer, having taken her candle, leads the
recessional, followed by the new officers, marching two
by two; the retiring officers follow.
All programs for younger girls in business and industry
must take into consideration the fact that the needs of the girl
*The majority of these suggestions have been taken from the Commission
reports of the various Councils for Younger Girls in Business and Industry
held during these past two years, and from programs worked out by the
girls through their own committees in local Associations. It is hoped that
they will prove suggestive to other groups of girls as they plan their own
between fourteen and sixteen are often very different from
those of the girl between sixteen and e'ighteen. These differ-
ences, however, can often be met not so much by a change in
subject or content as by a1 different method of presentation.
The older girl is more sophisticated, feels more grown up, has
often more freedom from home restraint, has sometimes reached
a different relation with her men friends, and should have a
feeling of greater responsibility toward work and her place
in the industrial or business world. All of these things make
possible a program more "formal" in its presentation.
With both groups of girls, care should be taken to correlate
program work with the programs of the industrial department
and with the department for business and professional women.
If this is done, the transition from girls' work to either of .these
is easier.
A wise use of leisure time is one of the* most vital factors to
take into consideration in programs for this group of younger
girls in business and industry. Their desire for singing, dancing
and "shows" may be directed easily to folk dancing, gymnastic
drills, dramatic art, nature study and good reading.
The following- program suggestions have been grouped under
the four elements which constitute the basis of all the Girl Re-
serve programs — health, knowledge, service, spirit.
I— Health.
Just as soon as possible every girl should realize through
a talk, a discussion, a demonstration or an exhibit, that health
is no longer to be considered a luxury but a social responsibility,
and that the health of the individual bears directly upon that of
the home, the continuation school, the place of work, and the
community. The Girl Reserve health slogan is "Stand Up
Straight" and ":Sit Up Straight"— inside and outside— ^S.U.S."
The slogan itself can be worked into a clever poster and the
letters "S. U. S." may be used in many ways.
Through cooperation with the health education department
of the Association, if it exists, arrangements should be made
for a physical examination of every girl. The examination
should be followed by the individual exercises necessary, gym-
nasium, classes, games which develop group and team spirit,
indoor track meets, swimming, talks and demonstration of first
aid, footwear, posture, healthful clothing, proper food, ventila-
tion and sanitation.
The last seven suggestions should be worked out in just as
graphic and visual a way as possible. For instance, the pictorial
poster method might be used. This has proven especially effec-
tive at centers or clnb rooms where groups of girls gather at
noontime and it would be equally effective with work done at
the Association building at night. Take the subject "footwear."
Make two posters, alike in size and coloring; label one "Two
Feet of Happiness," the other "Two Feet of Unhappiness." On
the first place a picture of a most attractive girl or several girls,
wearing the standard, common-sense shoe; on the other a girl
in a pointed toe,^high-heeled pair of shoes, looking pained and
tired. Later on if the posters cause discussion, as they are
sure to, definite information as to price and place for purchasing
might be added to the first poster. Another clever poster bound
to cause laughter and comment is the outline of the sole of a
foot, each toe plainly visible and in the center of the sole these
words, "A Five Room Apartment — A Room for Every Toe."
Clever figures in bright colors at Either side make this most
An exhibit of common sense shoes may possibly be obtained
from a local shoe man and be displayed after such posters have
become familiar. Write Bureau of Social Education, 600 Lex-
ington Avenue, for information and material.
This poster idea can be carried still further and evolve into
a series1, placed in the club rooms one after another, thus caus-
ing great curiosity and amusement. "It's just like a serial in
the Cosmopolitan," one girl was heard to say. Here is an
illustration of how a series of foot posters can really become
a series of "foot-talks." The entire set may be placed on view
at one time or one by one they can appear:
Foot Talks.
Another series could be the following-:
"Aids to Good Health."
Still another series along this line:
Quick Lunch.
Nutritious Food.
These posters have been given here in the hope that these
or far cleverer ones can be made by some "artist" among the
girls or on the Girls' Work Committee.
Simple drawings like these, or with the same general idea, and
a clever application of paint can do more .to attract the eye
of the younger girl in business and industry than all the
lithograph posters imaginable. Something that is hand done
has its attraction. This poster method is often far more effec-
tive than any amount of lecturing or "preaching." Aj large
number of people in this world are "eye-minded," not "ear-
minded," and the pictorial will carry a meaning to them more
quickly than the spoken word. Poster work of this kind has
often led to a demand for "Talks" and gives much opportunity
for constructive conversation with individuals. A chance for
a snappy, ten-minute talk on a lunch that really counts for
something versus one which consists of a sundae, a jelly dough-
nut or fried pie is striking at the real root of the girls' living
and thinking.
The following Health Code is one which was originated by
younger girls in business and industry. Such a code printed on
attractive cards and given to each Girl Reserve might do mucJi
to make health mean something vital to a girl as an individual
and to the group as a whole. An enthusiasm for health needs
to b,e arouse.d and can be if all are bent on obtaining it.
How About You?
Are you changing the general trend of your foot-shape?
causing discomfort and awkwardness?
Nature created the foot
to fit in the simplest food
covering, the moccasin.
The child of six can play comfortably
in the sandal,
How about you? Do you
consider the French heel a
necessity to be "grown-up?"
Or do you let Na-
ture decide your
foot-gear for you?
With ease the girl of twelve
years, walks her eight blocks
to school.
Aids to Good Health
"An apple a day keeps the doctor azvay."
Don't permit your weight to go to extremes.
Sleep with your windows wide open.
Walk one hundred miles a month.
Drink plenty of water each day. It aids digestion.
Quick Lunch
Thorough mastication creates easy digestion.
Drink milk instead
of coffee.
Eat one green vege-
table a day
Eat plenty
of fruit.
Nutritious Food
Eat wholesome foods, lots of fruit and vegetables.
p../ \,pr./ \>ft. \,Pt.
Drink eight glasses of wetter each day.
Health Code*
I. Eight hours sleep every night.
II. Eat .wholesome food three times a day at regular inter-
vals (this means a real luncheon, not two sundaes).
III. Drink s'lX glasses of water daily.
IV. Wear, if possible, loose1 clothing, low-heeled, square-
toed shoes.
V. Remove damp clothing as soon as possible.
VI. Bathe in hot water at least twice a week.
VII. Exercise out of doors one-half hour daily (walking to
work will help to do this).
VIII. Adopt health habits to insure daily bowel regularity.
Outdoor activities such as hiking-, skating, camping, volley-
ball and tennis should be provided. For some girls Saturday
afternoon is a possible hiking time. For others Sunday after-
noon is the only possible time. A picnic supper on a Saturday
or Sunday hike is good fun. Hiking is always a joy provided
the person in charge has the "spirit of the road" within her
and is ever alert to the beauty by the way and overhead in the
sky and knows interesting games to play enroute and stories
to tell at supper time or around the camp-fire.
One of the greatest needs, of the younger girl in business and
industry is the opportunity to meet boys and men !in a natural,
normal way. Any recreation plan should take this into con-
sideration and provide for the "mixed party" and for that atmos-
phere in the Association which spells "friendliness" and "home"
to the girl and her man friend.
*Written by younger girls in Business and Industry, East Central Field.
. It is very often possible to use the "men friends" as assist-
ants when a circus or stunt is going on. Standards of action
can often be established while setting up a stage or while
decorating. The normal significance of any social act'ivity is
two-fold, the quality of the thing itself and the way in which
it is done. The impression which these activities are leavfing
upon the minds of girls and men can never be accurately fore-
cast but it is safe to say that each one makes its mark upon
their lives and unconsciously standards of action are built up
which will form the social fabric of whatever community they
will live in later in life.
Material on Health Education and Recreation.
See Chapter II, Section V, Health Education and Recreation.
Write to the Bureau of Social Education for additional in-
formation, pamphlets and suggestions, 600 Lexington Avenue,
New York City.
Write Child Health Organization of America, 870 Seventh
Avenue, New York City, for the Child Health Alphabet.
Cho-Cho and the Health Fairy, demonstration pamphlets and
other bulletins. Enclose 50 cents and a sample set of all ma-
terial will be sent to you.
Write to the Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for pamphlets entitled "Sum-
mer Health and Play School, Teaching Health."
Write to the Bureau of Public Health Education, care De-
partment of Health, 13,9 Center Street, New York City, for
"Keep Well" leaflets, especially No. ,17, "Simple Wholesome
Lunches for Working People."
II — Knowledge.
The kind of educational work suggested for younger girls
in business and industry under this1 section of Knowledge is
most important for the reason that in the present scheme of
education and guidance this girl is less well provided for than
How does my amount of sleep
affect my work? Is it easy to be
cheerful when I have a headache f
Are many illnesses caused by one's
own carelessness f What responsi-
bilities to others does one have for
keeping well?
Why are there so many songs written
about smiles? How does being grouchy
affect other sf Am I increasing my
circle of friends by being friendly?
Is my Spirit loving, cheerful and helpfulf
// / could hear my conversations re-
peated at the end of the day, would
it make any difference in zvhat I say?
Are my thoughts kind and true before
I speak of another? Have I the courage
to say what I knozu is true? Which
are louder: actions or words?
any other group. In some communities there are as yet no con-
tinuation schools and so no study is required. Night schools pro-
vide the opportunity for some girls but even so there is usually
the chance for the kind of work here outlined and it is needed.
The girl who leaves school at fourteen in a very short time"
drifts away from her former school mates. She has, perhaps,
disliked the formal class work of the school and has vehemently
declared that she "hated school and books." Perhaps she did,
but there is in her just the same a longing for self-expression
which cannot be complete without more education and guidance.
Unless some definite help is given her between the age of four-
teen and eighteen, she is never going to meet in a congenial
way her former school mates who come into business or industry
?t eighteen or twenty with more school background. One of
the difficulties of programming for business girls between eigh-
teen and twenty-two is their difference in background and
educational advantages.
By following some of the suggestions here given under
"Knowledge," it would be possible to have two or more times
during the year exhibits of style-craft work, dramatic presenta-
tions, and poster exhibits by both younger girls in business and
industry and high school girls. They are all Girl Reserves or
younger girls in the Association and a joint piece of work which
takes for its preparation a joint committee would do much to
keep the groups together and make both see that in their work
in the Association they have a common ground.
Talks and discussions of chances^ for promotion given by
business men and women, definite personal help given each girl,
and when possible a real "vocational conference" in cooperation
with the schools and other agencies are greatly to be desired
in a program for younger girls in business and industry.
Intelligent citizens are needed to-day as never before. Girls
everywhere want to "know" if only the right approach is made.
Younger girls in business and industry are not ordinarily inter-
ested in classes. Information like everything else, must be pre-
sented to them in a graphic, visual, active way. The poster
method described in the preceding section, plus the following1
suggestions may help include this phase of work in a program:
A, Dramatics.
Style Shows.
Foot and shoe exhibits.
Dramatic work like every other activity in a program should
be done with the object of developing initiative and personality.
The dreams of what one would like to be can come true for the
period of time one is living the part of some girl in a play! To
really be a character for two weeks at rehearsals and on the
final night of the performance often makes one a different per-
son for all time. The influence of the play is great and should
never be under-estimated. (See Chapter VI, Section V, on The
Place of Drama in the Girl Reserve Movement.)
The average group of younger girls in business and indus-
try are not interested in a play or pageant which takes a great
deal of time and energy given to rehearsals. The short, simple
play, full of action and quickly prepared is always to be chosen.
The following plays are suggested:
1. Mrs. Oakley's Telephone —
Samuel French & Co., 28-30 W. 38th St. New York.
2. Ope-o-me-Thumb —
Renn & R. Pyr.ee, Samuel French, N. Y., 25 cents.
3. Six Cups of Chocolate —
Edith V. B. Matthews, Harper & Bros., N. Y,
4. Land of Heart's Desire —
W. B. Yeats, Walter H. Baker, Boston, Mass.
5. A Brown Paper Parcel —
M. S. W., 2 characters, Samuel French, 25 cents.
6. Mechaneal Jane —
M. E. Barber, 1 act, 3 characters, Samuel French.
7. Engaging Janet —
Ester W. Bates, Penn Publishing Co., Phila, Pa.
8. The Puppet Princess —
Houghton-Mifflin, N. Y.
9. The Good Old Days-
Alice C. Thompson, Penn Publishing Co.
10. Portmanteau Plays —
Stewart Walker. (This is a collection which includes many possible
11. Suppressed Desires —
Cook Publishing Co., 3 characters, 30 min.
12. Mrs. Pat and The Law —
Lady Augusta Gregory.
13. The Fan and the Candle Stick —
Mary McMillan. (In book by that name; ask in any Public Library.)
14. Harvard Plays — Brentano, New York —
Three Pills in a Bottle — Rachel Lymann Field. Volume I— $1.25.
The Florist Shop — Volume II — $1.25.
15. The Piper's Play-
Samuel French, N. Y. 25 cents.
16. The Traveling Man-
Lady Augusta Gregory, John W. Luce & Co., Boston, Mass.
(In addition to these suggestions, write to The Womans Press for
"A Second List of Plays and Pageants.")
A "Foot and Shoe" show can be made most interesting by
having a regular "parade" of girls with various kinds of shoes.
Stretch a curtain or sheet across a stage letting the bottom
fall about three feet above the floor. Have girls with good and
bad shoes walk behind it, thus showing just their feet and
ankles. Actual "Shoe exhibits" may be obtained by writing to
the Bureau of Social Education, 600 Lexington Avenue. A foot
film is also obtainable for certain occasions.
Pantomimes or "movies" worked out by the girls on all
kinds of subjects such as "Travel," "Clothes," "Table Etiquette"
are simple and most effective in result. Poems, stories and
songs can also be handled in this same way. A suggestion for
a "Table Etiquette Movie" is as follows: Have a table correctly
set. Four or any number of girls sitting on one side — the same
number on the other. The first four do incorrectly everything
connected with the meal from the opening of their napkins to
the final rising from the table. The other group does every-
thing correctly. While no words are needed, a song at the very
end which sums up the fun may be a clever addition,
B. Pictures:
iGoodi pictures are one of the most educational of all "tools"
in work with girls. Their very existence in a club room or
center as an indirect method of education. They can be made
the subject of conversation, of discussion and means of illus-
trations. Tableaux can be worked out from them — color values
and good* and bad lines can be illustrated by them. It is some-
times possible to have an "art gallery." This may be made by
securing prints of well-known pictures from George P. Brown
Company, Beverly, Massachusetts, or from the Perry Picture
Company, Maiden, Massachusetts. Mount the pictures on heavy
brown paper and place them on bulletin boards or suspend them
fiom cords stretched from corner to corner of the club room.
A series of pictures on landscapes, both by old masters and
modern painters, or a display of Madonna pictures, or a series
of pictures by one artist such as Corot, Isreals, or Raphael, or
a modern painter like Maxlield Parrish, might well be included
in such a gallery. A committee composed of club members and
an adviser should be responsible for knowing the names and
the significance of these pictures and should extend to the
community, mothers and fathers or family groups, an invita-
tion to come to the exhibit.
C. Music:
Music if properly handled is of infinite value to the spirit
and the body. A group of tired girls can be re-created by good
group singing. Every club room and center should have a good
piano and plenty of good music. The transition from a cheap,
popular song to a beautiful hymn is not a difficult one. The
love for "jazz" is a youthful expression of super-abundant life
•an'd energy which can be turned into an enjoyment of music
which lifts and helps one to live abundantly. Group singing
cannot be emphasized too strongly. Glee clubs are often possi-
ble but if they are not, group singing is. Sunday afternoon or
evening ".sing-songs" are always enjoyable. The national songs
and ,the folk songs of girls where parents have come from other
lands are a great contribution to a club meeting or a noon or
'evening "get-together." One group of Girl Reserves composed
of ten nationalities learned many songs of each country by hav-
ing the different girls teach the group.
Singing at camp — on hikes, on all occasions will make girls
sing at work and at home, if not actually, at least in spirit.
Besides s nging, there are the violin, the ukulele and other
instruments which can be used in general program work. (See
Section V, Chapter XIII, page 526, on The Place of Music in
the Girl Reserve Movement.)
D. Style-Craft:
1. Hat Making —
Within twenty to thirty minutes a clever milliner
can demonstrate the making and trimming of a hat.
Such a demonstration made at a center or club room at
noon in spring or fall will often cause a demand for a
short, informal series of "lessons." This becomes an
informal group rather than a "class."
2. Organdy Collar and Cuff Sets —
An improvised bulletin board on which are placed sev-
eral sets of the simplest but daintiest of organdy collars
and cuff sets causes an immediate demand to be "shown
how." Such sets cost so much when bought and so little
in comparison when made and they are so stylish! (This
can be done with various articles of dress.)
3. Tie-Dyeing—-
Directions for this may be found in the November,
1920, Ladies' Home Journal or in any book on Arts and
4. Dress-Making a la Carte —
On a medium sized piece of cardboard, each girl
pastes the picture pattern of a dress she would like to
have. Beside the pattern she pastes a. sample of the
material and of any trimming needed together with the
price per yard of each and the amount needed. An entire
wardrobe or "trousseau" may be worked out in this way
and a prize given for the prettiest and most inexpensive.
E. Outside Speakers:
1. Vocational Work —
a. The road aliead — where does it lead ?
b. What does a business man 'expect of a business girl?
Ask a business man to give a talk.
. c. What lies behind and ahead of the pay envelope ?
2. Thrift
3. Travel talks.
4. Hair fashions — given by a hair dresser who understands
girls. (Include care of hair.)
5. Hand fashions (manicuring) and face fashions (care of
the skin).
6. Help. *
7. Books — why — when — where ?
(A librarian can often give a most interesting twenty-
minute talk on this subject.)
8. Working and living.
(a) Ways and means for showing initiative and origi-
nality in factory and commercial work.
(b) Causes of fatigue and ways of counteracting it.
(c) Dangers connected with the particular industry in
which the girls are working.
(d) Safety devices necessary for certain kinds of work.
(Cooperation of employers and of Health Education
Bureaus might easily be obtained for this sort of work.
A short talk followed by questions and discussions would
be most worthwhile.)
F. Open Forums:
These should be as far as possible in the hands of the girls
and may take the form of debates, short dramatic skits, in-
formal conversations or carefully planned discussions.
1. What lies behind and ahead of the pay envelope?
Have health, skill, promptness, loyalty to work, dress
and manners anything to do with this?
2. Telephone manners.
3. "Fans":
Baseball, Japanese, movie, window.
When is a fan not a fan?
Are fans necessary?
Name some ways of "fanning out."
Do you know any girls who are window fans?
How does it affect them?
4. Modes — Manners — Customs — Costumes.
In an office.
At any social function (especially at a dance hall).
On the street.
In the street car and on the train.
This may be worked out easily in a dramatic way.
For instance, the one "in an office" offers the opportunity
for three short, "snappy" scenes — one occuring at 8:30
or 9 o'clock in the morning, showing the opening of an
office, the tardy stenographer or bookkeeper, the ex-
change of greetings and all the by-play which is usual;
the second at the noon houtf, showing the busy hour of
the day, tempers frayed, telephones ringing, girls plan-
ning for luncheon appointments among themselves or
with the men in the office or men who have come in;
the third at closing time, showing the girl's attitude
toward her work. The girl's interests, both constructive
and destructive, could be shown by the various bits of
conversation floating about as the girls make ready to
leave the office.
"In the dance hall" — any representation made should
include a demonstration of the correct position in dancing.
"On the street" and "in the street car and on the
train" could be well worked out by having one group of
girls do the objectionable thing and another group do the
In all these dramatic presentations much can be taught
by the kind of costume worn and the style of hair-dress-
ing. The good and the bad should be shown in each
5. Health; a luxury, a necessity, or what?
Is there any relation between health, efficiency,
ulooks," disposition, etc? See the pamphlets prepared
by the Bureau of Social Education and for sale by The
Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York .City.
Also see Section V, Chapter II, and Ten Talks, to Girls
on Health, The Womans Press.
6. Who makes the better citizen, a business man or a busi-
ness woman?
See "The Woman Citizen," published by The Woman
Citizen Corporation, 171 Madison Avenue, New York
See "The Young Woman Citizen," Mary Austin, The
Womans Press,
See also outline questions for "The Young Woman
Citizen," by Mary L. Cady, The Womans Press.
See "Your Vote and How to Use It," Mrs. Kaymond
All of this resource material may be secured from
The Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York
7. Who makes your laws, you or the politicians ?
Do you take what is "handed to you" or do you help
"to hand out" what is to be taken?
8. The Ten Best Books I Have Kead,
9. The Magazines I like Best.
10. "Blue Triangle Aerograms."
Messages from the Blue Triangle Centers throughout
the world. Write the Foreign and Overseas Department,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, for helpful sug-
11. Industrial girls in other lands.
12. History of industries such as silk weaving, etc., beginning
with the cocoon. (These can be worked out dramatically.)
13. A. "T. and E." Program (Thrift and Efficiency).
a. The Twin B's (Budgets and Business).
The keeping of personal accounts, planning a per-
sonal budget, keeping of a personal bank account can
all be emphasized under this topic.
b. The Twin S's (Saving and Spending).
Graphic material of all kinds, including posters, should
be used in developing this program. Sample budgets
worked out by the girls themselves, a simple accounting
system for personal use, the how and why of savings and
checking accounts, should all be featured at this meeting.
Possible means for increasing interest would be the sug-
gestion that the group work out a thrift acrostic and
adopt it for their slogan; for instance,
Resourceful. The girls should put this
Intelligent in their own "language."
The following Thriftograms taken from the Savings
Herald, published by the Eighth Federal Reserve District,
St. Louis, Missouri, may be useful in a supplementary
Old Man High Cost of Living shaves the dollars; it
is up to you to save them.
Come easy, go easy is the material used to pave the
hills to the poorhouse.
You don't need a ouija board to find out what's going
to happen if you keep on spending all you earn.
c. When is money really saved?
d. Does my vacation belong to me?
14. Hopes and Hope Chests.
This offers a chance to show efficiency of planning,
buying-, and system in general. Different girls can be
asked to give their ideas of how best to prepare for a
hope chest and what it should contain,
15. Good Citizen at Work.
9 Emphasize spirit and standards.
16. "Pegs and Holes."
Do you know any girls who are round pegs in square
holes? Why are they? Do you know the opposite?
Which are you going to be? What can work mean in
a person's life?
17. "Links" — my employer, my work, my associates, and
Develop this idea along the line of the links in a
chain, where each one is absolutely essential .to the
strength of the entire chain, and if one breaks or is
weak the strength and service of the whole are lessened.
18. Homes and Home-making.
How can a girl away from home still surround her-
self with the home atmosphere ? Can a room in a board-
ijig-house be made "home?" What makes a real home?
iThis discussion will lead naturally to a discussion of -the
ideal home which every girl wants.
See "House and Home Series," Elizabeth Jenkins. A
series of pamphlets for sale by The Womans Press with
such titles ,as "Planning the House," "Furnishing the
House," "A Budget of Personal and Household Ac-
19. Dress.
The following material will prove suggestive for
forum discussions, dramatic presentations, posters, tab-
leaux, or pantomimes.
It is important that a girl be helped to form right
standards of dress during the adolescent period when her
interest in clothes is greatest.
[deas to instill:
1. It is not money but mind which produces good taste.
2. Do not mistake the costly for the beautiful.
3. Simplicity does not mean plainness nor poverty, but is
the very foundation of beauty and refinement.
4. Imitation in shoddy suits or jewelry is insincerity. An
honest, frank use of plain, inexpensive material worth
the price paid for it, • reflects more credit on the wearer.
5. It is not necessary to follow strictly the dictates of fash-
ion. Be individual. Sometimes your type can't wear
certain styles.
6. Wear dress suited to the occasion.
7. Be careful about choice of accessories.
8. Comfort and health must not be sacrificed.
9. Beauty, wherever found, in pictures, architecture or cos-
tume is based on definite art principles.
Read Arthur W. Dow — "Composition."
Art study is the attempt to perceive and to create fine rela-
ions of line, mass and color. Good spacing or proportion ds the
,rery ground work of design. Ways of arranging and spacing
,o create a harmony may be called the
Principles of Composition.
These are:
1. Opposition — Two lines meeting at an angle form a
simple severe harmony. This gives an impression of
2. Transition — If the corner where two lines meet is
softened into a curve, the opposition is softened and
an effect of unity and completeness produced.
3. Subordination— Unity secured through the relation of
principal and subordinate. Example: A tree trunk
with its branches. This principle governs the distri-
bution of "Dark-and-Light"
4. Repetition — The opposite of subordination. The pro-
duction of beauty by repeating the same lines or
masses in rhythmical order.
5. Symmetry — An arrangement in exact balance. This
is another way to satisfy the desire for ordetf and
good arrangement.
Art Elements.
A. Line.
B Dark-and-Light,
C. Color. To describe a color tell its
1. Hue — the name of the color — as red, yellow, etc.
2. Value — whether it is a dark color or light.
3. Intensity — Whether it is bright or dull.
The silhouette of the costume makes a certain -line. Then
there are others on the dress, such as tucks, stripes, rows of
buttons, etc. Let these lines follow the structural lines of the
body as the lines of doors and windows do on a building.
What lines to avoid if you are stout:
1. Horizontal lines, such as are formed by belts, broad
shoulder effects, ruffles, the line of the sleeve ending
at the elbow which is on a line with the belt.
2. Avoid tight blouses as well as very baggy, and coats
ending at hips or Eton jackets.
3. Avoid anything which will lead the eye across the fig-
ure, such as pockets at the hips.
4. Do not wear fiat hats trimmed in horizontal lines.
Stout people should wear dresses, which present a long
unbroken silhouette and use trimming of buttons, etc., near the
center of the figure. Wear pointed neck, not round or square.
Build the hair high on head or wear hats which add height. Do
not wear "headache bands."
The slender type needs to emphasize lines to increase her
width. She may wear all that her stout sister cannot.
Avoid: Yokes whose lines meet in angles over the chest.
These will make her appear hollow chested. Round yokes and
neck line are best.
Avoid tight sleeves and severe lines in opposition in waist,
sleeve, skirt or hat.
Do not arrange the hair out of all relation to the size and
shape of head and neck.
Do not adopt an angular, unrhythmical hair arrangement.
Do not wear it built too high nor sliding down at the back of
the neck.
Do not adopt a style just because everyone else is wearing
her hair that way.
The design in the textiles worn, the use of different mate-
rials in trimming make the Dark-and-Light of a costume." Good
designs are not those that are an imitation of nature. The
charm of the simplest flower is lost when used in endless repe-
tition. Choose simple designs which are well spaced.
Stout people should avoid conspicuous stripes or borders,
plaids, bold designs,- large dots.
Light shoes should not be worn with dark dresses unless you
wish to draw attention to your feet.
Color Harmonies:
1. Complementary — The colors opposite each other on the
color chart emphasize the intensity of the other. To make them
into a harmony use one in a small space and the other in the
largest space. The small space may be bright, if the large
space has its opposite very dull.
2. Dominant — Use two or more values of one hue such as
light grey-green and dark grey-green.
3. Analogous — Use hues in which one color plays through
all. Examples: Yellow-green, green, blue-green. Warm
colors are the flame colors: * Red, yellow, orange. Cool colors
are blue, purple, green.
Types and Colors:
Stout people should avoid brilliant colors.
Thin people should wear warm colors.
Every costume should have a touch of warm color some-
Yellow and red haired people are warm haired.
Black and grey are cool.
Therefore to bring out the hair wear some contrasting color
If a black haired person wears black only the quality of
blackness is felt.
Avoid brown if you have grey hair. But do wear* warm
Sallow skin —
Avoid white and black and green. Sometimes coral, helio-
trope or turquoise.
Wear rich cream or buff.
Pale skin —
Avoid too strong colors.
Brunette with flushed cheeks may wear strong colors.
Repeat the color of the eyes somewhere on the costume.
Accessories —
Avoid noisy hair ornaments or bracelets, etc., especially
when at work.
Powder simplifies the planes of the face and emphasizes the
main features.
Therefore do not use too much on the nose. It may look like
a beacon light.
Paint is unnecessary if you are healthy. We do not dress
to appear before footlights.
Shoes should be chosen for comfort and health.
G. Stories.
Story-telling if well done will always have its appeal for an
adolescent girl. It is often possible for an inexperienced story-
teller to half read and half tell a good story. A successful
method of interesting girls in reading worth-while books is to
tell part of the story — stopping at a most exciting point and
say quite casually that the rest is to be found in "this book"
and display the book. See Section V, Chapter V, page 392, on
Story Telling.
Any good story found in a magazine or book form can be
retold in an interesting way. Consult local librarian for lists of
stories and new books in demand by girls.
-Story-telling may often take the form of a "book review"*
of some popular book. The main facts of the story can be told
in an interesting way and sometimes a few girls can present a
few scenes in a dramatic "skit." Two books which have proved
successful for such reviewers are:
Slippy MciGee — Marie Conway Oemler.
Shavings — Joseph Miller.
Ill — Service.
According to the Commission reports of the girls, service
should be along two lines:
A — Social service training.
B — Concrete expression.
A. Social Service Training.
1. Informational meetings including discussion on such sub-
jects as:
(a) Eed Cross.
(b) Americanization.
(c) Juvenile court work.
(d) World fellowship.
(e) Industrial Standards of the Y. W. C. A.
(f ) Eight-hour day.
(g) Minimum wage,
(h) Health insurance.
(i) Child labor laws (federal and state),
(j) Mother's pension funds.
B. Concrete expression of service to be shown.
1. Through the group by:
(a) Christmas parties for children.
(b) Making scrap-books for children's wards in hos-
(c) Making .toys for hospitals, homes, day nurseries,
(d) Adopting a child and doing all possible for it.
(e) Adopting a family — meaning by this that the Girl
Reserves will act as friendly visitors, helping as
much as possible and putting the family in touch
with the right social agencies.
2. Through each individual in the group (i. e., a personal
responsibility) by:
(a) -Giving at least one day's salary each year to a
Y. W. C. A. secretary in some foreign country (pre-
ferably the one the local Association is helping to
(b) Knowing and urging- other Girl Reserves to know
the child labor law of the states.
(c) Using influence to keep girls in school and to report
violations of child labor law to the girls' work sec-
(d) Knowing something of mother's pension funds and
other legislation affecting women and children.
(These last three are services of the finest kind
because it is only by women and girls everywhere
understanding conditions that laws can be effec-
tively made and kept. Girl Reserves are not too
young to help all fellow-workers.)
(e) "Every Girl Reserve being a real Girl Reserve 365 days
days of the year at work, at "home, and at play."
IV— Spirit.
Spirit and Service go hand in hand and the recommendation
of a group of Girl Reserves in one section of our country that
"every Girl Reserve be a real Girl Reserve for 365 days of the
year at work, at home and at play" is the basis of the first two
suggestions for making the spirit of all program work for
younger girls in business and industry the vital factor the girls
want it to be. They recognize that the spirit side of the pro-
gram must permeate it as a whole — not merely by a ten-
minute moral talk — nor by singing hymns, nor by reading from
the Bible does real spirit creep into a program. It must be
present in everything and must be related in a concrete way to
their work — their home life — and their play.
A wise man in his will once "bequeathed to children the yel-
low shores of creeks and the golden sands beneath the waters
thereof, and the dragon flies that skim the surface of said
waters, and the odors of the willows that dip into said waters,
and the wMte clouds that float high over the giant trees. " It
is this spirit of the great out-doors of God which is needed in a
program. It is this feeling of the joyousness of living in a
world which, even if it does not offer many chances to look upon
the "yellow shores of creeks" and their golden sands, is the
world of God. He has put people in it to help make it as He
wants it to be. They are here because they have work to do for
God in all of their daily living1. This is the spirit which will
make a Girl Eeserve the kind of a girl who can live as a Chris-
tian at her work and in her home and in her community.
All of the following suggestions are made with this thought
of helping the girl to see the connection between certain great
principles of Christian living which have come out of the expe-
rience of the past and her own little evefy-day problems.
(A) Interpret by means of stories (Bible and other stories),
by poems, talks, discussions, dramatic presentation, the
underlying meaning of the Girl Reserve Code. This
code is a girl's expression of the spirit of the Y. W. 0.
A., and can mean much to a girl as she tries, to live her
life to the fullest.
As a Girl Reserve I will be:
Gracious in manner,
Impartial in judgment,
R eady for service,
L oyal to friends,
R eaching toward the best,
E arnest in purpose,
S eeing the beautiful,
E ager for knowledge,
R everent to God,
Victorious over self,
Ever dependable,
S incere at all times
These codes are printed in an attractive way on small cards
and may be obtained, free of charge, one for each Girl Re-
serve, by writing to the Bureau for Work with Younger Girls,
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. They are given only
when the group of girls is registered at National headquarters.
(See page 46 for an interpretation of the Code, and page 690
for a Symbolic Interpretation.)
(B) Interpret, in the same concrete way, the following
Business and Industrial 'Code, written by the girls
themselves. This also might be printed in an attrac-
tive form by a local Association if it seems a good
plan and given to each girl:
1. Be square and always on the job.
2. Do our work cheerfully (when rush orders come,
don't grumble but smile and work).
3. Give our employer the best that is in us for the
full time we work.
4. Try to use better language ourselves and help
others to do the same.
5. Be good cooperators or team-workers. Do our
share in keeping the place in which we work
attractive. This means work-room, lockers, and
rest rooms.
6. Do all our work in the spirit of a Girl Reserve,
which is "to find and give the best.'*
(C) Stories, poems, music used in connection with any part
of the whole program or as a special feature can
always mean much.
(D) Beautiful initiation services or opening ceremonials
all help to awaken a sense of the beautiful and a feel-
ing of worship. If a prayer is used at the closing of
any meeting or as part of a ceremonial, the following
are suggested. It is often a good plan to have the
Girl Reserve group adopt a prayer which belongs to
them as a group and one they use whenever they want
to. Either of these or one written by the girls them-
selves might serve this purpose:
A Girl Reserve Prayer.
"The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating
concerns and duties Help us to perform them with laughter
and kind faces let cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us
to go blithely on our business all this day, bring us to our
resting beds weary and content and undishonored, and grant us
in the end the gift of sleep."* — Robert Louis Stevenson.
"Grant, oh Lord, that what we say with our lips,
We may believe in our hearts
And practice in our lives."
The following Initiation Service is suggested as a possible
Initiation Service.
Have soft music played while new members enter the room
and take their places in triangular formation (chairs previously
placed) in front of long table.
After all the new members are seated, the three committee
chairmen, or club officers enter and take their places behind the
table on which are three lighted candles. The central candle is
the largest and behind it is placed a large blue triangle made of
pasteboard or ribbon. This candle symbolizes spirit — the key-
note of the Girl Reserve work. The other two smaller candles
are identical in size and symbolize Knowledge and Health.
Choose a girl with a musical voice that carries well. A voice
* From "Prayers Written at Vailima" ; copyright 1898, 1904, by Charles
Scribner's Sons. By permission of the publishers.
is heard from behind screen, placed at the front; it recites the
"King's Daughter?
Wouldst thou be all fair,
With out — within —
Peerless and beautiful,
A very queen?
Thou must begin
And build with care
A Holy place.
Watching ever, praying" ever,
Keep it fragrant, sweet and clean.
So, by God's grace, it be fit place —
His 'Christ shall enter and shall dwell therein.
Thy temple face is chiseled from within."
Solo (by a girl).
President or Scout chairman rises and reads, or repeats:
"We would be true for there are those who trust us.
We would be pure for there are those who care.
We would be strong for there is much to suffer.
We would be brave for there is much to bear,
We would be friend to all, the foe, the friendless,
We would be giving and forget the gift,
We would be humble for we know our weakness^
We would look up, and laugh, and love, and lift,"
She continues: "This group of Girl Reserves proposes to
carry out this spirit and asks if you wish to join and help them ?
New members: We do.
•Scout chairman or president: Will you repeat with me the
slogan of the Girl Reserves ?
Slogan: "To face life squarely."
Purpose: "To find and give the best."
Code: As a Girl Reserve, I will be —
Gracious in manner,
Impartial in judgment,
Ready for service,
Loyal to friends,
Reaching toward the best,
Earnest in purpose,
Seeing the beautiful,
Eager for knowledge,
Reverent to God,
Victorious over self,
Ever dependable,
•Sincere at all times,
I will do my best to honor God, my country, and my com-
munity, to help other girls, and to be at all times a loyal, true
member of the Girl Reserves.
President: On behalf of all Girl Reserves I welcome you
into membership and as a symbol of our club life ask that you
light your membership candle from this our symbol of spirit,
In so lighting- your candle you are accepting the trust of all
Girl Reserves, the trust of a healthy body, an alert mind, a
willingness to serve, a desire to be a Christian citizen.
(Soft music while new members file before table and light
candles — all resume places in triangle as before.)
President: We are standing in the form of a triangle, ^which
symbolizes the three-fold purpose of our club in its care for
the body, mind and spirit. A three-fold cord is one which is
not easily broken^ and as we bind ourselves together let us
pledge to give our best in the spirit of usefulness, friendship
and service.
(All remain standing while the voice from behind the
screen reads ) : "Everywhere, always, in sunshine, in shadow,
in joy, in disappointment, in success, in defeat, we, the Girl
Reserves of America, follow the gleam. If once we fall we rise
to face the light; if once we fail, we fight again to win; we
cannot be lonely — we stand together. .From North to farthest
South, from East to distant West, ours is the surest quest. We
know the One we follow."
(Same voice alone, or the entire group if song has been
learned previously, sing):
Music — "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies.**
Oh Spirit Voice that leads us forth
Along the great highways;
Oh Beacon Light that guides our course
From darkness into day.
Association Spirit! Our voices rise to say
We pledge our loyalty
To the Y. W. C. A.
0, beautiful for Pilgrim feet
The road thy light reveals.
We tread the path with footsteps fleet;
What days of- joy it yields.
Our candles lighted at thy torch,
To others send its ray,
And beckon them to follow us,
Upon the shining way.
231 " i ".
Oh Master of the Spirit Throng
That on this road have trod,
We pray this light may never fail
To point the path to God.
And may our tiny candles
Be lifted high alway,
And so all girlhood guide to Thee,
The Life, the Truth, the Way."
— Elizabeth Woodson, Kansas City, Missouri.
(Either of the prayers given above may be inserted at any
part of the service which seems best to the adviser.)
(E). Bible Stones and Bible Games.
Sometimes a group of girls is quite at a loss to know what is
meant by certain Bibical references to characters or happenings.
Their home life has never given them the necessary background.
For this reason it is a good plan to have simple Bible stories
told as often as possible. Dramatization of Bible stories is a
most effective way of teaching many girls the real meaning
and significance of principles involved. This can be done simply
and without great effort. (See Section V, Chapter I, page 295,
on Religious Education.) Bible games offer a splendid chance
at odd moments for fun and education. It is often possible when
on a hike to play a Bible game or tell a Bible story. Why not —
just as well as some other? The following games are given
as suggestive ones:
Bible -Games.
I. Bible Mathematics —
Multiply the number of letters in the name of Esther's
uncle by the number of letters in the name of Ruth's
mother-in-law and add the number of letters in the name
of Isaac's bride and divide by the number of letters in
the name of Ruth's sister-in-law. (9-2/5)
Divide the number of books in the New Testament by
the number of letters in the name of the king who held
the Israelites as slaves in Egypt and add the number
of letters in the name of the queen whom Esther suc-
ceeded. (9-8/7)
II. Bible Anagrams —
Using the letters of the books of the Bible. The letters
say for two books, are mixed together and put in one
envelope and the letters of two other books in another
envelope. The point of the 'games is to see which team
discovers the names first.
III. Variation of II—
Have in envelopes slips of cardboard or paper on which
are names of Bible books and on separate slips names
of events or characters belonging in these books. Give
so many minutes to see which girl or team of girls
can link up the events with books.
Events or Characters
Den of Lions
Ten Commandments
The Lord is my Shepherd.
IV. Recognition —
Given list as suggested, place correct name and event
Sling shot
Tables of stone
Pillar of salt
Coat of many colors
Ladder of Angels
An army of 300
First murder
A sold birthright
A covenant of friendship
Lot's wife
Cain and Abel
Jacob and Esau
David and Jonathan
V, Conclusions —
Given the beginning of a Bible verse, have it finished
by girls. Can be played as relay or circle game.
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they "
"Come unto me all ye that "
"For God so loved the world that : "
VL Bird, Beast and Fish translated into a Bible game can
be made interesting for a little while. Instead of saying:
Fish when pointing to a girl, say "Bible Character — D,"
and the girl will respond before ten is counted with the
name of a Bible character beginning with D, for example
Deborah. It would be wise for the adviser to make a
list of the most common letters leaving out, of course,
F and perhaps a few others.
VII. I Went to the Holy Land—
This played to the "tune" of "I packed my grandmother's
trunk" is always fun, for it keeps our minds working.
For example:
I went to the Holy Land and I visited Schechem —
Mr. Arrarat — Beersheba — -Nazareth — Bethlehem —
Jerusalem, etc.
An assignment might be made the previous week to
acquaint oneself with twenty Bible cities. It would not
be necessary to explain the use to be made of this
VIII. Relay games using Bible questions —
Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
How long did it rain during the flood, etc.?
(F) Short Bible Classes —
"Bible classes which 'begin with life and go back through
to the Bible' are what we want." These are the words of the
girls themselves and give the key to a successful Bible class.
First the girls must want a "class," second, it must be concrete
— related to the 20th century; third, it must be short; fourth,
it must be conducted by the discus sional method — not the
lecture method.
The following material for younger girls with necessary
adaptations may prove suggestive:
My Friendship with Jesus Christ.
Studies in Knowing Jesus Christ.
Christian Citizenship for Girls.
Ten Commandments in the 20th Century.
Obtained from the Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue,
New York City.
(G) Definite discussions on such subjects as —
1. Is my work a joy or a trial ? Do I hate it or love it ?
2. What is the purpose of our Girl Eeserve group?
Take stock and see if we are living up to our purpose.
These games have "been supplied by Irene Riley, Girls* Work Secretary,
Cleveland, Ohio.
(H) The poster method previously described has been used
effectively by taking "Triangles for Girl Eeserves" and
illustrating them in the following way: In the center of
a large blue triangle place the head of a girl who is as
attractive as possible — the type of girl every girl wants
to be. Underneath the triangle place the word Spirit or
Myself or Health or whatever the triangle may be symbol-
izing. If the triangle symbolizing Spirit mark the three
Sides Life, Love, Laugh; if Myself, mark them, Words,
Thoughts, Actions; if Health, Play, Work, Sleep (see
illustrations). A poster on which is the triangle of Spirit
may have something like the following below the triangle
and printed in as attractive way as possible:
"Why are there so many songs written about Smiles ?
How does being grouchy affect others? Am I increasing
my circle of friends by being friendly? Is my spirit
loving, cheerful, and helpful?"
Under the triangle, Myself might be printed some-
thing like the following:
"If I could hear my conversations repeated at the
end of the day, would it make any difference in what I
say? Are my thoughts kind and true before I speak of
another? Have I the courage to say what I know is
true? Which are louder, actions or words?"
On the third poster which might have on it the
triangle of Health could be painted:
"How does the amount of sleep I have affect my
work? Is it easy to be cheerful when I have a head-
ache. Are many illnessnes caused by one's own careless-
ness? What responsibilities to others does one have for
keeping well?"
A series of posters of this kind, each bearing in the
triangle a different girPs head — all as attractive as possi-
ble — can be placed one at a time In a center or a club
room or sometimes in the girl's place of work. They will
cause discussion and often have far-reaching results.
(Some of which it might be well to commit to memory — some
might be placed on the bulletin boards — others might be used
as the basis for discussions — some of which might help to
make concrete the Girl Reserve Code and the Business and
Industrial -Code.)
"Be a booster! Use a horn instead of a hammer. Things
can't always be as you wish. Everyone should be pleased. The
largest freedom to all comes when each member does her part
fully in respecting the rights and privileges of others."
"Be a good cooperator. Don't make your club suffer through
failure to do your part. If you have a complaint or a sugges-
tion for the good of the club, submit it in writing, properly
signed, to the S. 0. S."
"Don't be too neighborly with your friend's clothing and
toilet articles — she may need them."
"A pound of ideals is worth a ton of ideas."
"A pound of inspiration is worth a ton of information."
"Woman is the custodian of the ideals of life."
Who Coes There?
The Boston Chamber of Commerce Warns the Public.
I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world.
I have destroyed more men than all the wars of the world.
I am more deadly than bullets and I have wrecked more
homes than the deadliest of siege guns.
I steal in the United States alone over $300,000,000 each
I spare no one, and I find my victims among the rich and
poor; the young and old, the strong and the weak.
Widows and orphans know me.
I loom up to sucli proportions that I cast my shadow over
every field of labor from the turning of the grindstone
to the moving of every railroad train.
I massacre thousands upon thousands of wage-earners in a
I lurk in unseen places and do most of my work silently.
You are warned against me, but you heed not.
I am relentless! I am everywhere — in the home, on the
streets, in the factory, at railroad crossings and on
the sea.
I bring sickness, degradation, death. And yet few seek to
avoid me.
I destroy, crush, maim, take all, and give nothing.
I am your worst enemy.
(Reprinted through the courtesy of the Boston Chamber of
The Builder.
By Gerrit A. Beneker.
I am the Builder; on my throne
Of iron and wood and steel and stone,
I stand the Builder, but not alone •
In God's own image, from God's own plan
From common clay, He built Me, Man.
From conimon clay He raised the ban
That I might live — but not alone.
From God's own earth I scoop the ore,
The coal I mine, the rock I bore,
The lightning's flash from the air I store;
This clay fuse I — with fire to mock
The Ancient Gods; their temples rock,
Crash back to earth; tongues interlock
To build no Babel as of yore.
Where once a hillock was but small,
I build the city towering tall,
The peasant's hut, the marble hall;
With men from many a foreign strand,
I build with heart and soul and hand
America — the Promised Land!
Build all for each — build each for all.
(Reprinted by consent of the author and the courtesy of
the Red Cross Magazine.)
"To-day is your day and mine, the day in which we play our
part. What our part may signify in the great whole, 'we may
not understand. But we are here to play it, and now is our time.
This we know — it is a part of action, it is a part of love. Let
us express love in terms of human helpfulness."
Your Place.
"Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care!
He set you there.
Is your place a large place?
Guard it with care!
He set you there.
What'er your place, it is
Not yours alone, but His
Who set you there."
"If you your- lips would keep from slips
Five things observe with care —
Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,
And how, and when, and where."
Special Suggestions for Recreation to meet the needs of
unorganized groups of girls or where informal organization
brings girls into groups the personnel of which is apt to
(1) Noon Hour.
Recreation at a center — at the Association building — at
place of work itself, or at a continuation school.
The following: suggestions for noon activities, aside from
games, have proven successful:
1. Whistling solos.
2. Pantomime stunts.
Inviting boys, friends of the girls at the store, to
sing, whistle or do some "stunt."
3. Beauty demonstration, hair dressing.
4. Story telling.
5. Handicraft day.
6. Interpretive dancing.
7. Roller skating.
8. Fortune telling.
9. Songs
10. Short musical "skits." •
(2) During school hours at the Y. W. C. A. or the continuation
(3) At night.
Association building
(a) Group supper and informal club activities. In many
places a supper meeting is the only opportunity
offered for meeting the girls as a group. If this is
the case, it is extremely important to make the most
of this time. Two essentials of a successful club
supper meeting are wholesome, appetizing hot food
and a well planned activity which may happen at
the supper table.
The following1 suggestions for menus are offered
because they have proven to be what girls like and
because they are simple and inexpensive to prepare.
Four things to remember in preparing club suppers
^1. The younger girl in business and industry is just
like any other girl and likes food prepared in
clever, appetizing ways.
2. Buy good bread and butter. The girls eat a great
deal of it and it should never be poor in quality.
3. Always serve rolls hot. If it is impossible to
serve them hot serve plain bread. Girls do not
like cold rolls.
4. Girls do not like plain lettuce salad.
In any good cook books may be found detailed direc-
tions for any of the following:
Cheese Fondu.
Use stale bread with dressing of cheese, eggs and
milk similar to custard but unsweetened. Bake in oven;
serve hot.
Peanut Butter Soup.
Heat milk but do not boil. Use 1 tablespoon of
peanut butter to one pint of milk. Dissolve peanut but-
ter in small amount of milk. Add when milk is heated.
Salt to taste.
Stuffed Rolls.
Split finger or French rolls and fill with chopped meat
prepared in brown gravy. Toast in oven. 'Serve with
plenty of gravy.
Baked Potatoes with Cheese.
Cut potato when baked in half. Spread with grated
cheese, pepper and salt and paprika. Place in oven until
cheese is melted.
Double Decker Hash.
Put hash (well cooked) into large baking pans; cover
with two-inch layer of mashed potato. Brown in oven.
Cut carefully and serve.
Creamed Chipped Beef.
Serve with cheese crackers. Cover large size soda
crackers with grated cheese. Place in oven to brown.
Potato Soup.
Buttered Beets.
Spaghetti and Cheese.
Liberty Noodles.
Fry hamburger steaks until crisp and brown. Oook
egg noodles in usual way. Add hamburger, bits of green
pepper and parsely. Finish in oven. (This is an Inex-
pensive hot dish, popular with girls. Other meats could
be used in same way.)
Chocolate Blanc Mange.
Cut up fruit. Sprinkle with cocoanut.
Apple Sauce.
Serve with hot rolls or ginger bread.
Apple Porcupine.
See any recipe book for clarified or candied apples.
Use red cinnamon candy to color syrup. Stick a, few
almonds and cloves on top of each apple when cooked.
Serve if possible with tiny bit of whipped cream.
Hot Sandwiches.
Three layers of toast, one layer of blackberry jam
or tart jelly, other layer of peanut butter.
Punch — 1QQ persons.
Small can of tea. Pour on boiling water and set 10
minutes. Sweeten tea to taste. Juice of 2 dozen lemons.
Juice of 1 dozen oranges; 1 can sliced pineapple
(chopped) ; 1 bottle maraschino cherries. Put on ice,
The following suggestions for activities with a real
point to them have proved successful at the table:
1. Have the table set incorrectly. Before eating* each
girl must help set it correctly. Decide on the num-
ber of points for each article placed correctly. Frizes
may be awarded as jokes.
2. Place at each plate a funny rhyme; illustrating the
right use of a cup, a knife, etc.
3. Typewrite the following story on slips of paper in the
sections indicated by the spaces. Place one section
at each plate and have each girl read her section.
Finally, the entire story will be assembled as it
should be. This might be followed by a discussion on
Said Old Gentleman Gay, "On a Thanksgiving Day,
If you want a good time, then give something away."
So he sent a fat turkey to Shoemaker Price.
And the shoemaker said, "What a big bird, how nice!
And since such good dinner's before me, I ought
To give Widow Lee the small chicken I bought."
"This fine chicken, oh see!" said the pleased Widow Lee,
"And the kindness that sent it, how precious to me.
I would like to make somebody as happy as I,
I'll give Washwoman Biddy niy big pumpkin pie."
"And oh, sure," Biddy said, "it's the queen of all pies,
Just to look at its yellow face gladdens my eyes.
Now it's my turn, I think, and a sweet ginger-cake
For the motherless Finnigan children I'll make."
Said the Finnigan children, Rosy, Denny and Hugh,
"It smells sweet of spice, and well carry a slice
To little lame Jake, who has nothing that's nice."
<fOh, I thank you, and thank you/' said little lame Jake,
"Oh what a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cake.
And oh, such a big slice, I will save all the crumbs
And give some to each little sparrow that comes.
And the sparrows they twittered, as if they would say,
Like old Gentleman Gay, "On a Thanksgiving: Day
If you want a good time, just give something away."
4. Tell stories.
5. In center of table place a paper pie with ribbons
running to each place. Pull ribbons, and at end of the
ribbon is a recipe for the hot dish used that night.
6. Business meeting.
Have a printed or typewritten outline at each girl's
place with little slogan on it as "a friend in need/'
"a good citizen." Business can be transacted promptly
and short discussion on the slogan follow.
7. Let every girl try to be a "cheerful cherub" for ten
minutes and write a "cheerful cherub carol."
8. Discuss the movies running in the community for that
week. Let one girl give a resume of one or more of
the plots.
9. All kinds of seasonal parties, such as Valentine, Hal-
lowe'en parties.
10. Rainbow suppers.
Have decorations in colors of rainbow with little
paper rainbows pasted on each tumbler. Talk on
color and color combinations, becoming and unbe-
coming colors to blondes and brunettes.
11, Birthday suppers.
(b) Formal or informal club meetings.
(4) On Sundays.
Indoor activities at the Association building or the Center
and outdoor activities, such as hikes, sunset vesper service, out-
door sings.
In some communities it does not seem wise to try to hold
meetings of these younger girls at night. Before deciding
that an evening is impossible it is well to determine whether
or not the girls are in the habit of going- to night "movies" or
of being on the streets. The objections, distance and travel,
are sometimes relieved through the use of club rooms in a
neighborhood where the girls live. Adequate places for recrea-
tion and club work can often be found if one can make use of
o,hurch basements, unoccupied stores, school community centers.
A little thought and ingenuity and often very little expense
can make these places attractice.
In some places girls under eighteen go to evening schools
and are released about nine or nine-thirty all ready for a good
time. Often they linger on the streets and make chance
acquaintances. Any center or Association building should make
provision to meet this situation through a wholesome recreation
program or by whatever means seems possible.
Any program for younger business college girls will neces-
sarily center around such general interests as the following:
1. Social activities, including men and girl parties.
2. Open forums, giving an opportunity for discussion on
such subjects as social standards and business ethics.
3. Health education, worked out through actual gymna-
sium classes, lectures and discussions, physical exami-
nations and purposeful receation.
4. Service.
Social Activities.
Because of the similarity in age-grouping and the school
environment, the activities (social) desired by these younger
business college girls are very similar to those craved and
enjoyed by the high school girls in their junior and senior years.
The committee in charge of work with this group must remem-
ber that the monotony and routine of the average business
college work is much greater than that of the class work of
r. high school, that many of the girls are away from home, and
that they are usually working intensely so that they may cover
a certain amount of ground in a given period of time; moreover
most high schools are more completely organized, so far as
dubs are concerned, than are most business colleges. The
average business college in fact provides for little except the
actual business training. Little responsibility is felt for ^the
way the girl may spend her time or the way she may be living.
Therefore there is often a very real need among a large number
of the girls for some/ kind of normal social activity. There
is often, also, real need for advice and help as to where to live
and as to what opportunities are possible for more advanced
study. The recognized business and professional women of
the community are the logical persons to whom the girls' work
secretary can turn for such cooperation.
Many program suggestions, which may be adapted to the
needs of any community, are to be found in the suggested pro-
grams for junior high school girls and for high school clubs,
pages 159, ,169; also in the following sources:
"Community Service Programs and Activities for Younger
"Ice-Breakers"— by Edna Geister. Secure pamphlets and
book from the Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New
York City.
Social activities for this group will be more successful if
clever devices in the way of posters, tickets of admission, and
favors, are used. For instance, a circus is always a popular
"stunt." Tickets in the shape of elephants can be easily made
from cardboard. On them can be typed or printed some short
clever rhyme describing the circus.
Very often social activities involve other people than are
in the club itself ; for instance, the club might vote to entertain
a group of children from some neighborhood settlement; for
such an occasion, a shoe could be cut from colored board or
heavy paper, and on it written something like the following:
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn't know what to do,
If you will come on Saturday and amuse them awhile.
She will promise not to treat you in the usual style.
On the other side of the shoe, could be written:
Come representing the following Mother Goose rhyme —
(Give here the name of desired representation.)
Open Forums.
These should be just as far as possible in the hands of the
girls themselves, and might take place once a month or a<3
often as the girls desire,
Suggested Topics.
1. Business life as a training for marriage.
Is there any relation between business training and
married life?
Is one in any sense a preparation for the other?
What specific things about business might help a girl
after she is married?
2. The real place of the business girl to-day in American
What opportunities are open to girls to-day in the
business world?
How do the numbers of women in business to-day
compare with the figures for fifty years ago.
What has brought about the change?
What are women doing to meet this increased oppor-
3. Business girls the world around.
South America
4. What lies behind the pay envelope?
Have health, skill, promptness, loyalty to work, dress
and manners anything to do with this ?
For additional material to be used in discussion, see Section
IV, Chapter 2, pages 215-224.
Health Education.
Indoor: A physical examination for every girl to be followed
by the individual exercise necessary — gymnasium classes, games
which develop group and team spirit, indoor track meets, swim-
ming, talks and demonstration of first aid, footwear, posture,
and healthful clothing, proper food, ventilation and sanitation.
Outdoor: Hiking, skating, swimming, boating, field meets,
trailing, camping (including outdoor cookery), volley-ball and
At the beginning of the club year, all club members should
learn through a talk, a discussion, a demonstration or an exhibit,
that "health" is no longer to be considered a luxury but a "social
responsibility," and that the health of the individual bears
directly upon that of the home, school and community.
Every club should make a part of its work an interpretation
to the business college and the community the necessity for
health education standards, with particular emphasis on a
physical examination for every girl, to be followed by individual
exercises for the formation of health habits if necessary.
The actual working out of all these elements must be in
the hands of the physical or health education departments of
the local Association, where there are such. Associations that
have no department may obtain help from the Bureau of Social
Education, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
See Chapter 2, Section V, page 316, Health Education and
Some sort of service activity is essential to the life of any
club. Just what this activity should be must be determined by
local conditions. It is quite possible that the best service
activity for such "a group might be in the business college itself,
helping to create a spirit of friendliness and better standards
of scholarship; or it is quite conceivable that the Younger Busi-
ness iCollege girls could cooperate with the Business and Pro-
fessional Women's Club in service work. There are always
definite and seasonal kinds of service, such as Thanksgiving and
Christmas parties, the preparation of baskets for needy families,
and the entertainment of groups of children from orphans7
homes, at settlement houses, or from family groups, names of
which have been secured through the Associated Charities Or-
ganization of the city or town.
Noon Recreation for Business College Girls.
In some communities it is possible to have an informal
recreation program, at the Association or at some center j this
program is greatly enjoyed by the girls, and should include
games, music, and a chance for fun and relaxation of all kinds.
Sometimes a canteen service where there is need for this, has
proved most successful.
Program Resources.
See the other sections of this Manual for helpful suggestions.
Some of the best supplementary program material is to be
found in current periodicals, newspapers, literature of all organ-
izations dealing with young people. The following are sug-
Magazines: iirfhe American."
"The Red Cross Magazine."
"The Ladies' Home Journal."
"The Woman's Home Companion."
Whatever use is made of the suggestions regarding the use
of the honor list and whatever honors are substituted by the
local International Institute secretary (with the approval of the
local and field secretary for younger girls) it is essential that
the following somewhat intangible values be conserved in the
life of the foreign born girl; if they are not, a gap will be in-
creased which in many instances already exists between her
foreign parents and home and the girl (who is accepting rapidly
American methods of living and standards of value).
1. A respect for her parents' language attainments, and
an ambition to speak her own tongue, as well as to
command the English language.
2. An understanding of the contribution of her country
to the world's history, so -that it has become more of
a place for youth's delight.
3. An appreciation of what her country and people have
given to make American greatness.
4. An appreciation of the music of the people as a com-
mon language in which to express universal ex-
5. A correct evaluation of handicraft as a creative gift.
6. An understanding and enjoyment of folklore as the
expression of a peoples' day dream.
7. An appreciation of the arts of her country as gifts to
8. Respect for old country customs, clothes, and food
as being suitable -to the times and circumstances in
which they are used.
9. Continuation of the play spirit which is found in
every European of whatever age; particularly is it
important to . inculcate respect for this play spirit
whenever it manifests itself in age.
10. An understanding- that folk dancing is the familiar
Old World expression of group activity.
11. Eespect for the "Holy Days," festivals and Saints'
Days of the homelands as the spiritual expression of
the gifts of the old world.
Suggestions Regarding the Adaptation of the Honor List to
Fit the General Needs of Foreign Born or Foreign Speak-
ing Girls.
Service :
(a) In the home:
1. Plan and cook a nationality meal.
2. Plan and cook a simple American meal.
3. Teach one or both parents to speak English.
(b) In the community:
1. Know and sing some of your national songs.
2. Know and sing some standard American songs.
3. 'Serve as an interpreter in a hospital where chil-
dren are being cared for.
4. Get one foreign speaking person to attend night
5. Know the names and addresses of your neigh-
borhood clinics to which people may be referred
for help.
6. Name the different street car routes and learn
the places of interest in the city which are on
these routes.
7. Name the different parks in the city and tell
something distinctive about each one.
(c) To the country:
1. Save one-half your spending money every month.
1. Give some interesting facts at a club meeting about
some woman leader in your native country or in the
country from which your parents came.
2. Be able to give the history of your native flag and of
the American flag (three points).
3. Make a piece of handiwork popular in your native
4. Learn one national folk dance.
5. Learn a folk story of your nation.
6. Know and be able to tell in a simple narrative form
the outstanding points in the history of the nation
from which you have come.
7. Dress a doll in your national costume.
8. Make for yourself a national costume, either from tis-
sue paper or from some inexpensive material.
9. Make one part of a costume as it is made in the old
country: i. e., a cross stitch apron or a blouse for a
Russian costume.
10. Be able to converse in a language other than English.
11. Be able to write in a language other than English.
12. Be able to read a newspaper or a book in another lan-
guage than English.
13. Stay in school through the grammar grades.
14. Learn a trade before going to work.
15. Start a bank account or belong to a saving club.
16. Name the agencies with which one would get in touch
to rent a house.
17. Tell the kind of a house you would expect to rent
for* $ per month.
1. Learn a favorite poem in your native language.
2. Make a friend of some girl of another nationality and
learn some interesting things about this girPs nation
and tell it at a club meeting.
Por sustaining interest in honors:
Make use of equilateral triangles cut out from paste-
board, each side measuring eleven inches. These tri-
angles are to be filled with stars for the honors won.
Use three f headings: Knowledge (Health becomes a part
of this), Service, Spirit. Red indicates Knowledge, gold
Service and silver Spirit. When the triangles are filled,
they will hold forty stars, representing one chevron.
Program Planning:
One International Institute has found helpful the fol-
lowing plan of linking the honors chosen by the method
indicated above and the actual corps meetings:
One month was chosen as a month when ideals would
be emphasized in pictures, games and talks. Pictures il-
lustrating the different ideals expressed in the Girl Re-
serve Code were selected and hung or exhibited in differ-
ent parts of the clubroom. The girls in the corps guessed
which points the pictures illustrated. The girls also
selected from magazines pictures which seemed to them
to illustrate the Code. If accepted, these pictures were
included in scrap books which were sent by the Girl He-
serves to hospitals or to Ellis Island. At the following
meeting of the corps, each girl spoke for a very brief
time on one point of the Code which she had chosen to
interpret. Questions which were of world fellowship sig-
nificance (such as questions about China) were drawn by
the corps members; these questions were to be answered
at the next meeting. Such a meeting gave an opportunity
for the corps members to come attired in Chinese cos-
tumes and to see at the club room an exhibit of Chinese
pictures and curios. The name of some great national
character was given to each girl at the close of this
meeting and their project work was to look up this char-
acter and determine what made him great. "A Great
Character Day" was the result of this research at the
next corps meeting and special emphasis was laid upon
the spiritual qualities in each life which had helped to
make it great. Such a meeting prepared the way for a
discussion on school ideals and reasons for continuing
one's education. The following month of work with this
group was Vocational in its emphasis and included trips
to high schools to observe equipment, and the advantages
of high school education as presented by a high school
Honors for Blue Side of Triangle.
(a) On time for a month 1
(b) Leaving on time for a month 1
(c) Present every meeting for a month or
written excuse 2
(d) Know Girl Reserve Song 1
(e) Neatness of appearance 4
(f) Faithfulness in committee work 1
(g) Honors from other list 5
(h) Taking part at each meeting 4
(i) Reading book from Girl Reserve list 1
Honors for Gold Side of Triangle.
(a) Help straighten club room once during
month 1
(b) Five special acts of service at home during
month 1
(c) Five acts of service as a citizen 1
(d) Honors earned from other list 5
(e) Making ^crap book 10
(f) Bulbs for Easter 2
Honors for Silver Side of Triangle.
(a) Give talk on some point in Girl Reserve
Code 3
(b) Write and discuss five ideals for a girl 3
(c) Going to church each Sunday for a month. . 4
(d) Learn a poem from the list 2
(e) Name a great character and tell two rea-
sons why he is great 2
(f ) Share in question box on China 1
(g) Honors from other list 5
These honors are listed here as suggestive of the way in
which choices are made and as showing what type of substitu-
tions have been made to fit the local need.
The fact that the Girl Reserve plan is being used by so
many different groups of girls in so many different parts of the
country makes it impossible to have a list of honors which is
exhaustive. A local worker is free to substitute honors which
fit community needs, provided:
(a) She makes every effort to make use of the honors
on the prescribed lists.
(b) She chooses new honors which will conform to the
standards of the printed list.
(c) She submits the new honors to the -Field Secretary
for Younger Girls for her approval.
A local worker is also free to give an award for each indi-
vidual honor earned in case her group desires such tangible
evidence of work completed. Suggested awards are small blue
celluloid triangles or such triangles made from heavy paper.
These triangles cannot be secured from headquarters but are
left for a local leader to secure.
In making use of the Girl Reserve honor system, an adviser
will realize that certain honors have been included because of
work with the girl from the open country and the girl from
the foreign-speaking home. These honors, if not applicable to
a certain group, may be omitted and others used.
When honors are awarded it is well to make use of a simple
ceremony, so that the occasion may be a more impressive one.
The individual adviser may use her own judgment about this
and may evolve the ceremonial best suited to her group.
The Use of an Honor System.
An honor system is a definite, tangible system for helping a
girl to acquire information and knowledge of various kinds. It
is a plan of work that has been much used in connection with
work for younger girls during these past few years. Under
such a system one or more points or honors stand for a definite,
worth-while accomplishment along a certain line such as Health,
or Knowledge or Service or Spirit.
Skill thus acquired usually means for the girl an advance
in all-round womanhood.
Girls between twelve and fourteen are usually interested
in working for honors. If an adviser plans to make use of any
system of honors, she should realize that they are a part of
the program.
The danger of an honor system might be that it could lay
too much stress upon individual attainment. To effect such a
result, it is well to encourage honors which have as their ob-
ject the achievement of group standards as well as the individ-
ual. Friendly rivalry between two or more groups of girls is
An example of the way honors can be made a part of the
program is found in the Girl Reserve program where honors
have been grouped under the four headings — Health — Knowl-
edge— Service — Spirit — which are the fundamental principles of
Girl Reserve work.
Care should be taken that every girl does well the work of
each honor. In many cases the decision as to whether or not
this has been done must necessarily rest with the adviser. If
her emphasis is placed upon the conscientious fulfillment of
the requirements, the awarding of the honors will become a
highly desirable attainment in the eyes of the girls.
The satisfactory attainment of honors may be judged in some
eases by an examining committee or Court of Awards. When
the honors have been won in school, home or church, the
teacher, mother, Sunday School teacher or pastor may certify
this upon blanks such as the one printed here, which may be
ordered from The Womans Press, COO Lexington Avenue, New
York City.
Girl Reserve Honors
Corps Company Division
I have honestly completed honor number
(Signed) Girl Reserve
Approved by ,
Teacher, mother or pastor
The Honor System plan of the Girl Reserves gives to each
adviser a means by which the influence of her corp organiza-
tion extends out into the daily life of her girls. The winning of
each honor means a definite worth-while accomplishment. The
attainment of many honors means that the girl who has won
them has advanced in her development of all-round womanhood.
It is the adviser's privilege to arouse interest among her
girls in the plan of the Honor System and to see that, after
the first enthusiasm has passed, the corps members do not
falter. The aim of every girl should be to do well the work
necessary to win each honor. In many cases the decision as
to whether this has been well done must necessarily rest with
the adviser. If her emphasis is placed upon the conscientious
fulfillment of the requirements, to be awarded an honor will
become a highly desirable attainment in the eyes of the girls.
At all times, a careful record of honors won should be kept
by the adviser. The following has been tested and found satis-
factory. Secure a loose-leaf notebook nine by seven inches;
divide each page so that it will serve as a record for two
girls. Use left margin for a record of member's name, address,
telephone number and grade in school or place of business.
How to Award and Keep a Record of Honors.
The four heading's — Health, Knowledge, Service, and Spirit —
enable the adviser to record by numbers corresponding to the
numbers in the Honor List the definite honors which each girl
has won. The accompanying diagram shows how this record
form may be used. (See page 294.)
If an adviser is desirous of keeping a record which shows at
a glance how many honors a Girl Reserve has won in a month,
she may carry out her desire by dividing the five blocks of space
near the left margin into two, four or six spaces. Extend these
lines across the page at right angles to the lines forming the
columns where the honors are recorded. Enter the names of
the months. Instead of having one column for the total, widen
this space near the right margin to carry as many sub-columns
as there are months recorded.
Corps Honors.
Since one of the objects of Girl Reserve work is to create
and foster group spirit and loyalty to one's corps or company,
it is suggested that corps honors as well as individual tionors
should be emphasized. Team spirit is not as strong among
girls as it is among boys and yet it is one of the essentials of
good citizenship on the part of girls. The following honors,
which encourage team spirit, are only suggestive and local ad-
visers may add to the list, awarding such insignia as are de-
sired. These honors are competitive, and it is suggested that
a chart be kept, on which are the names and ranks of the con-
testing corps and companies:
(a) Singing.
(b) Seventy-five per cent of all members present at all busi-
ness meetings.
(c) Competitive sports, such as tennis, basket ball, volley
ball and field meets.
One hundred and sixty points in the system of General
Honors are necessary to become a First Reserve. One Honor
Point is awarded for each activity, unless otherwise stated.
Wherever an honor is marked by a tiny triangle it may be
repeated, the points given for doing it counting toward the one
hundred and sixty points required to be a First Reserve. Each
time, however, the honor must be won by learning new games,
or new recipes, etc. Points for honors 3, 27, 29, 30, under
Health, for honor 73 under Service, for honor 7 under Spirit,
may be counted for rank only twice.
1. Health — physical fitness
(a) Personal:
(1) Open windows an sleeping room for six weeks during
the winter months.
(2) Get eight hours of sleep each night for six weeks, y
(3) Take daily open-air exercises for at least one-half
hour for six weeks, y
(4) Avoid chewing gum for one month, y
(5) Remove damp clothing promptly for two months.
(6)- Brush teeth morning and evening for six weeks.
(7) Drink at least three glasses of water every day be-
tween meals for two months (two points).
(8) Know the cause and prevention of fallen arches of
the foot.
(9) Do not miss school because of ill health for two
(10) Go to bed not later than 9:30 for six weeks, except
one night a week.
(11) Have your teeth cleaned at least twice eacli school
(12) Learn the number of teeth in the first set, also the
names of the permanent teeth.
(13) Learn the special work of the molars, bicuspids,
(14) Make a poster for the club, illustrating the care of
the teeth. Show the kind of paste and toothbrush
to be used.
(15) Care of the hands:
Wash your hands before every meal, for one
Clean your nails once every day for one month.
(16) Wear low-heeled, square- or round-toed shoes for
school and business.
(17) Take at least two warm baths weekly for two
(18) Put on clean underclothes once each week for one
(19) Wash hair at least once a month for three months.
.(20) Do not bite nails for a month.
(21) Place clothing in order on .a chair or foot of bed
every night for one month.
(22) Increase lung and chest capacity noticeably within
three months.
(b) First aid:
(23) Name the different kinds of bandages.
(24) State uses of and rules for applying.
(25) Give symptoms of and treatment for six of the
(a) Fainting (e) Strains
(b) .Shock (f) Sprains
(c) Sunstroke (g) Dislocation
(d) Bruises (h) Fracture
(i) Hemorrhages.
(26) Give the symptoms and treatment for five of the
following :
(a) Burns and scalds (d) Colic
(b) Frost bite (e) Croup
(c) Drowning (f) Earache.
(c) Outdoor activities:
(27) Walk thirty miles within ten days. A
(28) Build a fire outdoors.
(29) Skate on ice or roller skates twenty-five miles in
ten days. A
(30) Ride forty miles on a bicycle within ten days. A
(31) Coast not less than fifteen hours in any one month.
(32) Pass the athletic badge test of the National Play-
ground Association. (Secure tests from the Na-
tional Playground Association, 1 Madison Avenue,
New York City.)
(33) Swimming (one point for each of the following):
Beginners :
Swim ten strokes
Learn to tread water
First attempt to dive.
Advanced swimmers:
Swim twenty-five yards, any stroke
Swim under water fifteen yards
Do three standard dives in good form
Swim fifty feet on your back.
(34) Learn to paddle a canoe, understand how to back
water and how to make a good landing.
(35) Know and use the noiseless stroke of the Indian
(36) Learn to row one hundred feet in good form, and
make a good landing, either on a beach or at a pier.
(37) Know how to sail a boat or steer a motor boat (five
(38) Know how to reef a sail and cut a bow.
(39) Bait a fishhook on a fishing trip, and name three
good kinds of bait.
(40) Walk to and from school for four weeks, providing
the distance is at least one-half mile. (Count twelve
long blocks and sixteen short ones to a mile.)
(41) Tennis (one point for each of the following):
Beginners :
Learn to serve good balls
Learn the meaning of the following terms as used
in tennis: "Service court," "base line," "alley,"
"lob," "cut," "love"
Win a love-set.
Experienced players (three points for each of the
following) :
Take part in a tournament
Lay out a court
Describe the relative values of grass, clay or
cement courts
Understand and use a backhand stroke, a cut, a
(42) Golf (three points for each of the following):
Knowing the names and use of the various clubs
Play a nine-hole course.
Play an eighteen-hole course (two additional
(43) Play twelve games of croquet (two points).
(44) Play twelve games of tether ball (two points).
(45) Know the different positions on a baseball diamond
and how to keep score.
(46) Play on an organized baseball team for four weeks.
(d) Indoor activities:
(47) Know any simple setting-up drill and do it regularly
every morning for one month. \7
(48) Know and play five team games, y
(49) Know the commands of a simple military drill. \/
(50) Know the alphabet and simple word combinations
used in signaling, y
(51) Learn to dance five standard folk dances.
(52) Teach during two months the rules governing a team
game and coach the members in team-play and
spirit (two points).
(e) Community health:
(53) Swat twenty-five flies a day for -two weeks.
(54) Help in some campaign to make the city clean.
(55) Observe the following rules for one month (a, b and c
each count one point) : v/
(a) Do not use public drinking cups
(b) Do not throw fruit skins or paper on the
(c) Observe safety-first rules in
(1) Crossing the streets
(2) Getting on and off cars
(d) Do not use a public hand towel.
(56) Do not cough or sneeze for two months without cov-
ering your mouth.
(57) Know what the work of the Children's Bureau is.
(58) Know what the Board of Health is, and what its use
is to the city.
(59) Plan a model house for five or for ten people, show-
ing the number of windows in each room. What is
the amount of air necessary for each person in a
room? (Five points for this.)
II. Service
(a) In the home:
(1) Plan and cook a meal averaging 15 cents a person.
(2) Know how to prepare the following (each counts
one point):
(a) Bake one kind of cake and cookies
(b) Bake bread and muffins
(c) Cook six common vegetables
(d) Three ways of using left-over meats
(e) Can four quarts of fruit
(f ) Make three glasses of jelly
(g) Make three kinds of candy
(h) Bake two kinds of cake (not learned under
(3) Make your bed and care for your room every day
for one month.
(4) Iron for one hour each week for four consecutive
(5) Learn the care of china, glassware, silver and kitchen
(6) Give one hour of service in the home every day for
one month, y
(7) Keep your stockings darned for two months.
(8) Do not borrow or lend personal belongings for two
(9) Take care of younger children in the family for
three hours a week for two months.
(10) Learn five simple rules of etiquette which will en-
able you to be a good hostess.
(11) Set a table correctly and serve one meal.
(12) Be able to introduce guests properly.
(13) Keep your bureau drawers in perfect order for six
(14) Do not leave clothing or school books around for
one month.
(15) Be on time for meals for a month.
(16) Do errands cheerfully and without reward for one
(17) Keep buttons sewed on for two months.
(18) Have hair and ribbons neat for a month.
(19) Keep shoes blackened or polished for six weeks.
(20) Give two hours of service in the home on Saturday
for three months (two points).
(21) Water and care for plants for one month.
(22) Sweep the sidewalk every morning- for one month
(two points).
(23) Make a set of cards illustrating all the articles of
dress worn by a girl (ten points).
(24) Know how to arrange flowers attractively from point
of view of what flowers look well together, use of
leaves, and the kind of vase you put them in and
where in a room you place them (three honors).
(25) Know how to really pick garden and wild flowers;
e. g., length of stem, not pulling them up by the
roots, and do not destroy any of them, for two
(26) Plant in your own yard four vines and keep them
growing for two months.
(27) Keep your lawn in- order for one month; i.e., mowing
and clipping and caring for shrubbery.
(28) Rake leaves from the lawn for one month.
(29) Make and fill a window-box and care for it for two
months (five points).
(30) Wash and polish the family automobile (two honors).
(31) Know and tell at a club meeting what cuts of meat
are the most economical for use by a family of five.
(32) Know and tell what vegetables are necessary to a
well-balanced diet.
(33) Visit a city market and write a description at least
three hundred words long of what you saw and why
you think the market is valuable (three points).
(b) To the community:
(34) Name and locate the institutions to which you would
refer a tubercular person; one needing food, fuel and
clothing; a lost child; a truant scholar case; a girl
seeking employment; a person suddenly taken ill
on the street; an unsanitary housing condition in
your locality.
(35) Know the safety-first rules for the home (see Boy
Scout Manual, page 237).
(36) Specially prepare for and take part In a community
(37) Specially prepare for and help In a community
(38) Know how to send in emergency calls for the fire
department, police department, pulmotor station,
(Be able to tell your story calmly and distinctly and
answer promptly any questions asked by the depart-
ment called.)
(39) Know the laws regarding fire protection in your city.
(40) Take part in the clean-up of your block once a
week for a month (two points).
(41) Take part in an exhibit of handwork made in the
Old Country (three points).
(42) Tell at club one or more folk stories which you have
learned at; home (one point far each story).
(48) Make a set of cards illustrating all the furniture
necessary for a dining-room, a kitchen, and a living-
room, Cut the pictures from magazines and cata-
logs and paste each on a separate card. Write
clearly underneath each one the name. These may
be sent to the International Institute of the Young
Women's Christian Associations and will help to
teach English to foreign-speaking people.
(44) Earn and save money to purchase $2 worth of
Thrift Stamps (one point for $2 worth, three points
for $5 worth).
(45) Oet another girl in your community to make a win
dow box and fill it.
(46) Help to start a window-box campaign in your com-
(47) Make a set of paper dolls to be sent to a children's
hospital or an Indian or Mission school.
(48) Collect twenty-five used or unused postal cards.
Paste a piece of white paper over any writing on
the cards and send them to the Young Women's
phristian Association, Shanghai or Canton, China.
(49) Teach English to a foreign-speaking girl who may
be serving in some home (three points for each six
lessons of one hour each).
(50) Make and send Valentines, Easter greetings, May
baskets or any token which symbolizes a national
festival to two or more shut-ins (two points).
(51) Make your church more attractive by cleaning and
mending hymnals and Bibles and by bringing flow-
ers for decorations.
(52) Gather flowers and send to hospitals or shut-ins
(one honor for each time this is done, for four times).
(53) Plant one or more bulbs and take the plant when
it blossoms to a hospital or a shut-in.
(c) To the country:
(54) Do one hour of Red Cross work each week for two
(55) Make one finished article for the Red Cross.
(56) Save one-half your spending money for three months.
(57) Earn your own money for a membership in the
Junior Red Cross.
(58) Help your corps or company to support an
orphan in some country where the American Red
Cross or American Food Administration is at work.
(59) Plant a garden and raise at least three kinds of
vegetables so successfully that they may be served
on your home table.
(60) Belong to a vegetable (potato, tomato, corn, etc.)
or canning club and can or dry ten pounds of fruit
or vegetables to prevent waste.
(61) Commit to memory at least five patriotic songs.
(62) Do not put more food on your plate than you can eat.
(63) Know five recipes for conservation of food.
(64) Get seven new members for the Girl Reserves.
(65) Collect and send to soldiers or sailors twenty-five
magazines of recent date.
(66) Raise chickens or rabbits for market.
(67) Put up three quarts of fruit or have a successful
•winter garden.
(68) Use in cooking two good substitutes for meats,
sugar and fat, and bring the recipes to club meeting.
(d) In the school:
(69) Have an average of 90 per cent or its equivalent in
your school in all school work, including deportment,
attendance, punctuality and studies for two months, y
(70) Do not be late or absent from school or work for
six weeks, y
(71) Help a new girl in school or at work to know other
girls, v
(72) Answer truthfully for two months these questions :JJ
(a) Have I been honest to myself and my teacher
by not cheating, or have I been honest to
myself and my employer in the use of his
time and money?
(b) Have I been unfair or unkind in what I have
said about other girls?
(73) Raise monthly average 10 per cent and keep it for
two consecutive months.
(74) Help to keep your school yard in order; e. g., pick
up papers, do not scatter fruit skins or food on the
ground (six weeks, three points).
(75) Help your school to secure trash boxes if it does
not already have them (two points).
(76) Plant shrubs in the school yard or help in some way
to beautify the school grounds (three points).
(77) Make the school rooms attractive through helping
to earn money for pictures and decorations, or by
securing attractive pictures and plants (three points).
(78) Earn money to help buy books or a map for your
III. Knowledge
(1) Make a list of the furnishings and the price of each
article necessary .to furnish (two points for each, or
two points additional credit if a house furnishing book
is worked out. Total, 10 points.)
(a) A bedroom.
(b) A living-room.
(c) A dining-room.
(d) A kitchen.
(2) Choose the color scheme you would have on a dark
bedroom; in a light dining-room.
(3) Select four pictures you would put in a living-room
and tell how you would frame them.
(4) Describe the proper way to sweep and dust a room.
(5) Name and locate six constellations.
(6) Know and be able to tell the story of two constellations.
(7) Identify and describe five harmful garden bugs and
tell how to destroy them.
(8) Know and describe twenty wild flowers.
(9) Know and describe twenty birds.
(10) Know six bird calls.
(11) Name six semi-precious stones and tell .where found.
(12) List the necessary articles of clothing for a school
girl or a young business girl.
(13) Design a school or business dress and give approximate
.(14) Design a party dress and give approximate cost.
(15) Read any three books you have never read before (listed
in Girl Eeserve Book List, prepared by The Bureau
for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington Avenue,
New York City. One point for each book.)
(16) Read three additional books from the above list. (One
point for each book.)
(17) Read three books in the First Inch of the Inch Library
and three in the second or six from either one.
(18) Tell in a club meeting some story of standard fiction.
(19) Name five writers of fiction whose stories you like, and
name two books by each.
(20) Write a letter of application for
(a) A position in a department store or office.
. (b) A position as a teacher.
(21) Know how to fill out and endorse a check.
(22) Be able to give the history "of the United States flag.
(23) Know the salute to the flag.
(24) Learn the rules for use and display of the flag. (Two
(25) Know the officers of the army and navy in order of rank.
(26) Know the insignia of the army and navy officers.
(27) Name the members of the President's Cabinet and tell
what are their duties.
(28) Name twenty occupations open to girls and women.
(29) Fill out vocational questionnaire to be obtained from
your adviser.
(30) Tell how garbage from your kitchen is disposed of.
How does the community finally dispose of it?
(31) Describe the proper way to wash dishes, make a bed,
and set a table for a simple meal.
(32) Know and be able to describe by their bark four trees;
ten trees by their leaves.
(33) Name ten important minerals and tell where found.
(34) Name five great composers and a work by each.
(35) Name five great artists and a picture by each.
(36) Know the Child Labor Laws of your state, and tell about
them at a corps meeting. (Two points.)
(37) Know the name of the mayor of your city, and how
he is elected.
(38) Know the name of the city superintendent of schools
and tell how the Board of Education is organized.
(39) Know the name of your representative in the State
Legislature and in the House of Representatives at
Washington and in the Senate at Washington, and
how they are elected.
(40) Keep an account of how much you spend or is spent
for you on these items for two months:
(a) Fun and recreation (that is "movies," parties, etc.).
(b) "Eats."
(c) Clothes.
(d) Service for others (that is church, Sunday school,
Red Cross, etc.)
(41) Tell how much money you think a school girl or a
young business girl should spend on these items (list
each article separately).
(42) Name five American and five English poets.
(43) In consultation with your adviser choose a poem of at
least four stanzas and memorize it.
(44) Give at a club meeting the most interesting facts in
regard to (one point for each description) :
(a) Some woman leader in Russia.
(b) Some woman leader in France.
(c) Some woman leader in England.
(d) Some woman leader in the United States.
(45) Know all the words of the hymn, "0 Beautiful for
Spacious Skies."
(46) Know two verses of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
and "The Star Spangled Banner," and tell how these
songs were written. (Three points.)
(47) Know two verses of the "Marseillaise" and "God Save
the King."
(48) Know the alphabet of the Semaphore Code.
(49) Send and receive a message in the Morse or Semaphore
(50) Be able to play six bugle calls on the piano or bugle.
(51) Name the commanders -in-chief of the army and navy
(not the President of the U. S. and the Secretary of the
Navy Department).
(52) How many republics are there in the world and what
are they? Submit a written list. (Five points.)
(53) Read a story in the Third Inch of the Inch Library and
take part in the dramatization of it. Secure from The
Womans Bookshop, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York
City. (Three points.)
(54) Learn the story of Catherine Breshkovsky, "the Little
Grandmother of the Russian Revolution/' and help to
dramatize three scenes from it. (Five points.)
(55) Learn the story of Edith Cavell.
(56) Know the symbolism of the National Travelers' Aid
(57) Use a thimble when sewing. (Do It ten times and get
one point.)
(58) Practice your music lesson regularly each day for four
(59) Make three watercolor sketches, showing the color com-
binations which a girl may make in her school clothes.
(Six of these sketches count for two honors.)
(60) Know the difference between a checking and a saving
account, and know how to open each of these accounts
at a bank.
(61) Learn how to open a book properly and how to care
for its pages.
(62) Save a definite sum every week for two months* y
(63) Plan a model wardrobe for a school girl. (Five points
if prepared in writing; ten points if produced in water-
colors or by dressing paper dolls in tissue costumes.)
(64) Know why the sky is blue.
(65) Know why the teakettle sings.
(66) Know why an apple falls straight down.
(67) Collect ten different sea shells and know something
about the tiny animals that built these shells, or gather
some frogs' eggs, place them in a glass jar and watch
them grow. • (Two additional points if you draw pic-
tures showing the different stages of growth.)
(68) Learn "A Country Girl's Creed."
(69) Write a paragraph at least one hundred words long
on the importance of selecting and testing1 seed before
planting it.
(70) What kinds of soil are there in your home farm or
garden and for what uses are the different kinds
adapted? (Two additional points for a chart or a map
showing the location on the farm or in the garden
and showing the strata of soil of each kind.)
(71) Take part in a corps or company debate on the most
urgently needed improvements in and about your school:
(a) Improvements in the building, heating, lighting,
ventilating, etc.
(b) Improvements in the equipment.
(c) Improvements in the course of study, with particu-
lar reference to the things which you think would
be of advantage in your neighborhood. (Three points).
(72) Write one or more paragraphs of at least 200 words
or talk for five minutes at a program meeting of the
corps on "How does a strike or a blizzard which ties
up a city's food supply show the extent of the city's
dependence on the country?" (Two points.)
(73) Draw another plan showing your ideal of a schoolhouse
for the use of the people as a community center. In-
dicate on the plan. (Three points) :
(a) The different rooms.
(b) The heating and ventilating system.
(c) The cloakroom.
(d) The windows.
(e) The kind of furniture.
(f ) The number and position of the seats.
(74) Write one or more paragraphs of at least two hundred
words on how many people besides the pupils have been
in your schoolhouse in the past year. (Two points.)
(a) How many of these people were adults?
(b) How many were parents of the children in the
school ? ;
* (c) Why did they come?
(75) Know the differences in the blossoms of the pear,
plum, peach, cherry, apricot, prune, apples, orange and
crab trees; sketch and color each kind. (Two points.)
(76) Know and observe the traffic signals of your community
for six weeks.
(77) Tell ten combinations of two colors each that go well
together. Illustrate by pieces of colored paper.
(78) Know and locate five industries or occupations in your
town in which women and girls are employed.
(79) Know six different stitches in plain sewing.
(80) Make a dolPs dress, showing the above stitches and a
harmonious combination of two colors.
(81) Memorize a piece of classical music, and play it at a
club program.
(82) Read the "Pied Piper of Hamelin" and share in its
dramatization by your corps or company at a regular
meeting. (Two points; if it is well rehearsed and pre-
sented publicly, five points.)
(83) Know the difference between a check, a draft, a money
order and an express check.
(84) Describe the dress of a Chinese girl,
(85) Read five poems of the two Hindu poets — Sarojini Naidu
and Rabindranath Tagore.
(86) Know the story of a great woman leader of India.
(87) Take an imaginary journey from New York City to
Peking, stopping en route in London.
(88) Know something of the great South American liberators.
(89) Read a book of travel.
(90) Know the process of silk manufacture.
(91) Describe the furnishing of a Japanese home.
(92) Know what reform movements are taking place in China.
(93) Make and color the flags of China, Argentina, Japan, and
Liberia, using the encyclopedia to tell the correct colors.
IV. Spirit.
(1) Write at least two hundred and fifty words about ten
ideals for a girl, and share in a corps discussion of
these ideals.
(2) Write at least two hundred and fifty words about ten
ideals for a boy, and share in a corps discussion of
these ideals.
(3) Read and discuss, "Are You Triangular or Bound?"
obtained from The Woman's Press, 600 Lexington Ave-
nue, New York City.
(4) Read in "The Girl's Year Book" or the Bible every
day for six weeks.
(5) Choose and tell about at corps meeting five pictures
each of which means an ideal toward which you will
work. (Three points.)
(6) Give a five-minute talk at some club opening on some
point in the Girl Reserve Code.
(7) Attend Sunday School regularly for six weeks.
(8) Learn "The Hymn of the Lights."
(9) Learn one of the Psalms.
(10) Learn one poem from "Christ in the Poetry of Today,"
(11) Attend church regularly for two months.
(12) Learn ten Bible verses.
(13) Name the Books of the Bible.
(14) Learn to tell six Bible stories.
(15) Learn at least three important facts in the lives of
eight Bible heroes.
(16) Name six women of the Bible and mention some in-
teresting incidents in their lives.
(17) Tell three things of interest about five children of
the Bible.
(18) Write a description (at least two hundred words) or
take part in a discussion of the ways the boy Jesus
grew. Luke 2:52.
(19) Take part in club discussions on "A Girl at Her Best."*
(a) "A Girl at Her Best Physically."
(b) "A Girl at Her Best Mentally."
(c) "A Girl at Her Best at Home."
(d) "A Girl at Her Best Among Her Friends."
(e) "A Girl at Her Best in Her Church."
(20) Eead one good story of the life of some famous woman,
as "The Story of a Pioneer," by Anna H. Shaw, or
"One Girl's Influence/7 by Robert E. Speer.
(21) Name countries in which the American Y. W. C. A.
secretaries are working with girls.
(22) Make a friend of some girl' of another nationality.
(23) Learn something interesting about this girl's nation
and tell it at a club meeting.
(24) Give five reasons why you think there should be a Y.
W. C. A. in your city.
(25) Read four stories connected with the life of Christ
either in the Bible or in some book of Bible stories,
(26) Give brief accounts of the life and work of five Y. W.
C. A. secretaries in foreign countries.
(27) Give brief accounts of the life and work of five mis-
sionaries who have represented or are representing your
church in foreign countries.
(28) Know the authors' names and give a brief account of
the writing of four standard hymns of your church.
* Each discussion will count one point. See "A Girl at Her Best," by Alice
<5. Moore. There is material enough in this pamphlet for five corps meetings ;
perhaps it should not be used successively.
(29) Learn the motto of the National Y. W. C. A. and write
a three-minute interpretation of it to be read at a club
(30) Serve on committee in the young people's organization
of your church,
(31) Be a member of a Bible class in the girls' department
of a Y. W. C. A.
(32) Read and tell at club meetings three stories about girls
of foreign lands.*
(33) Learn four games played by children in other lands.**
(34) Be a member of a Mission study class either in your
church or at the Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion, and attend regularly for two months.
(35) Read the story of "The Girl Who Walked Without
Fear," by Mrs. Louise Rice.
(36) Learn five facts about the people and their customs in
the following countries: China, Japan, India, South
(37) Memorize two hymns other than those listed elsewhere,
and learn something about their composers. (Two
(38) Study your Sunday school lesson regularly for six con-
secutive weeks.
(39) Be on time at Sunday school for six consecutive weeks.
(40) Give regularly each week to church and missions or
to some benevolent object from your own allowance
or money that you have earned and saved.
(41) Read and own "Mook — True Tales About a Chinese Boy
and His Friends," by Evelyn Worthley Sites. (Two
points, one point for reading only.)
(42) Read "A Girl's Book of Prayers," written by Margaret
* See Third Inch of the Inch Library.
** See "Children at Play in Many Lands," by Katherine Stanley Hall.
(43) Read "Red Cross Stories for Children," written by
Georgene Faulkner.
(44) Know the story of how we got our Bible.
(45) Tell the story of one of the following people: Martin
Luther, Joan of Arc, Jacob Riis. (Two points for one
story; eight points for three stories.)
(46) Tell the story of the King James version of the Bible.
(47) Know the story of "The Christ of the Andes."
(48) Learn the motto of the world Young Women's Chris-
tian Association and share in a discussion of its mean-
ing at a corps or company meeting.
(49) Make a map of the world showing all the places where
the "Blue Triangle" is at work. (Two points.)
(50) On an outline map of the United States, show in differ-
ent colors the eleven groups of states in which the
Young Women's Christian Association has divided the
country. (Each one of these descriptions is called a
(51) On a outline map of the United States, place the letters
Y. W. C. A. so that they stretch from coast ta coast.
Then draw connecting lines from these letters to the
cities where the Field Girls' Work secretaries have their
(52) Read four poems written by Robert Louis Stevenson
and memorize two of them, and know something of his
life. (These poems may be chosen from "A Child's
Garden of Verse.")
(53) Read "The Perfect Tribute," by Mary Raymond Ship-
man Andrews, and "The Three Weavers," by Annie Fel-
lows Johnston.
(54) Find six stories in the New Testament that show
how Jesus went about helping other people.
(55) Find six stories in the New Testament that show how
Jesus loved the out of doors.
(56) Have a "white record" against any personal fault
such as lying, stealing, cheating:, bluffing, "cribbing" —
unclean stories — for two months.
(57) Have a "white record" against any unkind criticism
for one month.
(58) Earn your own Bible by Sunday school attendance or
by earning money to buy it. (Three points.)
(59) From hymns sung in your church during a period of
three months, choose three that mean something espe-
cial to you and memorize one of them. (Three points.
This may be repeated, using the same number of hymns
but choosing different ones.)
(60) Be a helper in a primary or beginners' class for two
months and do not miss a meeting. (Three points.)
(61) Help your corps or company to write a corps prayer.
Use a blackboard where possible and share in a ten-
minute discussion of the prayer.
(62) Learn John Oxenham's poem, "Every Maid."
(63) Learn the rules of behavior for a Chinese girl.
(64) Learn the names of the ten great world religions, their
dieties, and the countries where they are worshipped.*
(65) Read the story of Pandita Ramabai.
(66) Learn ten Bible verses to show that Jesus made no dis-
tinction between races.
(67) Learn two of Rabindranath Tagore's poems from The
Crescent Moon and know something of the poet's re-
(68) List five characteristics of Oriental girls which you think
American girls might emulate, and know why.
(69) Learn the story of Gautama Buddha.
(70) Know what contributions are being made to American
life by the following races: Japanese, Italian, Russian,
Dutch, German, Chinese, and Czechoslovak.
* For material see Menzie's "History of Religion/' or Moore's "History
of Religions."
(71) Select and learn a Bible story which yon think best il-
lustrates Jesus7 love for people.
(72) Write a 300-word essay on what Christianity has to
offer to the girls of the Orient.
I. Health
(a) Personal:
(1) Open windows in sleeping rooms for six weeks
during winter months.
(2) Get an average of at least eight hours' sleep a
night for one month.
(3) Go to bed not later than 9:30 P. M. for at least
two nights a week for one month.
(4) Take daily outdoor exercise for at least one-half
hour for one month.
(5) Avoid chewing gum for two months.
(6) Brush teeth evening and morning for one month.
(7) Do not miss work on account of ill health for two
(8) Drink three glasses of water between meals every
day for one month.
(9) Refrain from drinking tea or coffee more than
once a day for two months.
(10) Eat well-balanced lunches every day for one
(11) Wear low-heeled shoes to work every day for two
(12) Know the proper care of (two points):
(a) Skin. (c) Teeth.
(b) Hair. (d) Nails.
(13) Refrain from eating between meals, except choco-
late bars, graham crackers, or fruit, for one month.
(b) First Aid:
(14) Know where to use and be able to apply the fol-
lowing- kinds of bandages (three points):
(a) Circular. (c) Sling. (e) Finger.
(b) Reverse. (d) Head. (f) Joint.
(15) Give symptoms of, and know treatment for, the
following- (one point for each) :
(a) Fainting1, (c) Bruises. (e) Burns.
(b) Sunstroke (d) Frost bite, (f) Sprains.
(g) Splinters. ' (h) Something in the eye.
(16) Know a simple remedy for the following (one
point for each) :
(a) Cuts. (c) Headache. (e) Nosebleed.
(b) Earache, (d) Toothache, (f) Indigestion.
(17) Know how to make a hospital bed.
(18) Be able to use a clinical thermometer.
(19) Learn how to bathe a sick person in bed and
change the bed linen. (Three points.)
(c) Outdoor Activities:
(20) Walk twenty miles within ten days.
(21) Make a signal fire and illustrate two ways of
building a cook fire. (See Boy Scout Manual,
pages 87 to 117.)
(22) Know what to do if you are lost in the woods.
(See Woodcraft Manual for Girls, page 208.)
(23) Know road signs made with stones and with grass.
(See Woodcraft Manual for Girls, page 238.)
(24) Know how to cook around a camp fire without
utensils (two points):
(a) Eggs. (c) Wienies or bacon.
(b) Potatoes. (d) Marshmallows,
(25) Learn how to swim the following strokes (three
points for each):
(a) Breast. (d) Crawl.
(b) Side. (e) Tread water.
(c) Back. (f) Under water.
(26) Learn the following dives (three points for each) :
(a) Front. (c) Swan.
(b) Back. (d) Jackknife.
(d) Indoor Activities:
(27) Do a simple five-minute setting-up drill every
morning for one month. (Two points.)
(28) Play three team games such as volley ball, basket
ball, corner ball for six weeks. (Ten points.)
(29) Know four standard folk dances. (Five points.)
(30) Teach a group to dance a standard folk dance.
(Two paints.)
(31) Attend a gymnasium class at least three times a
month for three months. (Five points.)
(32) Know the alphabet and simple word combinations
used in signaling. (Two points.)
(e) Community Health:
(33) Swat twenty-five flies a day for two weeks.
(34) Help in some campaign to make the city clean.
(35) Observe the following rules for six weeks (one
point for each):
(a) Use no public drinking cup.
(b) Throw no fruit skins or paper on the streets.
(c) Use only sanitary towels.
(36) Practice safety-first rules for six weeks in (one
point each):
(a) Crossing" the streets.
(b) Getting on and off the cars.
II. Service
(a) In the home:
(1) Know how to prepare1 the following- (two points
for each) :
(a) One kind of cake or cookies.
(b) Bread and muffins.
(c) Six common vegetables.
(d) Lett-over meat in three ways.
(2) Make your bed and care for your room every day
for one month.
(3) Iron for one hour each week for six consecutive
weeks. (Three points.)
(4) Keep your stockings darned for one month.
(5) Do not borrow personal belongings for six weeks.
(6) Make something attractive for your home, such as
curtains, sofa pillows, etc. (Three points.)
(7) Keep your dresser drawers in perfect order for
six weeks.
(8) Do not leave clothing around for one month.
(9) "Wash or dry dishes from one meal for one month.
(10) Sweep the sidewalk and front door step or porch
every day for one month.
(11) Help to buy a geranium or some hardy plant
for the house and know what makes its leaves
grow. (Three points.)
(12) Care for this plant regularly for one month.
(13) Help to buy a piece of furniture or linen supplies
for your home. (Three points.)
(14) Be able to tell your family what fire and life
insurance is and why it is valuable; tell what is
meant by "policy" and "premium." (Two points.)
(b) Outside the home:
(15) Take part in a community program.
(16) Name and locate the institutions in your locality
to which you would refer a tubercular person; one
needing food; fuel and clothing; a lost child; a
truant scholar case; a girl seeking employment; a
person taken ill on the street; an unsanitary
housing condition. (Five points.)
(17) Know how to send in emergency calls for the fire
department, police department, pulmotor station.
(18) Know the laws for .fire protection in your city.
(19) Make a finished article for the Red Cross or
similar organization.
(20) Help support a Belgian or French orphan.
(21) Contribute to some local charity.
(22) Write a letter to a relative or shut-in once a
week for two months.
(23) Teach two games to children.
(24) Sing regularly in the church choir or community
chorus for two months.
(25) Become a member of the Junior Red Cross.
(26) Contribute to a Thanksgiving or Christmas fund
or basket.
(27) Sing or participate otherwise in some entertain-
ment at a hospital or old people's home.
(28) Sing in a caroling group at Christmas.
(29) Make a scrapbook for a hospital or children's
(30) Collect and send ten magazines to some institution.
(31) Get three new members for the Girl Reserves.
(32) Help earn money for a camp or conference fund.
(33) Make a poster used by your company.
(34) Make a poster for another group or general Asso-
ciation use.
(35) Write a song which is adopted for use by your
corps or company.
(36) Plan and carry out a party for your corps or
(37) Help a new girl to feel at home in her work and
with the other girls.
(38) Buy and hold for three months five dollars' worth
of government thrift stamps. (Three points.)
(39) Have a personal saving account, and make a de-
posit regularly each pay day for two months.
(40) Buy five dollars worth of postal savings for three
months. (Three points.)
III. Knowledge
(1) Be able to describe all the steps in the manufacture of
a piece of ribbon, beginning with the cocoon. Do the
same for whatever product you help to make. (Five
(2) Hold a regular position for six months. (Three points.)
(3) Do not be late for work for two months.
(4) Live on the budget worked out by your club and re-
garded as adequate for a girl with your salary for
two months. (Two points.)
(5) Read "Out of Shadow," by Rose Cohen. Discuss it at
a club meeting.
(6) Know what The Consumers' League is and what it is
trying to do.
(7) Receive a certificate for completing* a night school
course. (Five points.)
(8) Receive a certificate for any course that increases your
efficiency in your work.
(9) Name ten occupations open to girls and women and tell
the training required for each and opportunities offered
in each. (Two points.)
(10) Fill out a vocational questionnaire to be obtained from
your adviser.
(11) Discuss the Child Labor Laws of your state. (Three
(12) Know the proposed labor legislation for women and
girls in your state this year. (Three points.)
(13) Know what is meant by health insurance. (Two points.)
(14) Write a letter of application for a position.
(15) Make out and endorse properly a check and a money
(16) Know the name of the governor of your state and the
mayor o'f your city and tell how they are elected.
(17) Tell the names of your representatives in the State
Legislature and at Washington, D. O., and how they are
elected. >
(18) Tell the names of your senators in the State Legislature
and at Washington, D. C., and how they are elected.
(19) Give some interesting facts at a corps or company
meeting in regard to (two points for each one):
(a) A woman leader in Russia.
(b) A woman leader in France.
(c) A woman leader in England.
(d) A woman leader in the United States.
(20) Be able to direct a stranger in your city to the railroad
station, city hall, a church, hotel, theater, library, etc.
(21) Recognize from post cards or photographs fifteen out
of twenty views of your city.
(22) Know the significance of the weather signals and be able
to describe the flags used for each. (Two points.)
(23) Be able to read a railroad time-table.
(24) Learn the rules for the use and display of our1 flag.
(25) Know the Semaphore code.
(26) Write:
(a) A formal invitation to a party.
(b) An informal invitation to a party.
(c) A note of acceptance.
(d) A note of regret.
(One point for each of these.)
(27) Learn five simple rules of etiquette that will enable
you to be a good hostess.
(28) Set a table correctly for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner.
(29) Learn five simple rules of etiquette that will enable
you to be a good guest.
(30) Be able to introduce guests properly.
(31) What color scheme would you have in a dark bedroom?
In a light dining-room?
(32) What four pictures would you put in a living-room and
how would you frame them?
(33) Describe the proper way to sweep and dust a room.
(34) Make a list of the furnishings and the price of each
article necessary to furnish (two points for each):
(a) A bedroom
(b) A living-room
(c) A kitchen
(d) A dining-room.
(35) Know and describe ten wild flowers.
(36) Know and describe ten trees.
(37) Know and describe ten birds.
(38) Make a flower book, or a tree book, noting kind, dat
and place where found. (One point for each kind ol
(39) Name and locate six constellations.
(40) Tell three nature myths.
(41) Be able to tell the story of two constellations.
(42) List the necessary article of clothing for a young busi-
ness girl.
(43) Design and make a dress appropriate for work. (Five
points for a summer dress, ten for a winter dress.)
(44) Make a hat. (Five points.)
(45) Tell the story of some book you have recently read.
(46) Read any three books which you have never read before
from the Girl Reserve Book List.
(47) Read three stories from the First Inch of the Inch
Library, and three from the Second Inch of the Inch
Library. (One point for three of them.)
(48) Know all the words of the hymn, "0 Beautiful for Spa-
cious Skies/'
(49) Know all the words of "The Star-Spangled Banner"
and ^America." (Two points.)
(50) Discuss in a club program what a reputable employ-
ment agency in your city or town would offer to the
girl who works.
(51) Dramatize the way a girl secures her working papers.
(52) Share in a corps or company discussion on the topic,
"When I go traveling/'
(53) Name the articles you would put in your suitcase when
starting on a trip, and tell what you would do if you
missed a train in a strange city.
(54) Know how to recover an article left on a train or a
street car.
(55) Earn a bonus given by your firm for good work or
(56) Know the names of three women prominent in the
labor movement of today and tell something which
each one of them has done.
(57) Give at least three reasons for having an eight-hour
day and state three reasons usually given by those
who oppose it.
(58) Take part in a debate upon the above question.
(59) Give at least three reasons against child labor and state
three reasons generally given by those who favor child
IV. Spirit
(1) Write (not less than two hundred and fifty words) and
discuss ten ideals for a girl. (Two points.)
(2) Write (not less than two hundred and fifty words) and
discuss ten ideals for a boy. (Two points.)
(3) Read and discuss the Book of Esther. (Two points.)
(4) Read and discuss the Book of Ruth. (Two points.)
(5) Name six women of the Bible and mention some inter-
esting incidents in the life of each.
(6) Tell three things of interest about five children of the
(7) Name six important events in Christ's life.
(8) Give the outlines of the leading religions1 of the world
other than Christianity and tell the status of women
under them. (One point for each.)
(9) Make a friend of some girl of another nationality.
(10) Compare labor conditions of women and children in our
own country with those in China, Japan, India, and
other Asiatic countries; with those in England, France,
Germany, and other European countries; in Africa and
in South America. (One point for each country com-
(11) Tell the social customs and standing of women in the
above-mentioned countries. (One point for each coun-
(12) Participate in the dramatization of a Bible story.
(13) Memorize Psalms 19 and 28; Romans 12; First Corin-
thians 13, using the word "love" instead of "charity."
(One point for each.)
(14) Memorize the Association motto — John 10:10 — and give
a five-minute talk on it. (Two points.)
(15) Commit to memory ten Bible verses selected by the
(16) Learn John Oxenham's poem, "Everymaid," and dis-
cuss it. (Three points.)
(17) Learn and discuss the laws of your state regarding the
holding of property.
(18). Learn one poem from "Christ in the Poetry of Today."
(Three points.)
(19). Attend Sunday school regularly for six weeks. (Two
(20) Attend church regularly for six weeks.
(21) Be a member of a Bible class in the Girls' Work De-
partment of the Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion and attend at least four times for six weeks.
(Two points.)
(22) Serve on a committee of the young people's organization
in your church for two months.
(23) Write a sketch of at least 200 words about the work of
the Young* Womens Christian Association in other coun-
tries than ours.
Note. — From time to time the adviser of every corps will receive sugges-
tions for new honors. Every Girl Reserve should add these to the lists in
her Guide.
Suggestions for an Interpretation of Honors Which Will Make
Them International in Their Scope.
This material will be of a particular service to the secre-
tary and adviser who are working with the foreign-born girl,
but it is also very valuable for the content which it brings to
the honor which might seem to be of ordinary importance only.
If the suggestions are adequately developed they will furnish
much of the content to be used at the regular corps meeting,
thereby linking the honor directly to the club activity — making
it the activity, in fact.
Honor No. 27. Walking is an old-world sport, and it will
make a girl tremendously interested if she should gather
some information regarding the famous trails in Europe,
and also some of the best-known ones in America. In-
teresting biographical studies will result if she should
search for stories about some of the great people who
have tramped these trails.
Honor No. 51. Obviously, it is not only the folk dances
which should be learned, but their origin and significance.
See Marie Hofer's book, "Popular Folk Games and
Honor No. 43. This and other honors similar to it offer an
opportunity for the girls to learn not only the technique
but also the history of games. Croquet is not American
in its origin. What are some other famous European
sports ? What are the Olympic games ? When are they
held? Who competes?
To advisers and secretaries working with foreign speaking
girls, the following suggestion is made: Compare pictures of
European children with their rosy cheeks and sunny eyes and
the faces of average American children; pale childhood is not
an American ideal and foreign mothers must know that vigor-
ous children are desired in America as much as they are in
Europe. The foreign children whom American girls see in
great crowded cities in foreign quarters are the product of a
low standard of American living and are not representative of
Old World children.
Service :
Honor No. 2. (c) It would be interesting to learn how vege-
tables are cooked by other nations. America is not fam-
ous for its cooking of vegetables, (g) Find the origin
of some of our candies which we accept as American:
e.g., Turkish Delight.
Honor No. 10. From where did rules of etiquette first come ?
The old-world courts. Pantomime and dramatization will
make this very tangible to girls.
Honor No. 38. Trace in the programs of "community sings"
which have occurred in your locality the songs which are
Honor No. 50. Christmas, Easter Day and May Day are
festivals which are observed by people in America and
Europe, too — they are international. It would be very
interesting to interpret our observation of these days in
the light of the customs of some other country.
Honor No. 58. This honor may be broadened to include any
needy group of people the world over. Advisers and sec-
retaries will guide carefully into constructive channels
all of the interest which is aroused by a definite appeal
in a community.
Honor No. 61. This honor may be broadened to include the
teaching of these patriotic songs to some other girl, pos-
sibly not a Girl Reserve, for love of country is a thing
which grows by being shared. Particularly is it neces-
sary to keep clearly in the minds of girls that much of
America's greatness is due to the many streams of im-
migrant life which have flowed into it ever since the
establishment of the colonies. True patriotism in America
will recognize the enthusiasm with which a descendent
of a foreign nation observes his great hero days; it is
second only to the zeal with which he celebrates Ameri-
can holidays.
Honor No. 52. It would be possible in interpreting this
honor to interest a girl in the new countries which have
grown out -of the war, and in some acquaintance with
the people in those countries, their needs and ambitions,
and the obstacles which they are trying to overcome.
Honor No. 56. When the girl is learning about the National
Travelers' Aid pin, it would be possible to stretch her
interest to far-away places by asking such questions as
the following: What nationalities are coming into your
community? What groups are there already?
Honor No. 60* If a secretary or an adviser is eager that her
girls have an increasing knowledege of and interest in
the peoples of the world, the club meeting which deals
with this honor might include in its program some dis-
cussion of foreign money and foreign exchange, a dis-
cussion of the best way to send money, and how people
prepare to come to this country — i. e., their passports, the
amount of American money they receive for their money,
and many other interesting1 details of the journey.
For the secretary and adviser working with foreign-speaking
girls, suggestions about the spirit honors have been in-
cluded in the chapter on a Program for Girls with a For-
eign Background. It may be possible in many communi-
ties which are American to interpret in an understanding
way the observance of Holy Days by other churches than
the one to which the girl belongs. It would be particu-
larly interesting, for example, to see how Easter is ob-
served in different churches.
Name— Snyder, Elizabeth Address, 710 Main
Grade, 7 B Telephone, 326
Grand Total
Name— Hughes, Alice Address, 1817 Broadway
Grade, 7 A * Telephone, 693
Grand Total
Section V.
IN its Girl Reserve Movement and throughout its work for
younger girls, the Young* Women's Christian Association con-
siders that it has a fundamental purpose underlying1 all activi-
ties, discussion groups, services of worship: namely to develop
the normal interests of the girl so that she grows healthfully
as a girl Christian of her age may be expected to grow. Its
program of religious education is not a part of its whole plan
of activities, "for religion touches all of| life" and therefore
religious education becomes an underlying principle which can-
not be separated from the whole fabric of a girl's living.
Moreover, the Young "Women's Christian Association recog-
nizes frankly that it is only one force working in a community,
touching the lives of girls with the purpose of Christian educa-
tion; and that the church has a peculiar responsibility for the
development of girls; that, indeed, the more formal class work
iii Bible and world fellowship and much of the girl's training in
worship should come directly through her relationship with the
In order to develop the religious life of the girl, one must
understand the whole girl, for character depends not upon the
development of the spiritual life alone, but upon the working
together of all the factors which go to make up the life of the
girl. The normal development of girlhood has to do with physi-
cal, mental, social and spiritual characteristics as interdepend-
ent factors. The girl is a whole girl, in any situation, with all
of her personality involved; this means that she must be
trained as a whole person. What she thinks, says, and does
at any moment is either stimulating or inhibiting normal growth
and expression; whatever may be the immediate situation — a
basket ball game, a Sunday service, a question of class room
honor, or the decision to forego a new party dress so that she
may help famine sufferers, her power to throw herself into
such a situation and to act in that situation as a girl Christian
should, determines to no small degree how adequately she will
deal with other situations as they arise.
This process of growth is furthered greatly by the entrance
of three elements, each of which has its direct bearing upon
the life of the girl. They are the opportunity to worship, ways
to develop a growing understanding of God, and of men, and
an opportunity to express through sharing her life and her
standards of action, her consciousness of God.
The place of worship in the training of the younger girl
is presented in considerable detail in the pamphlet "Training
the Girl Through Worship," so that it is necessary here only
to suggest the main points involved. First of all there is the
more formal service of worship in which she joins with others,
either in her church or in the Association. Beauty, order, and
symbolism appeal most to the girl between twelve and eighteen.
Music which is rich, full of dignity, and rhythm, and reverence
is a factor which cannot be discounted in any effort to interpret
worship to girls. Girls at this period of development rarely
enjoy and seldom are helped by any play upon the emotions
through the use of hymns and stories which, while popular,
lack the fine fibre of the hymns which for many years have
ministered to the needs of all groups of Christian people. Many
advisers will find opportunities to supply the girl's need for
beauty, order and symbolism not only through the Association
but also in the church.
The opening club ceremonial, and the installation and recog-
nition services also offer great opportunity for the expression of
the element of worship. In this it is the spirit of simple dignity
and reverence for one's own personality, for others' personality
and for the personality of God which lifts a service into a realm
of worship. The use of poems and songs is valuable. A poem,
which has been talked over together and memorized, may be
repeated in the opening ceremonial of the Girl Reserve meeting;
in many case such a hymn as "0 Beautiful for Spacious Skies"
may be expressed through a series of tableaux as simple
dramatic action for a service of worship. However it is man-
aged, the girl needs worship, both to develop and strengthen in
her attitudes of thanksgiving, unselfish service, and reverence,
and to awaken a greater sense of group consciousness and a
willingness to make herself one of the group. Worship is
essential both for strengthening the individual life and for
releasing that life from individualism.
A Growing Understanding of God.
Even though the Young Women's Christian Association
recognizes that the bulk of a girl's thinking and discussion
through study groups will be done in a church school or as a
part of her day school curriculum, there is both opportunity
and necessity for it to make sure that the girl is really growing
in her understanding of God and his relations to herself, and
others and in a deepening interpretation of her relations to a
This necessity and opportunity for such service on the part
of the Association do not mean, however, that in formal Bible
study classes or in organized world fellowship groups only can
be found the ways to achieve this growth of understanding.
Particularly is this true of the younger girls in the Girl Reserve
Movement. It is a growing conviction that the younger girl
goes further in her grasp of both Bible and world fellowship
content (world fellowship implying- social) through story tell-
ing1, dramatics, and discussion than in a formal class hour.
When program content is regarded in this way, there is always
freedom to incorporate it into a club program at any point
where it will bear directly upon the girl's life at that time. A
Bible story may be told and dramatized at once, or there may
be a discussion of party dresses, from which there will develop
a real project; the girls will set themselves to the task of find-
ing- out the conditions of industry in Japan and something about
the lives of Japanese girls who make the lovely fabrics from
which the party dresses are fashioned. The result may be a
short litany of intercession for industrial girls as the result of
their own study of the conditions and needs. An astronomy
party once led a group of high school girls to ask about the
star worshippers and there resulted a discussion of certain non-
Christian religions and men's age-long search for God. This
came about so naturally that the girls were not conscious in
the least that they were being "religiously educated." At an-
other time, a milk strike was the occasion of one skillful leader's
stimulating her girls to a discussion of the ideals which Jesus
had for human lives brought together in great groups. The
ultimate result was the study by a small group of "The Social
Teachings of Jesus." This study was carried on in the Sunday
School class to which many of the girls belonged and it was
right that it should be. Any situation in which the girl lives
may be the door for that girl into a growing understanding of
God, The uses to which an adviser puts situations in a girl's
life depend upon that adviser's knowledge of the girl, and of
the principles of teaching. There must be a constantly increas-
ing grasp of material, also, which can be played into the girl's
life when she needs it, without recourse to texts and formal
study groups. It is very obvious, of course, that the fineness of
contact at this point is in direct proportion to the strength
of the background which the girl is accumulating through the
church school.
Christian Habits in Every Day Living.
It is not difficult to remember and to regret the experiences
of certain girls whose ability to pray in a young people's meet-
ing and whose knowledge of Bible and missionary facts was
amazing, yet whose ability to make experimental use of these
experiences was nil. The Girl Reserve movement recognizes
the imperative necessity of a girl's having such intelligent
activity in the expression of her Christian purpose that she is
saved from becoming a prig. In the main, these outlets are
three in number: (a) sharing her life with other people (com-
monly spoken of as "service"), (b) the declaration of her ideals
through character standards by which she measures her rela-
tions to her world, and (c) recreation by which she keeps the
emotional balance, and in many cases, frees her instinct for
mastery in a way that is not injurious to others. All are a
necessary part of religious education.
Planning with her for service activities, it is necessary, first
of all, to avoid the point of view that they are merely "busy
work," such as is usually given to small children in the primary
class to keep them out of mischief. If the service activities are
not training and developing the girl, they are useless. Train-
ing is not possible unless the activities which she carries out
are really needed in her immediate community or in the larger
community, the world. A group of younger girls who make,
for a children's hospital, baby clothes that no baby could get
into, are not being rightly trained in service. It is very prob-
able that they may become women who pack impossible mis-
sionary boxes with left-over evening gowns. The girls who
seek to share their lives with other people must learn what they
have which those people need, and what those people have which
they need, so that it can be honest sharing and not a patroniz-
ing giving. It is more religious for a younger girl to help in
a "cleanup my town" campaign than it is for her to give a
tenth to missions solely because her family compel her.
Of course, all advisers of girls realize that if the girl's inter-
est stops with her immediate community, she is only partly
Christian, and, therefore, the understanding sharing: of her life
with those who are geographically far apart from her ;s
The expression of herself in the character standards upon
which she bases her behavior, will depend upon the closeness
and the correlation between her ideals and the conditions of her
life. It is so easy for even grown-up people to be tremendously
interested in the hours and conditions of work of industrial girls
and unconscious of the impersonality and discourtesy with which
they treat an industrial girl who rubs elbows with them in the
street car or in a crowd ; therefore it is no wonder that a younger
girl may come home starry-eyed from a meeting which has
stirred her aims and stimulated her dreams of service, only to
meet with an irritable impatience the demand of a small brother
to "tell us a story."
Never would the secretaries and advisers in the Girl Re-
serve Movement fail in stimulating a girl to formulate the high-
est of ideals for herself, but always there is the recognition of
the necessity to help her to express those ideals in terms of her
own everyday living. This must be done so that the number of
women who give themselves to great causes without stint but
more or less completely fail in the close relationships of every-
day, may be decreased.
For this reason, the adviser of girls must study carefully
the situations in which her girls are forced to make decisions
and act upon them. The girl, who steadily increases her power
to decide in favor of other people rather than in her own favor,
is on the road toward being able consistently to express herself
as a Christian woman. This may be illustrated by the action of
a group of girls who gave up their own sodas and candies,
formerly purchased from a druggist, who was compelling his
two girl clerks to work fourteen hours a day without a chance
to sit down; or by the high school girl, who definitely gave up
the possession of a new party dress so that she might give her
mother for Christmas a sweater which she needed. Such groups
of girls or individuals are beginning to comprehend the "friendly
kingdom" way of living, both in business relations and in the
Moreover, it would be unfair, manifestly so, for the secre-
taries and advisers in the Girl Reserve Movement to criticize
the older girl for maintaining unwholesome social relationships
when she has been permitted or encouraged in an attitude of
careless flippancy in her friendships with either boys or girls.
They must help the younger girl to gain the power to deter-
mine character standards for herself, yet to look with under-
standing and tolerance upon different standards determined for
themselves by others, and this training must be acquired through
her right meeting of these situations in her girlhood. She can
and should be helped to grow into a normal balance between
respect for the decisions of others as to what are character
standards and her own independent actions.
The validity of religious education of girls is nowhere more
tested than in the matter of recreation. Sometimes so many
mature Christians consider their recreation as "time off" from
being a Christian — a sort of spiritual dishabille — that it is not
difficult to understand how younger girls come to consider their
recreation as outside the realm of the religious. A wholesome
attitude toward health of mind -and body (in which good times,
that are re-creative, play so large a part) is impossible with-
out a spiritual dynamic. It therefore becomes an important
question whether or not sodas, outdoor exercise, and proper
shoes are accepted naturally by the girl as factors in the deci-
sions which a girl Christian makes.
There remains one fundamental thing, when all that could
be said about the religious education of the growing girl in far
more space than this chapter is said. Religion involves life —
all of life — and religious education is the training of the whole
life all of the time in the way of comradeship with God, who is
the Father of a world.
If advisers and secretaries are rightly to interpret the pur-
pose of the Young Women's Christian Association In its group
and individual work with girls, and if the three elements in the
process of a girl's growth are to be successfully coordinated,
there are certain methods of procedure which should be fol-
lowed, either closely if an adviser is just growing into her ex-
perience of working with girls, or with a great degree of free-
dom if a person has found her way. The following suggestions
are appended, accompanied by a bibliography designed to equip
an adviser and secretary with right tools, to illustrate ways of
conducting formal and informal services of worship, and the
telling of Bible stories.
A. For Use in Worship.
An order of service for more formal vespers:
1. Opening sentences of invocation.
2. Prayer of penitence and thanksgiving.
3. Hymn of praise.
4. Scripture reading, responsive prayers or psalms re-
cited in unison.
5. Talk, story or dramatization.
6. Hymn of consecration and action.
7. Closing prayer and benediction.
B. Plan for short, informal period of worship.
1. To catch everybody's attention, use a hymn or two,
such as "Day Is Dying in the West," "Come Thou
Almighty King."
2. The recitation of a psalm or some other memorized
passage together, trying to keep the same thought of
thanksgiving as in a more formal service.
3. The club prayer or prayers by several girls (who
have been asked previously to have this share in the
4. Hymn of Action (if around the camp-fire, use a good-
night hymn).
Leader —
The Lord bless thee,
And keep thee.
The Lord make his face to shine upon thee
And be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee
And give thee peace.
Response —
God be merciful unto us
And cause his face to shine upon us;
That Thy way may be known upon earth,
Thy saving health among all nations.
Let the peoples praise Thee, 0 God ;
Let all the peoples praise Thee.
The Lord bless us
And keep us.
The Lord make his face to shine upon us
And be gracious unto us.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon us
And give us peace,
Both now and evermore. Amen.
C. Telling Bible Stories to Younger Girls.
1. What stories to tell:
While the girls are still in their early teens, stories with
very concrete action and red-blooded heroes, such as Joseph
and Moses should be used and sections from the Acts may
be chosen. Stories like the one about Ruth should be left
until the girls develop a love for the idealistic. When this
is at its height, usually when the girl is between fourteen
and seventeen, stories from the life of Jesus have a unique
appeal. It must be a virile and manly Christ who is por-
trayed, but thisa is only to say that advisers must get down
to the real heart of the gospel narratives. This is the time
to enlist to its full the loyalty of the younger girl to the
personality of Jesus.
Some of the parables — that of the "Good Samaritan," for
instance — can well be used for the grade school girls, while
others, such as 'The Ten Virgins/' fit better the need of
girls a little older. The call of Isaiah and the story of
Nehemiah are excellent material for the girl close to eigh-
teen. There is recorded in the Bible a whole group of expe-
riences of men at close grips with life; their spiritual sig-
nificance can best be presented by the story method even
though such a presentation, strictly speaking, cannot be
called telling stories. The way that men's understanding of
God grew from the desert god of war to the Father God of
Jesus is an illustration of this point.
2. Preparing to tell Bible stories,
Beyond the preparation that lies in the practice in telling
any story is the matter of Biblical background which gives
vividness and a real understanding of the meaning of the
Bible story told. For help in this see the bibliography at-
tached. One caution may be wise. Nothing is ever gained
by cheapening the style of the Biblical narratives in an at-
tempt to make them sound like the Sunday supplements, but
on the other hand the use of a modern English- word for one
whose meaning is unfamiliar may illumine a whole passage
for a girl. Neither is it ordinarily necessary nor best to
put into the mouths of the characters a mixture of words
drawn partially from the text and partially from imagina-
3. Dramatizing Bible stories.
This may be done in two ways. There is first the spon-
taneous dramatization without the use of costumes or scen-
ery; this is especially valuable for the grade school girls. A
long, elaborate story with several situations cannot be
handled as easily by this method as a short story with a
good deal of action centering around a single point. How-
ever, a long story may be broken up into shorter ones. This
first use of dramatization is valuable in training the imagi-
nation. There is also a rich field in the dramatization of
long stories, such as that of Joseph or sections from the
Acts. In such a case, the high school girls may write their
own play, taking several weeks perhaps to prepare and pro-
duce it. Their grasp on the inner meaning and the human
reality of the story will be immeasurably deepened by so
4. When to tell Bible stories.
They may be told at Sunday afternoon recreation hours
and around the fire. The opening ceremonial for grade
school corps offers an opportunity too, but the telling should
not^be confined to stated occasions. The Bible story may
be used in any story hour as a climax (see appended sug-
gestion for a story hour that develops from the amusing to
the meaningful story). All the adviser needs is to make the
Bible story so much a part of her own thinking that it crops
out as an illustration along with others when the girls are
5. Two suggested story hours.
(a) "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"— from "The First Jungle Book"
by Rudyard Kipling.
How the Prehistoric Little Girl Learned to Tell Time
—from "When I Was a Little Girl" by Zona Gale.
The Knights of the Silver Shield.
The Queen Who Dared (Book of Esther).
(b) Tajar Stories by Jane' Shaw Ward.*
Bit-bit and the Deeve — from "When I Was a Little
Girl" by Zona Gale.
The Jester's Sword by Annie Fellows Johnston.
* Published April, June and July, 1916, John Martin's Book. Reprinted
in 1917 Annual John Martin's Book. Can be procured from The Book
Shop, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City,
The Forty Wrestlers — See any book of early church
Stories from the life of Jesus.
A Camp Fire Story of the Long Ago.
Producing Notes:
The story teller repeats the first two paragraphs as
stated here or in a similar form. When she is ready to tell
the story of the old man (the story teller or teacher of the
tribe) she would use for the source of her story the words
of the second chapter of Genesis, verses 4-23. The Historical
Bible, Volume I, by Kent, will also be of valuable help to
her. To expand -this story in order to interpret the first
chapter of Genesis, the story teller should tell very briefly,
in story form, some of the adventures of the tribe as it
pushed its way into the unknown lands to the west, of its
experience in Egypt, of the escape under the leadership of
Moses, and the fact that eventually the people of this tribe
settled in cities. Their great achievement after that was the
building of the Temple. When the story teller reaches this
point, she continues in words similar to the ones suggested
below. After the point "richness of figure and rhythm of
verses fitted the beauty of the Temple," it is of great value
to the interest of the story to read the first chapter of
Genesis through the first part of the fourth verse of the sec-
ond chapter.
"Once in the long ago when all the world that we know
best had never been dreamed of and when mighty nations
ruled the world that to-day we know only in history books,
there wandered a tribe of .desert people in the barren lands
beyond the Mediterranean Sea. From time to time they
pitched their camel's hair tents where a tiny spring, push-
ing its way up through the dry sandy dust gave water for
their flocks; or on some nights their camp was made where
several springs made a green oasis; and once it happened
that their wanderings carried them into a country where a
great river watered the earth and made of it a garden. This
they never, never forgot but always it stood to them as sym-
bol of the goodness and protecting care of Jehovah, their
"When the supper had been cooked and eaten and the
tribe drew close around the camp fire the men sat in the
inner circle; a little removed, where the shadows danced and
flickered, sat the women with the little children cuddled in
the folds of 'their mothers7 cloaks, protected from the evening
damp. Then it was that some boy was sure to ask: 'Tell us
a story, one of -the wisdom tales of the beginning of our
tribe.' (The old man who answered would be the story-
teller of the tribe, its teacher really, for where there are no
books, it is the tales that are told from the earliest memory
of their fathers' fathers that hold the wisdom and the truth
men find and pass to their childrens' children.) ,So sitting
where his face was lighted by the fire he told them the story
they loved almost best of all sifting the dusty earth through
his fingers as he talked. And this was his story ('Genesis II,
vs. 4-23):
When the old man ceased the fathers and mothers sat
looking into the fire or up at the stars so far over head, say-
ing to themselves, 'Lo, the beginning of all life is with
Jehovah, yea even the stars and the food for each day and
the water that cools our thirst,' And the young men and
maidens dreamed of the new families that would be some
day and thought: <Lo, the love of the children and of the
husband and wife is of Jehovah and He maketh new
Then when the beautiful Temple was built, the priests
found the old story told through the years around the camp
fire so simple that they longed for a more stately form in
which to express the faith of the people that the very source
of their life was with Jehovah. It was at this time that the old
story began to be told in poetical form with such richness
of figure and rhythm of verse as fitted the beauty of the
Temple. But still there were many who loved the old story
well and therefore at the first of the Book of thg Begin-
nings are found both ways of declaring the faith of their
fathers in Jehovah, the stately poem first as is natural and
then the camp fire story.
Triangles for Girl Reserves
HAVE you ever noticed that many electric trains use
miles and miles of triangles overhead to steady the
wires which carry the power?
Girl Reserves stretch over miles of country and they, too,
may be triangles for power and help hold the line steady for
all girls. The triangles of power which Girl Reserves hold
are in home, school and community. Sometimes it is not easy
to see just how the line can be kept steady and so Alice G.
Moore has written for all Girl Reserves these triangles which,
if thought about at corps meetings and at home, may help
Girl Reserves to become triangles of power.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be
always acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. —
Psalm 19, xiv.
"Think truly and thy words
Shall the world's famine feed;
Speak truly and each word of thine
Shall be a fruit seed.
Live truly and thy life
Shall be a great and noble creed."
To Think About— Together
Recall some verse you have memorized and particularly like.
What is the value of memorizing worth-while things?
Why do you think it is important to read good books? In
what ways do our friends influence our thoughts? How will
our thoughts about others determine our actions when we are
with them? Do people judge us more often by what we say
or by what we do. Is it true that "actions speak louder than
Read Philippians 4:8. Why do you think this verse might
be a good motto for "finding and giving the best"? Do you
believe that "as you think, so you are"?
To Think About — Alone
What do I like to think about when I am alone? Do these
thoughts help me "to find the best"? If I could hear my
conversations repeated at the close of a day, would it make
any difference in what I say! Am I always sure that my
thoughts are true and kind before I speak of another? Have
I the courage to say what I know is right?
Know ye not that ye are a temple of God and that the spirit of
God dwelleth, in you? — I Cor, 6, xix.
I am helping to build a highway
For great and noble deeds
That are waiting to hurry forward
To the call of the world's great needs,
I must build it strong and steady
For the way can no weakness show,
Lest thoughts and deeds to conquer wrong
With faltering footsteps go.
I will build with care my highway,
For the temple of God is there,
The way must be free from barriers,
If the best I find and share.
To Think and Talk About— Together
What are the things you think we must remember to do
in order to keep well ? What three "don'ts" should we observe ?
How could one divide one's days into work, play and sleep in
order to keep at one's best? How does the proper amount of
sleep affect grades in school? Does our posture when we
study have anything to do with the health? Is it easy to
be cheerful when one has a headache? How does health
affect disposition? Do you think that many of our illnesses
are caused by our own carelessness? Are some caused by the
thoughtlessness of others? What responsibility do we have
to others for keeping well?
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth
understanding. For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of
silver and the profit thereof than fine gold. — Prov. 3, xiii, xiv.
Books will be like friends to me,
If I truly care.
They will open up their hearts,
Deepest joys to share.
But they cannot give me more
Than printed page can give;
Only friends and being friends
Teach me how to live,
To Talk About When Together
Sometimes a girl says: "Oh, I'm not going on to school;
I'm going to work."
Should a girl go to school as long as possible? Why?
What difference does the motive make — whether we study
because we wish to know the lesson or simply for a high
grade ?
Think of ways of increasing one's knowledge outside of
school hours.
How might our knowledge grow during a* walk in the
country ?
Why do we often miss seeing the interesting and beautiful
things all about us?
For what reasons do you think we should have a knowledge
of the Bible?
To Think About When Alone
Do I gain knowledge entirely from books, or do I learn from
people by being a good hostess?
Am I too eager to have my own experiences heard?
Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least
ye did it unto me. — Matt. 25, xl.
We serve by every loving thought
For those about us day by day;
A smile, a word, some kindness wrought,
A letter to some one far away.
There still another gift must be,
If service would be great and true —
The gift of self, unbound and free,
For what we are is service, too.
To Talk About When Together
If certain things are required of us at home, how can we
make this real service? Does the spirit in which we do our
work make a difference?
How about making things easier at home by putting away
books and clothes? What are other ways of being of real
service at home?
Did you ever think when you carelessly threw a paper in
the street how your city would look if everyone did this?
Do you think helping to keep the city clean is a patriotic
service? Can you think of other ways in which you might
serve your community?
Have you served folks in other parts of the world in the
last year through your club, church or as an individual?
Did serving those folks make you any more interested in
Would knowing more about girls in other lands make you
wish to be of service to them? How would this service make
you a world citizen?
To Think About When Alone
What can I do today that will be real service?
Think of the many different people Jesus served and the
many ways He helped them. See how many you can recall;
then find others in Luke.
Jesus advanced in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and
man. — Luke 2, lii.
Help me to grow in spirit,
Lord, I ask,
More ably to fulfill
Every task.
Teach, me to speak in kindness
Words of cheer,
Courage for all who suffer
And who fear.
Teach me Thy way of loving
Every day.
Give me Thy spirit of service,
Master, I pray.
To Talk About When Together
Think of Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Edith OavelL
What kind of spirit did they have?
Can we think of some acts of people we know which show
the same spirit?
What opportunities might we have every day to show a
spirit of courage? Of unselfishness? Of helpfulness?
Why are there so many songs written about smiles?
How does being grouchy affect others? What kind of
spirit does it show?
Think of some of the reasons so many people followed
Jesus wherever He went.
Why did He grow in favor with men?
How do you think He grew in favor with God?
To Think About When Alone
Am I increasing my circle of friends by being friendly?
Is my spirit loving, cheerful and helpful?
Books for reading and study by advisers:
Adams, Charlotte— "The Mind of the Messiah."
Betts, George E. — "How to Teach Religion."
Brown, Charles — "Religion of a Layman/'
Coe, George E.— "The Spiritual Life)'
Cope, Henry F. — "Religious Education and the Family."
Crowe, Martha Foote — "Christ in the Poetry of To-day."
Davis, Maud — "Religious Education and the Younger Girl."
Elliott, Harrison — "How Jesus Met Life Questions."
Glover, T. R.— "The Jesus of History."
Houghton, Louise Seymour — "Telling Bible Stories."
Hunting, Harold B.-— "The Story of Our Bible."
Kent— "The Historical iBible" (4 Vol. Old Testament).
Miller, Elizabeth— "The Dramatization of Bible Stories."
Moxcey, Mary — "Girlhood and Character."
Ofcttey— "Short History of the Hebrew People."
Richardson, Norman E. — "Religious Education of Adolescents."
Rhibany, Abraham M. — "The Syrian Christ."
Smith, David— "The Days of His Flesh."
Stone, Mabel E.— "Training the Girl Through Worship."
Woods, Edward <S. — "Modern Discipleship."
Study courses for use with girls:
Cutler, Ethel — "Out of Doors in the Bible."
Gerwick, Katharine— "The Ultimate Quest."
Richards, Katherine— "The Golden Word."
Slack, Elvira — "Jesus the Man of Galilee."
Thoburn, Helen— "Christian Citizenship for Girls/'
Thoburn, Helen— "Studies in Knowing Jesus Christ."
Ward, Jane Shaw— "Shanghai -Sketches."
Burton, Badley— "India, Beloved of Heaven."
Coehran, Jean— "Foreign Magic."
Cohen, Rose— "Out of the Shadow."
Dewey, John and Evelyn— "Letters from China and Japan."
Emerson, Ruth— "Japan To-day."
Kellerman, Janet Harvey— -"Children of Japan."
Kipling, Rudyard— "The Eyes of Asia."
MacKenzie, Jean— "African Adventures."
Matthews, Basil— "Yarns of the Near East."
Sherwood, F. A.-— "Glimpses of South America."
Tagore, Rabindranath— "The Crescent Moon."
Ward, Jane Shaw— "Shanghai Sketches."
HEALTH is attainable in a much greater degree than the
ordinary person realizes. It means much more than just
being free from serious ailment. Children believe that things
are won by wishing; adults know that the best things of life
are only earned by joyous and determined effort. All the ster-
ling values of life must be striven for. Girls are likely to take
health for granted and to assume that here at least is some-
thing one does not have to work for. But "something for
nothing" does not apply to health any more than it does to any
other of the real treasures of existence.
Whether the normal girl is splendidly well or just not sick
depends largely upon herself, for good health habits are the
way to good health. One should not be satisfied with anything
less than complete health, which makes possible the fullest ex-
pression of one's powers — physical, mental, emotional, and spir-
itual. All these various aspects of the individual's well-being
form what is really one inseparable whole. The most economi-
cal way to work for health is to strive for wholeness of life.
Health is a vital, positive thing which in one sense may be
regarded as an obligation to society and to the person possess-
ing it, but which, over and above that, is a right and a privil-
ege which every girl should claim. Health makes its contribu-
tion in many ways that appeal to girls. It gives beauty; it
gives energy for work; it gives zest for play,, and a great
capacity for enjoyment. Health makes for ambition and for
happiness as nothing else can do.
This phase of a Girls* Work program -cannot be too greatly
stressed, for teen-age girls can do more toward building healthy,
robust bodies than can older people. No girl can acquire later
this same kind of health and strength which should have come
during adolescence. A health program involves much more than
physical exercise: it means the right proportion and kind of
work, play, love and worship. The definite health education
program* of the Girl Reserve Movement is found in all of the
several programs for grade school, junior high school, and high
school girls and for younger girls in business, industry and
business colleges. For the grade school girl, the many honors
which are listed under health offer to the adviser a unique op-
portunity to make vivid through demonstration and very simple
plain discussion -the road to health. For the place which health
education holds in the programs for high school girls and
younger girls in business and industry and business colleges,
see sections of Chapter 2, Section IV.
The subject of health is by no means prosaic or humdrum
when rightly presented by secretaries and advisers. Its most
practical aspects may become absorbing topics of conversation
among the members of a class or club. The subject need not be
forbiddingly serious and heavy. Unless the girls inject into
their response some of the liveliness which is natural to their
age, the adviser may be sure that the subject is not being right-
ly presented. The girl who presented the health physician at
the close of the lecture with clever rhymes of appreciation ex-
pressed a fundamental principle of health education quite as
truly as if she had attempted a more formal and dignified state-
True health education is not something which is made up of
odds and ends of personal hygiene, even though the odds and
ends may in themselves be favorable to health. True health
education must be based on a constant recognition of health as
a positive value and as the physical, mental, moral and spirit-
ual well-being of the whole individual.
The author of the "Health Talks'" listed at the close of this
chapter gives it as her experience that groups of girls can be
just as easily interested in the harmonious processes of life as
in a limited subject like sex hygiene. In actual practice she
found that the groups which came for the talks on ''Foods the
Source of Joyful Work and Play" were just as large as those
who came for the talks on "Love and Health." The best type
of sex education, like the best type of teaching on posture, diet,
and exercise, is that in which the special subject falls into place
as a part of the general subject of health.
A special talk on diet, for example, may be made to include
by implication a whole philosophy of health. A discussion of
foods can be made and should be made the approach to the
broadest and most inspiring of health ideals. The story of
food and what it means to the human being is full of genuine
romance and readily appeals to the girPs imagination. The
history of the functional activities related to food is a splendid
lesson in respect for the human body and logically teaches the
interrelation of physical and mental habits and the relation of
both to character and personality.
Similarly, the discussion of posture, exercise, and "good
shoes for good feet" leads naturally in a real health program to
the wider aspects of wholesome living1. If good health-habits
are to be rightly taught, they must be pictured forth in action;
they must be projected against the living, breathing future of
the individual girl. Good health habits cannot be vividly por-
trayed against a future of selfish inactivity and dependence or
self -centered ambition. Health itself is not attainable without
activity, self-reliance, and joy in service. For this reason,
health education becomes social education, and the most special-
ized health talk about posture, exercise, or feet serves its true
purpose to the same degree that it builds towards normal and
socialized living.
The adviser of younger girls has a unique opportunity, one
not to be later recalled. It is the age when the eighth grade
graduate, to her later injury, dons her first pair of high-heeled,
pointed shoes. It is the age when, as a result of bad shoes and
the growth of self consciousness, the girl slips into bad habits
of posture, one of the most important elements of health. It is
the time when she should be exchanging the rough play of child-
hood for the most highly coordinated forms o$ physical exer-
cise. But too often the girl falls under the influence of a false
ideal of refinement or succumbs to indolence, so that she does
not build up habits or exercise, or the attitude of enjoyment to-
ward them. The same tendency appears in regard to food and
recreation; the girl has reached the age when she begins to ex-
ercise her own choice in regard to all these things and it is pos-
sible to help her in the formation of good health-habits with-
out offending that sense of choice which it is the right of every
young girl of this age to preserve.
In general, the teen age or the younger girl group must be
led through habit or performance, not by abstract teaching. It
is the age in which example is most compelling, when dreams
and ideals and achievements loom large in the young girl's
future. Although the group sense and the social desires are
waking, they are still in need of cultivation and less responsive
to direct appeal. At this time, the girl views all standards with
a personal and individualistic bias. It is an age when historical
characters, pageantry, and the dramatization of life have a
strong appeal. These things should be chosen for training in
character or standard forming rather than the method of lec-
tures or moralizing talks. Friendships are in the making, and
there is at no time greater need for wholesome group habits
and true boy and girl comradeship instead of the enervating
beau or sweetheart attitude. Healthy types of friendship and
comradeship can be taught through literature and history, with
frank discussion from the girPs own point of view. By the
critical comparison of values and types, she can be helped to
stabilize and master her new, developing social sense, thus gam-
ing a personal foundation for conduct based upon judgment and
not upon mere "follow the leader" or "conventional" standards.
The "give and take" which is developed through wholesome, nat-
ural group association and play, provides excellent training for
understanding of manners, custom and courtesy. This is need-
ed to supplement the lessons learned within the family circle.
The discipline of such intercourse becomes the means whereby
they learn the. true significance of personal ambition, responsi-
bility and opportunity.
Individual application of reason and action and ideals should
result, as far as possible, from the awakened interest and de-
sire of the girl herself.
Advice and instruction should be given, whenever possible,
in response to the awakened interest and desire of the girl her-
self. Her inquiries and criticisms should be answered as con-
structively and broadly as seems possible, and yet on the basis
of a real understanding of what the individual girl would be,
ignoring as much as is possible the failures of undeveloped
characteristics of her age. She is over-conscious of her inade-
quateness to the social world around her; this is physiological
as well as psychological • hence the ease with which she is up-
set, becomes hysterical, feels misunderstood and falls into tan-
trums. Never is there a time when sympathetic leadership can
do more to make or mar the visions and the powers of her
future life.
Healthful habits cannot be too boldly urged, but the fact
should not be forgotten that the "do and don't" stage of moral
teaching is passing rapidly, if it is not already a thing of the
past. But youth will listen when we say: "This is the alto-
gether desirable thing," or "That will enlarge your oppor-
tunity to become what you want to be above all else."
The skilled adviser can learn to understand the way of help-
ing girls to choose the best, but in order to do this, she must
understand herself what is the best and respond herself to its
appeal. In the study of the health education program of the
Bureau of Social Education she will find much valuable guid-
ance toward the best health habits which the experts of to-day
can offer.
Many Associations will include in their all-department pro-
grams a Health" Week, at which time will be stressed work by
a Health Unit consisting of a physician, and a physical educa-
tion secretary. The examinations, which are given, should be
medical, physical and inspirational. They are essential to give
the girl the constructive point of view of health, to cause her
to realize where she stands as to health and where she might
stand. They offer an opportunity for instruction in health
habits, including habits of mind — the girl's attitude toward her
work, her friends, her fun, her aspirations. These examina-
tions should include heart and lung examination and a strength
test. In addition to this technical assistance, girls with the
encouragement of their advisers, may do a great deal for them-
selves through the Individual Health Program. The Health
Inventory is the first step in the Individual Health Program.
Advisers will find very helpful a book entitled "Ten Talks to
Girls on Health," which may be secured from The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. The following
brief resume will indicate its helpfulness to an adviser:
Introductory appeal to Club Leaders.
1. Pulling Uphill or Running Down; this is an inspira-
tional talk to the girls and explains what determines
the choice of the Uphill Eoad.
2. A Good Food-Tube — A Basic Equipment for the Climb
to Success; A Bad Food-Tube — The Source of Blues
and Failure.
3. Teeth: The Best Friend You Have; gives the true
story of the growth of teeth, so little understood, and
the health-habits which preserve them*
4. Foods: The Source of Joyful Work and Play.
5. Exercise: A necessity for a Successful Climb.
6. Hidden Traps on the Eoad to Success: Infections and
Resistance to Them. Shows the value of courage and
good health habits; the consequences of fear and self-
7. Drugs: The Most Misleading Sign on the Way.
8. The Feet on which to climb to Success or limp to
Failure, and posture which Aids or Retards us.
9. Love and Health: The true meaning of Love is the
making of Personality, the Building of Health, in
Creative Work.
10. World Health: The Value of Human Beings above
that of Material Things.
In addition to the leaders' talks, the following pamphlet may
be obtained from the Womans Press. It is adapted for the
use of the individual girl or may be incorporated in the regu-
lar program of a girl's club:
The Health Inventory, with an Introduction. This contains
questions on health habits under the following topics: the
avoidance of headaches, indigestions, constipation, colds; bath-
ing, care of teeth, care of hair, diet, sleep, elimination,
menstruation, clothing, posture of feet, exercise, work, and
leisure, personal relationships.
The following material published by The Womans Press
gives valuable practical help toward individual health-building:
Corrective Exercise Cards: twenty-two illustrations with de-
tailed instructions.
Exercises for Business and Professional Women: ten exer-
cises recommended for daily practice.
Health Pamphlets: a series of general talks on health.
Foot Posture Posters: a set of seven posters for educational
Foot-tracing 'Charts: for use in testing the feet.
Health Examination Cards — Medical and Physical. For use
in the detailed health examination.
'Special Parties and Stunts: recreation material compiled
by Era Betzner.
Further guidance in the attainment of health and in the
appreciation of true health values may be obtained from the
official series of pamphlets which is published jointly by the
Women's Foundation for Health, Bureau of Social Education,
National Board, Y. W. C. A., and the Council on Health and
Public Instruction, American Medical Association. Address
600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
These pamphlets contain detailed and comprehensive material
for a program of health, education. In each pamphlet there is
a short, concise statement of what is meant by Positive Health.
The series is developed as follows:
1. An all-round discussion of health and health habits.
2. Health examination cards with an interpretation and
3. How to conduct a Health Demonstration and how to
plan a Health Foundation Center.
Used by the permission of
The Women's Foundation for Health
129 East 52nd Street, New York City
Secretary — Dr. Josephine H. KLenyon
These are fhe
Not" losing sighf of fhese
Use ta when necessary;
Then go on ho Hie PosiHve
-This is Hie PosiMve
Focus Your
Boords o/'tlealrh
Scientific Research
Public tlealth Nurses
Red Cross Nurses
•Anh* -Tuberculosis NursftS
Child Welfare
Prenatal Work
NuWHonal Clinics
The Future will Emphasize
Consh-uchvc'tleall-h and Individual Responsibility
tlealhh Physician
Prochc.ng Phjrsiaon with tfe^h Rjmhe
PUblic Demand for Conshruchve ttaa
4. A special pamphlet on Nutrition and Health.
5. A special discussion of Mental Health.
6. A special pamphlet on Reproduction and Health.
By the study of thesa pamphlets1, prepared by specialists
and experts, advisers of girls' clubs may increase their knowl-
edge of health in such a way that they may become intelligently
helpful to their club members. Girls themselves should finally
arrive at the use of these pamphlets also, by way of a graduated
course of reading-. The woman's movement for health needs a
multitude of leaders; it has a place of influence for every girl
who is aware of her opportunities and awake to the possibilities
of increasing health by sharing it.
As has been stated, adolescence is the very time when the
donning of high heeled pointed a shoes marks the way to bad
posture habits and the permanent crippling of the feet. There
are certain goals which every girl should set for herself in
regard to her feet, so that they will not only serve her "as
a good understanding" but will also contribute to her state
of health. Foot fatigue or discomfort results in lessened gen-
eral health and efficiency and so her chance of success is reduced.
Any girl should be eager to have her feet have (a) a straight
inner border which means that the great toe is in line with the
heel; (b) a strong long arch which means an inner line that
does not touch the floor; (c) a good transverse arch, which means
an absence of any callous on the ball of the foot; (d) all of the
toes free and able to pick up pencils or marbles or to make a
stocking pass back under the foot when portions of it are
gripped by the toes.
This may be achieved to a certain degree by the normal foot
position in standing and walking (a matter which deserves very
careful attention since the correct method is to place the feet
close together and pointing straight ahead, not toeing out as
people have been taught for so long) and by exercise; but
most of all is it accomplished by the care with which the feet
are dressed. The cuts on page 328 indicate what can
and does happen to the foot which is improperly shod. It also
shows the beauty of foot with which most girls begin life.
The Feet and How They Should Be Dressed.
"Men do not walk on pegs — why should women ?"
"Do you buy shoes to fit someone's eyes or your feet?"
Such questions are being asked repeatedly to-day by thoughtful
advisers of girls and by girls themselves who have determined
somehow to find an answer to tired feet at night.
Shoes should have a straight inner border, which follows the
line of the normal foot ; there should be room for the toes with-
out crowding; a broad low heel and a flexible shank which al-
lows action of the arch muscles are indispensable to foot com-
fort. It is believed that the low cut shoe allows better circula-
tion and increased muscle strength.
A study of the feet and of correct shoes in which to dress
them should be a part of every group program each year. Dis-
cussions centering about the two questions which are stated
above, and the writing of two or three hundred word essays
on "A Five Room Apartment With Eoom for Every Toe" or
some similar subject can be made still more fascinating by the
making of foot pictures at club meetings. Secure large sheets
of brown wrapping paper, some printer's ink and some benzine.
Place the printer's ink on the sole of the foot and make a
print upon the brown paper. The ink will come off easily when
the benzine is applied. There should be discussion on the fol-
lowing points: Is the great toe straight? Why not? What
kind of an arch do I have ? Why ? Draw an outline of the foot
on paper and then place the shoe over this outline and trace
it. Is the shoe a "good five-room apartment?" Grade the feet
under the four points mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
The writing of foot grams is another way of developing an
interest in the feet. Some of the following may serve as
Stand and walk toeing straight forward.
Use your toes — dig in.
Use your foot muscles.
Posture Tracing :
The importance of correct posture as an expression of
health cannot be overestimated and one of the very best ways to
help- counteract some of the slovenly habits of standing and
sitting which have been aided by the acceptance of certain styles
of dress as the height of fashion, is to have the girls make
posture tracings. A good posture tracing can be made by the
use of a large piece of brown paper, a candle and a soft lead
pencil. Two girls can work together. The paper should be
pinned to the wall and the candle lighted and set on a table
in such a position that when the girl whose posture is to be
traced, stands between the paper and the candle, the shadow of
the profile of her body falls on the paper. The girl working
with her then traces the outline with the soft" pencil. The sil-
houette which is good and of use in determining her posture
(i) (2) (3) (4)
must not be blurred by clothing. A close fitting union suit or
an Annette Kellerman swimming suit should be worn. It should
fit closely into the small of the back. After tracings have been
made for the group, they should be made into a temporary
exhibit and used to focus the ensuing discussion on correct pos-
ture. The following points should be considered in the examina-
tion of the silhouettes: 1. (a) is the head well balanced?; (b)
the line showing the back of the neck should be almost vertical;
(c) the chin should be in. 2. (a) does the spine have a normal
curve backward or an exaggerated one?; (b) are the shoulders
round? 3. (a) is the chest normally full, low or flat?. 4. Is
there a normal curve in the lower spine or a hollow back? 5.
Is the abdomen slightly curved forward or prominent?
The tracings opposite indicate some of the defects which girls
need to recognize and correct; figure one is representative of
GOOD POSTURE and may be' used as a standard ; figure two
shows the head thrown forward, a long round back, and a promi-
nent abdomen; figure three shows a hollow back, and a promi-
nent abdomen; figure four shows a round upper back, and a
prominent abdomen.
How should girls assume good posture? SIT TALL! STAND
TALL! WALK TALL! Push upward from the arches, trunk
and the top of the head.
The Growing Girl:
1. Total quantity offered in 24 hours should not be less
than 2,500 calories.
2. Proportion of constituents important. Meat once a
day or a protein equivalent. Green leafy vegetables
twice daily. Fruit, raw or stewed, once a day as a
3. Protective foods —
(1) Milk and dairy products: The chance to drink at
least one glass of whole milk once a day.
(2) Leafy vegetables —
(3) Foods made from whole grains, as: whole wheat
bread, available cereals from whole grains.
(4) Eggs—
4. Foods for bulk and roughage, such as: root vegetables,
bran* raw fruits, including skins.
5. Food should be well prepared:
Cooked sufficiently.
Appetizingly flavored and served.
Raw foods selected — relishes, such as: radishes, olives,
pickles, celery.
Aesthetic value should not be lost in service.
6. Some latitude in choice given: such as, choice of cereal,
choice of vegetable.
7. Avoid choosing two starchy foods at one time.
8. Opportunity to drink the necessary eight glasses of
water every day.
General application of these fundamentals of a diet to the
girl's life:
A. The individual girl should be educated by talks and
illustrations at regular club meetings to use her per-
sonal judgment in the selection of proper and sufficient
quantities( of food to meet her requirements. This
is really more than a matter of judgment; it is a mat-
ter of responsibility. The relationship of food and
sleep and rest and relaxation should also be stressed.
For too many girls, both in school and in industry
there is no opportunity for relaxation or rest after
the noon meal. In some way this must be achieved.
B, The 'exercise of her judgment should be trained
especially in the matter of what a girl should pur-
chase for those "in-between" meals which seem so
essential to adolescence ; fruits — oranges, bananas,
prunes, nuts, figs, raisins — in preference to candy.
The quality of ice cream (i. e. its food value) should
concern a girl and simple biscuits should be chosen
to eat with it rather than rich cake.
Breakfast: Fruit — raw or cooked.
Cereal — choice if possible, one cooked, one
dry — portions should be equivalent in food
Noon Meal:
Evening Meal:
Preferably whole grains — oats, cream of
barley, wheatina or cracked wheat.
Toast or rolls.
Butter (not a butter substitute,)
Bacon or Eggs.
Sweet of some sort — marmalade, etc.
Warm fluid — tea, coffee; (coffee offered only
in the morning is most desirable for
A meat dish.
A starchy vegetable.
A green leafy vegetable — preferably fresh.
Bread — choice1, whole wheat or white.
Dessert, preferably fruit.
Relish if desired.
Thick soup — or vegetable soup, cooked to
conserve the soluble salts.
One dish, such as macaroni, hominy or rice,
with cheese, or escallop ed fish, or escalloped
vegetables, or escalloped potatoes.
Baked beans, not more than once a week.
Salad or green vegetable.
Bread — choice of whole wheat or white.
Simple dessert.
Offer one glass of milk if desired, or cocoa.
(Tea and coffee not desirable at night).
Relish if desired.
Daily Exercises, 10 Minutes Morning and Night — Loose Clothes.
To look one's best, to be efficient, and to be fit are a closely
linked trio, with fitness as the greatest of the three. Looking
one's best and being efficient depend so tremendously on fitness
of health, that we may truthfully say the latter is the source
and fountain of the other two. Everyone wants to look her
best — that goes without saying; and nowadays efficiency is the
keynote of all success. Health, the natural birthright of every
girl, helps to keep her looking her best. That every girl may
come into her birthright, these exercises are offered by the
Bureau of Social Education of the National Board, Young
Women's Christian Associations.
I. Signaling.
1. Stand feet parallel, hands at sides-
2. Clap hands over head, bringing arms sideways upward
and bending knees.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
II. iSteamboat.
1. Stand feet apart, arms shoulder height.
. 2. Bend right knee, touching right foot with right hand.
3. Stretch right knee and sway to left, bending left
knee, touch left foot with left hand.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.
III. Brakeman.
1. Stand feet parallel, arms shoulder height, palms up.
2. Make small circles with arms bringing arms forward,
upward and backward.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
IV. 'Chopping Wood.
1. Stand feet apart, both hands clasped on right shoulder,
body twisted right as if holding axe.
2. Chop wood, bringing both hands down between legs.
3. Swing back to erect position, placing both hands on
left shoulder, body twisted left.
4. Continue, alternating left and right.
Repeat 8 to 10 times.
V. Climbing Ladder.
1. Grasp a ladder with left hand, bend right knee upward
and place right foot on ladder rung.
2. Climb by reversing arm and leg positions, bend knees
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
VI. Batting Baseball.
1. iStand feet apart, body twisted to right.
2. As leader throws ball, swing bat at ball, transfer
weight to left foot.
3. Continue three times right and three times left.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
VII. Bowling.
1. Stand holding ball in right hand, balancing it with
2. Run forward about three steps, starting with left foot.
3. Bowl ball with right hand, resting left on left knee.
4. .Stand erect, bringing right foot up to left.
5. Continue five times right, five times left.
Repeat 8 to 10 times.
VIII. Weather Vane.
1. iStand feet apart, hands on hips.
2. Twist body to left.
3. Twist body all way around to right.
4. Continue alternating left and right, keeping feet flat
on floor.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
JL£. Jumping Jack.
1. iStand on toes, hands at sides.
2. Jump with feet apart, clapping hands over head.
3. Jump feet tog-ether, bringing hands to sides.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
X. Rocket..
1. Stand arms bent.
2. Bang; stretch arms up quickly.
3. Szzz; lower arms sideways downward*
Repeat 5 to 15 times.
Many girls do not get enough, of the right kind of exercise.
Some school girls do not really exercise and some younger girls
in business and industry have work which keeps them at desks
or machines all day. Before girls know it they find themselves
with a poor complexion which is really due to sluggish digestion,
poor circulation, the wrong kind of food. Sometimes too, a tired
brain and something called "blues" come at the same time.
The right kind of exercise will do much for all of these. A
good slogan for every A number 1 American Girl is — Plenty of
fresh air, regular systematic exercise and lots of water to
Ten Counts for Health.
1. Drink six glasses of water daily,
2. Eat an apple or an orange and fresh vegetables every
3. Sleep eight hours with windows open.
4. Brush the teeth at least twice daily.
5. Eat at regular intervals — three meals a day.
6. Breathe deeply (in good air) ten times daily.
7. Keep the body clean by a daily tub or sponge bath.
8. Take one hour of outdoor exercise daily.
9. Wear shoes with low heels, or approved shoes and suit-
able clothing,
10. 'Cultivate good posture: S. U. S. Sit up straight — .Stand
up straight.
"Joy, temperance and repose,
Slam the door on the doctor's nose."
1. Keep a record of your chest expansion.
2. Mark your improvement in posture.
3. Weight adjustment.
4. Attend at least three health talks or health programs in
your club.
5. Help some other girl to understand and keep Code No. 1.
6. Learn how to play one new active team game every six
7. Attend a summer camp or spend at least one night in
camp during the year.
8. Write a paragraph of one hundred words, stating what
you have discovered about Health and Personality.
9. Measure your monthly progress in the care of your feet
by a decrease of corns and callouses, fatigue, and in bet-
ter walking and standing habits, and in wearing of com-
fortable shoes.
10. Health Service — Keep a baby in a health camp or pro-
vide money for a milk or ice fund, or swat flies.
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Each interval equals five units.
First: Find the seven points for the "-Should Be" line, accord-
ing to the standards shown on the chart for a girl of that
Second: Draw the line in black ink.
Third: Find the seven points for the "I Am" line, according to
the actual measurements.
Fourth: Draw this line in red ink.
Fifth: Compare the two lines and then begin to plan for im-
Grade posture and feet according to the following scale:
A = 90 — 100
B = 80 — 90
C = 70 — 80
D = 60 — 70
Suggested topics for talks at regular club meetings. Any
one of these should be developed in relation to the Health Edu-
cation material found on page 816.
Talks on Hygiene and Sanitation.
Suggested Topics — Home and Community Sanitation:
1. Careful Choice of Food.
2. The Back Yard.
3. Relation of Clean Streets to Public Health.
4. Pure Milk.
5. Food and Flies.
6. Home Sanitation.
7. The Relation of Good Health to Good Citizenship.
8. Bangers of Impure Water .Supply.
Personal Health Talks.
1. The Mouth and Teeth.
2. Value of Exercise and Rest.
3. The Air We Breathe, and the Value of Ventilation.
4. Patent Medicines. (Exploitation of people's attitudes of
5. Cleanliness.
6. Habit Postures, Good and Bad.
7. Feet — a "Good Understanding."
8. Relation of Wholesome Food to Good Health.
9. 'Common Sense Hints on Dress.
Reference: "How to Live" — Fisher and Fiske.
Recreation is the renewal of life in the individual. This
renewal is found, as well as expressed, through activity, whether
work or play. In creative production, mental and manual, there
is a field where work and play meet and overlap each other.
Work in which there is no element of play is drudgery; and
recreation in which activity and effort have no place lacks the
creative element which makes for renewal of life.
The rhythm of life requires that relaxation or inactivity, too,
shall have its due; but this is not the whole of recreation, which
must be a positive and not merely a negative use of leisure
time. Recreation is essential for the maintenance of balance,
beauty, and wholeness of life, and it is, therefore, essential to
health. iFor health is not a limited, negative state of just not
being sick, but a positive, all-round condition of the individual
which combines physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-
The conception of health as wholeness and beauty of life is
the one which is most acceptable to girls, for whom the mere
absence or presence of disease is naturally not a subject which
has a strong appeal. In the same way, the view of recreation
as the positive evaluation of leisure time is more congenial to
youth than the negative idea of just not being at work. But
it is true that girls need to be guided into the positive view of
health and the positive view of recreation, all the more since
their adult sisters nowadays are finding it necessary to retrain
themselves in the attitude of responsibility toward health and
The girl, struggling for self-expression, is conscious of
energy welling up within her, but is hampered and groping in
her search for outlets. We say quite truly of her, "she is
trying to find herself." This intangible self seems for the
moment almost hopelessly obscured by the varied moods and
emotions which threaten to engulf her. Under wise leadership
she discovers that these troublesome forces are only trouble-
some until she learns to guide them and that the normal develop-
ment of one's emotional life is a necessary part of a well-
rounded personality.
There conies, in one form or another, a great yearning which
enmeshes the girl in web of fantasy. Her air-castles are her
instinctive protection and conservation of the inner urge which
is as yet inarticulate, which as yet cannot find an appropriate
outlet in the world of fact, and which, nevertheless, is as*neces-
sary for her individual existence as sunlight and fresh air. She
tries out in secret, as it were, a multitude of paths along which
her soul would go and returns from each adventure with her
secret still intact. These ideal journeyings are indeed "delicate
blossoms" and not easily discovered. Yet, somewhere amid
all the fancied outlets is the right one or the right group of
outlets for the individual girl.
It is through her understanding of the value and importance
of the girl's dreams that the adviser will be able to do her
task successfully. They are the elusive, but indispensable aid
of anyone who tries to help the girl. What she will one day
be lies enfolded within the day-dreams of her present. The
time will come when she will look back and laugh at some of
them as childish fancies, but others she will recognize as the
tiue and valid unfolding of her own distinctive "self" or per-
sonality. The adviser will do well to keep this future in mind
as something which is not separate, but is inherent in the girl's
idealism of to-day. The leader will engage and develop the
strongest interest of a girl or group of girls, in so far as she
has the tact and insight to understand ideals that are too un-
formed to find expression and too sensitive to expose them-
selves to the critical or materialistic gaze.
"Dreamer of Dreams? We take the taunt with gladness,
Knowing that God, beyond the years you see,
Has wrought the dreams, that count with you for madness,
Into the texture of the world to be."
The adviser of a group of girls who understands the spirit
of recreation and appreciates its true function will know how
to make their everyday interests into recreational activities.
It is not necessary to invent material for recreation; the best
material exists in the habits and interests of daily life. The
girl's attitude toward exercise and work, fellowship and re-
ligion, is the fundamental consideration. It is the creative
impluse working through the program which makes it mean
renewal of life and release of spirit.
The adviser of a group of girls has for her initial guidance
the predominating interest of her group. This may be basket-
ball, or dancing, or books. With any of these interests for a
point of departure, it is possible to develop standards of beauty
and values of life. Any of these activities may become the
means of increasing the girl's consciousness of the wholeness
of life.
A proposed program should be gone over with this emphasis
in mind and a method of carrying it out should be chosen by
which this aim may be achieved. Then, when the time in the
program for recreation arrives, the activities engaged in will
express not only the chief interest of the group but will be .the
source of new activities, new interests, and new standards. In
recreation the girl should learn that unity of life may be main-
tained in the presence of many diverse elements.
Such a program may become the right education of the
emotions, if it adds to the elements of interpretation and appre-
cfation the further element of action. The emotional experience
which is always a part of recreation should culminate in the
desire for action, which is another and an equal part of recrea-
Outstanding channels for the expression of this desire for
action may be found in forms of play which express the love
of color, of music, and of drama, as well as that instinctive love
of home which is fundamental in girl nature. The play which
satisfies these interests and desires by directing them into chan-
nels of suitable activity is the beginning- of that much neglected
art, "the art of living." It brings new joy and freshness into
social intercourse and helps in "the art of living." It helps
in the formation of happy personal relationships, on which
depend the ultimate success of home, school, and community
There are four types of recreation, each of which is com-
plementary to the others. In order to balance the year's recrea-
tion, each of the four types should have its share in increasing
a girl's joy in living.
Individual Eecreation.
Every girl should learn to enjoy solitude by having at her
command occupations which dispel the sense of loneliness and
create in its stead the pleasurable sense of opportunity. The
ability to swim, to skate, to row, to ride horseback; the knowl-
edge of flowers, trees, birds, geography, music, photography,
handicrafts, literature and art — any and all of these are a
resource of happiness for the individual. It is absolutely neces-
sary that a girl should learn to develop within herself the ability
to play alone. For it is thus, that skill and expertness are
acquired in any accomplishment or art, and the consciousness
of power within the girl comes to be based on real effort and
achievement. To do good work and appreciate good work in
solitude means the enrichment of her personality; it helps her
to win friends and hold them; and it aids in making life joyous
for herself and, through her, for all those with whom she comes
in contact.
Family Recreation.
The proper balance in the education of the emotions requires
that solitary play should be supplemented with social play. When
either is preferred to the total exclusion of the other, the girl's
emotional development suffers.
In the family the girl finds her first social group. Her future
social relationships are built up out of the early habits and
attitudes developed within the home circle. Unfortunately, the
parents sometimes allow burdensome responsibility or ambitious
striving to drive the spirit of play out of the door. This results
in an emotional poverty in the home, the danger of which is
too little appreciated. The younger members of the family
begin to feel that home is the realm of must and don't and
that real play is only to be found in the outside world. The
commercialized amusements of the present day thrive upon the
exploitation of this attitude, which can only be counteracted by
the recognition that amusement and play have a necessary and
a vital place in family life. The individuals of a family need to
learn to play together and groups of families need to learn to
play together — for the mingling of old and young in a spirit of
recreation helps to keep alive the sympathy and understanding
between old and young which so easily fails to function if not
wisely cultivated. A health carnival, a tea, a party, a picnic,
or an occasional business meeting of the club to which the
families of the members are invited and served with refresh-
ments by the girls, are all types of entertainment which should
be included in the recreation program of the club.
Club or Group Recreation.
This type of recreation supplies the opportunity for inspira-
tion that comes from fellowship and comradeship. Girls of the
same age have abundant common interests on which to base
a program. While learning to play the game at home helps
the girl later in her play-life with the group, it may happen
also that she carries back into the home again the inspiration
she has gained from the group. The development of individual,
family and group recreation should all be directed in such a
way that the one is an aid and encouragement to the other.
Community Recreation.
Community recreation is built up from the foregoing types.
New possibilities arise, however, from the wider cooperation
involved and the greater resources available. A club " may
demonstrate to the community methods of recreation which are
capable of adaptation for more inclusive groups and a larger
number of individuals. Types of play which lend themselves
well to community use are roller-skating parties, both indoors
and outdoors; regular hikes, plays and pageants, hare and
hound chases, match games between different groups or towns,
swimming campaigns and community sings. The possibilities
of community recreation are closely related to the particular
facilities of the locality concerned, whether these are parks
and play grounds, spacious public buildings, or a picturesque
natural environment. In the right use of the existing facilities,
there are always possibilities of satisfying the love which exists
in young and old for romance and adventure
Recreational Activities.
Most of the activities which follow will prove available for
anyone or all of the four types of recreation. The special events
that occur in the development of these types, would meet the
needs of one particular occasion or might be made part of
a plan for a whole year's program. These suggestions may be
given unlimited variety by adaptation to different forms of
recreation, outdoor, indoor, athletic, social. For instance, almost
any basketball game, played with balloons and limited dis-
tances, may become a social game, instead of being atHetic. In
the same way, a "conversational game played at a Valentine
Party with "Hearts'7 as the topic, may become a Hallowe'en
game with "Ghosts" as the topic of conversation.*
A. Play Hours.
The play hour offers an opportunity to the adviser to vivify
the program of the club through the use of the play spirit,
music, drama and; color. For instance, if the serious lesson
of the day be world fellowship, the play hour may be a demon-
stration of play in other lands, or; any other study may be
thus continued over into the play-hour project. The hour
should begin with a rollicking game to get everyone interested
and eliminate self-consciousness. Then girls may teach games
they know, not only using the entire group for this, but also
breaking it up into smaller groups, so that all the girls may have
an opportunity to teach. Each game should be followed by dis-
cussion of the way in which it might be improved, where it
would be fun to use it — at home, or at a picnic. Girls should be
encouraged to use the games and dances, songs and stories,
which they learn, not only in pageants and plays, but at their
parties and other social entertainments, in family and school
and church groups. They should learn to apply all the materials
of play in the most flexible way.
The useful points in teaching games should be remembered:
Be sure you know your game.
The explanation should be brief and to the point.
Waste no time in getting started.
Watch the group for change of interest, changing the game
just before the first person is ready to drop out.
Insist on fair play.
Friendliness is an essential factor.
Give directions without scolding — even if they don't listen!
It will often suffice to start the direction, and then wait
a moment and start over again.
Speak so that every member of the group can hear.
When the game is a guessing game, make an effort to have
all of the members hear and be heard.
Guard against rowdyism in social gatherings. This can
be done usually by changing the rhythm of the game
being played or by substituting for it another activity
of a different rhythm.
B. Athletics.
The spirit of team work so conspicuous among boys is often
lacking in girls, therefore activities which develop this are much
needed. They should provide an opportunity to arouse girls to
the health value and the intrinsic interest of athletics. Train-
ing for team games increases the efficiency of the group in all
group activities. Fundamentals of big team games should be
learned and may be used in other competitive undertakings.
1. Individual Adaptations.
Form in serving and hitting a tennis ball. Tether ball is an
excellent way of developing skill and quickness.
Pitching a baseball (stones may be used for practice in
throwing, when on a hike).
Batting a baseball.
Serving and returning a volley ball.
Basketball goal throwing and practice games such as
goal throwing relays, allowing thirty seconds to throw
as many goals as possible. Progressive goal throwing
(progressive from easy positions to difficult ones).
Ball passing. All kinds of ball passing games.
Distance throw for form.
Principles of Newcomb.
Land Swimming drill.
Kicking a soccer ball.
2. Group Adaptations.
Soccer ball.
Volley ball.
Dodge ball.
Wall ball.
Kick ball.
Chinese tag.
Three deep.
All kinds of passing; games (played either with bean-
bags or an ordinary ball or basketball).
Track meet (indoor and outdoor meets are splendid
ways of bringing groups together and developing real
sportsmanlike spirit). Such a program as the following
could be used:
Short sprints.
Throwing balls for distance.
Folk dancing and singing (can be worked into a program
with good effect).
Relay races.
'Competition balancing.
A short game of volley ball.
C. Hiking.
Nature study hikes, with contests for finding the
largest variety of plants, trees, flowers, or birds.
Bacon Bats.
Over-night hikes with ponchos and blankets; sleeping
under the stars.
Hare and hound chases.
Hikes, with volley ball (a string strung up between two
trees will answer this purpose), baseball, story-telling
singing around the fire, etc.
D. Swimming.
Class work — the club going in together.
Splash parties.
(The following articles in the water add to the pleasure
of the participants.)
a. Waterwings.
b. Inner tube.
c. Rubber and cork balls.
e. Canoe.
5. Camping.
Week-end camps.
Vacation camps.
All summer camps.
Canoeing, boating, horseback riding, launch parties.
6. Winter sports.
Snow shoeing.
7* Pageants and dramatics for different occasions.
Stunts which may dramatize different group experiences
— "A Day at Summer Camp" in the winter time, etc.
Shadow Pictures.
Spring Opening Fashion Show.
Health Farces and Plays.
Simple One Act Plays.
Vesper service in which the dramatic and pictorial
elements are used.
8. Music.
Dances of our Land and other Lands
Songs of our Land and other Lands.
Ukelele, mandolin, violin, piano, etc.
Singing carols.
9. Handicraft. (See Section V, Chapter IV.)
10. Parties and social events for girls; and for girls and boys.
National Holidays as:
St. Patrick's.
April Fool.
May Day Party.
Special Parties ass
Children's Party.
Family Party.
Character Party.
Mother Goose Characters.
Famous Characters.
Special Events:
County Fair.
Minstrel Show.
Health Carnival (Family Recreation).
A club, through its discussions, arouses an interest in the
individual health program1, so that each girl becomes imbued
with a strong desire to achieve constructive health. She goes
home and begins to work on her own Individual Health Pro-
gram, so that she may measure up to her club standard of
health. The family is amused, but also interested, so much so
that when the invitations to the Health Carnival come, they
are eager to accept and see what it is all about.
This same health interest may be used as the Style Show
for the special event in a boy and girl party. Later in the year,
the club may participate in an event which will epitomize the
work and ideals of the whole Association for the community or
with the community.
The idea of the Health Carnival here briefly outlined may
be used for a small informal gathering or expanded to a
formal Health Exhibit, with elaborate booths, contests, Fashion
Shows, plays, pageants, etc.
A ticket similar to this one may be used. It may be desir-
able to have fewer tests on it:
Admission, the drinking of
one glass of water. P<>sitive Healt!l Theater.
Tickets of admission to be
filled out during the evening.
Av. Wgt
Lung Capacity
Total Strength
Total ...
Av. Total
Clowns act as ushers, "Gen-
eral Health" being the name of
one who is master of ceremonies,
and the club may choose names
relating to health for the others.
Names and decorations should
be chosen from the various
Health Slogans: Diet, Clothing, Shoes, Exercise, etc. One side
or end of the room may be made into booths, and the rest used
for the seating of the audience and a stage.
The outside of the booths may be covered with posters.
The first, height and weight booth, to have posters with
diet lists and foods, exercises, in and out of door activities.
The second, lung capacity, to have posters on posture, and
activities which involve deep breathing. The third, strength
tests, to have posters on food, exercise, dress, general health
habits. The fourth, shoe exhibit, with posters including all
Association posters and originals made by the clubs. The fifth,
demonstration of health exercises. The sixth, candy, ice cream,
cake, etc., may be sold. An hour may be given to visiting the
booths, having individual tests given and summed up (see the
The next hour may be given to a carnival program using
health stunts by the clowns, relay games, fathers against daugh-
ters, etc., grotesque dances, a competition in roller skating, a
swimming game (if there is a pool in the building), a com-
petition in health songs, composed by members, also one in the
wittiest healthgrams delivered in the form of telegrams to
"General Health."
(If the usual apparatus is not available, substitutes may be
used, real or burlesque).
Posters may be ordered from The Womans Press, 600 Lex-
ington Avenue, N. Y. C.
Grading charts.
Health Inventory.
Exercise cards.
Group Activities.
There is no fun like working for the thing which fulfills
the desire for play. It is well to bear this in mind when arrang-
ing for all activities. Any social gathering is like a piece of
music; it is a series of moods which must be blended to create
harmony. The outstanding manifestations of these moods are
activity and quietness; all arrangements on such occasions
should be gradations of these moods. If they are not properly
graded, the participants will not have a good time. For in-
stance, if very active games are played continually, the party
will grow wearisome; on the other hand, a continuous program
of quiet games would be even more wearing. Variety both in
movement and interest is obtained by changing the activities
of the group and varying the use of the following elements:
play, drama, color and music.
The Planning of a Party.
Great care should be taken to make as large as possible the
number of girls who are definitely responsible for some specific
part of the event. Directions to these individuals should be
explicit; they should be given to the whole grqup or committee,
and should be the result of the careful consideration of the
whole event by the group or committee — not by the secretary
alone. A hostess, when she entertains in her home, either opens
the door herself and directs her guests to the dressing room
or the servants do it. She naturally expects to receive them,
to see that they are entertained, to offer them refreshment
and divertisement and bid them adieu. The success of the
whole event is dependent upon the hostess and her ability to
anticipate the comfort and pleasure of her guests. When the
event Is over, she has had the joy of extending the hospitality
of her home successfully to a number of her friends. This
should be borne in mind when an entertainment is being planned
by a group for a group. Hence, the hostess' feeling of respon-
sibility and the consequent joy of achievement should be shared
by all the group. Their common success in anticipating the
pleasure and comfort of "our guest" should become a standard
by which the success of parties is measured. Details of respon-
sibility are so often overlooked when groups are being enter-
tained; the hostesses are not quite sure of what they are to
do, and consequently not quite sure of themselves. This com-
municates a feeling of uncertainty to the guests; they do not
know where to go to remove their wraps, and they are not
sure when things are going to start. The introduction, by the
thoughtful hostess, of people who ought to know each other, or
the bringing into the group of persons who hate to join in — all
of these things are essential to the success of a social gathering.
If they are every one's responsibility, they are no one's, and
lor that reason different persons of the group should be detailed
for their respective parts in the playing of hostess and the
whole group should share in the satisfaction of having made
other guests happy for the evening.
Girl and Boy Party.
The following outline for such a party may prove useful.
There may be one leader for all the games, or the leadership
may be divided Between one girl who takes the active games
and another who takes the quiet ones, etc. It must be remem-
bered that the leader should be familiar with, and ready to
teach, at least three games for every one she actually does
teach. This saves embarrassment when there is more time
than she plans for or when it is necessary to substitute for one
game, which does not go well, another of the same type will be
Some method of introduction is necessary; the receiving
line, the introduction game, or any of the various games for
getting acquainted may be used.
About four or five, a number of which should be musical and
some of which should require frequent changing of partners.
Grand March, Rig-a-Jig, Popularity, etc.
Eelay races.
Balloon upkeep, friendship line, etc.
Quiet Games.
Various guessing games, or games which require chairs.
Folk or country dances, as pop goes the weasel, circle (see
Elizabeth Burchanel's book on "Country Dances").
Nigarepolska (see "Icebreakers" by Edna Geister).
The Dramatic Element.
A special feature may last from ten to twenty minutes, in
which one or more members of the group entertain. This spe-
cial feature may be of a formal or informal nature, it may be
a chorus or play by the hostesses, or impromptu stunts, or
simple charades. There may also be singing by the whole group.
The serving of refreshments is the opportunity for the hos-
tesses to see to it that there is a general air of sociability.
The refreshments themselves will do much toward this. A pop-
corn ball, apples and cider, a hot drink or a cold one — these
simple refreshments are generators of sociability.
Active games to conclude the evening, preferably should be
music games.
Virginia Reel.
Going to Jerusalem.
Group singing, with a few popular songs, ending with
"Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," "Good Night, Ladies,"
or "My Country Tis of Thee/'
•Such parties are most successful when they do not exceed
an hour and a half or two hours in length. If longer, the play
or special feature should be longer.
Field Day (Community Recreation).
A field day meet should epitomize and demonstrate the vari-
ous activities of one club group or a number of clubs, some of
which may be Association clubs and others Community organi-
zations. The average person's conception of a field meet has
been limited by the experience of many people who have par-
ticipated in or observed collegiate meets. These meets are not
adapted to community use because of the necessity of almost
professional training in order even to enter, and too often the
basis is one of individual success rather "than the success of the
group in a given activity. In planning a field day which will
be of interest to the community, some of the following things
should be borne in mind.
A. The reproduction in one form or another of all the vari-
ous activities which have entered into the whole year's work.
B. The intrinsic interest of each event should be considered
from the point of view of the players and spectators. They
should require a certain amount of skill and yet not be so
difficult but that all may take part.
C. The scoring in all cases should be for the team and not
for the individual. This makes all events team events.
D. 'General suggestions for preparations should include plans
and arrangements for insignia, cheering, trophies, entries^
teams, etc.
E. The officials should be thoroughly informed of their du-
ties, some of which are:
Referee. The referee shall enforce all rules and decide all
questions relating to the actual conduct of the day.
•Captain. The president of a club or one duly authorized
by her should be captain for her group. She shall represent
them on the field day whenever necessity may arise. She should
have charge of her group entry blanks and see that they are
properly represented.
Inspectors. Inspectors should stand at such points as the
referee may designate and watch the competition closely for
fouls and enforce penalties. They should wear a distinguishing
Judges. For each race there shall be two who will decide
at the finish which team comes in first. They shall report
their findings to the official score keeper. The first judge shall
act as starter. All races may be started with a whistle.
Time Keeper. The time keeper shall call time as directed by
referee and notify each group in advance of their event and
place each competitor behind her proper mark.
Scorer. The scorer shall record the winning team both in
preliminaries and finals. No individual scores shall be re-
The events may consist of special exercises which have been
demonstrated during club meetings in connection with the
health work, health stunts, and competition in music, singing
contests, and dancing.
Community education through the drama may be included
also in such a program. A pageant which puts into picture form
the ideals of the community and uses some activities such as
folk dancing and games, which have been learned in the regular
program work, etc., may be used as demonstration of a method
of expression.
Social Games.
Games for Getting Acquainted.
1. Lemon-lemon-lemon.
Formation: Single circle facing center.
Object: To learn everyone's name.
When there are twenty-five girls in circle, have five girls
in center. Each person in the circle learns the names of
girls on either side. On a signal the five girls in the center
run in all directions and point at a person counting ten.
While they are counting, the person being pointed at must
say both names before ten is said; if she doesn't she is a
"lemon" and must go into the circle and be "it," The girl
who has just counted takes her place.
2. What are you going to do?
Printed slips answering the question, "What are you
going to do? are passed out to the guests. They must, in
pantomime, show what they are going to do and look for a
person who is going to do the same thing. Such things as
the following may be given: Going walking in the rain.
(The person carries an umbrella and goes through various
motions which will lead one to believe that he is walking in
the rain.) Swimming, Paddling, 'Skating. Each person
goes about asking "What are you going to do?" and the
person addressed may only answer in pantomime. This goes
on until each person has found a partner.
3. The Millionaire Friends.
This is a good mixer which will get everyone to shaking
hands. The leader in charge donates a dime to the cause.
This is given to someone in the group. The others, of
course, do not know who holds it. The leader announces
that the one holding the dime will give it to the tenth per-
son shaking hands with him. Everyone at once begins shak-
ing hands. The one who holds the dime must keep an
accurate account and give it to the tenth person. A prize
may be given.
4. Balloon Ball (yellow and blue).
The players are divided into two teams, the yellows and
the blues. Each team is then divided into two sections. The
room is divided into four equal parts by lengths of ribbon
fastened to chairs. 'Section one of the yellow stands in the
space marked off by the first two lengths of ribbon, section
one of the blues stands in the next space, section two of the
yellows stands in the third space, section two of the blues
occupies the next. This arrangement brings a section of
the yellow team between two sections of the blue, and vice
The balloon is tossed up between two players, one from
each team, who stand on the opposite sides from the middle
line. Each faces her own group and tries to strike the
balloon with her hand toward her own players. The team
which gets the balloon tries to keep it. That is, if the yel-
lows get the balloon, they try to throw it over the heads of
the blues so that the other section of their own team gets it.
They continue throwing back and forth. The blues try to
intercept the balloon and keep it, passing it back and forth
between the two sections of their team over the heads of the
Instead of scoring one point every time the balloon is
caught, each side may score only when the round trip is
made; that is, when it is caught from one section and re-
turned to that section and caught. When there are many
players, two balloons may be used. A score-keeper for each
balloon is necessary. When balloons are not available, a ball
may be made by crushing colored crepe paper, and winding
it with a cord.
5. Feather Blow.
The players kneel on the floor or sit around a table, with,
a sheet or blanket stretched between them, which they hold
by the edges. A feather is put on the blanket. As many
may play as can get near. They may be in sides, two or
four, or each for herself. At the signal "Go" each tries to
blow the feather off the blanket at the enemy's side and to
count one for herself. It is usually best to stop the game
when a score of seven, eleven or thirteen points has been
6. Column Ball.
The players sit down, or stand, in two rows about 'five
feet apart and face each other. The object of this game is
to cause the balloon to fall on the opponents' side. Players
may arise to bat the balloon but must sit down immediately
after hitting it. One or more balloons may be used.
7. Folding Ohair Eelay.
This is a good game for large groups of people. The
formation for it may be easily arranged after a march,
which finishes with the group in lines of eight (8) alternat-
ing between boys and girls. Arrange four lines of partners
with spaces in between. Several feet in front of the lines,
place folding chairs, one for each line. When a whistle
blows the first couple in each line runs forward. The gen-
tleman picks up the chair, unfolds it, places it for the lady,
the lady sits down, gets up; the gentleman folds the chair,
puts it back on the floor, takes the lady's hand; together
they run back to place, touch the hand of the first couple
waiting for them in their line and run to the rear of line.
Each couple in turn does the same thing. The line whose
leading couple returns to place first, wins the game.
8. Hoops.
Relay formation. The first girl in each line is provided
with a barrel hoop or willow hoop covered with colored
paper or cloth to match decorations. At a signal she raises
it, pulls It down over her head, shoulders and body, steps
out of it and hands it to the one behind her. Then she goes
to the end of the line at' once. The object of each line is of
course to draw itself through the hoops in the shortest
Semi- Active,
9. The Lamplighter.
Each contestant is given a lighted candle. The one who
in the shortest time reaches a distant goal with his candle
burning-, wins. If the candle goes out, contestant must re-
turn to the starting point to have it relighted. The relay
plan must be used.
10. The Wind Blows.
The players stand in open gymnastic formation. The
leader says "The wind blows east," upon which all turn
east. If the leader says "Turn west," without the first part,
the players stand still. If any player turns in the wrong
direction or does not move when he should, he changes place
with the center player.
11. Wander Ball.
Players sit in a circle. A soft ball or' bean bag is put in
circulation, being passed from one to the other in direct
succession. As it is being passed, all players say in unison,
"Kound and round the wander ball goes, I wonder who is go-
ing to be 'it'." When "it" is pronounced, whoever has the
ball must get in the circle. Continue until all are in the
circle. No one can refuse to take the ball when his turn
comes. Other articles may be used.
12. Jerusalem and Jericho.
Useful for large groups. The leader stations himself
where all can see, and announces that when he says "Jeri-
cho" no one should bow. The leader seeks to confuse the
others by bowing at either word. When one makes a mis-
take he must take the place of the leader. Change words
rapidly. Words of local interest which sound somewhat
alike may well be used.
13. Choosing a Course of Study.
Each person says what she thinks are the most impor-
tant courses of study. As her choice is limited to courses
beginning with the initials of her own name, the courses
vary decidedly; these Initials may be used also to describe
personal characteristics.
14. Hat Trimming Contest.
Give each player a sheet of ordinary brown wrapping-
paper, two or three sheets of tissue paper of bright colors,
some pins and a pair of scissors and tell her to make and
trim a hat The most successful hat can be selected by
judges or by popular vote.
15. My Vacation.
Make booklets with the pages entitled "My earliest pho-
tograph," "My latest picture/' "Who went with me," "How
we went," "Where we lived," "Some people we met/' "An
accident," "How it turned out," "Our happiest moment," "A
near tragedy," "Finis/5 etc. Give each girl an old maga-
zine, a pair of scissors and paste. She is to cut illustrations
from the magazine for the pages of her booklet and can
make some very amusing combinations, adding poetry if she
is clever.
Folk Dances.
Circle Dance.
Music 2/4 rhythm (this rhythm makes possible the use of
popular music).
Partners join inside hands, take eight walking steps in the
line of direction, hands swinging easily. Take eight skipping
steps in the line of direction.
All face center and join hands, forming a single circle.
Take eight slides to the left and eight slides to the right.
Still remaining in a single circle, partners face each other.
Boy will have left side toward center of circle. All take four
slides to the left. This will take the boy toward center of circle,
girl away from center.
Take four slides, returning to place.
All take four slides to the right, girl sliding toward center
of circle, boy away from center.
Take four slides, returning to place.
Link right arm with partner. Take eight skipping steps
circling around partner.
Link left arm with partner, take six skipping steps, "circling
around partner in opposite direction. On the seventh and
eighth counts partners unlink arms and progress to new part-
ners. Boy will progress counter-clockwise, girls clockwise.
At the end of this figure dancers should immediately fall
into place by the side of new partners, being careful that the
boy is on the outside of the circle, and the girl is on the inside.
Dance may be repeated as often as desired, with a new part-
ner each time.
Sliding Dance.
Music 2/4
All join hands, forming a circle, and take eight slides to the
Take eight slides right.
Take three steps forward toward center of circle and stamp
vigorously on the fourth count.
Take three steps backward to place and stamp on the fourth
Partners face each other, and link each other's right arms.
In this position, take four skips, turning in place.
Partners join both hands, arms extended, and stand so that
the boy has his left shoulder toward the center of circle, girl her
right, and slide to the center and then slide back to former
Repeat three times, moving toward center of circle.
Suggested Bibliography on Recreation.
Popular Amusements — Edwards. (Social aspect of recreation
Christianity and Amusements — Kichard Henry Edwards.
Games for Gymnasium, Home and School — Jessie Bancroft.
An encyclopedia of games.
Handbook of Athletic Games — Pulmacher and Bancroft.
Good suggestions for coaching major team games.
Play and Recreation — Henry P. Curtis.
Suggestions for sports and community athletics.
Stunts — Capt. Pearl.
A valuable book for every physical director or director in
Producing Amateur Entertainments — Helen Ferris.
Published by E. P. Button & Co.
Ice Breakers — Edna Geister.
Suggestions for Parties.
Published by The Womans Press.
Social Games and Group Dances — Elsom and Trilling,
.Suggestions for Parties — Music for several dances given.
Outdoor Games and Sports — Miller.
Published by Doubleday Page Co.
Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore — Ernest Seton Thompson.
Entertainingly written, excellent suggestions for camping
or interesting girls in hikes, etc.
Recreation in the Church — Herbert Wright Sales.
Spaldings — Athletic Library— Girls Athletics — American Sports
Publishing Co.
Inexpensive but good.
Children at Play in Many Lands— Katherine S. Hall.
Published by Missionary Education Movement, 156 Fifth
Avenue, New York.
Community Activities — Russell Sage Foundation, 35e, 130 East
Twenty-second Street, New York.
Contains information as to where helps for all community
activities may be found, valuable reference book.
Community Service Publications, 1 Madison Avenue, New York
Material available from Womans Press:
Material prepared by Helen Durham.
1. A series of simple and elaborate parties.
2. Y. W. C. A. Circus.
3. Groups of dances described in detail for industrial girls.
4. A revision of "Fashion Revue Down Petticoat Lane."
Special Parties — Era Betzner.
Polite and Social Dances — Marie R. Hoper.
Published by Clayton F. Summy.
Folk Dances and Singing Games — Elizabeth Burchenal.
Published by G. Schirmer, 3 East Forty-third Street, New
Bright Ideas for Money-Making — Jacobs.
Published by George W. Jacobs, Philadelphia.
Our American Holidays — Robert H. Schauffler
Yard & Co., New York.
Nine volumes on holiday celebrations, published by Moffat,
Yard & Co., New York.
Give me Thy harmony, O Lord, that I
May understand the beauty of the sky,
The rhythm of the soft wind's lullaby
The sun and shadow of the wood in spring,
And Thy great love that divells in everything!
LOVE of nature is instinctive in all peoples — children rejoice
in -flowers and birds, but Because of present modes of
living this instinctive quality needs to be cultivated. Girls who
have lived always in cities have had very little opportunty for
free observation of plants, birds, trees and stars, while the girls
of small towns and the open country are so accustomed to the
sight of all that their very "accustomedness" has led them to
a neglect of the very real pleasures of knowing the great out-
door world. Confusion also results from the great variety of
flowers, ferns, birds, trees, grasses, bugs, insects, fish, rock, etc.,
and it is hard to know where to find these friends of the out of
The following rules, from The Woodcraft Manual for Girls,
on "How to Know the Wild Things," will be helpful to all girls'
work secretaries and advisers as they attempt the difficult task
of interpreting Nature Lore, both in and out of a regular club
"First, take one thing at a time. Second, 'Look in the
book/ Have a simple but comprehensive guide book (if possi-
ble one that you can own) that tells in simple, clear language
the main facts. Later, make a record in a notebook of what
you see and either make drawings or preserve specimens.
Fourth, if you have a friend 'who knows/ get information from
her as to the specimen you have seen or have in your posses-
Just what the content of such interpretation will be and the
form of it, is difficult to state because of the widely varying
groups which this material will serve, but the following inter-
pretative material will undoubtedly be of service:
I care not for public opinion,
So paltry is fame or disgrace,
But I pray that I'll always be able
To look all the stars in the face.
R. McCann.
Suggested outlines for study of the stars by advisers and
club girls are included in this chapter. It will be necessary of
course for individual advisers and secretaries to determine with
the help of the girls just where in the year's work this study
will be undertaken and then to find complete information in the
several texts and Nature 'Study pamphlets, which are listed in
the Bibliography at the end of this chapter.
I. The Sky Winter Nights.
A. Recognizing a star.
B. Watching the sky: Ten Lessons Out of Doors.
1. Finding North.
2. Some Conspicuous Star Groups.
3. Some Other Star Groups and Objects of Special In-
4. From Sunset to Midnight.
5. The Waxing Moon.
6. The Waning Moon.
7. The Milky Way.
8. The Planets.
9. The Winter Sun.
10. The Year Passes.
C. Explaining the Sky: Ten Lessons Indoors.
1. The Starry Sky.
2. The Changing Sky.
3. The Phases of the Moon.
4. A Trip to the Moon.
5. Among Other Worlds.
6. Our Star: The Sun.
7. Our Corner of the Universe.
8. The Year Passes.
9. Why Winter.
10. Some Great Astronomers and Their Discoveries.
IL The Sky: Spring and Summer Nights.
A. Virgo, the Virgin.
The constellation that announces the coming of Spring.
B. Bootes, the Herdsman; Corona Borealis, the Northern
Crown; Hercules, the Kneeler; Coma Berenices, the Hair
of Berenice. The Northern 'Crown, and the Hair of
Berenice are among the surprises of the summer sky.
C. Leo, the Lion.
A Royal Constellation.
D. Gemini the Twins.
They suggest their name.
E. Auriga, the Charioteer.
A winter constellation that lingers in the evening sky
until summer and hastens to appear again in the fall.
F. Scorpius, the Scorpion.
The constellation that announces the summer.
G. Sagittarius, the Archer.
The Archer aims his arrow at the heart of the Scorpion,
but he never lets it fly.
H. Cygnus, the Swan; Aquila, the Eagle; Lyra, the Lyre;
Delphinus, the Dolphin.
The most beautiful of summer and fall constellations.
I. Pegasus, the Winged Horse; Andromeda, the Chained
Maiden; Perseus, the Champion.
The "most romantic constellations.
1 , 9 p. m. Northern Horizon
These are visible all the year in the latitude of New York or further
north. May I, 9 p.m., Ursa Major almost overhead, bowl of Big Dipper
opening downward; bowl of Little Dipper in Ursa Minor at the right
of fhe North Star; Cassiopeia low in the north; head of Draco in the
Showing four different positions of the Big Dipper during twenty-four hours
Look for these between April I and October i.
May i, 9 p.m., Bootes high in the east, Hercules lower toward the
northeast; Corona between Bootes and Hercules.
July. -I, 9 p.ni., Corona and Hercules almost overhead; Bootes
further west
September i, 9 p.m., Bootes low north of west; Corona and Her-
cules higher in the west.
Showing how to find Coma Berenices from Arcturus,
from Spica, or from the Big Dipper.
J. Ursa Major, the Great Bear; Ursa Minor, the Little Bear;
Cassiopeia, the Queen; Draco, the Dragon.
Always visible in northern latitudes.
K. The Stars the Night Through.
Lucky campers who can make the heavens their roof.
L. Telling Time by the Stars.
Nature's own Time piece.
M. The Twenty Brightest Stars.
Eleven of these can be seen in the evening in April.
N. Pronunciation.
The names of stars are no harder to learn than the
names of our human friends.
I. A Trip to the Moon.
A. What? Where? Why?
A fascinating tale of a journey to the moon which makes
one appreciate the beauties of the earth.
Flowers, Trees, Birds, Insects.
All secretaries and advisers of girls will be grateful indeed
to have "Nature in Camp," a most attractive pamphlet, in their
kits when they go to camp or conference or even for an all-
day hike or a few hours in the woods and meadows. It has
been written for use particularly by girls who have only two
weeks in camp, and the lists of flowers, ferns, birds, insects,
etc., include only those which are most easily found. Most of
the plants and insects and birds named are very common and
widely distributed. As for the star-groups mentioned, they can
be studied on the North Temperate Zone the world around, from
Europe and Asia as well as from North America, for stars have
this advantage over plants, that in any given latitude the same
ones can be observed from land and sea, from desert and from
mountain. The directions for its use show many possibilities to
the enterprising: It is easier to remember the name of a plant
if the name is seen in print. Therefore, take this pamphlet
with yon on your walks, and when an adviser or friend intro-
duces a plant to you, check its name in the list. Check a sec-
ond time when you are sure you can recognize it. It is better
to know twenty well than to be able to name one hundred, with
no real acquaintance. Look closely at each flower. Often its
greatest beauty is hidden. Notice the number and peculiarities
of its sepals, petals, stamen and pistils. Try to get acquainted
with insects without killing them. You can approach very near
to many butterflies, if you are careful.
I. Nature in Camp.
A. One Hundred Plants Flowering in July and August.
1. Flowers — White.
2. Flowers— Yellow.
3. Flowers — Orange, Pink or Red.
4. Flowers — Blue or Purple.
5. Flowers — Greenish or Inconspicuous.
B. Twenty Ferns Conspicuous in July and August.
C. Twenty-five Trees.
D. Summer Stars — -Seven bright stars, visible between
eight and eleven o'clock in July and August.
Fifteen star groups visible in July and August.
E. Forty Land Birds Easily Found in Summer.
F. A few of Our iCommon Insects.
1. Butterflies,
2. Moths.
3. Beetles.
4. Flies.
5. Bees, Wasps, Ants.
6. Bugs.
7. Grasshoppers, Crickets, etc.
The Monthly Evening Star Map. — Leon Barrett, Editor
and Publisher, 150 Nassau Street, New York City, 40c each.
This is the paper to consult for current events in the sky.
It not only gives a map of the evening sky, but it also
answers the questions boys and girls are always asking:
What is the evening star? Why did people think that the
world was coming to an end December, 1919 ? Are wireless
signals coming from Mars? And if there is any question
that it does not answer send it to Mr. Barrett, for he has a
question and answer column for that purpose.
A Beginner's Star Book. — Kelvin McKready. G. P. Put-
nam's Sons, $3.50. This is one of the best popular books in
astronomy. It should be in every nature library. One of
its best features is the excellent photographs it contains —
photographs of the moon, the planets, star-clusters, comets,
Nebulae, as seen with the best telescopes. Such a book is
a good substitute for a visit to an observatory.
The Sky, Winter Nights.— ^Louise Brown. The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, 35c. A course
for busy young people who want to get acquainted with the
starry sky through their own observations. This pamphlet
is adapted for use by individuals or by clubs. It gives direc-
tions for ten lessons out of doors, and ten lessons indoors,
with seven charts of constellations visible in the winter and
The Sky, Spring and Summer Nights. — Louise Brown.
The Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York Citv,
40c. A description of constellations visible spring and sum-
mer evenings, 'with twenty illustrative charts. Designed es-
pecially for use in camps.
All Night With the Stars. — Louise Brown, The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, 20c.
A Trip to the Moon. — Louise Brown. The Womans
Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City, 25c. A story
of the experiences of some girls who visit the moon. Only
a story — but of value for those who want a real acquaint-
ance with this nearest neighbor of ours.
Starland. — Sir Robert Ball. Ginn and Company, $1.20. One
of the best astronomies for boys and girls and delightful
reading for everybody. Do you want to know how we know
how far off the moon is, why it changes its shapes, why
we have winter and summer. This is the book to give you
answers that you can understand.
Field Book of American Wild Flowers. — F Schuyler
Mathews. G. P. Putnam Sons, $3.00.
How to Know the Wild Flowers. — Mrs. Wm. Starr
Dana. Charles Scribner's Sons, $3.00.
Flower Guide. — Chester A. Reed, Doubleday, Page &
Co., $1.25
These remain the best flower books for beginners. Those
who know some botany will prefer the more complete man-
uals of Gray or Britton.
Our Ferns and Their Haunts. — William Nelson Clute.
Frederick A. Stokes Co., $2.50. Ferns are much easier to
identify than the average person realizes. The ostrich
fern, and the little polypody, once known, becomes as dear
friends as hepaticas and violets.
Our Native Trees. — Hariet L. Keeler. Charles Scribner's
Sons, $3.00. One of the best books for the study of trees.
The Butterfly Guide.— W. J. Holland. Doubleday, Page &
Co., $1.25. Manual for the Study of Insects. John H.
Comstock. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca,' N. Y., $3.75.
The Butterfly Guide is excellent for butterflies but no inex-
pensive book has yet been published for moths and other
insects. Comstock's Manual is a large book but there is
none better for the club leader who really wishes an
acquaintance with insect life.
Land Birds.— ^Chester A. Reed. Doubleday, Page & Co.,
$1.25. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America.
Bird Studies With a Camera.— F. M. Chapman. D. Ap-
pleton & Co., $3.00. Education Building, Albany, N. Y.
It is hard to select the best bird books from the large num-
ber in the market.
The bird pictures issued by the Educational Department
in Albany are excellent. The National Association of Audu-
bon iSocieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City, publishes
leaflets and a magazine of interest to all bird lovers.
The Dennison Manufacturing Company presents for use
as stickers some very attractive reproductions in colors
of birds most usually known. These stickers will help to
make most attractive records of bird study trips. Secure
them at 62 East Randolph Street, Chicago, or Fifth Avenue
and 26th .Street, New York City.
General Helps.
Secure "Nature in Camp." Price ten cents, from The
Womans Press, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City.
The Boy Scout Manual and the Woodcraft Manual for
Girls, both have good material in them. Secure from the
public library stories about the stars, especially any myths
connected with them. See also, "Trees Stars, Birds," by
Edwin Moseley, World Book Company, Yonkers, New York.
HANDICRAFT, like any other program activity, has a two-
fold value — one, the actual product of the work done,
and the other, an intangible resultant in the spirit of a girl
who, herself, has striven to create or reproduce a thing- of
beauty. The latter can never be computed in definite terms
but any friend of girls will always take it into consideration
and consciously strive to incorporate this ideal into any handi-
craft program. For clubs which wish to include it, the following
suggestions are made; it is essential, in carrying out these
suggestions, that the club advisers and the program committee
remember that such work often must be done at a time apart
from the regular club meeting. This will ensure a more
satisfactory attendance, for those girls who are not interested
would then have no excuse for not being present.
(1) Leather work, especially making covers for maga-
(2) Wood block printing.
(3) Batik work.
(4) Tie dyeing.
(5) Decorating flower pots, wooden bowls, glass jars
and coffee cans.
(-6) Making lamp shades.
(7) Sealing wax craft.
(8) Art and decoration in crepe and tissue paper.
(9) Flower making.
(10) Pottery,
(11) Raffia work.
(12) Bead work.'
(13) -Stenciling.
(14) Making Recipe books.
(15) Making doll houses, doll furniture and doll outfits.
(16) Boxcraft
(17) Collecting leaves, flowers, bark of trees, bird nests,
for exhibits,
(18) The making of matting baskets.
Books of value for help in the above work are:
"What a Girl Can Make and Do." By Lina and
Adelia Beard. Scribner. $2.25.
"The Jolly Book of Boxcraft." By Pattern Beard.
Stokes. $2.00.
''Art Craft for Beginners." Sanford. $1.75.
"The Woodcraft League Manual for Girls." Chap-
ter III, by Ernest Thompson Seton. Price 75 cents
(paper). $1.25 (cloth).
"Prang's Industrial Art Books." Obtained at any
School Supply Company.
The Dennison Costume Book, free and
The Dennison Art and Decoration in Crepe and
Tissue Paper Book, $.15.
Published by Dennison Manufacturing Company,
62 East Randolph Street, Chicago, 111.
Fifth Avenue and 26th Street, New York City.
1007 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, "Pa.
23 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.
Girls' Make-at-Home Things,, Carolyn iSherwyn
Bailey. $1.75.
Every group of girls taking up handicraft should approach
the subject through a study of good examples of old-world
handicraft, such as laces, embroideries, textiles, wood carvings,
and pottery. The foreign girls in the group should be encour-
aged to find these treasures in their own homes, for almost
every foreign family has things of rare beauty hidden away
in closet or trunk, possessions which have been brought by
the parents from the home countries. Not only will the girls
get many helpful suggestions for their own handicraft from
the beauties of color, line and design of the present handicraft,
but they will be taught a greater respect and love for the gifts
brought to the new world from the old. Moreover, an interest
in the art work of the foreign girls is valuable as one means
of breaking down race prejudice ; a girl of one nationality
becomes as eager to study the similarities in design of the
embroideries and laces of other countries as to show the handi-
craft of her own land. Moreover, the foreign mothers feel
that, through this interest, they are being looked up to and
consulted and the girls of American birth are taught a new
respect for their parents, race and artistic background. The
foreign mother will have many a helpful suggestion to give on
the working out of certain designs or the combining of colors,
and the girls' work secretary or adviser will find that through
teaching handicraft to her girls she is unconsciously creating
a close bond of understanding between herself and the homes
from which her girls have come.
In planning handicraft for grade school girls, it is necessary
to keep a balance in the program. The girls respond so eagerly
to the suggestion "to make something," that there is a tempta-
tion to let it become the major activity or emphasis in the
regular corps work. Moreover it is essential that the adviser
and secretary remember that grade school girls are less capable
of sustained effort and therefore the craft work must be simple.
There should be adequate provision in the way of tools and
space: i. e. tables and scissors and paste and supplies, with
sufficient advisory or supervisory help, for grade school girls
are more liable to become discouraged than are older girls, if
they have no one with whom they may talk about their work.
The place which handicraft will occupy in any high school
club program cannot be definitely stated. This is due to the
fact that some girls of high school age are interested in handi-
craft and others are just as certainly not interested.
Younger girls in business and industry are interested in
handicraft provided it is presented to them in an attractive
way; provided it is of an attractive nature and not so com-
plicated that it takes a great deal of time. For instance,
cigandie collar and cuff sets are easy to make, and ornamental.
They have a practical value to a girl at work. Such handicraft
may sometimes be started and sometimes finished at the noon
hour, provided it is simple enough; sometimes girls will be so
interested that a class may be formed. This is especially true
of the making of Christmas presents.
A few sticks of sealing wax, an alcoho1 lamp, using only
the best denatured alcohol, a steel knitting needle, a tiny
palette knife (one has been designed especially for this art),
and a modelling tool or nut pick, comprise the inexpensive
outfit for this delightful craft. A box of the assorted colors
of Dennison Sealing Wax reminds one of a lovely box of paints
The colors and shades of the different colors are beautiful and
immediately the suggestion comes to use them as paint.
Draw a little design of a rose and leaves. Hold a stick of
light pink sealing wax over the flame until it is soft; then
spread it over the little rose which has been drawn. Heat the
palette knife and spread the wax out smooth. This little
foundation serves for the outer petals of the rose when com-
pleted. Heat a stick of the dark pink wax and drop one drop
at a time on the little foundation which has been made, until
ten or fifteen drops have fallen. Let the wax harden and then
spread on the top of the little mound some of the light pink.
Heat the modelling tool, or a nut pick and make a hole in the
center of the mound of wax. Heat tool again and make three
cuts around the hole, heating the tool each time. An attrac-
tively modeled rose is the result. Hold a stick of leaf green
over the flame and scrape a little wax with the palette knife.
This palette knife is now used as a brush to make the green
leaves. All flowers except the rose are made by using the
palette knife as a brush. The wax tools must be kept hot, or
the design will look rough. The flowers may be used to
decorate boxes, place cards, basketry, glass and pottery. Very
little drawing is necessary, only a few lines are needed to
indicate where the design is to be placed. Designs may be
cut from crepe paper napkins, pasted on the articles to be
decorated, and worked over with sealing wax. They may also
be transferred by using tracing paper. Tiny garlands are
most attractive on hat bands. The wax flowers are especially
pretty on velvet, but may be used on satin, georgette, or silk.
The making of wax flowers is very interesting to girls,
and money for the Red Cross Fund or some other service may
be made by selling boxes, place cards, candles and candlesticks
decorated with the wax. The boxes can be used for lingerie
libbon, balls of twine, powder, gloves, and handkerchiefs. This
method of decorating is very simple and one does not need
artistic ability to get good results. It is one of the simplest
forms of color work, as the colors are all mixed and the designs
simply filled in with color. Flowers may also be made by
taking a small bit of wax in the fingers and moulding in the
shape of a petal. The petal is then heated and stuck to the
card or whatever is to be decorated. Faces may be moulded
from wax. This is a little more tedious, but nevertheless,
very interesting.
Inexpensive vases are covered with sealing wax, giving
them the effect of expensive pottery. To cover the vase, warm
the article just a bit before starting. Hold a stick of sealing
wax over the flame until it begins to melt; then, beginning
at the bottom edge of the vase, press the wax against it in two
or three places, using a small amount of wax at a time. The
wax will adhere to the vase and become cold; but, by holding
the waxed part of the vase over a tongue of the flame, it will
melt and run into a smooth surface. Add more wax and con-
tinue smoothing it down by slightly heating, always turning the
vase In the same direction so that when colors are blended the
swirl will follow the same general lines. Do this until the
vase is entirely covered. Several colors may be blended, and
it is particularly advisable to use shades of the same color,
as this gives the light and shade effects that come in all pot-
tery. Wax may be used in this way on glass, cardboards or
The making of beads from sealing wax is a delightful pas-
time. Beads may be made in almost any desired color. Charm-
ing strings of beads and unusual beads for decorating lamp
shades may be produced with little effort. To make beads
proceed as follows: Choose a stick of Dennison's letter wax,
the desired color for the beads. Break into pieces as nearly the
correct size for the beads as possible. Heat a steel knitting
needle about one and one-half inches from the end. Then press
it carefully into a piece of wax. Hold the piece of wax on
i-eedle above the flame, revolving- it slowly until an even, round
bead is formed. Revolving it all the time, carry it to a glass
of water and then dip it in the water until cool. Dry the beads
with the cloth 'before holding over the flame again, so that no
bubbles will form'. In removing the bead, heat the needle on
each side of the bead one inch from the bead. When bead is
loosened, slide it back and forth on the needle before taking
it off; this leaves a cleancut hole.
TOEY telling, if used in the right way and place, can be
made of great value in work with younger girls. A story
hour helps to stimulate the girl's imagination, to arouse whole-
some emotions, to introduce her to what is beautiful in thought
and expression, to increase her enthusiasm for good reading,
and, most important of all, it offers opportunity to bring the
best spiritual influences to bear upon the girl when she is at
a most impressionable age.
Care must be taken that the story and the story teller are
3f the best. Many communities now have a Story Teller's
League, the members of which are often glad to give time to
groups of girls. From the Public Library in any community
a list of stories can always be obtained.
The following are suggestions for obtaining good material
Cor story telling:
"The Story Hour." A pamphlet published by the Ameri-
can Book Company, New York. Contains a splendid list of
books illustrating different characteristics.
"The Woodcraft Manual for Girls/' mentioned before,
contains some fascinating Indian stories which make de-
lightful fireside stories.
The following books have* been found of special value
for the story teller:
1. -"Fifty Famous Stories Retold" James Baldwin.
American Book Co. 56 cents (exclusive of postage).
2. "Around the Fire" H. M. Burr. Association Press.
75 cents.
3. "Indian Days of the Long Ago" Edward S. Curtis.
World Book Co. $1.00.
4. "Uncle Eemus, His Songs and His Sayings" Joel
Chandler Harris. Appleton. $2.00.
5. "Just So Stories" Rudyard Kipling. Doubleday,
Page & Co. $1.20.
6. "iGreen Fairy Book." Andrew Lang. Longmans.
7. "Donegal Fairy Tales." Seumas McManus. McClixre,
Phillips & Co. $1.00.
8. '"Heroines Every Child (Should Know." Hamilton
Wright Mabie. Doubleday, Page & Co. $1.50.
9. "The Golden Windows" Laura E. Richards, Little,
Brown & Co. $1.35.
10. "East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon." Mrs. G. T.
Thomsen. Row, Paterson & Co. 60 cents.
11. "The Happy Prince, and Other Tales.5' Oscar Wilde.
Little, Brown & -Go. $1.00.
The following books have been found interesting
to girls whose desire for reading has been aroused
through story telling or club work in general:
On Nazareth Hill— Elbert E. Bailey.
The Golden Cobwebs (In "How to Tell Stories)—
Sarah Cone Bryant.
Jesus Among His Friends — Ethel Cutler.
When the King Came — George Hodges.
Who was It Stories — Julia Johnson.
The Lost Boy — Henry Van Dyke.
The First Christmas Tree — Henry Van Dyke.
The First Christmas Spirit — Henry Van Dyke.
The Story of the Other Wise Man — Henry Van Dyke.
The Birds* Christmas Carol — Kate Douglas Wiggin.
Lessons for Junior Citizens — Mabel Hill.
Stories from Northern Myths — Emilie Kip Baker.
Fairy Tales from Far Japan — Susan Ballard.
That's Why Stories — Catherine T. Bryce.
Children of the Dawn — Elsie Finnimore Buckley.
Blackfoot Lodge Tales — George B. Grinnell.
Book of Nature Myths — Florence Holbrook.
Indian Fairy Tales — Joseph Jacobs. '
Greek Heroes — Charles Kingsley.
Stories of Legendary Heroes (in "the Children's
Hour/' Vol. 4) — Eva March Tappen.
Old Indian Legends — Zitkala-Sa-
"The Eed Thread of Courage" (in "How to Tell
Stories") — Sarah Conet Bryant.
"The Golden Horse and His Eider" (in "The City
That Never Was Reached")— Jay Thomas Stocking.
"The Crooked Fir Tree" (in "Outlook Story Book") —
Laura Winnington.
"The Mill Widow" (in "Storyland")— Elizabeth Har-
"The Golden Windows" — Laura E. Richards.
1. "The Little Hero of Harlem" (in "How to Tell
Stories") — Sarah Cone Bryant.
2- "How Cedric Became Knight" (in "Storyland")—
Elizabeth Harrison-
3. "A Message to Garcia" — Elbert Hubbard.
4. "Keeping Tryst"— ^Anna F. Johnston.
1. David and Jonathan — The Bible.
2. "Three Friends" (in "Three Years With Children")
— Amos Wells.
1- "Margaret of New Orleans" (in "Best Stories to
Tell") — Sara Gone Bryant-
2. "The King of the Golden River" — John Ruskin.
3. "The Happy Prince" — Oscar Wilde.
4. "An Old Story" (in "Outlook Story Book")— Laura
1. "The Enchanted Mirror" (in "Storyland") — Elizabeth
2. "The Maker of Rainbows" — Richard LeGallienne.
3. "The Blue Bird" — Maurice Maeterlink.
4. "The Land of the Blue Flower" — Frances Hodgson
1. "The Witness" (in "The Militants")-— Mary Ray-
mond Shipman Andrews.
2. "Jean Valjean" (In "World Stories") — adapted by
Joel Metcalf-
1. "The Desert of Waiting" — Annie F. Johnston.
2. "The Lame Boy" (in "First Book of Religion") — Mrs.
Chas. Lane.
3. "The Crosses" (in "Just Over the Hill") — Margaret
1. "Prince Harwada" . (in "Storyland") — Elizabeth
1. "The Wheat-^Field" (in "Gol&en Windows")— Laura
E. Richards.
2. "The Cup of Loving Service" — Eliza D. Taylor.
1. "The Nightingale" — Hans Christian Anderson.
2. "The Real Thing" (in "Stories That End Well") —
Octave Thanet.
3. ''Truth is Mighty and Will Prevail" (in "Twenty-
three Tales") — Leo Tolstoi.
1- "Pippa Passes" — Robert Browning.
2. "The Pied Piper of Hamelin Town" — Kobert Brown-
3* "The, Vision of Sir LaunfaP' — James Eussell Lowell.
4. "Home to Him's Muwer" — Margaret Prescott Mon-
5. "Story-Telling Poems.'* Edited by Frances Jenkins
6. "Idylls of the King:" — Alfred Tennyson-
7. "The Toiling of Felix" — Henry Van Dyke-
8. "The Legend of Service" — Henry Van Dyke.
9. "The Foolish Fir Tree" — Henry Van Dyke.
"Andrew's Cap" (in "Second Book of Stories*5) —
Ida Coe.
"The Pot of Gold" (in "Second Book of Stories") —
Ida Coe.
"The Closing Door" (in "Mother Storios") — Maud
"About Angels" (in "Golden Windows") — Laura E.
"The Sandy Road" (in "Jataka Tales")— Edited by
Ellen C. Babbitt.
"A Little Brother of the Books." (To be adapted.)
— Josephine Daskam Bacon.
"The Story of Cossetts" (in "Dream Children") —
Elizabeth Brownwell.
"Mignon" (in the same) — Elizabeth Brownwell.
"A Sisterly Scheme" (in "Short Sixes")— iH. C.
"Stories from the Operas" — Gladys Davison.
"The Vision of Anton" (in "The Richer Life") —
Walter Dyer.
"The Little Maid at the Door" (in "A Tale of
Witchcraft") — Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.
"The Story of Chinese Gordon" — E. A. Hake*
"The Man Without a Country" — Edward Everett
"The Three Weavers" — Annie F. Johnston.
"The Persian and His Three Sons"— Mrs. Charles
"Everybody's Lonesome." (To be adapted,) — Clara
E. Laughlin.
"The Stone of Gratitude" (in "Quaint Old Stories")
— Marian Lindsay.
"Stories from Wagner" — Joseph McSpadden.
"Blue Sky and White Cloud" (in "More Bed-Time
Stories") — Louis Chandler Moulton.
"The Tide March" (in "Poor Dear Margaret Kirby")
— Kathleen Norris.
"The Hill" (in "Golden Windows" )— -Laura E.
"Deer Godchild" — Edith Serrell and Marguerite
"Where Love Is, God Is"— Leo Tolstoi.
"Three Questions" (in "Twenty-three Tales")-- Leo
"A Handful of Clay" (in "The Blue Flower")—
Henry Van Dyke.
"The Keeper of the Light" — Henry Van Dyke.
"The Wonder Maker" (in "Stories of Scientists")
— Mary Wade.
"Stories From Old French Romance"— E. M. Wil-
This list of books is not intended to be a reading course,
but merely a suggestive guide. A more complete list will be
found in the Girl Reserve Book List, Chapter 11, page 485.
DRAMATIC instinct, that inner force eternally reaching out
for the opportunity to do and to be something beyond
the doing and being of this work-a-day world (reaching out
most eagerly in the period before mental and emotional dis-
cipline is established), is a force which, if rightly guided, may
be used to develop and to stimulate the deepest spiritual powers.
It will be found that this force exists in an individual in a
greater or lesser degree in proportion to his knowledge and
understanding of life, and it is in supplying a medium for
developing and enlarging his experience imaginatively that the
drama makes so large a contribution to education.
The inevitable identification which comes of sincerely "play-
ing a part" provides opportunity for the expression of talent
and power which are dormant or have been too often completely
repressed. The joyous recreation which is the result of the
laying aside for a time of one's own personality, and the put-
ting on of the character and individuality of another, is too
common an experience to need discussion. It is the process
gone through in the creation of any art — poetry, singing-,
dancing. "I do not ask the wounded person how he feels,"
says Walt Whitman, "I myself become the wounded person,
my hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe-"
Intelligently approached, keeping ever the ideal of complete
identification in mind, there is nothing from the great literature
of the Bible to the story of "The Three Bears," which may
not be of infinite value when presented in dramatic form. And,
by this same token, it would be difficult to overestimate the
harmf ulness to the adolescent mind of identification , with the
cheap and unworthy in drama. This does not mean that one
must be "highbrow." It does mean, however, that a great
responsibility in the choice of material devolves upon those
yho assume dramatic leadership.
There are certain dramatic forms peculiarly suitable to the
understanding and needs of certain types of girls. In planning
a dramatic program, it is as important to determine the form
which will contribute most to the enjoyment and development
of the group as it is to determine the content.
In poetry, the nature of a given thought is largely responsi-
ble for the form of its expression. This same rule governs the
drama. Dramatization, pantomime, the short play, the long
play, the masque, and the pageant are forms which may be
used as mediums for dramatic expression.
Cabot, Richard C.— What Men Live By.
Curtis, Elnora W.— The Dramatic Instinct in Education- Hough-
ton, Mifflin Co., New York, 1914.
Pry, Emma Sheridan — Educational Dramatics. Moffat, Yard
& Co-, New York, 1913.
Herts, Alice Minnie— The Children's Educational Theatre.
Harper & Bros., New York, 1911.
Herts, Alice Minnie— The Kingdom of the Child. E. P. Dutton
& Co., New York, 1913.
Hillard, Evelyne — Amateur and Educational Dramatics. Mac-
millan Co., New York, 1917.
The impromptu dramatization of stories is a fun process
which releases the imagination and permits it the freest expres-
sion of which it is capable. Much of the fun arises from the
impersonation not only of the people in the story, but also
of animals, elements, and things. Such impersonation is of
good and ancient usage — witness "Wall" and "Lion" in "Mid-
summer Night's Dream," "Bread," "Water," and any number
of similiar characters in "The Bine Bird."
The more imagination is expended upon the costumes,
properties, lighting, publicity (announcement either by placards
or by "word of mouth" of scenes and characters), staging,
make-up and music, the greater the fun will be; a glass bowl
for Cinderella's slipper; nightgowns — one for the body, one
for the head, one for each arm, and behold a ghost! a girl
upon the floor, her feet against some object supposed to be a
wall, and a gate has been achieved, which, at least, will be
like many another in that it will swing in only one direction;
this, by the bending of her knees*
The following outline is suggested with the explanation
that, although it is possible to carry the work of dramatization
to a finished production, this section deals primarily with the
impromptu form of this dramatic activity.
The steps involved are as follows:
A. Selection of the story.
1. The leader should be prepared to present in brief
outline several stories to the group.
B. Reading or telling of the story which has been chosen.
1, Special emphasis on plot and characters.
C. The names of the characters are written on a black-
1. Space should be allowed for descriptions of each
D. Suggestions of adjectives descriptive of eacli char-
acter are made by the group and written on the
E- The incidents are listed in chronological order upon
the board-
F. The players for the parts are chosen by popular
G. The committees are selected.
1. One person or a group should be chosen for the
necessary committees.
2. It should be clearly understood that the work of
whatever committees are required is just as im-
portant to the success of the play as the inter-
pretation of the characters.
H. The rehearsing is begun.
1. Using the blackboard, upon which is a list of the
incidents, sketch out the details of the action or
the "business" of the play. Draw a diagram of
the stage indicating entrances and exists. If
possible, diagram the action, using dotted lines
and arrows. In the diagram of the stage, work
out the placement of stage properties and there-
after adapt the action to the setting.
2- If the group is a large one, two or three directors
may be appointed and the story divided into
episodes- Each director selects the players for
her episode and rehearsals are then conducted
separately. If this is done there will be a dupli-
cation of characters and some way must be devised
to clarify their identity to the onlookers.
3. Each time the story is gone over the business,
action, and dialogue should be enlarged.
I. The play is presented.
1. Space for the stage should be cleared at one end
of the room, and audience chairs arranged in rows
before it.
2. Screens, or four girls holding two double sheets
high above their heads, form the curtain.
3. The lights in the room are put out leaving only
those necessary to illuminate the stage, and the
play begins.
Chubbs, Percival and Associates — Festivals and Plays. Harper
& Bros., New York, 1912. Contains section on drama-
tization called "First Steps in the Development of Fes-
tival and Dramatic Activities."
Getchell, Margaret — Red Letter Day Plays, The Womans Press,
New York, 1920.
MacKay, Constance D'Arcy — How to Produce Children's Plays.
Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1915. Contains dramatiza-
tion and analysis of "The Pied Piper of Hamlin" in chap-
ter called "Play Analysis for Children."
Miller, Elizabeth — Dramatization of Bible Stories. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Pantomime is the corner-stone in the building of dramatic
technique. What has been responsible for the very prevalent
theory that a pantomime is more difficult to produce than a
play and that it is "not much fun?" A single experience will
discredit this theory. To prepare a pantomime for public pre-
sentation is as simple as any dramatic undertaking can be,
and for the inexperienced dramatic director* it is far less beset
with pitfalls. The scenario of a pantomime contains sugges-
tions for characterization and action to a greater extent than
is to be found in the text of a play. Also, since pantomine per-
mits much more freedom of interpretation than a play, a lesser
degree of discipline and of technique is required of the players.
This does not mean that the art of pantomime may not be very
Hghly developed- But it has been proved that in a dramatic
program which is cumulative, the use of pantomime conserves
enthusiasm and develops ability- This is true because a
dramatic form is being used which can be brought to a more
*The term "dramatic director" is applied to the person who is in charge
of the dramatic work. She may be an adviser or a secretary or a profes-
sional director.
successful conclusion than can be reached if, at the very first,
the production of a play is attempted. Pantomime demands
of the player only as much as she is able to give to it. A play
demands a certain amount of established technique.
Before attempting to produce a pantomime with any group
of girls, it is wise to begin with an informal discussion of
pantomime, what it is, its relation to gesture, and its place in
dramatic work.
Self -evidently, pantomime is the logical successor of im-
promptu dramatization and the precursor of the short or full
length play. Mr. William Lee Sowers in an article iri "The
Drama" (May 1919), states that in his opinion "through the
improved knowledge of gesture, facial expression and miming
with the body pantomime training would consid-
erably raise the level of acting." The necessity for exacting
analysis of character and situation also adds largely to the
equipment of the player for the interpretation of speech parts.
Perhaps the simplest definition of pantomime is, action
without words. Any group will formulate half a dozen defini-
tions which would be equally true. It is gesture enlarged and
made to take the place of words. It is mind speaking through
the medium of the silent body. It is emotion conveyed to an
audience through gesture and posture.
After the general subject of pantomime has been discussed
until the group is no longer in strange waters, some descrip-
tive pantomime should be worked out. An interesting experi-
ment is to take a phrase, add to it a gesture which amplifies
the thought, then amplify the gesture until it takes the plact
of the phrase. Organize groups of girls to play imaginary
ball or jump imaginary rope together- This should be followed
by the assignment of definite problems, or the request for
original problems, which may be developed by one or by several
of the group together- Naturally some incident which is a
more or less common experience would be the subject of the
pantomime problems. "At the Movies," "Sewing*," "Practicing
the Piano/' "In a Beauty Parlor," might be subjects assigned
for development.
Even in this preliminary work in pantomime there are
certain laws and principles which should be understood and
obeyed; for instance, no sound of any sort should be made;
the mouth may be used only as the eyes or brows are used —
to indicate mood and feeling, — no words should be formed on
the lips; every action must be as carefully completed as in a
sentence ; if there are imaginary chairs or tables required by
the setting, the players must remember where these are, and
not walk through them; any imaginary object which is sup-
posedly being held, must be treated with the reality of an actual
object. Possibly it would be interesting also, to have a group
discussion of the following and kindred questions: How do
thought, pride, humility, kindness, anger, show themselves in
the body; face, head, arms, posture, attitude of torso? What
habit of mind is expressed by a mouth which is turned down
at the corners? or by a relaxed carriage? or by a head held
high? What is the difference between the way a man stands
and walks and the way a woman stands and walks. Such a
discussion is an invaluable aid to character study and analysis.
By now the group should be ready for the actual work on
the pantomime selected for production. The text should be
read aloud slowly, while each listener tries to visualize the
action in all its detail as it is described.
After the cast has been selected and the committees ap-
pointed, the rehearsing begins. Before meeting with the group,
the director should have blocked out the action in sections, and
these sections should each be gone over separately many times
and then be pieced together, little by little.
Each player is told where to go on the stage and what to
do, but never how he goes, nor how he does it. All possible
freedom in the matter of interpretation should be permitted and
encouraged so long as individual ideas do not conflict with the
plan of the whole.
Betzner, Era — Three Pantomimes — The Awakening of Spring,
Celestial Love, The Fortune Teller. The Womans Press,
New York City, 1920.
Durham, Helen — Fashion Revue Down Petticoat Lane. The
Womans Press, New York City, 1920.
Gleason, Marion Norris — Cat Fear — a Japanese Pantomime-
Rameses Dreams — an Egyptian Pantomime. Scenes and
Songs of Home — a Pantomime of the Civil War. The
Womans Press, New York City, 1920.
Hudson, Holland — The Shepherd in the Distance. Stewart
and Kidd, Cincinnati, 1921.
Walker, Stuart — The Seven Gifts. Playground and Recreation
Association, 1 Madison Avenue, New York City.
Since the rise of the Little Theatre Movement the one-act
play has come to be a very popular form of amateur dramatic
entertainment. And there is cause for rejoicing that such is
the case, since a production consisting of two or three one-act
plays, carefully chosen for contrast and balance, presents fewer
difficulties to the group which is limited artistically and finan-
cially, than the production of a long play. A three-act play
makes heavy demands upon the ability of the player — not only
in the matter of memorizing lines, but in the sustaining of the
part. Further than this, it is more nearly possible to meet the
taste and ability of each individual in the group in a program
of short plays than in presenting a "full evening" play.
Play Selection.
There are certain factors which need to be determined before
the selection of a play or group of plays. One should ask,
what purpose is being served by giving the play? Is it for
entertainment, or to raise money, or to celebrate some special
event? How much time is there for preparation not only in
days, but in the number of hours in each day? Where is the
play to be given, — indoors or outdoors, on a large, or a small
stage? How many participants are to be included as players
before and behind the scenes? What is the range of the age
of players, are they children, or adults, or both? What type
of material is desired — shall it be seasonal, patriotic, imagina-
tive, realistic? Only after all these points have been deter-
mined, should the actual selection of the play take place. Much
confusion may be avoided by appointing (by majority vote) a
committee to read plays of the type desired and to report on
these to the groups.
At the first meeting, there are three very definite things to
be accomplished: the reading of the play, the appointing of
the committees, and the casting of the characters- Let this
f rst meeting set the standard for all meetings and all rehear-
sals which are to follow- Let it begin promptly. Punctuality
should be one of the sterling by-products of all amateur
dramatics; so begin at the tim^e appointed, if only two or three
are there, and establish this practice at the start. Order is
not only heaven's first law — it is the stalwart backbone of
dramatic production. Noise and confusion at rehearsals and
meetings are not conducive to earnest work, and the serious
minded are disturbed by it and lose interest. Players who are
not rehearsing should not be allowed to chatter. Lastly
(whether a committee meeting or a rehearsal), let it be recrea-
tion, shot through with the joy of creation, of cooperative
endeavor, and of imaginative, spiritual and technical develop-
ment. These are joy processes.
There are several methods of play-reading, but the reading
of the speeches in rotation is perhaps the most satisfactory.
It is more interesting to all the group, since in this way each
has a share, and also it serves to reveal to a certain extent
the relative interpretative abilities, the voice and speech quali-
ties of eacli member of the group. Before the reading is begun,
the director should ask that, as the reading progresses, every-
one will be determining in her own mind how the play should be
cast. When the reading has been completed the next step is
to cast the play.
It is suggested that the director appoint the entire group
as the casting committee, acting herself as the chairman. It
is only through the democratic method of voting that it is
possible to eliminate the personal element in selecting the
characters. Ask the group to base its individual judgment on
honest belief in the ability of a member to play her part. One
method of casting which has been successfully carried out, is
to have any member of the group nominate any other member
for the most important part. Those who have been thus nom-
inated read (one after the other without the interruption of
comment), the same or different significant parts of the text
of the leading character- Then by the "handraising process"
of voting, eliminate until the most able player is left in pos-
session of the part. Players for the next most important part
are then nominated **from the floor," tried out and eliminated,
and the process is repeated until all the cast has been selected-
The same girl, of course, may be nominated for different parts
any number of times. It is important that the director should
hold together the spirit of the meeting. It is for her to lift it
from any possible personal complication into the realm of an
art ideal wherein "the play's the thing." It should also be
clearly understood that if any player proves unsatisfactory in
lehearsal another will be substituted.
After the play has been read and cast, the final thing to
be accomplished at the first meeting is to appoint committees
and their chairmen. The type of the play will determine the
number of committees which are needed. Usually for a produc-
tion which involves less than fifty participants, committees on
staging, costume, properties, lighting, music, publicity, and
finance are needed.
The various committees should begin their work at once.
Ihe rehearsal times should be also the times for the workshop
activities. By organizing in this way the continuing interest
of the entire group is safe-guarded.
The work of the committees can and should be made com-
pellingly interesting, but unless especial attention is paid to
this phase of production it is not possible to expect efficient
committee cooperation- The director should call together the
chairmen and the committees for a brief conference. It would
be well at this time to emphasize the share of all in the pro-
duction- The interpretation of the parts is only a fragment of
the whole. The interpretation of the play through tKe costum-
ing, through the setting, with the lighting, and by music, is of
equal importance. Says Emerson: "All are needed by each one,
nothing- is good or true alone." This is fundamentally the basis
of good production. To develop all phases which are divided
in the production of a play requires devotion, patience, inge-
nuity and the expenditure of one's self in larger proportion than
does the playing of the parts. Since this is true, the service
of the committees should receive recognition equal to that given
the actors in the program.
There must, of course, be the closest cooperation between
the various committees in order that the unity of the produc-
tion may be preserved. In general, the duties of the commit-
tees are as follows:
Staging: This committee is responsible for the setting and
properties, for assembling these, for having them in their ap-
pointed places before the rise of the curtain and on hand for re-
hearsals as they are required. The committee is also respon-
sible for the safe return in good condition of any borrowed stage
properties. Extreme care in the treatment of these cannot be
stressed too strongly.
Costume: The .costume committee Is called together by its
chairman to re-read the play and analyze it. First to be de-
termined is the class into which the play most nearly falls. Is
it realistic or imaginative, a little of both perhaps, or something
between, which is completely neither. The type of the play will
determine the mode of the costuming, the content of the play
will determine the color scheme. The psychology of color is
too large a subject to be dealt with here. Suffice it to say that
it is a problem for the costume committee to solve. Definite
mental and emotional vibrations, both for players and audience,
are set in motion by the use of color in costuming and setting,
and as such the subject needs very careful consideration. The
care of costumes — cleaning, pressing, repairing, listing, packing
— is one of the important duties of the committee both before
and after the performance.
Properties: There are, of course, stage and personal "props.'1
When the term is used, however, it generally is meant to desig-
nate the personal. In many instances the players are able to
provide these for themselves, but if a period or imaginative
play is being presented it is the duty of this committee to pro-
cure or make all the properties. In any event, the chairman of
the properties committee is responsible for seeing that each
player has her personal properties at the time of the dress re-
hearsal and at the performance.
Lighting and Music: There is little that can be said of the
activities of these two committees since the problems involved
depend wholly upon local conditions and the demands of the
play. It is important, however, for these committees to re-
member that both the music and the lighting should serve as a
background for the idea and action of the play.
Publicity: All arrangements concerning advertising, posters,
bulletins, press notices, etc., are the responsibility of this com-
mittee. In their hands also is usually placed the business of
arranging for the hall in which the play is to be presented, the
decorations, ushering, etc. Frequently the publicity committee
takes complete charge of the sale of the tickets.
Finance : Anything which involves the expenditure of money
comes under the province of this committee.
At the first rehearsal, the discussion of the underlying
motive of the play and of each of the characters is a stimulat-
ing proceeding, too often neglected by amateurs in their eager-
ness to get to the actual work of rehearsing. Only those who
have had the experience of rehearsing a play which has been
thoroughly analyzed by the members of the cast, can know how
the production is deepened and enriched by this intellectual
If it is necessary, further "try-outs" should come now, and
then the rehearsing of the action (ignoring, for the time being,
interpretation) of the first act or scene. The action should
have been entirely "plotted," i. e., worked out by the director,
before the first rehearsal. Much of it will doubtless have to be
changed, suggestions from the players will add to it, but inde-
scribable is the confusion which results from having no definite
plan of stage action to form a basis for the work of the first
rehearsal. Further than this, it cannot be too often stated that
every bit of action must always be the result of a real reason
for moving from one point to another.
There are certain technical terms with which it is wise to
familiarize a group of players at the outset of dramatic work.
In giving directions right and left are now generally accepted
to designate the players right and left rather than that of the
audience. Down stage refers to the part nearest the audience;
up stage to that farthest away. The entrances are referred to
by numbers, one being nearest the audience. More often than
not there are only right, left and center entrances, but if on
the right there are two or three they are so numbered. The
following abbreviations are frequently used especially in act-
ing editions of plays: L. — left; R. — right; D. L. — down left;
D. R.— down right; U. L.— up left; U. R.— up right; C. — cen-
ter; U. C. or D. C.- — up or down center; E. U. E. or L. U. E. —
right or left upper entrance, or R. 2 L. 2 may be used to indi-
cate the upper entrances. "Backing" is a section of setting
used behind a door or window that is to be opened. "Practical"
is the technical term for useable— a practical window or door is
one which will open or close, a practical lamp is one which will
light. "Plot" is the technical term for list— i. e., property plot
means the list of properties arranged in relation to the differ-
ent scenes in which they are used.
The second rehearsal reviews the last rehearsal's work, not
to perfect it but to recall it and to get continuity; the action of
the next scene is gone over, and attention is given to the inter-
pretation and reading of speeches.
Each subsequent rehearsal reviews xthe new work of the pro-
ceeding rehearsals. The action is perfected little by little until
the play moves smoothly. The speeches are worked over until
the players are letter perfect and speak their lines clearly and
If a costume play is to be presented it is important to have
two dress rehearsals, with an interval of two or three days be-
tween in order to allow time in which to make the necessary
changes and additions. At the first dress rehearsal all stage
properties should be in their places, all individual properties to
be used by the players should be given to them, and all music,
cues, lighting effects and changes of scenes should be thoroughly
rehearsed. At the second dress rehearsal the players should be
in complete costume (make-up and wigs if these are used), and
the entire play should be gone through without interruption, as
if the actual performance were taking place.
Clark, Barrett. How to Produce Amateur Plays. Little,
Brown & Co., New York, 1917.
MacKay, Constance D'Acy. 'Costumes and Scenery for Ama-
teurs. Henry Holt & Co., -New York, 1915.
MacKay, Constance D'Arcy. How to Produce Children's Plays.
Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1915.
Second List of Plays and Pageants. -Compiled by the Bureau
of Pageantry and the Drama of the National Board of the
Young1 Womens Christian Association. Order from The
Womans Press, New York City. A selective list for the use
of girls and young women. It also contains descriptions of
all books listed in these bibliographies.
Much of the philosophy and technique which underlies
dramatization, pantomime and play production is applicable to
pageantry, hence it is only logical that a discussion of this
form of the drama should come last in an outline for construc-
tive, cumulative dramatic work.
"A pageant is primarily something 'compacted together,'"
says Robert Withington in his very valuable historical outline,
called "English Pageantry." "Moreover, the pageant is at its
best when produced, not by one group or set in a community,
but by all; not by paid performers but by townspeople in volun-
tary cooperation."
Of the various forms of pageantry, Miss Hazel MacKaye
"The term 'pageantry' to-day implies the use of the drama
by large numbers of amateur groups in a spectacle of consider-
able magnitude. The term 'community drama* is often used
interchangeably with 'pageantry,' but 'community drama' in-
cludes all dramatic activities which are non-professional,
whether these activities take the form of a community pageant
in the city's largest auditorium or a community play in a Little
"A pageant in the original use of the term meant a gor-
geous spectacle or parade without the accompaniment of dia-
logue, but in its modern application a pageant means a series
of dramatic episodes (often with 'pageant' features) strung, as
it were, on a string like beads, each 'bead' or episode being
complete in itself, but all being: interpretative of the same un-
derlying- idea. More often than not, dialogue is used in these
episodes. The pageant form is best suited to historical subjects,
such as the history of a city or town, or the history of a move-
ment, like Education, or the history of an institution, like the
"A 'masque' is constructed on the same lines as a play, in
that there is a plot, with all that implies of conflict and sus-
pense. The plot, however, is symbolical or allegorical. It deals
with universal or impersonal problems, not with particular or
personal ones. In addition, the masque lends itself to pageant
features, pageant, in this sense, meaning 'gorgeous spectacles
and parades/ The masque is especially adapted to the inter-
pretation of social and ethical problems where it is desired to
portray the difficulties to be overcome.
"Then there are dramatic forms less easy to classify, such
as dramatic ceremonies, rituals and services. These are used
often to celebrate certain observances, such as the dedication of
a church or civic building, or to celebrate a holiday, such as
Memorial Day, or to observe some religious festival, such as
Christmas or Easter."
But whatever the form, the underlying principles and phil-
osophy are the same. "We must be no more tolerant of bad
art than of bad civics, for bad art is bad sociology and bad edu-
cation," says Percy MacKaye in his essay, "Community Drama."
In addition he states that "Community Drama seeks the effi-
ciency of neighborliness. It seems to provide, and rightly or-,
ganized, it does provide, a substitute for ineffectual goodwill in
the effectual definite processes of cooperative art. It takes its
first hints from childhood. Children are nearly always definite
and cooperative. When child neighbors meet, they play to-
gether; that is, each relates himself to a community process;
or, if they squabble, they cooperate in groups to do so. The
games of childhood, modern survivals of ancient folk art (when
they have not been perverted by a spirit of military national-
ism), are, then, first lessons in community drama.
"'Here we go round th,e mulberry bush !'— not 'here I go
round/ but 'we/ It is always 'we/ among children: we small
neighbors, linked hand in hand, each self -included circle-symbol
of the world itself. ... So from as little and homely a thing
as a 'mulberry bush' we may cultivate and gather fruit of the
International Mind/'
To a local Association the reasons for using a pageant or
masque are usually one of the following:
A. To arouse interest in a cause.
B. To provide an art activity for a large group.
C. To raise money.
For any* pageant or masque which assumes community pro-
portions, expert leadership is absolutely essential — the organi-
zation alone of such a production requires knowledge and abil-
ity, which can only come through specialized training and ex-
In organizing a pageant, there are two distinct sets of activ-
ities to be "set up" — community activities and the dramatic
activities. For the community activities there needs to be a
general committee composed of an executive committee with its
chairman and executive secretary, the community director and
the chairman for the general' committee. There should be a
recruiting committee responsible for enrollment in the different
districts; a publicity committee responsible for speakers, mass
meetings, newspapers, posters and literature, special advertis-
ing features and the programs; a finance committee responsible
for the budget, underwriting, business administration, contracts,
sale of tickets, seating arrangements; a fellowship committee
to give assistance with the workroom, at rehearsals and at per-
formances. There must also be an office, the activities of which
are 'filing, notifications, distribution, records and minutes, in-
formation, correspondence and business details.
For the dramatic activities there needs to be a general com-
mittee composed of its chairman, an executive committee chair-
man and executive secretary, the director of production with a
staff consisting of the assistant director, music director, dance
director, light director, costume director and scenic director.
Also there needs to b~e a workroom where the costumes, scenery
and props are made.
Where expert leadership is not possible the outdoor produc-
tion of a pageant in the spring or summer is often within the
reach of an inexperienced group, For such a production it is
well to select a simple pageant with few principals, with much
of processional, pantomime, dance, and little speech, and to
keep the activities attendant on the production within a limited
group rather than to enlist community cooperation.
The selection of background and setting for an outdoor pro-
duction is of vital importance, as also the level of the ground
for the seating of the audience. Clustered trees, or tall bushes
which form a fairly solid background and admit of entrances
and exits, a slight rising of the ground back of this "stage,"
which will permit the beauty of long distance processional, and
again rising ground for the audience, form the ideal conditions.
Often, however, the side of a house, heavily vine-covered, makes,
a good background. Sometimes a natural pool may be utilized.
The underlying principle is that the site for the stage shall be
an obvious point of focus, both through being naturally beauti-
ful and dramatically effective.
Bates and Orr. Pageants and Pageantry. Ginn & Co., New
York, 1912.
Chubb, Percival and his Associates. Festivals and Plays. Har-
per & Bros., New York, 1912.
Davol, Ralph. A Handbook of American Pageantry. Davol
Publishing Co., Mass., 1914.
MacKay, Constance D'Arcy. Patriotic Drama in Your Town.
Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1918.
MacKaye, Percy. Community Drama. Houghton, Mifflin Co.,
New York, 1917.
Mitchell, Roy. Shakespeare for Community Players. E. P.
Dutton & Co., New York, 1919.
Withington, Robert. English Pageantry. Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass. Two volumes. 1918-1921.
The term Dramatic Study Group is here used to designate a
group, which may be formed in any Girls' Work Department,
to forward the study and interpretation of the several phases
of the drama as outlined in the preceding pages of this chap-
ter. In its membership should be included all younger girls
who are particularly interested in the drama and who want to
build up in the Association and in the community a drama
movement. The work of this group would not duplicate in any
measure the suggestions made "earlier in the chapter about the
place of the drama in the Girl Reserve Movement. Those sug-
gestions are made to help put the drama in its rightful place
in the regular program work of each of the corps, companies
and clubs.
Perhaps a contribution of real merit may be made to the
Community Drama movement, if every Girl Reserve Dramatic
group starts out on the right basis — that is with the motto,
"What is worth doing at all is worth doing well."
Since many people have had experience in forming dramatic
study groups, it would be well to take advantage of this expe-
rience from the beginning and avoid making some very serious
* The following: suggestions were compiled specifically for Girl Reserves
by Hazel MacKaye.
The following: are some of the principles which it has been
found wise to follow:
1. The group must be put on a good business basis. This
does not mean that it must be run for money. On the
contrary, that is the worst possible basis, for if the ob-
ject is to "make money" then the artistic worth of the
production becomes only a secondary matter. The ar-
tistic side of the play must be the first consideration, but
some system of financial support, aside from "gate re-
ceipts" must be thought out. Dues, subscriptions, un-
derwriting (by interested friends) — all of these may be
combined to enable the club to have the necessary capital
with which to begin the nucleus of its stage effects, such
as stage hangings or sets, a wardrobe, a few properties,
and a simple lighting equipment. Each play will add to
all these things, but a beginning must be made, and
"capital" of some sort is necessary.
2. Responsibility for enforcing rules, especially with regard
to attendance at rehearsals and committee meetings, must
be placed squarely upon the group membership and not
upon the dramatic director.
3. The work of producing a play or plays must be divided
equally among the membership. Those who act in one
play, should be the managers, directors and committee
members in the next play. "Turn and turn about is fair
4. Painstaking care should be given to the selection of the
plays (or series of plays) as well as to every detail in
carrying them out. "Artistic integrity," should be the
underlying purpose of every production.
First Step.
It is impossible to lay down any rule regarding the
amount of ground to be covered at each meeting, but the
following activities are taken up in their relative order:
1. Discussion of the Community Drama Movement.
2. Discussion of policies.
3. Selection of a Dramatic Study Chairman.
4. A Committee should be appointed (or an individual as-
signed) to submit several plays to be discussed at the
subsequent meeting.
Second Step.
1. Readings of the plays, or outlines submitted, with final
choice by the club membership of the play to be 'given.
(Where the club is large, a Play Reading Committee may
choose the play.)
2. Discussion of the underlying meaning and significance of
the play and the characters.
3. Appointment (or election) of chairman and committees.
The committees will grow out of the needs of ths play.
4. Assigning of parts by "try-outs" or other means. The
try-out system by a Oast Committee has proven to be a
very effective way of removing all personal animosities.
It also helps to foster a spirit of "good sportsmanship '
among the members.
5. Conferences between the Director and her assistants as
well as with her committees. (Note: It is just as impor-
tant that time be set aside for these conferences as for
the rehearsals. Either before or after the rehearsals
doubtless would be best.)
The success with which the play is interpreted will depend
greatly upon the care with which it is analyzed and discussed by
the Director and the club. All the members on the Production
Committee should know the play as well as the actors, for they
have an equal share in its interpretation. The setting, cos-
tumes, properties, music and lights should be designed and car-
ried out with a view to the effect of the play as a whole. In
short, the aim should be to have a synthesized production. This
can only be obtained by the proper understanding of the play
by all concerned in its presentation on the stage.
It is not possible to go into the many details of rehearsing
a play in this brief setting-forth of the subject, but a few gen-
eral rules may be suggested:
First. Absolute and undivided attention must be given to
the business at hand by those taking part in the play, while
those looking on must be perfectly quiet. A rehearsal cannot
be conducted in the midst of confusion. If the study group is
truly "self-governing" this rule will be carried out by the girls
themselves and not left to be enforced by the Director.
Second. The Director should be in sole control of the re-
hearsal until it is dismissed, when suggestions and comments
should be invited. (Each member of the cast should have a
copy of the entire play so that she may be intelligent about the
play as a whole and not merely her own part.) The Director,
especially if unskilled, should be guided by the wishes of the
majority, in case of any disputes, but divided authority during
the rehearsal is impossible. This pre-supposes that the Direc-
tor has given the play great thought and has largely mapped
out her plans before rehearsal.
Third. The rehearsal should take place, if possible, on the
actual stage. If not, then the proportions of the stage and the
exact location of the entrances should be adhered to in re-
hearsing the action.
Fourth. The action should grow out of the thought and
emotion revealed through the speeches, and not arbitrarily im-
posed because some action "would look well."
Fifth. The speeches should not be committed to memory at
the first rehearsal, but the sooner the player frees herself from
the effort of trying to remember her lines, the more quickly
can she throw herself into her part. Great care should be taken
to speak clearly and audibly at all rehearsals.
Sixth. There should be two dress rehearsals. The first for
a "line perfect" rehearsal on the stage combined with the scen-
ery properties and music. The second should have all these
with the addition of costumes, makeup, etc., and lights. The
play should be performed at least once exactly as it is to be
given before the audience.
It is here that "team work" between the "front of the
house" and "behind the scenes" may be used so advantageously
as to give the audience the "atmosphere" of the play from the
first moment they enter the auditorium. If the play is a cos-
tume play, the ushers may echo certain features of the period
in their dress, while the decorations and programs may also re-
peat this note. If the play is modern, let the ushers adopt a
dress which is decorated with the symbol of the club and let the
decorations and programs be symbolic of the underlying mes-
sage of the play. This gives a certain creative interest to those
on the "Promotion Committee" for they can use their ingenuity
in making the "front of the house" a veritable delight to all
who enter.
As to the running of the performance "behind the scenes"
that is again too technical a matter to be treated here. Suffice
it to say, that all the actors should be in their dressing rooms
at least an hour before the curtain rings up; that the stage
manager, costume, property and other directors should have all
things in readiness so that the curtain may rise on the ap-
pointed hour.
As the activities of the study group lead more and more
into the visual side of play-making, the desirability of having
some place where the necessary scenery, costumes, etc., may
be made with comparative ease will become increasingly ap-
parent. The creative instinct of the girls' may be used to ad-
vantage here as in the actual performance, while the activities
of designing, decorating and making the costumes can be readily
allied to the already existing training-classes of the Young
"Women's Christian Association, the Workshop being a practical
and fascinating application of the skill developed in these vari-
ious classes.
Dramatic Program.
When the study group has really made one or two success-
ful productions, it is more than likely that the idea of plan-
ning some of their plays ahead, and planning them in relation
to one another will be conceived. This opens a large oppor-
tunity for study and research, as well as variety in the choice
of plays.
The Bibliograhy suggests where resources for dramatic
programs may be found. After a perusal of these sources, it
is quite likely that each individual group will have ideas of its
own regarding the kind of program it wishes to carry for-
ward, but help along this line is doubtless necessary in the
Regular Meetings.
Aside from the rehearsals and meetings growing out of
the needs of the play, time should be set aside when the
group as a whole meets to discuss its principles, its aims and
its problems. It is impossible to set any definite time for
these meetings since conditions vary so greatly in different
places. But at such times it would be well to have someone
from outside speak briefly on the drama or related subjects
so that the girls keep in touch with aims and problems other
than their own. In this great "cooperative art" of the drama it
is well to inculcate the habit of mind of thinking of one's
study group as a part of a whole great community of equally
aspiring and earnest groups — seeking to find the hidden beauty
in themselves and in the world about them.
THE value of discussion in girls' club work is the same as
in every other phase of every day living-. It Brings about an
exchange of ideas, serves as a clarification of many opinions
which teen-age girls have heard and which they have been
holding in their minds unexpressed, and opens up many ave-
nues of thought which have been closed to the girls. It stim-
ulates a desire for further thinking and actual study along
these lines.
There is a growing conviction on the part of many edu-
cators and social workers to-day that many of the life stand-
ards which are offered to present day youth, are adult in
their conception. Youth accepts them, sometimes with pro-
test, but not having thought them through for itself, fails to
uphold them at critical moments. Therefore, the opportunity
to present to growing girls questions which are vital to their
every day living is a very great one.
This does not mean the abandonment of established stand-
ards nor a disregard for the experience of the past which has
produced standards, but it does mean that the rising gener-
ation is allowed to enter into this experience of the past and
to make the adjustments to their own age, so that standards
of the past are conserved rather than destroyed. Youth some-
times sets aside the thing which is automatically given.
"Modern college work is largely a pouring-in process. In
the class room, through the lecture method, the student is told
what is true and what to believe, and his examination tests
him in how* well he can repeat what he has been told. In the
religious meetings he is told what is true and what to believe
and what to do religiously. He is robbed too largely of the
joy of finding some things out for himself, of daring to have
ideas of his own. Ideas are dynamic; yes, but common sense
and modern psychology agree that they are dynamic and re-
sult in action only when they become a part of one's own
thought and conviction." -Harrison Elliott.
This pouring-in process is undoubtedly less a part of sec-
ondary school work than of college and university work^
More and more the formal recitation method is being sup-
planted by the project method, which offers a great field of
discussion because it represents an individual or group effort
and the pupil speaks from a certain experience which has re-
sulted from the work undertaken, but in addition to what this
may do to help a girl form standards for living which come
as the result of right thinking, there is still a tremendous
field for helping either school girls or younger girls in business
and industry, to know upon what to base their own judgments.
Leading a Discussion.
It is very desirable to have club members assume respon-
sibility for directing the discussion in a regular club meeting.
This cannot be done without thorough consultation between
the girl leader and an adviser. There may be certain topics
-which demand the skillful guidance of an adviser herself when
presented to the whole group. Whether she is directing a
discussion herself or advising a girl in her preparation for the
discussion, an adviser will meet this situation more adequately
if she has some of the following qualifications: a real interest
in what she is doing, an earnest desire for the well-being of
girls, such joy in helping girls to understand the possibilities
of what is being discussed that she is willing to direct their
thinking step by step, and to put at their disposal all of her
skill, her teaching power, her mental vigor, her insight into
character, her knowledge of methods, and most of all her power
of graphic application.
The language, the arrangement of material, the method
of presenting the questions and the manner of the person
directing the discussion, are fundamentals in successful dis-
cussion and the girl leader of any discussion should be "coached"
along all of these lines. The language, both of presentation
and answer, should be simple, clear, forceful and correct. The
manner of the girl leader or the adviser has a real bearing upon
the group response; spirit, energy, life, and the very tone
quality of the voice, add to the general interest in any subject.
Where all of these elements have been considered in the pre-
paration for any discussion, the matter of discipline in the
group, or the holding of attention becomes almost negligible.
The girl leader or the adviser must have the necessary
information regarding the topic in such order that she passes
ouickly and clearly from the introduction to the real body of
the discussion. This, too, must be so arranged that it repre-
sents a real progression and there must be always a relation-
ship between the main theme and all questions and answers.
If the leader is a girl, she should make first her own plans for
the presentation of the subject. Consultation with the adviser
should follow, thus giving the girl the opportunity for initia-
tive,— a very desirable thing and one of the aims of this dis-
cussional work.
Method of Discussion.
The really successful discussion does not begin with a
lengthy presentation which has, within its bounds, answers to
all of the questions which may be asked later. The art of vivid
presentation lies in the fact that it is thought provoking. It
contains statements which arouse immediate questions in the
minds of all who share in the discussion ; it projects questions
^hich, by their very edge, make an immediate answer a neces-
sity or the asking of a new question the only present satisfac-
tion for that girl who wants to know.
The Art of Questioning is a difficult one but it is not insur-
ixiountable to the adviser who is really anxious to do her dis-
eussion work in a craftsmanlike way. Briefly stated, questions
may be grouped under the following headings: the preliminary
or experimental question, the question employed to give actual
instruction, and the question of examination. This last form
is little used in discussion with girls in a club. However ques-
tions are couched, they should be definite and not open to too
many interpretations; they should not tell too much, and they
should be the real questions of the person conducting the dis-
cussion. Fully as important as the questions asked are the
answers received. If an answer is given which is wrong, or
lion-pertinent to the subject under discussion or not clearly
related to the question asked, it should not be discarded by the
leader of the discussion. Neither should there be an immediate
reply which, in its entire disapproval of the statement made,
reduces the speaker to complete silence during the remainder
of the discussion and to outspoken discontents after the club
meeting is over. In other words, such answers deserve the
most careful consideration and there should be always a com-
plete sense of impartiality on the part of the leader of the
discussion. *
If the membership of a club is large, it is better to divide
into several groups, with a girl leader or an adviser directing
each group; after discussion, the whole club comes together
for reports of their group findings and for further discussion.
While the question method is the usual one for beginning
discussional work, there are other ways such as pictures and
diagrams, stories, observation, and demonstration. Illustra-
tions of these various methods are:
(a) Questions; If the subject for the discussion is "con-
duct" and the first question is: "Why does the way we act
make any difference?" the implication is that it does make a
difference. If the first question were: "Does the way we act
make any difference?" the girl has an opportunity to think for
herself. A question that can be answered by "Yes" or "No"
should be used very rarely; but if used, it should be followed
by questions that will lead to reasons for the answer given,
as illustrated by this example. If the discussion is centering
about purity, especially purity of thought, instead of the ques-
tion: "How can we keep our thoughts pure?" the question
"What do you think about when you are alone?" will help every
girl to face squarely the challenge as to the quality of the
contents of her mind.
(b) Story: If the subject for discussion is: "A Girl's
Scale of Values," and the purpose is to help girls discover
those principles for living which have true value in that they
express right relations to man and God, the story of "The
Plant That Lost Its Berry," to be found in "Story Tell Lib/'
by Annie Trumbull Slosson, can be used to introduce the sub-
ject. See page 447 for a further interpretation of the mes-
sage of this story.
i(c) Observation: If the subject is "A Good Understanding"
and the purpose is to present to the girls the value of wearing
the right kind of shoes, ask each girl, at least two weeks before
the meeting, to observe the shoes of passers-by, noticing the
type and condition of many of them. Narrow shoes with pointed
toes and high heels usually result in heels which are run over
and counters which are broken down, soles worn off at the tips,
or on the sides. Have the girls watch advertisements to see
what points are emphasized and also the display windows of
scores. At the club meeting, combine the results of this
observation with the demonstration method and have an exhibi-
tion of shoes which meet the requirements of a normal natural
foot. See the chapter on Health Education, page 326 ff.
(d) Pictures and diagrams: If the subject is "What is my
relation to the little girls who feed the silk worms in China"
and the purpose is to present to girls their dependence upon
the labor of hundreds of children in other lands, thereby arous-
ing a spirit of fellowship, pictures illustrating the care of the
silk worms, the feeding of mulberry leaves and the patient
winding of the delicate threads of silk, can be used to open
this discussion. Ask the girls to define the boundaries of tneir
lives. Is It the neighborhood or the school or, if it were to
be illustrated by a diagram upon a blackboard or map, would
lines run out to the far distant lands? Are the girls one-
country girls?
(e) Debate: The debate suggested here as one form of dis-
cussion is not the carefully prepared, formal debate in which
many of the club members might participate in school. Topics
which are of pressing interest to girls should be assigned some-
time in advance of the meeting. It usually adds interest not to
choose the debaters until the time for the debate and the
amount of time allotted to this introduction to the real body
of discussion should not be too great. A suggested topic is:
Resolved: That teamwork in the preparation of lessons is
(f) Demonstration: If the subject for discussion is: "Are
expensive clothes necessary for one who wishes to be well
dressed'* and the purpose is to show that an attractive per-
sonality may express itself through simplicity in design, har-
monious colors, and moderately priced and durable material, an
exhibition of dresses suitable for school, afternoon or evening
parties, and street wear will serve as an excellent setting for
this most practical discussion. Secure these garments through
the courtesy and cooperation of a standard department store.
It is essential that the secretary or adviser in charge of this
discussion is very sure that the person sent from the store to
help in this exhibition is aware of the standards which the
Association and the club are eager to maintain, so that the
affair does not become a demonstration of the latest "fads."
(g) Dramatics: If the subject for discussion is "Child
Labor" and the purpose is to bring to girls an understanding
of some of the conditions which make possible labor by children,
and to arouse in them a determination to face squarely their
ultimate responsibility, as future citizens, for the abolition of
anything like this which stunts the fullness of life of children,
the pageant, "Sunshine and Shadow/7 published by the National
Child Labor Committee, 105 East 22nd Street, New York City,
proves a. very effective way of stimulating interest. It does not
require elaborate preparation. Eoyalty is paid to the National
Child Labor Committee.
Content of the Discussion:
In the preceding description of the Method of the Dis-
cussion, it is evident that not only ways of conducting dis-
cussions have been suggested but also considerable content has
been indicated. The following topics for discussion are listed
in the hope that they will be suggestive of many others which
can be used to stretch the muscles of a girPs mind.
A. "What Do I Cost?"
A girl's budget: Living expenses. Education. Cloth-
ing, Amusements.
Bl "Purpose."
"To each man is given a day and his work for the
And once, and no more, he is given to travel this way.
And woe if he flies from the task, whatever the odds ;
For the task is appointed to him on the scroll of the
There is waiting a work only his hands can avail;
And so, if he falters, a chord in the music will fail,
He may laugh to the sky, he may lie for an hour in
the sun;
But he dare not go hence till the labor appointed is
Yes, the task that is given to each man, no other
can do;
So the errand is waiting; it has waited through ages
for you
And now you appear; and the hushed ones are turn-
ing their gaze
.To see what you do with your chance in the chamber
of days."
— Edwin Markhaxft.
C. "The Ideal Home." House and Home Series. Eliza-
beth Jenkins. Secure from the Womans Press, 600
Lexington Avenue, New York.
"Planning- the House."
"Furnishing the House."
"A Budget of Personal and Household Accounts."
"Literature in the Home."
"The Home and the Neighborhood."
D. "How Wide Is My World?"
"The world stands out on either side
No wider than the heart is wide;
Above the world is stretched the sky —
No higher than the soul is high.
The heart can push the sea and land
Farther away on either hand;
The soul can split the sky in two
And let the face of God shine through."
— Edna St. Vincent Millay.
(If possible obtain a copy of the picture "Sic Te
Amo," by Marie Collier, sometimes called "How Wide
Is My Love?")
E. "One hundred per cent, health for the High School
girl." There are several "ways of presenting this topic.
It could be done through the medium of a splendid
and inspiring talk by a doctor, or through a mock
trial of the American girl on the following counts:
Firm versus flabby muscles.
Red versus white corpuscles.
Straight versus crooked backs.
Pink versus pale cheeks.
Bright versus shadowed eyes.
F. "Modes, Manners, Customs and Costumes." •
(a) Standards of conduct for the American girl.
(b) "Clothes."
A demonstration of attractive dresses for high
school girls, suitable for all occasions, can often
be obtained through the courtesy of the Misses'
Department of a store. Care needs to be taken
that extreme styles are not featured,
(c) "Hair."
A demonstration of up-to-date styles of hair
dressing1 for girls of high school age, can be
obtained through the courtesy of a reliable hair-
dressing establishment. The same care in regard
to extremes needs to be exercised here also.
G. "All Work and No Play Makes Jill a Dull Girl."
The place of recreation in a high school course.
EL "Gossip versus Conversation."
Is gossip confined to any one group of people? Is
it as apt to be heard in drawing rooms as in the con-
versation occurring over the backyard fence? What
is the difference between conversation and gossip?
What makes conversation worth while?
"Natural talk, like ploughing, should turn up a large
surface of life, rather than dig mines into geological
strata — it should keep close along the lines of human-
ity, near the bosoms and businesses of men, at the
level where history, fiction and experience interest
and illuminate each other." — Kobert Louis Stevenson.
I. "What Are You Laughing At?"
Different sorts of laughter, kind and unkind — "gig-
gling"— e. g., "the time, the place and the laugh."
J. "Your Castles in the Air,"
Do you believe that "Dreams are the record of our
waking moments?"
"School Girl Ideals," which follow, are offered as a dis-
cussional series, which may become the background for dis-
cussional work during a year. The topics are suitable for a
genera! meeting, but there will be a more informal and spirited
discussion if they are used by smaller groups. The girls them-
selves should lead the discussion, with a more mature leader
acting as referee. Some girls enjoy taking the outlines home
after the meetings for further thought and study, writing
answers to the questions and later comparing these with the
answers of other girls.
The Biblical quotations establish the Christian standards
ir these matters and can serve as texts, while the topics call
attention to the more important phases of the subjects under
consideration. The questions are only suggestive and intended
to stir up thought. The girls themselves will think of many
n«ore to be added.
The leader of this discussion, with the aid of the adviser
or the secretary, should always give a summary of the import-
ant points at the close of the discussion, being careful to avoid
stating any conclusion unless the group has arrived at such
a conclusion. If there is to be a more or less formal con-
clusion, which -would result in taking a stand upon a given
question, or forming a policy which would result in definite
action, such should come from the group.
"Whatsoever things are lovely, think on these things,
Phil. 4:8.
"Let your speech be always with grace." Col. 4:6.
"I will greatly rejoice' in Jehovah, my soul shall be joyful
in my God ; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salva-
tion, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a
bridegroom decketh himself with a garland, and as a bride
adometh herself with her jewels." Isa. 61:10.
I. Beauty of Thought and Speech.
What is the meaning of being a gentlewoman? Are my
thoughts always pure ? Does the book I am reading now
give me true ideas about life? How can I tell whether
a book is worth reading? How does what I read affect
what I say? Have I a gentle voice? How far does
my tone of voice tell the kind of girl I am. Have I
listened to anything to-day that I could not tell my
mother ?
[I. Beauty of Conduct.
Is it true that "actions speak louder than words?" What
does it mean to be truly courteous? Why does it make
any difference how I act? Do I show my kindness best
by the things I do or by the things I do not do? Why
is a crowd with which one has to travel sometimes so
apt to be disagreeable? Do the same standards apply
to conduct at home, on the street and in school?
III. Personal Beauty.
Does my face reflect sunshine within me? Have I a
smile for those I greet? Is it really true that "hand-
some is as handsome does?" Is a pretty face ever a
disadvantage to a girl? Have I the beauty which comes
from "beauty sleep/' each hour of which before midnight
is worth its weight in gold? Do I look well — not only
well dressed but physically well? If not, why not?
When am I dressed appropriately? Does my dress
always express the kind of a girl that I am? Should
it? Are , expensive clothes necessary for one who wishes
to be well dressed? Why should I think that I must
have the same clothes as the other girls? Who makes
fashions ?
IV. Beauty in Nature — in art — in surroundings.
Can I enjoy myself when alone out of doors? Why
should it make me happy to see a beautiful autumn sun-
set, the earliest spring flower or to hear the first robin?
How do I know that I love good music and good pictures ?
How can I tell what is good poetry? What is the best
way to try to know what the poet wants to tell me?
Why does it refresh me when tired? How many pic-
tures copied from the great masters can I call by name ?
Were I free to choose any picture in the world for my
own room, which would it be? When a guest enters my
room, by what could she test my sense of beauty? My
sense of neatness ? What makes a truly beautiful room ?
V. Beauty In All Things.
Why should I try to live up to my most beautiful ideals ?
How do I discover the beautiful in everything and in
every person that I see? If I constantly look for the
best friends, can I through my demand help create the
beautiful and best in their lives? What is the most
beautiful thing in the world?
Have I spent any time this week with the most beautiful
character in the world, Jesus Christ? He can teach me
to see the beautiful and how to make the world more
beautiful because I have lived with him in it.
"Whatsoever thou seekest, that shalt thou find."
Closing Prayer.
Our loving Father, we would be true and beautiful in
all that we do and say. Open our eyes to see the beauty
in the world which Thou has made. Put into our hearts
the desire to grow into the beauty of Christ, our Lord
and Saviour. Amen.
Note — The above and later questions are to be answered
by each girl herself, quite frankly and honestly. Perhaps she
will want to try writing the answers in a book opposite the
questions. Then she will be able to compare her answers
"vnritten at the time with answers she might want to make a
month or three months later when she has shared in a club
discussion or has talked them over again with some older per-
son— a teacher, an adviser or a secretary.
"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad." Matt. 5:12.
"I came that they may have life, and may have it abund-
antly/' John 10:10.
"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace;
the mountains and hills shall break forth before you into
singing-; and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands."
Isa. 55:12.
"My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And my spirit hath rejoiced In God my Saviour." — Luke 1:43.
I. Joy in Things.
When am I truly happy? What do I call real joy?
Where do I look f or my happiness ? Is it in things which
I can do, in the things which I possess or the places
where I may go? If I weigh my interest in trashy
books and vulgar stories over against good reading what
do the scales show? Why? What is there in my way
of living that makes me not enjoy making pretty things ?
What kind of shows and other amusements leave me
tired in body as well as in spirit? What are wholesome
pleasures? Do I find real joy in the great out-of-doors?'
How well do I care for my garden? Do I always go out
for my pleasures or can I have the best kind of a time
at home? What happens to a person who stores up all
the things which vex and bother her?
II. Joy In Work.
What have I accomplished to-day that has made some-
one else really happy? What did I neglect to do yes-
terday that I might have done well? Why do I find so
much pleasure in doing things for others? Is it the
thing that I do or being able to do it well that gives
me pleasure? Why was I glad to be called upon in
class yesterday? Why do some girls "just hate marks?"
Are all my joys at the mercy of things that happen to
me, or have I a joy that cannot be taken away? Is the
pleasure that I take in my work contagious? What
does the joy of forgetting oneself reveal to other people?
Why should I endeavor to complete promptly whatever
I begin? What happens to the "togetherness" of my
family if I surprise the other members by cooking some
particularly good dish? How can tasks be turned into
joyful work? Why was the last thing I did to help my
mother joy-producing?
III. Joy In Companionship.
How does doing things together make life happier? Why
is reading aloud while another sews a twofold pleasure ?
What is necessary in order that two people can be happy
together? Is it true that our best friends are those
with whom we may Tbe silent? Why are pet animals
such good companions? In what ways should a Christian
be joyful and full of life? How may I have the abiding
joy that comes from friendship with Jesus Christ ? Why
do some people think it necessary to be long-faced and
negative if one is a Christian? Why should Christian
companions be the happiest?
IV. The Influence of a Joyful Life.
How do I make life more worth living for those around
me? How do joy and light in my heart make the world
any brighter and happier? How often do I remember
to share my joys with my family? In what ways
Joes the cheerfulness of my life reach beyond those of
my immediate circle? How can I best help to make my
town a prettier place to live in, my school a better place
to work in and my country the happiest place to be in?
If every one were like me, how happy would the world
be? What kind of a Christian makes other people want
to be Christians, too? Am I that kind of a Christian?
If I really follow Jesus Christ, I must be a bringer of
: 436
joy to many hearts. "Give us to awaken with smiles,
give us to labor smiling, and as the sun lightens the
world, so let our loving-kindness make bright this house
of our habitation."
— Eobert Louis Stevenson.
Closing Prayer.
"0 give me the joy of living
And some glorious work to do!
A spirit of thanksgiving,
With loyal heart and true;
Some pathway to make brighter
Where tired feet now stray;
Some burden to make lighter
While 'tis day."
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honor-
able . . . think on these things." Phil. 4:8.
"Take thought for things honorable in the sight of all men."
Rom. 12:17.
"Judge not, that you he not judged." Matt. 7:1.
"Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
Matt. 7:3.
"Jehovah^ who shall sojourn in thy tabernacle?
Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness,
And speaketh truth in his heart;
He that slandereth not with his tongue,
Nor doeth evil to his friend,
Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor." Ps. 15:1-3
I. Honor In School.
What is honor in school work? What are bluffing,
cribbing, copying or use of other people's work ? Where
do you place them in your honor scale? Why? Why
should I be willing to be called "mean" rather than to
give dishonorable help? If I write a note to someone
else in the class and expect several other girls to pass
that note for me, do I force others to join in my decep-
tion? Am I afraid to speak the truth when I think I
might keep out of trouble if I keep silent? What is a
"perfectly good excuse?'' Why should I do my own
work when I might live upon the efforts of some of the
best students in the class? What should I do if I
haven't had time to finish my mathematics lesson and
know I can get it from another girl-? Am I square to
that girl, even if she depends upon me for English work ?
Is team work ever allowable in preparing one's lessons?
What happens to me when I obscure my handwriting if
I do not know how to spell a word? Is it necessary to
be trustworthy when left "on my honor?" Why do most
schools have to have "lockers?" Is there any difference
between "swiping" and stealing?
II. Honor in Play.
Why is the willingness to accept honorable defeat rather
than dishonorable victory a sign of a school's greatness?
Should I be accepted as a worthy member of the school
team if I am behind in my class-room work? Am I
willing to give up the fun and honor of representing my
school on the team and tell the truth about my ability
to play? Is it honest to get my hair wet intentionally
under the shower in the gymnasium so that I will have
to skip the next recitation in order "to get it dry and
not take cold?" Why should not a visiting team collect
as "souvenirs" any thing that happens to be available in
the school building?
III. Honor Among Friends.
Who is hurt more when I say things behind a friend's
back that I would not say to her face? Why? Do I
disclose personal confidences? What is flattery? Why
should I not exaggerate the things I tell my friends, if
it improves the story? What does "standing up for a
friend" necessitate on my part? How far can I defend
her? Is it ever justifiable to lie, even to "save" a, friend?
Am I too quick to believe that my friend told something
about me which is untrue? Why is it that by trusting
my friends I help them to be honorable?
IV. Honor In Daily Living.
What are some "slip-over" the line standards that make
honor in daily living hard to attain? Who pays the
penalty when I fail to pay my fare on the street car
when I get a chance ? What happens to me when I bor-
row small sums of money and forget to return them?
How does such a habit weaken my sense of honor?
Why should promises, and engagements be kept faith-
fully? What is there wrong in being late? Why is
keeping others waiting such a common form of selfish-
ness? In what ways am I most apt to show a disregard
of the use of my own or of another's time? Am I ever
tempted to send mail under a cheaper class than is right?
V. Honor of Self.
How am I cultivating a sense of personal dignity? Is
it possible to have two sets of manners, one for com-
pany and one for home? Why do I answer this question
in this way? Why is it just as hypocritical to make
believe that you are worse than you are, as it is to
make believe that you are better than you are? Am I
honest to myself when I excuse my own weakness and
laziness? Do I wear well or does my polish wear off?
How far am I endeavoring always to "ring true?"
Have I spent any time this week with the most honor-
able and sincere person who ever lived, Jesus Christ?
He will teach me to distrust vulgar pretense. I can
learn from Him to admire the truth and through Him I
can gain the power to live a life of sincerity and honor.
Closing Prayer.
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my
heart be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, my rock,
and my redeemer." Amen.
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak eth,"
Luke 6:45.
"If ye love them that love you, what reward have ye? Do
not even the publicans the same?
"And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than
others? Do not even the Gentiles the same?" Matt. 5:46-7.
"In honor preferring one another." Romans 12:10.
"And whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with
him two." Matt. 5:41.
1. True Courtesy.
What is the secret of true courtesy? Do forms and
customs or spontaneous action aroused by kindly feelings
constitute courtesy? Why should I rise when an older
woman enters the room and remain standing until she
is seated? Why do I try to restrain my laughter when
someone slips and falls? Why do I step back and let
another precede me in entering a doorway? Do I listen
when I am being spoken to ? Why might I know all the
suggestions written in a book on manners .and still be
discourteous? How would it be possible for me never
to see a book on manners and yet be a truly courteous
girl? How do most people learn to be courteous?
II. 'Courtesy Among Friends.
Am I ever justified in criticizing my friends? Why is
courtesy to all people necessary even though one does
not like every one whom she meets? Why are other
girls, as human as I am, apt to be offended by constant
whispering? How can I get over the feeling that when
persons whisper they are talking about me? Is it true
that even my intimate friends may not let me into all
their thoughts? Have I any more right to open my
friend's top bureau drawer than that of a stranger?
When cross and blue, is it fair for me to "take it out"
by scolding my friends? Am I willing to share my
friends gladly with other girls?
III. Courtesy In Public Places.
Do I look cross when waiting for a package? Which
tires a clerk more, lack of courtesy on the part of cus-
tomers or long hours? What does the glare which one
person gives another who shoves him in the crowd
reveal? Why should I be careful about talking with
my friends in church? At a public entertainment, when
my neighbors are trying to listen? Do I scold "central"
when she gives me the wrong number? When a fat
lady squeezes in beside me in a street car, have I ever
thought how embarrassed she must be to take up so
much room? What are some of the reasons why I should
not discuss private affairs in public places? Why should
I be very careful never to attract attention to myself
when in a public place?
IV. Courtesy at Home.
In what ways do I show consideration for my mother?
Do I contradict and argue more with home people than
with outsiders? Why? Why should we stop our con-
versation when sister is talking at the telephone? Do
I excuse myself as "shy" when I am discourteous to
guests in my own home? What is my standard of treat-
ment for those who are employed in my home? Do I
thank the dressmaker for making* me a becoming dress ?
What makes my friends glad that they -came to my
home? When a beggar or agent comes to the door,
what is the nature of my reply to his inquiry? How
often, from the point of view of courtesy can I expect
my little brothers and sisters to run my errands and wait
on me? Does being "the biggest" make a difference?
Am I impatient with the grocer boy when he leaves the
wrong packages? Is there any real reason why I should
not always be well-mannered and courteous? Do you
think it true that "There is more harm wrought by want
of thought than want of heart?"
If I am a Christian girl and endeavoring to show my
Christianity in everyday life, is there any more import-
ant way than remembering the little things to do them?
Have you ever thought about how many different types
of people Jesus sympathized with and loved and helped,
because He really cared for them? He was glad to
make the sacrifice of love.
Closing Prayer.
"If any little word of mine may make a life the brighter,
If any little song of mine may make a heart the lighter,
God help me speak the little word, and take my bit of
And drop it in some lonely vale to set the echoes ringing.
If any little love of mine may make a life the sweeter,
If any little care of mine make other life completer,
If any lift of mine may ease the burden of another,
God give me love and care and strength to help my toil-
ing brother/' Amen.
"Forget not to show love unto strangers, for thereby some
have entertained angels unawares." Heb. 13:2.
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Matt. 22:39.
"If a man love me he will keep my word: and my Father
will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode
with him." John 14:23.
I. The Spirit of Hospitality.
What makes a greeting cordial ? When I enter a f riend's
home and receive a weak, indifferent handshake, what
effect has it upon my conversational powers? Why is
a friendly "good-morning" important even in my family?
Do I entertain with my heart or with my pocketbook? Is
the spirit of hospitality the same whether I have one, or
fifty guests ? What are some of the little ways in which
I may put my guests at ease? How shall I decide
whether my manner of dress will make my guests com-
fortable? -Should I make embarrasing remarks about
my friend's accomplishments? Why does simply men-
tioning two persons' names not always constitute a suf-
ficient introduction? How can I make my guests feel
they are "at their best?" What does the presence of
cliques in a school indicate? What is a clique? Can
I be my best and belong to one?
II. The Place for Hospitality.
Can I always have time for my friends while at work
or at play? In order to have a good time must I always
ask guests into my home or can I sometimes entertain
my family? What is the difference between being sim-
ply a housekeeper and being a home-maker? How can
I be prepared to be both when the time comes for me
to have that responsibility? Who is the real hostess
in every home? Whom should I ask to my home, — sim-
ply my own crowd or strangers, possibly some shy or
lonely school mate? How Is It possible for my mother
really to know my quests? Could not the rest of the
family have a good time helping me to entertain my
guests? What makes a party a success? In what ways
is a party given in one's home always "better than one
given in a hired or public place? How can I help to
make my home a place where all my friends will love
to come?
IIL The Influence of Hospitality.
Why does taking the trouble to invite friends in occasion-
ally make for a happy home? What should a "bread and
butter" letter to the friends whom I have been visiting
express? Is this hard or easy to write? Why? Should
I expect to be entertained or should I help my hostess
entertain the other guests ? In how many ways may I
show my appreciation of hospitality that has been exr
tended to me? Why would there be more real fun in
the world and a greater variety of ways of having a
good time if a larger number of homes were opened for
friends to gather in and have a good time? Is there
any greater joy than sharing a happy time? Does it
help me to be a finer girl, — to have a wideawake, gen-
erous and receptive heart?
Is Jesus a guest in my home? Am I^building a home
for his spirit in my heart? Am I sharing his spirit with
those who are homeless and who have no abiding place?
Closing Prayer.
"0 Jesus, ever with us stay;
Make all our moments calm and bright."
Help us so to share our lives and hearts that those who are
seeking? Thee may find the joy and peace which Thou alone
canst give. Amen.
"I have called yon friends." John 15:15,
"A friend loveth at all times." Prov. 17:17.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
liis life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if you do the
things which I command you." John 15:13-14.
I. Seeking Friendship.
What is friendship and how does one seek it — does one
ever begin it deliberately? Where am I seeking my
friends, if I seek my friends because of their social prom-
inence alone will those friendships be lasting? Can
friendships based upon superficial interests endure?
Can one simply act on the old saying, "He who would
have friends must show himself friendly?" Do I want
to be a true friend? Should I look for what I can get
out of friendship or for what I can put into it? Can
the doors of friendship be forced? Upon what are true
friendships based? What have I in mind when I speak
of one person as an acquaintance, or another as a com-
panion and still another as a friend? Can I have several
friends at a time? What is the difference between
friendship and friendliness?
II. Being a Friend.
How do I inspire my friends to be their best? What
does my friends' faith in me do for me? Is it as bind-
ing upon me "to receive" as a friend, as "to give" as a
friend? Do I begrudge any good that comes to my
friend? Have I too good a memory for slights and
, wrongs ? Do I trust my friends and believe in them
when others turn against them? When do I most truly
"stand by" my friends ? Should I back up a friend when
I know her to be in the wrong? How far do I forget
self and enter into my friend's life, her point of view,
her struggles and difficulties ? Should two friends always
think the same, dress the same or say the same things ?
Does friendship need large sacrifices — for supreme
moments or does it grow by some other ways? Why?
What are some of the severest tests of friendship ? Is there
any special obligation to forgive a wrong done me by a
friend? Am I courteous to my intimate friends? Am I
careful not to expect or urge my friends to tell me their
inmost thoughts? Can they not expect me "just to
understand" and not to need to know? How can I best
show my loyalty to my friends? To my school?
III. Sharing Friends.
Am I jealous of my friends? What good reasons have
I for refusing to share them with others? Is having a
loyal "chum" a justification for personal selifishness,
about sharing her? How does "our crowd" seem to the
rest of the girls? When I act in an unbecoming or
thoughtless way how far does it reflect upon my crowd,
my class, or my school? What is the character of the
thoughts and ideas which I am sharing most intimately
with my friends? Should true friends ever "gossip"
about another person? Are my friends7 standards being
raised by what I share with them? Do you think Presi-
dent King of Oberlin College is right when he says,
"Friendship means sharing our great experiences, shar-
ing in dominant interests, sharing in, service of great
causes, sharing in sacrifices for great common ends,
sharing in great personal loyalties and friendships?"
Why should I not give my best?
Can I not come closer this week to the One who said,
"Lo, I have called you my friends?" He is truly our
best friend and if we base all our friendships upon the
solid foundation of Jesus Christ, they will never fail.
Closing Prayer.
Our Father, we come before Thee with hearts full of
joy for all those who have helped and loved us. Teach
us to realize that we must first be friends if we would
have friends. Give us the open heart that loves freely,
the patience that bears with others' mistakes, the pur-
pose to make it easier and not harder for others to live
up to the best and noblest. May Thy love crowd from
our hearts all selfishness, and may our friends together
with us grow happier and better through friendship with
our greatest friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Rochester, N. Y., High School Girls' Club Prayer.)
"Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before his presence with singing." Ps. 100:2.
"So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which
is good toward all men." Gal. 6:10.
"Not to be ministered unto, but to minister." Mark 10:45.
"He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much."
Luke 16:10.
"If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and
servant of all." Mark 9:35.
I. The Naturalness of Service.
If I am any kind of a girl at all, can I sit still when I
see things waiting to be done? How can I train my
eyes to keep wide open and my heart to feel others'
needs more quickly? What was the last thing needing
to be done that I made believe I did not see? Could
I do it now?" How does the doing of small tasks lead
up to a greater service? What is the only thing which
keeps me from constantly doing real service?
II. Characteristics of Service.
Is service measured by the amount accomplished or by
the spirit in which it is done? If I know why I am
doing a piece of work, will it change it from drudgery
into service? Which is real service, simply doing the
thing that particularly interest me or doing will-
ingly the things that have to be done? Why? Can one fully
enjoy work until one knows the pleasure of completing
a task promptly? Do I think more of the happiness and
convenience of the person I am trying to help or of my
own time and my particular way of doing it? Is service
done from a sense of duty real service? Should I ever
try to excuse myself for giving inappropriate gifts to
"The poor and needy?" Should unpaid service be any
less well done than work that is paid for?
III. Forms of Service.
Why does home-making seem a beautiful occupation to
me? When I help mother by "doing the dishes" have
I, too, a share in making the home? What part do I
take in the housework each day without being asked to
do it? If I show a friendly spirit toward all the girls in
school am I rendering any service? Is having the right
kind of school spirit, fair play in athletics and high
standards in the class room a kind of service that I
am able to render? Do I think that I am doing my
teacher a favor by learning my lessons? When is help-
ing other girls in getting their lessons real service and
when is it a definite unkindness to my friends? How
do I show my enthusiasm for Sunday School? Why
should I go to church with the kind of spirit which
makes it easier for my pastor to preach a good sermon?
In what ways may I help to make my town more beau-
tiful? How far am I responsible for the appearance of
the schoolhouse? The condition of my books? If every
girl were to do as well in these things as I am doing,
what would be the result?
IV. Preparation for Service.
Am I keeping close to my Master each day and learn-
ing of Mm the love to see others' needs? How may I
do it better? How far am I guarding my health by
% regular sleep, proper food and exercise, that my body
may be a ready instrument for service ? Why is this
important? Does the way in which I learn my lessons
train my mind and add to my knowledge or do I merely
cram for examinations and then forget it all? Are ex-
aminations the only thing? How may I read, observe
and study so that I will be better able to appreciate the
fine and good wherever I see it? Why should I have a
real desire way down in my heart to live a useful
woman's life? In how far are success and popularity
justifiable aims? Who is the greatest woman of whom
I know anything? Why is she great?
Have I spent any time this week with the one whose
whole life was given over to serving the world, Jesus
Christ, who lived and died for others?
Closing Prayer.
"Lord, make me quick to see
Each task awaiting me,
And quick to do.
Oh, grant me strength, I pray,
With lowly love each day
And purpose true,
To go as Jesus went,
Spending and being spent,
Myself forgot,
Supplying human needs
By loving words and deeds."
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and
more in knowledge and all discernment; so that ye may ap-
prove the things tiiat are excellent; that ye may be sincere
and void of offence unto the day of Christ; being filled with the
fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, unto
the glory and praise of God."— Phil. 1:9-11.
"Love suffereth long, and is kind ; love envieth not; love
vaunteth not itself ; is not puffed up, doth not behave itself un-
seemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not ac-
count of evil ; rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth
with truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all
things, endureth all things. Love never faileth." — I Cor. 13:4-8.
I. True Characteristics of Love.
How far have I really found out what the above quota-
tions might mean for me? How does love open one's
mind to truth and sincerity? Should a person ever be
tempted to think of it as a weak, sentimental thing that
one should be ashamed of? How far will a truer un-
derstanding of love aid me in self-control, such as in
keeping my temper? How far will it show me the way
to be patient and unselfish? Am I willing to let it open
my eyes to others' needs ? Has love meant to me a great,
wonderful power? Have I treated it lightly? As God
is Love and I am his child, shall I not enjoy my birth-
right and share in his care for his world?
II. Love the Revealer 'of Beauty and Joy.
If I care enough to open my eyes to the great beauties
of nature all about me what will be the effect upon me?
If I truly care for my friend, will I only see the outward,
appearances — which may be unfortunate — and be tempt-
ed to be ashamed of her? If I have a loving heart can
I always have a joyful face?
III. Love the Foundation of Honor, Courtesy and Hospitality.
If I respect myself, as I should will I to my "own self
be true?" Should I ever lie? How can I show that love,
not fear, controls my life? How can I make it a habit
to care more for others than myself? When can I be
said to be a true gentlewoman? What differences in re-
sponse to my invitation will I find if I give myself with
the invitation?
IV. Love' the Power in Friendship and Service.
Do I try to understand my friends better the longer I
know them? What part does love play in my discover-
ing in them new qualities and gifts? What prevents
jealousy? How will working together make people bet-
ter friends? Must the giver be back of every good gift?
If I love people enough will I be able to help them truly?
Does it make much difference where I serve? Why I
serve? How I serve?
What is the predominating note in all the acts and words
of Jesus as "he went about doing good"?
Closing Prayer.
O God, who has taught us to keep all Thy heavenly com-
mandments by loving Thee and our neighbors, grant us' the
spirit of peace and grace that Thy universal family may be de-
voted to Thee with their whole heart and united to each other
with a perfect love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"May the Lord bless us in our work and in our play, and
grant us the peace and the joy that corne through service for
others and friendship with Jesus Christ." Amen.
Benediction of the Kansas City, Missouri, High School Girls'
Aim and Conclusion.
Two words which are much used in discussional work at the
present time are aim and conclusion. They have been defined
several times elsewhere in this statement on the "Place of Dis-
cussion in the Girl Reserve Movement." Briefly summarized,
that discussion has achieved its aim which has served as an ex-
change of ideas, a clarification of opinions, the opening of new
avenues of thought, and a stimulation of a desire for further
thinking and study. The aim is in no sense just an effort to
reach a conclusion. Individual thought, which may continue
over a considerable period of time after the discussion has oc-
curred, is a desirable manifestation of success, and no leader,
either girl or adviser or secretary, should be discouraged if
nothing more tangible results at the time of the discussion.
OMB words in the ordinary vocabulary are so much used
that the first thing to do in order to understand them is to
strip off the meanings loosely attached and examine the under-
lying idea. Often times this will be found surprisingly inter-
When this drastic operation is performed upon a word, so
often and glibly on our lips as is "citizenship," the discovery is
made that it is not concerned simply with far-off facts which
are associated in people's minds with candidates and elections,
with politics *and government, with the getting of a passport
when one goes to Europe, or paying an income tax cheerfully.
On the contrary, the term has a richness of meaning and an
immediate relation to every-day life that it will be well to ex-
amine closely.
Citizenship, in the first place, is knowing about things which
concern individuals as members of a group of people who are
trying to live together. Long experience has shown how advis-
able it is for such a society to adopt certain rules jand regula-
tions for the greater security and happiness of all concerned.
When a long name like "government" is used people may find
themselves losing sight of the simple necessity which was the
cause of having such rules to live by.
The fact is that the majestic fabric of the local, state and
national government has been built upon this necessity and
each of its functions, the acts of its agents, and people's atti-
tude toward it should be judged by its reason for existence.
It is, therefore, merely sensible for individuals to know as
much as possible about the operation of the group as a whole;
only thus shall they be able to judge wisely what their own part
in the operation shall be.
In the second place citizenship is concerned with understand-
ing our heritage as members of a society which has behind it
long ages of experiment, many failures, reluctant successes won
against the twin enemies of the powers of nature and man's
own selfish spirit. Seen against the background of what used
to be, this heritage must be of infinite value to each person.
There is also a heritage which is ours as Americans, as mem-
bers of a society which throughout its history has always pro-
fessed, and sometimes practiced, certain ideals of human broth-
erhood which mark a new stage in the world's development.
There is great danger that we shall be so confident of the recti-
tude of our intentions that we shall forget the necessity of
adapting constantly the principles upon which our nation was
founded to the new conditions of every day. The assumption
that "Americanism" is a finished something which one is born
with and never loses, or which can be learned like a new lan-
guage or swallowed like a patent medicine is the most un-
American idea now widely prevalent in this country.
But Citizenship is more than knowledge and understanding
of our heritage. It is also realizing our share as individuals in
the long upward struggle toward betterment, Unless people
feel that their personal efforts count and what they do really
matters they shall be only that shabby kind of citizen described
by the saying "The public's business is nobody's business."
Much of the inefficiency and downright corruption in govern-
ment is due to the unwillingness of individuals to concern theiu-
selves with politics. The level of public service can rise no
higher than its source in the public which it serves.
In the fourth place citizenship must be more than ideals and
standards; it must include a considerable amount of action,
putting into practice the theories which sound so well on paper.
This action varies all the way from voting, taking part in peti-
tions and meetings, serving on committees to the holding of
public office. There is a multitude of activities connected with
running the joint affairs of all of us — our government — which
are too often left to those citizens whose interest is financial
or otherwise.
Finally, what addition of value is made to our ideas of citi-
zenship by the adjective "Christian"? It must be realized thac
much which is in reality Christian is included in what has been
stated above. Yet the spirit of human brotherhood and service
has been so imperfectly realized in society as now constituted,
that people must recognize in the application of the principles
of Christian citizenship the very greatest need of the world
to-day. Only the Christian motive is strong enough potentially
to overlap the bounds of class and national prejudice in the in-
terest of all men as brothers together.
Such a conception of citizenship as suggested above is an
integral part of a program for younger girls. Not only are
they citizens to be, and as such deserving of the best training
available for future use. In a very real sense, every "teen-
age" girl has a part to play in her home, school, church and
community in which she is forming the habits which will per-
sist later in life. There is a persistent notion that some myste-
rious change takes place when one passes her twenty-first birth-
day which makes her, overnight, a citzien to be consulted. As
a simple matter of fact, in two functions of citizenship only,
voting and office holding, is age the decisive factor, and these
are by no means the most vital ones. Into every other citizen-
ship activity one comes by a gradual process of growth ; issu-
ing in habits which become fixed by exercise. In view of this
fact it is of transcendent importance to begin during adolescent
years the serious facing of what it means to be a Christian
woman citizen.
In the lists that follow will be found books which illustrate
some of the points given. Attention is also called to the lists of
lives of famous women adapted for the reading of younger
girls. These lists are included in the chapter on Vocational
A Reading List for Youthful Citizens.
What Makes America Go.
Austin, Oscar P. — Uncle Sam's Secrets.
Bryant, Sara Cone — I Am An American.
DuPuy, W. A. — Uncle Sam, Wonder- Worker.
Greene, Frances N. — My Country's Voice.
Gordy, W. P. — American Beginnings in Europe.
Hagedorn, Hermann — You Are the Hope of the World!
Jackson, Henry — What America Means to Me.
Marriott, Crittenden — Uncle Sam's Business.
Nicolay, Helen — Our Nation in the Building,
Parsons, Geoffrey — The Land of Fair Play.
Price, Overton W. — The Land We Live In.
Snynon, Mary — My Country's Part.
Turkington, Grace A. — My Country.
Makers of History.
Abbot, W. J. — The Story of Our Army for Young Americans.
Abbot, W. J.— Soldiers' of the Sea.
Bishop, Farnham — .Panama, Past and Present.
Blaidsdell, A. F. — Heroic Deeds of American Sailors.
Brady, Cyrus T. — Border Fights and Fighters.
Faris, John T. — 'Makers of Our History.
Fiske, John — The War of Independence.
Gordy, W. F. — Our Patriots.
Griffis, W. E. — Young People's History of the Pilgrims.
Greene, Homer — The Flag.
Grinnell, G. B.-~ The Story of the Indian.
Parkman, Francis — The Oregon Trail.
Rolt- Wheeler, Francis — The Boy with the U. S. Explorers.
Stevens, F. R. — Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts.
Historical Tales of Your Own Country.
Andrews, Mrs. M. R. S. — The Perfect Tribute.
Allen, W. B. — Cleared for Action.
Altsheler, J. A. — Guns of Shiloh.
Bennett, John — Barbaby Lee.
Churchill, Winston — Richard Carvel.
Cooper, J. F. — The Last of the Mohicans.
• Dix, Beulah Marie — Blithe McBride.
Dix, Beulah Marie — Soldier Rigdale.
Fox, John, Jr. — The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come.
Hale, Edward E. — Man Without a Country.
Jackson, Helen 'Hunt — Ramona.
Knipe, E. B. and A. A.— Polly Trotter, Patriot.
Knipe, E. B. and A. A. — Mayflower Maid.
Mason, Alfred B. — Tom Strong, Lincoln Scout.
Mitchell, S. W.— Hugh Wynne.
Page, Thomas N. — Two Little Confederates.
Pyle, Howard — Jack Ballister's Fortunes.
Sabine, E. L. — On the Plains with Custer.
Singmaster, Elsie — Emmeline.
Smith, Mary P. Wells— -Boys and Girls of 77.
Taggart, Marion A. — Pilgrim Maid.
True, J. P. — Scouting for Washington.
Suggestions for including Citizenship Practice in Regular Club
Civic Information:
Civic Information may be said to be of two kinds: the
first, the general information kind, which brings to
girls a vision of what citizenship means, and how, by sacri-
fices and toil for many years, men and women have built a
road that has led to our present forms of government. The
vision will not be complete until girls see themselves in re-
lation to this task — the necessary up-keep of the road
through sane patriotism, and a continued building of it to
still greater perfection through more democratic and more
Christian principles of living. The second is the specific
kind of information, which includes a knowledge of the forms
and methods of government in the girls' communities. The
first kind of civic information can become a vital part of
any program through the discussion of the lives of men and
women who have achieved and through discussion of topics
of current interest.
Roadmakers :
Washington, the Father of His Country.
Lincoln, "A Man for the Ages."
Jacob Riis, "A Servant of the City." (See "Comrades in
Grace Dodge, "Who Walked the Way of Friendly Hearts."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton. (See Woman Citizen, February
14, 1920.)
Susan B. Anthony, "The Pioneer of Woman Suffrage."
Theodore Roosevelt, "A True American."
Anna Howard Shaw, "A Maker of Homes." ('See Woman
Citizen, February 14, 1920.)
These names are suggested with the hope that girls in every
community will add to the list those pioneers in the early his-
tory of their localities who were roadmakers and trail blazers.
Material which will be helpful will be found in "Comrades in
Service," by Margaret Burton; "A Man for the Ages," by
Irving Bacheller; "Letters to His Children," Theodore Roose-
velt; "Life of Roosevelt," by Abbott, $3.00 (by Thayer, $1.00),
and The Woman Citizen, February 14, 1920.
Topics of Current Interest:
1. Movement for the abolition of child labor.
2. Seasonal industries in which girls and boys work:
Beet fields.
Fruit picking.
3. The Children's* Bureau, its organization and work,
4. The continuation school movement.
5. The consolidated school movement.
6. Good roads movement.
7. Cross currents in Americanization.
8. The meaning and force of public opinion as applied to:
Legislation, motion pictures, clean streets and sidewalks,
municipal recreation.
What responsibility has a high school girl for the forma-
tion of public opinion?
How do high school girls form their opinion? Is "Old
Mother Grundy" dead yet?
What relation do all of the above topics have to home
and school life and community development? Is there
any connection between a girl working in a beet field
and a high school girl? Has one any responsibility
for the other?
Much material for the development of the eight topics listed
above may be found in the current numbers of The Survey,
112 East Nineteenth Street, New York City ($5.00).
Special material on child labor can be obtained from the Na-
tional Child Labor Committee, 105 East Twenty-second Street,
New York City. Ask for all Child Labor pamphlets; member-
ship in the National Child Labor Committee is $2.00. A High
School club might well take out a membership.
Material regarding the Children's Bureau may be obtained
directly from The Children's Bureau, at Washington, D. C.
Write for catalogue or pamphlets.
Secure information about the Continuation Schools from
The Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Americanization can be made a most interesting feature of a
club program through an "Americanization Day." A program
similar in content to the following could be used:
Hymn America, the Beautiful
Salute to the Flag
Short Talk "America, the Melting Pot."
Reading "The Immigrant's Appeal."
Girl Reserve Manual, page 686.
Reading "America for Me"
— Henry Van Dyke,
The Athenian Oath:
"We will never bring disgrace on this, our city, by an
act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering
comrades in the ranks. We will fight for the ideal and
sacred things of this city. We will revere and obey the
city's laws and do our best to excite a like respect and rev-
erence in those about us who are prone to annul them
and set them at naught. We will strive unceasingly to
quicken a public sense of duty, and thus in all these ways
we will transmit this city, not only not less, but greater
and better and more beautiful than it was 'transmitted
to us."
(Copies of this oath should be made so that every girl will
be able to share in this part of tlxe program).
The book, "An American in the Making," by M. E. Ravage,
is one of the most colorful of the recent books regarding this
matter of Americanization. It, with others of its kind, and
with the vast amount of interesting and informational material
in current magazines and newspapers will serve to supply sec-
retaries and advisers with all of the equipment necessary to
make such a program successful.
The second kind of civic information — about the various
means and forms of government — may be secured through dis-
cussions, talks, charts, exhibits and visits. All club work of
this sort should be correlated with the work in the various
classes on Civics in the high school.
Such questions as the following1, asked at a club meeting,
would undoubtedly lead to discussion and further thinking on
the part of the girls:
1. On what day does my neighbor, who is a fireman, rest?
2. How are the policemen on our force ranked and by whom
is it determined?
3. On what municipal questions in my community do women
4. "What do I do to the fabric of our community life when
I disregard a traffic man's signal?
The Story of the Flag.*
The flag of our nation is the mute but eloquent symbol of
the spirit of our people. It represents our hopes, aspirations,
ideals, and principles for which we stand. Though voiceless, it
speaks with irresistible power for the things that we consider
most Worth while in life. Wherever it goes it speaks for the
freedom of man, for civil and religious liberty, for schools,
churches, homes. Under its shelter the oppressed of all na-
tions have found safe refuge and boundless opportunity for
every proper ambition. When the flag calls, men lay aside
their own work and obey, for the call of the flag is the call of
the nation. Under its folds men suffered and died that the
black man might be made free. They followed it into the
jungles of Cuba and the Philippines, and freed those people
from the bondage of the Spanish monarchy. And they followed
*This material is used by permission of Wallaces' Farmer.
it to the shell-torn battlefields of France, to have a part in
safeguarding for all generations yet to come the benefits of
Christian civilization.
Of itself, the flag is a flimsy thing, a few yards of bunting
tossed back and forth by the breeze. But in what it symbolizes,
the flag of the United States is the most powerful human force
in all the world, and what is better, the most powerful force
for righteousness and decency and wholesomeness and fairness
among men and nations. It is to be loved and respected as the
emblem of a right-minded nation.
The evolution of our flag has been interesting. Up to the
time the Colonies declared independence of Great Britain, they
flew the ensign of the mother country, although some of them
had special flags of their own. In the early days of the Revo-
lution, a number of different flags were used, one of them be-
ing the famous rattlesnake flag with the motto, "Don't tread
on me."
On January 1, 1776, General Washington raised what is
known as the Grand Union flag. This flag had thirteen stripes,
alternating red and white, with the British Crosses of Saint
George and Saint Andrew in the corner. In speaking- of this
flag, Washington said: "We hoisted the Union flag in compli-
ment to the United Colonies and saluted it with thirteen guns."
When it was first displayed, the British officers, who saw it
from Charleston Heights, interpreted it to mean that General
Washington meant by it to announce his surrender, and they
at once saluted it with thirteen guns. They were not a great
while in discovering, however that they had misinterpreted
General Washington's purpose.
By June 1, 1776, Betsy Eoss made her famous flag, under
the direction of General Washington, Robert Morris and Colonel
George Ross. This flag consisted of thirteen stripes, alternat-
ing red and white? with a circle of thirteen five-pointed stars in
a field of blue, and on June 14, 1777, it was adopted by Con-
gress as the national flag. In speaking of this flag, Washing-
ton said:
"We take the stars from heaven, the red from our Mother
country, separating It by white stripes, this showing that we
have separated from her; and the white stripes shall go down
to posterity representing liberty."
John Paul Jones is said to have been the first to hoist the
new flag over a United States war vessel; and France was the
the first foreign naval power to salute the Stars and Stripes,
and thus recognize the independence of the United States. The
flag was probably first displayed over the military forces of the
United States on August 2, 1777, that particular fiag having
been made out of a white shirt, a blue army overcoat and a^red
flannel petticoat belonging to the wife of one of the soldiers.
In 1795, because the flag of thirteen stars and thirteen
stripes no longer represented the number of states, Congress
passed a bill increasing the number of stars to fifteen; and it
was this flag, displayed over Fort Henry in September, 1814,
that served as the inspiration for our national anthem, the
"Star-Spangled Banner." The stars in this flag were arranged
in flve horizontal rows of three stars each.
In 1815, when Indiana was admitted to the Union of states,
Congress appointed a commitee to inquire into the matter of
altering the flag. This committee reported that it would not
be advisable to increase the number of stripes, for the reason
that their size would necessarily be decreased, and they might
become indistinguishable. It was suggested that the number of
stripes be limited to thirteen and that the number of stars
should conform to the number of states. In 1818, Congress
passed a law to this effect, providing that on the admission of
a new state one star be added to the flag of the Union.
The first flag displayed on the capitol building at "Washing-
ton after this law was enacted had the stars arranged in the
form of one great star. This precipitated some discussion as
to just how the stars should be arranged on the field of blue.
It was thought that if they were arranged in the form of one
big star, it would be necessary to very much decrease the size
of the stars as new states were added. The matter was not
settled by law, but by official sanction the stars have since
been placed in parallel lines.
The name "Old Glory" is believed to have been given to
the flag by Captain William Driver, who was born in Salem,
Massachusetts. In 1857 he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and
l:ved there until his death in 1886. He was the commander
of a sailing vessel, and was presented with a flag just before
he sailed. As he hoisted it, he christened it "Old Glory/*
When he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, he carried this par-
ticular flag with him. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War,
the Confederates made an effort to secure this flag, and
searched his house for it. He had concealed It by sewing it
up in his bed covers, and was able to hold it until the Federal
troops entered Nashville in 1862, when, by permission of the
Federal troops, he hoisted his old flag over the state capitol
building. This particular flag is now preserved in the Essex
Institute at Salem.
The flag has four parts. The central part, that is, the
dimension or height of the portion next to the staff or pole,
is called the hoist. The fly is the horizontal part, the dimension
or length of the flag. The canton is the rectangle in the upper
corner next the hoist. The union is the device placed in the
canton to denote the particular union. The term "union"
sometimes includes the device and the canton, and is generally
called the "Jack" or the "Union Jack." The proportions of the
flag are as follows: Fly of flag, 1.9 feet; hoist, 1 foot; width
of union, 7-13 of a foot; length of union, 76-100 of a foot; width
of each stripe, 1-13 of a foot. These proportions are preserved
as the flag is increased or decreased in size.
The flag should be displayed on all national holidays. Out-
of-doors it should always fly to the breeze, and never be fast-
ened to the side of a building, platform or scaffolding. When
hung as a display across a street, the field should fly to the
north in streets running east and west, and to the east in
streets running north and south. The flag should not be used
as a cover for a table, desk, or anything o£ that sort; and noth-
ing: should ever be placed upon the flag unless it be the Bible.
It should not be worn as a part of a costume.
The flag should not be raised before sunrise, and it should
be lowered at sunset. One of the most beautiful and impres-
sive ceremonies in our army practice is the lowering of the
flag at sunset, at which time all of the soldiers face the flag,
wherever it may be, and hold the right hand at salute until it
is lowered. When the flag passes in parade, soldiers salute it
in this manner, and civilians should stand and remove their
hats, holding them on the left side of the breast until the flag
has passed.
Star of the early dawning, set in a field of blue,
Stripes of sunrise splendor, crimson and white of hue,
Flag of our fathers' fathers, born on the field of strife,
Phoenix of fiery battle, risen from human life;
Given for God and freedom — sacred indeed the trust,
Left by countless thousands returned to the silent dust;
Flag of a mighty nation waving aloft unfurled,
Kissed by the sun of heaven, caressed by the winds
of the world;
Greater than kingly power, greater than all mankind,
Conceived in the need of the hours, inspired by the
Master Mind.
Over the living children, over the laureled grave,
Streaming on high in the cloudless sky, banner our
fathers gave,
Flag of a newborn era, token of every right,
Wrung from a tyrant power, unawed by a tyrant's
Facing again the menace outflung from a foreign shore,
Meeting again the challenge, bravely answered of yore;
Under thy spangled folds thy children await to give
All that they have or are, that the flag they love shall live.
— Charles G. Crellin.
Facts About Flag Day and How We Should Show
Proper Respect for Our Flag.
1. "The official history of our flag begins on June 14,
1777. June 14 is celebrated in many states as Flag
2. The flag should not be hoisted before sunrise and not
allowed to remain up after sunset.
3. At re treat, sunset, civilian onlookers should stand
at attention and give the military salute.
4. When the national colors are passing- on parade or
review, the onlookers should halt, if walking, and if
sitting, rise and stand at attention and uncover.
5. When the flag is flown at half mast as a sign of
mourning, it should be hoisted to full staff at the
conclusion of the funeral. In placing the flag at half
mast it should first be hoisted to the top of the staff
and then lowered to position, and preliminary to
lowering from half staff it should be raised first to
the top.
6. On Memorial Day, May 30, the flag should fly at half
mast from sunrise to noon, and full staff from noon
to sunset."
(From The Sons of the Revolution, State of New York.)
A Short Course in Flag Lore.*
The Stars and Stripes.
Queries for Girls to Answer.
1. ,How many stars on the flag? 48.
2. Why this- number? It represents the number of
states in the Union.
3. When were the last stars added? July 4, 1912.
4. For what states? Arizona and New Mexico.
*This material -was prepared under the auspices of ' the Abigail Adams
Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
5. How many stripes on the flag. 13 — seven red and
six white.
6. Why thirteen stripes? They represent the thirteen
7. Name the thirteen colonies? Connecticut, Delaware,
Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsyl-
vania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia.
8. Why are Maine and Vermont omitted? Maine was
part of Massachusetts; and Vermont was claimed by
New York.
9. Name the colors of the flag. Why used? Eed, White
and Blue. Used because the colors used in nearly
all National flags.
10. What is the language of Red? Courage.
11. What is the language of White? Purity.
12. What is language of Blue? Fidelity or Truth.
13. For what does the flag stand? Liberty and Union.
14. Where should the blue field which contains the stars
be placed? In the upper corner next to the staff.
15. How many points has each star on the flag? Five.
16. Who proposed the five pointed star? Betsy Koss.
17. Who first proposed the six pointed star? George
18. By what authority was the Stars and Stripes Flag-
adopted and when? By the Continental Congress,
June 14, 1777.
19. When will another star be added to the flag? July
4th, immediately after another new state is admitted.
The Old Flag.
"Floats our flag" in starry splendor,
Witness of the vows we tender
To be loyal to the fairest land
That e'er ttie sun shone on.
Sends its colors Heavenward flying,
Emblem of a trust undying —
Handed down from patriot father
To his freedom-loving son."
A Second Short Course in Flag Lore.*
1. What does a Nation's flag represent? The supreme,
highest, fullest power or force and will of the whole
nation, called its sovereignty.
2. In the battling of two nations for victory, what does
the presence of the flag of each indicate? The one
nation asserts its rights and defies the other.
3. In the Revolution, in what conflict was the "Stars
and Stripes" flag first flung to the breeze to defy
the British? At the seige of Fort Stanwix, in New
York, August 3, 1777.
4. Where was the first official United States flag made
and by whom? At 238 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
by Mrs. Betsy Ross, at Washington's request and
after his design.
5. By what authority are all flags, standards, colors and
ensigns for the Army and Navy of the United States
made? The authority of the United States Govern-
6. How many stars are required by the law on the
official flags of the United States? Forty-eight, one
for each state of the Union.
7. After a star has been added to the flag for a new
state, what of the old flags? They are never again
used officially.
8. When is a flag raised on a fort or military post?
At sunrise.
*This material was prepared under the auspices of the Abigail Adams
Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
9. When should such a flag- be .lowered? At sunset —
not later.
10. When should a fag fly at half-mast or half staff?
On Memorial Day from sunrise to noon and at full
staff from noon to sunset. On occasions of mourning
it should be at Jialf staff until the conclusion of the
funeral and then it should be hoisted to full staff.
11. What does the flag at half-mast denote? Mourning
of the Nation— as at the death of the President
12. What indicates the presence of the President of the
United States on a government vessel? The Presi-
dent's flag flying at the mast-head.
13. What is the description of the President's flag? Of
blue silk, 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet, with a white star
near each corner, a spread eagle in the middle with
an arrow through each leg and 13 white stars above
the eagle in a segment of a circle,
14. What is indicated by striking or lowering the flag?
Respect, surrender or submission.
15. What is it to "dip the flag?" To lower it for a brief
space and hoist it again as a salute or mark of
TO redeem thrift from the meaning which most people at-
tach to it without thought is the first step to understanding.
Thrift is not first and foremost saving money; it is emphatically
not parsimony and hoarding ; it is certainly not buying always
the cheapest article and depositing money in an old stocking
under the hearthstone. It is sadly true that thrift has been
painted often in such somber colors that it has attracted nor-
mal young people with the greatest difficulty.
It is then all the more important to note that thrift is in
the first place such an evaluation of good things like time,
health, and material possessions that they will contribute their
utmost to each person's life. Only a heedless master fails to
see that in a world where the stock of good things is limited,
every person, family and nation must learn the art of making
wise choices. Among the valuable possessions which crowd
every life, some are material and tangible; food, clothing,
shelter; others are intangible, yet very real — time, health,
education, play — others which are hardest to define are most
fundamental — friendship, family life and comradeship with God.
Everyday choices must be made among these good things and
the habit of making them in the light of their relative values
is one form of real thrift.
Thrift is also something else. It is the art of spending
wisely the resources which may be at a person's disposal.
Besides the intangible resources — time and energy, each per-
son expends a certain amount of money which represents
wealth — somebody's labor. How shall this be spent as wisely
as possible? There are three simple questions to ask:
Do I keep a record of what I spend?
Have I a plan for my spending?
Do I know what I am buying ?
"Keeping a record of what I spend" lias a short name —
''keeping accounts." This is the first step in any regular thrift
plan for spending and means keeping a regular statement of
money received and spent, even the smallest amounts. Unless
people are ready to face the facts of where their money goes
they shall not be ready for the next step.
"Having a plan for spending" means adopting a budget.
Every business firm, club, and organization wliich makes any
pretense of careful management considers a budget indis-
pensable to successful operation. More and more cities and
tuwns are adopting it. A budget is becoming recognized as
necessary in running a home, and women are increasingly using
this device, not only as household managers but as individuals.
A budget begins by making a plan of expenditure which
covers, as far as possible, all expenditures, assigning a certain
amount to each purpose. When all one's spending is looked
at together it is natural to balance the merits of different items.
Every budget should have in it some item for giving to others
and for savings, and the very fact of such inclusion makes for
the establishment both of saving and giving. It may be worth
noting that the amount of money involved in any girl's budget
has nothing to do with the principle of keeping an account.
Any girl who spends any money regularly may become so inter-
ested in having a budget and keeping accounts that the habit
thus formed may be one of the strong factors in later life.
The third query asked above "Do I know what I am buy-
ing?" brings up a very important matter. Ignorance about
the goods, foods and other things people buy is far too pre-
valent. National reliance upon labels which do duty for knowl-
edge of contents, and the easy expectation that many of the
things which are bought will be of poor quality, all tend to
foster low standards. The only sure remedy is more knowledge
about the common articles in daily use in all homes and a
respect for such knowledge as part of every person's mental
equipment. -
In making thrift a part of the program for younger girls
it may be suggested that clubs may like to make budgets foi
sny community on the basis of actual conditions there and what
the girls are spending. If accounts are kept and the percen-
tages allotted to each item discussed, a kind of normal budget
for each community will be arrived at. There is a great advan-
tage in such club study. The path of thrift, like any other,
is most enjoyable when one has company and the club whicli
is thrifty together will have most fun and get most good ou1
of it.
A list of organizations which publish material on thrift Is
appended. Several of these will send their material free. Some
suggested readings on thrift are also added.
Thrift Work.
Suggested Plans for Thrift Work.
"There are four principles of thrift which the government
is recommending all the people to observe to gain financial
success for themselves and for their government:
The earning of money ;
The careful use of money earned;
The systematic saving of money;
The investment of the money saved- —
(1) In government securities.
(2) In other safe securities.
"(The Thrift-Saving Campaign' sponsored by our gov-
ernment to meet and to solve a national need, to stay the pro-
gress of thoughtless spending and to check wilful waste, stands
for good citizenship; and I most heartily commend it, believing
the adoption of its principles as a part of the daily life and
practice of our people will result in a better citizenship, in
happier, more prosperous homes, and will build most surely
for the material welfare of our people." — Secretary Redfield.
Thrift work applied to a club program, involves not only
the keeping of an expense account, saving and investment, but
affords opportunity for a knowledge of budgets, the value of
an allowance, and the wise expenditure of money and time. It
should be a regular and systematic part of any program and
should have for one of its several aims such cooperation with
the girl's family that wherever possible individual girls should
receive allowances and should be made responsible for the
administration of them in the home. This situation will help
a girl to regard herself as a real partner in the various enter-
prises of the home, and will help to prepare her for the respon-
sibility of caring for her "Trust Fund" when she becomes a
real producer in the economic world.
Thrift work, within the club, must be made interesting
through concrete application. Some of the following sugges-
tions will stimulate the club members to original thinking.
(1) "Thriftograzns."
"Old man high cost af living shaves the dollars; it
is up to you to save them."
"Gome easy, go easy, is the material used to pave
the hills to the poorhouse."
"You don't need a ouija board to find out what's
going to happen if you keep on spending all you
"Regular saving of $1.00 or more a week and invest-
ment in government savings quickly accumulates
an emergency fund and guarantees financial security
and progress."
(These have been taken from the Savings Herald, published
by the Eighth Federal Reserve District, St. Louis, Missouri.)
Each club could be responsible for writing an original
"Thriftogram" every week or every month, to be posted on the
club or association bulletin board; this "Thriftogram" should
be observed by every member.
(2) A discussion of the following "Do's and Don'ts,"
written by the Department of Justice, Division of
Women's Activities:
"Put aside part of your income for future use; don't
spend every dollar as soon as it is earned.
"Make every penny buy a penny's worth of some-
thing really needed; don't buy useless things of no
"Invest wisely; don't speculate.
"Use with care what money buys; don't be wasteful
and destructive.
"Figure out what each item of the family expendi-
ture requires — rent, food, light, heat, clothing, school,
charity, doctor, pleasures, etc. Don't do guesswork
and trust to make both ends meet.
"Pay bills monthly • don't let worry go hand in hand
with unpaid bills.
"Set your own standards; don't ape the extrava-
gance of others.
"Buy only what you have- the money to pay for;
don't run into debt.
"Put aside for a rainy day • don't live beyond your
(3) "A Meeting on Junk."
It is suggested that some such questions as the
following be asked:
Who buys junk? (All towns and cities of any size
, have junk dealers. These dealers have men gather
junk throughout the country and small villages.)
Are money receipts for junk large? (They are,
Last year in the State of Texas alone the amount
received for junk was more than $30,000,000. Other
states perhaps collect and sell in the same ratio in
proportion to population and size.)
What other good comes from selling junk, aside
from the money received for it? (Material is
released for use, and at this particular time there
is a great shortage in nearly all kinds of material.
Also it helps to make the town cleaner and more
Talk to the junk man and get his prices and find
out what he will buy. Cleaning up the place by
collecting and selling junk is a thrifty habit. By
all means don't overlook the waste paper. Paper
supply is now very short and old newspapers, maga-
zines, catalogues, etc., are worth something and will
help in relieving the paper shortage if saved and
sold. To such a meeting1 each girl might be asked
to bring one or more magazines to serve as the
nucleus of a load of papers and magazines to be
sold to the junk man. A continuation of such a
^junk program" might wdlU be, /in some clubs,
"An Alley Beautiful" contest. Club members would
become responsible for cleaning up the alleys im-
mediately behind their homes by having removed
any accumulation of rubbish and perhaps by the
planting of vines or shrubs in season. Painting
up of fences and buildings might be a profitable
result of such a contest.
(4) "Pennywise — Pound Foolish."
This is a familiar proverb and illustrates the condi-
tion of affairs in many homes, many states and
several nations to-day. There0 is too little fore-
thought in planning the expenditures and in deter-
mining a goal, and, consequently, there is "penny-
wise scrimping" and "pound foolish spending." The
solution for this problem seems to be a "budg-et-
system" and a discussion of the terms which should
go into a personal and a club budget would center
well around a topic such as "'penny-wise — pound-
foolish." Another proverb which could be inter-
preted in much the same way is "Bobbing Peter to
pay Paul," or as we might say, "Robbing Jane to
pay June."
In some clubs, or in the council or cabinet meetings,
it will be possible to follow such discussion by one
which has for its topic "Our Association Budget."
For developing such a discussion see the section
"Supplementary Material" — "My Trust Fund"' in
the section on Materials for Program Building.
List of
Organizations Publishing1 Material on the Subject of Thrift.
American Bankers' Association, 5 Nassau Street, New York,
N. Y.
Government Loan Organization, Washington, D. C.
Treasury Department, U. S. Government, Washington, D. C.
War Loan Organization, Washington, D. C.
United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
U. S. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
The University Society, New York, N. Y.
Young Men's Christian Association, 347 Madison Avenue,
New York.
Young Women's Christian Association, 600 Lexington Ave-
nue, New York.
Home Economics Bureau, Society for Savings, Public
Square, Cleveland, Ohio.
Henry L. Doherty Company, 60 Wall Street, New York, N. Y.
Suggested Readings on Thrift.
Atwood, A. W.— How to Get Ahead.
Baldt, L. L— Clothing for Women.
Brown, M. W. — Development of Thrift.
Chamberlain, A. H. — Thrift and Conversation.
Child, Georgiana— The Efficient Kitchen.
Conham, S. A. — Marketing and Household Manual.
Farmer, L. O.— A. B. C. of Home-Saving.
Fowler, N. C. — How to Save Money.
Gregory, M. H. — Checking the Waste.
Hull, Bolton— Thrift.
Leeds, J. B. — Household Budget.
MacGregor, T. D.-— The Book of Thrift.
Marcosson, L J.— How to Invest Your Savings.
Nesbitt, Florence — Household Management.
Rose, M. S. — Feeding the Family.
Withers, Hartlety — Poverty and Waste.
IN the course of human lives there is an inevitable and
unescapable contact in store for every individual with
that intangible, indefinite something known as business.
Business is pictured by some as a cold, commercial, unpleas-
ant, undesirable quantity. By others it is considered a stern
necessity, by others, again, a science mysterious, fascinating,
exceedingly interesting, and, unfortunately, there are those
that use the term to cover selfish and unscrupulous enterprises.
Business is so large that it controls the feeding, clothing
and housing of the entire world; so small that it determines
the value of individual and personal necessities and how and
when these values should be given.
Our countrymen are thinking about business to-day as they
had to think about slavery in 1860, about taxation in 1776. It
is the force which will settle the questions of to-day — capital
and labor, immigration, taxation, racial problems and the fur-
ther civilization of the whole world. Business provides the
ways and means to destroy it. It can be made an obedient
servant or a hard taskmaster.
The girl of to-day, the woman of to-morrow, cannot escape
a full share in guiding and controlling this thing called busi-
ness. Yesterday woman's place was not among her brothers.
She was "shielded" from "sordid business worries." To-day
woman is being recognized as a possible factor, one to be
dealt with in the trend of events. To-day economic demands
necessitate her entrance into the world of business. To-mor-
row, through her increasing understanding of the fact that she
must work without indulging in personalities and with that
attitude of mind which sees in work a creative thing, her place
shoulder to shoulder with her brothers will be an accepted
unquestioned fact. Women should be armed with that one great
weapon, knowledge, so that they will be prepared when the time
conies to cast their ballots for public officials who will stand
upon opposite sides of such questions as mentioned above, plus
public service, corporation control, health and sanitary pro.blems
affecting future generations, and honesty in public adminis-
It is no longer necessary for a girl to enter upon a business
career in order to obtain a knowledge of business. Preliminary
training is just as important in the field of business as it is
in other fields and touches the individual life as closely. Failure
to secure desirable positions is caused nine times out of ten by
lack of training. Short courses in Business English, Business
Law, Journalism, Economics, Advertising, Accounting, Steno-
"graphy, etc. may be obtained in the average city college. A
knowledge of the business processes which produce the things
we use, makes for a realization of true economy, prepares for
better home making, better business, better direction of what-
ever course is pursued in life. Instructive reading material in
fascinating form may be secured from any library or publisher.
All that is needed is the desire and the will to make use of
information ready and waiting.
Business is built upon exchange of one thing for another.
Money came into existence as a matter of convenience to do
away with much handling of many kinds of things. Then came
banks to make the exchange of money safe, rapid and easy,
and gradually to administer all manner of business trans-
actions, agreements, etc. Forms were provided to make
methods uniform and still more rapid.
It was but natural that the competition growing out of all
men seeking more and more a share in the world's work should
result in unprincipled methods. Business was conducted for
many centuries upon the survival of the clever and often the
dishonest. It has taken countless generations to prove that
such success was not genuine and that the price paid was too
high. During the nineteenth century — particularly the latter
part — the business public began to recognize and to put into
practice the principles of service. In the midst of the jeers
of many and the doubts of many more, a few courageous people
persisted in this theory of service and the proof of their suc-
cess lies in the high plane in which we find nearly all business
to-day. The appreciation of the public for the consideration
offered them under service resulted in the largest financial
profits ever known. That knowledge spread slowly but effec-
tively. Men had not done business under the old idea of "ruin-
ing their rivals/* from choice. It seemed to be necessary to
their existence, but the natural instinct of men is fairness and
the new policy of ''help the other man while you help yourself"
was welcomed eagerly. It resulted in as much or more success
and permitted full self-respect, a thing dear to mankind.
The principle of service is that of the square deal. It is
hardly necessary to give a detailed description of other prin-
ciples of business; they are all included in that of the square
deal. Honesty, reason, frankness, consideration, tact, com-
mon sense, loyalty— all these should become— are becoming part
of that spirit of service which binds together the business of
the world to-day.
Women and girls need an understanding of that spirit to
help make it universal and complete. They are a part of it.
Everything they buy and everything they use is the produce of
business. Their support for materials which bear the "square
deal" trademark and their discouragement of goods manufac-
tured as a result of abuse and oppression, are vital. Each girl
and woman individually should have! a comprehensive knowl-
edge and understanding of facts before she judges, then when
she feels qualified to judge she should stand back of the "square
deal" with courage and faith and her share in making this
world a better place to live in will not be a small one.
She should become familiar with current major business
activities, keep in touch with what the financial world is doing,
v/hat the governmental plans are, and so on. She should be
familiar not only with current events in the business world
but with details, the definition of business terms, business
forms, etc. She should be trained to manage her own business
transactions independently whether they be small or large.
If too large for personal management, she should choose wisely
and carefully her business adviser.
It should not be necessary for her to ask others to balance
her checking account for her. She should learn to do it her-
self. She should not be heard to say that she "doesn't know
where her money goes." She should learn to keep an account
of her expenditures. It will help her to curtail extravagance.
More than that, she should plan in advance a definite schedule
for her expenditures based on past experience, placing limita-
tions and apportioning outgo — a veritable stop, look and listen
sjgn known in business terms as a budget.
The following are some of the business terms with which
every girl should be familiar.
Acceptance — When used of a draft or bill of exchange — ^"An
unconditional written order from one person to another, to
pay to some person designated, a certain sum therein," is
presented to the payer, he writes across the face "accepted"
or "accepted for payment at " and signs his name. It is
then termed an acceptance.
Accommodation Note — A note given without consideration
of value received, usually done to enable the payee to raise
Account — A record of transactions with a person or per-
sons, or with respect to a particular object.
Administrator — One appointed by the court to settle an
Ad Valorem — According to value — a term used to indicate
that duties are payable on the value rather than the weight or
quantity of articles.
Affidavit — A statement or declaration made under oath
before an authorized official.
Annuity — An amount payable to or received from another
each year for a term of years or for life.
Assets — All the property, goods, possessions, of value to the
person or persons in business.
Bank Balance — The net amount to the credit of a depositor
at the bank.
Bank Note — A 'note issued by a bank, payable on demand,
which passes for money.
Bank Draft — An order drawn by- one bank on another for
the purpose of paying money.
Bank Pass Book— A small book furnished to a depositor by
his bank in which are entered the amounts of deposits.
Bill — A list of goods bought or sold or a statement of ser-
vices rendered; also called invoice.
Bill Head — The blank or form on which a bill is made.
Bond — A written agreement binding a person to do or not
to do certain things specified therein.
Capital — Property or money invested in business. Working
capital is the capital actually used in the active operation of
the business.
Check — An order on a bank to pay to a certain person or
to the order of such a person, a specified sum, which sum is
charged to the account of the drawer of the check.
Certified Check — A check, the payment of which is guar-
anteed by the bank on which it is drawn.
Collateral — Pledges of security, as stocks, bonds, etc., to
protect an obligation or insure the payment of a loan.
Deed — A written document or contract transferring title to
real estate.
Discount — An allowance made for the payment of a bill
within a specified period, or the interest paid in advance for
money borrowed from a bank.
Dividend — The profits which are distributed among the
stockholders of a corporation.
Exchange — The charge made by a bank for the collection
of drafts or checks.
Indemnity — Security against a form of loss which has
occurred or may occur; as, fire, insurance against loss by fire.
Interest — The sum or premium paid for the use of money;
one's share in a business or a particular property.
Liabilities — The obligations or debts of a firm, corporation
or individual
Mortgage — A temporary transfer of title to land, goods or
chattels to secure the payment of debt
Mortgagee — The one to whom the mortgage is given.
Mortgagor — The one who gives a mortgage.
Promissory Note — A promise signed by the maker or makers
to pay a stated sum at a specified time and place.
A few cautions:
A check should never be payable to Mr., Mrs. or Miss. It
should simply be drawn payable to "Anne Smith" or "John
In endorsing a check care should be used to see that the
name is written on the back of the lefthand end of check and
that it is written the same as on the face of the check. If the
name on face of check is incorrectly spelled, the endorsement
should be double, (1) same as written on face, (2) correctly.
Checks should never be drawn in excess of the actual net
balance in the bank (difference between total deposits and total
checks drawn) whether or not all of the checks drawn have
passed through the bank for payment. The balance as given
by the bank often exceeds the actual net balance because one
H* more checks drawn are still "outstanding." A checking
iccount should be reconciled with the bank once a month to
prove accuracy of record.
Business Ideals.
Adams, George P. — Idealism and the Modern Age.
Antin, Mary — They Who Knock at the Gates,
Bacon, Albion Fellows — Beauty for Ashes.
Cabot, Richard C.— What Men Live By.
Feld, R. C. — Humanizing Industry.
Foster, Eugene C. — Making Life Count.
La Selle, Mary — The Young Woman Worker.
Lowry, E. B. — Preparing for Womanhood.
Marot, Helen — Creative Impulse in Industry.
Morgan, Ann — The American Girl.
Russell, Bertrand — Political Ideals.
Santayana, George — Character and Opinion in the United
Spillman, H. C. — Personality.
Steiner, Edward A. — Introducing the American Spirit.
Tarbell, Ida M. — The Business of Being a Woman.
Tarbell, Ida M. — New Ideals in Business.
Tufts, James H. — The Real Business of Living.
Magazine Articles.
Does Business Render Service — A. W. Atwood, in the Saturday
Evening Post, 193:11 D 18,, '20.
For Service Instead of Profit — A. W. Atwood, Saturday Even-
ing Post, 193:13 D 4, '20. .
NO one who has ever watched a girl pass into and out of her
teens can minimize the value of the impressions which
she has gained from the books she has read. Nearly every
adolescent girl comes at some time to the "book age," when she
literally devours every book which catches her fancy or upon
which she falls by chance or mischance. Such a period is one
of great opportunity for the adviser of girls but an opportunity
which must be wisely used.
Books are the silent, beloved companions of many girls
and from them they acquire many of their notions of how
to act under given conditions; in them they sometimes find a
heroine or a hero whose life helps to set their code of morals;
while again and again the choice of a vocation is definitely
influenced by the presentation of it given in an interesting
A girl's own judgment is not always to be relied upon to
choose the worthwhile among the great number of books avail-
able. Books cannot be judged by their "jackets" nor their
price. The old-fashioned paper covered dime novel still exists
in different garb — sometimes dressed up attractively in book
form — sometimes in magazine story form, and many of the
latter are read by adolescent girls.
A wise adviser will know these "dressed up" dime novels
and recognizing the appeal which they make to the imagina-
tion and emotional side of a teen age girl, will be ready through
informal discussion and conversation to suggest some of the
many sane, wholesome stories now available as well as some
of the splendid collections of poems. A love and appreciation of
poetry counts for much as one grows older and an adviser will
help the girl who often needs an interpretation of a poem to
see in poetry its real beauty and meaning.
The adviser needs to be careful, however, that a book is not
killed for a girl by an over-zealous recommendation.
Books on prescribed reading lists, especially school lists —
are often disliked by girls. There is real joy in picking and
choosing one's own list for summer reading or for winter
leading. A girl may be helped and made desirous of doing this
by a discussion at a club meeting of some such question as
"What are your ten favorite books?"
Every girl should be encouraged to own books and so begin
to build a real library of her own. The joy of a shelf in one's
room or one's home, to hold one's "bound friends" is an experi-
ence every girl should have. Books are windows through which
a girl's imagination may look out and so, they need (like all
windows), to be in the right place, of the right kind, and kept
always clean and shining.
Books placed in the hands of a girl should help to give her
some of the following things — good standards for every day
thinking and living; ideals toward which to work; a sense of
fair play; a constructive philosophy of life and not a cynical
doubting attitude of mind; a realization that life may be God-
eontrolled; a logical presentation of events and not a series of
thrilling happenings absolutely unreal in life and often in direct
contradiction to all natural law and moral development • ' an
appreciation of scientific truths and an opportunity to acquire
facts which will be of use; an appreciation of good language
and a real feeling for beauty of expression.
The list of books included in this section is meant to be
suggestive to an adviser and her girls. It is in no sense com-
plete nor is it a ''course of reading." From it girls may choose
what appeals to them and by reading one book suggested by an
adviser they may be stimulated to read others. Most of these
books will be found ift a public library and if not there probably
can be secured through the cooperation of a librarian.
Girl Reserve Book List*
"Qod taught me to read;
He gave me the world for a book."
FOR several years Girl Reserves have journeyed through
"Story Book Land" with a Girl Reserve Book List as
their guide.
One of the joys of this journey is that it never ends. There
are always new friends and places to be found in "Book Land"
and so once again every Girl Reserve is invited to take as
her guide this book list.
The following books are suggested as ones which real Girl
Reserves will enjoy. Some old friends will be found in this
list, but there are many new and delightful ones as well.
For every book you read, you will receive a Girl Reserve book
plate to be placed in some one of your own. books. With the
desire that the Girl Reserves shall have happy journeys into
the "Story Book World/ this list is given into their hands
for use.
* The first Girl Reserve Book List was issued in December, 1918. The
present list incorporates the first and the second lists, and was printed
October, 1920.
If You Are Twelve and Not Yet Fifteen Choose from This List.
Keineth Jane Abbott
Little Women Louisa M. Alcott
An Old Fashioned Girl Louisa M. Alcott
Eight Cousins Louisa M. Alcott
Rose In Bloom Louisa M. Alcott
Under the Lilacs Louisa M. Alcott
Why the Chimes Rang Raymond Macdonald Alden
Isabel Carlton's Year Margaret Ashmun
The Heart of Isabel Carlton Margaret Ashmun
Peter Pan James M. Barrie
Master Skylark — A Story of Shakespeare's Time. .John Bennett
Mary Carey Kate Langley Bosher
Miss Gibbie Gault Kate Langley Bosher
The Lost Prince Frances Hodgson Burnett
Little Lord Fauntleroy Frances Hodgson Burnett
Sara Crewe Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Little Hunchback Zia Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett
Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates- Mary Mapes Dodge
Donald and Dorothy Mary Mapes Dodge
Jan of the Windmill. Mrs. Juliana H. Ewing
The Story of a Short Life Mrs. Juliana H. Ewing
A Flatiron for a Farthing Mrs. Juliana H. Ewing
J. Cole— A Story of a Boy Emma Gellebrand
Kathleen's Probation Josleyn Gray
Uncle Remus Joel Chandler Harris
The Story of Aaron Joel Chandler Harris
Aaron in the Wildwood Joel Chandler Harris
Tanglewood Tales Nathaniel Hawthorne
Twicetold Tales Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Wonder Book .Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mopsa the Fairy Jean Ingelow
Lady Jane Mrs. C. V. Jamison
The Little Colonel Series Annie Fellows Johnston
Georgina of the Rainbows Annie Fellows Johnston
Water Babies Charles Kingsley
The Jungle Books Rudyard Kipling
Captains Courageous Rudyard Kipling
The Just-So Stories Rudyard Kipling
The Brushwood Boy Rudyard Kipling
Maid of Old Manhattan Margaret Knipe
Maid of '76 Margaret Knipe
Polly Trotter — Patriot Margaret Knipe
Adventures of Nils Selma Lagerlof
Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb
The Maker of Rainbows Richard Le GaHienne
Emmy Lou George Madden Martin
Emmy Lou's Road to Grace George Madden Martin
The Painted Desert Kirk Munroe
Rick Dale Kirk Munroe
Dog of Flanders Ouida
Bimbi Ouida
Wilderness Honey Frank Lillie Pollock
Just David Eleanor H. Porter
Freckles Gene Sratton Porter
Girl of the Limberlost Gene Sratton Porter
Men of Iron , , * , Howard Pyle
Melody Laura E. Kichards
Captain January 1 Laura E. Richards
The King of the Golden River John Ruskin
Beautiful Joe — A Story of a Dog Marshall Saunders
'Tilda Jane Marshall Saunders
Kenilworth. Sir Walter Scott
The Biography of a Grizzly Ernest Thompson Seton
The Trail of the Sandhill Stag Ernets Thompson Seton
Black Beauty Mrs. Anna Sewell
Story-tell Lib Annie Trumbull Slosson
Fishin' Jimmie Annie Trumbull Slosson
Heidi Johanna Spyri
Moni the Goat Boy Johanna Spyri
The Black Arrow Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson
The Queen's Museum and Other Fanciful Tales
Frank R. Stockton
The Chaucer Story Book Eva March Tappan
Robin Hood Eva March Tappan
The Children's Hour Eva March Tappan
The Prince and the Pauper , Mark Twain
The Blue Flower Henry Van Dyke
The Christmas Spirit Henry Van Dyke
The First Christmas Tree Henry Van Dyke
The Foolish Fir Tree Henry Van Dyke
The Keeper of the Light Henry Van Dyke
The Legend of Service ....,, Henry Van Dyke
The Lost Boy Henry Van Dyke
The Story of the Other Wise Man Henry Van Dyke
Ben-Hur Lew Wallace
Daddy Long Legs .Jean Webster
Dear Enemy Jean Webster
Just Patty Jean Webster
When Patty Went to College iJean Webster
The Bird's Christmas Carol Kate Douglas Wiggin
Further Chronicles of Rebecca Kate Douglas Wiggin
Mother Carey's Chickens Kate Douglas Wiggin
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Kate Douglas Wiggin
The Story of Patsy Kate Douglas Wiggin
Timothy's Quest Kate Douglas Wiggin
Liberty Hall Florence May Winterburn
Indian Legends Sa Zitkala
King Arthur Any good edition
Jack-of -all-Trades Margaret Applegarth
Story of Roland James Baldwin
In .Sunny Spain Katharine Lee Bates
A Boy in Eirinn Padraic Colum
Tower or Throne Mrs. Harriet Theresa Oomstoek
Under Greek Skies t Julia Dragoumis
Japan Today Ruth Emerson
Treasure Flower — A Child of Japan Ruth Gaines
The Village Shield— Story of Mexico
Ruth Gaines — Georgia Read
Brave Little Holland W. E. Griffis
Katrinka — Story of a Russian Child Helen E. Haskeli
The Story of Our Bible Harold B. Hunting
Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling
The Slow Coach — Story of English Life . . Edward Verrall Lucas
Heroines Every Child Should Know Hamilton Wright Mabie
Heroes Every Child Should Know Hamilton Wright Mabie
African Adventures Jean Mackenzie
Genevieve — Story of French School Days, .Laura Spencer Porter
Florence Nightingale Laura E. Richards
Greek Photoplays Effie Seachrest
Children of the Lighthouse Charles Lincoln White
Hindu Tales Teresa Peirce Williston
Japanese Fairy Tales Teresa Peirce Williston
First Series
Second Series
The Third Inch of the Inch Library
The Golden Staircase Selected by Louey Chisholm
Lullaby Land Eugene Field
Poetry of Heroism Selected by John Jean Lang
A Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics
Francis Turner Palgrave
Poems. James Whitcomb Riley
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson
If You Are Fifteen or More Years Old Choose from This List
Under the Lilacs Louisa M. Alcott
Little Women Louisa M. Alcott
The Kentucky Cardinal James Lane Allen
The Perfect Tribute Mary R. Shipman Andrews
The Three Best Things Mary R. Shipman Andrews
Christopher and Columbus
By author of "Elizabeth and Her German Garden"
Fraulein Schmidt & Mr. Anstruther
By author of "Elizabeth and Her German Garden"
Greyfriar's Bobby Eleanor Atkinson
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Keeping Up With Lizzie Irving Bacheller
Mistress Anne Temple Bailey
Bow of Orange Ribbon Amelia Barr
Jennie Baxter, Journalist Robert Barr
The Little Minister . James M. Barrie
Tommy and Grizel James M. Barrde
A Window in Thrums James M. Barrie
Courtin' Christiana John Joy Bell
Spanish Gold George Birmingham
Lorna Doone. Richard Blaekmore
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
Comrade Yetta Arthur Bullard
T. Tembaron Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Bent Twig Dorothy Canfield
Understood Betsy Dorothy Canfreld
Collision Winston -Churchill
Ricliard Carvel Winston Churchill
The Moonstone Wilkie Collins
Glengary School Days Ralph Connor
The Major Ralph Connor
Corporal Cameron Ralph Connor
The Sky Pilot Ralph Connor
The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land Ralph Connor
The Deerslayer James Fenimore Cooper
Last of the Mohicans * James Fenimore Cooper
The Pathfinder James Fenimore Cooper
Prue and I George William Curtis
Women Wanted Mabel Porter Daggett
Diane of the Green Van Leona Dalrymple
The Lovable Meddler Leona Dalrymple
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Dr, Lavendar's People Margaret D eland
The Iron Woman Margaret Deland
Old Curiosity Shop Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes A. Conan Doyle
The White Company A. Conan Doyle
Count of Monte Cristo Alexander Dumas
Doctor Luke of the Labrador Norman Duncan
The Mill on the Floss George Eliot
Carolyn of the Corners Ruth Endicott
Butter .Side Down Edna Ferber
Fanny Herself Edna Ferber
Honorable Peter Stirling .Paul Leicester Ford
A Knight of the Cumberland John Fox, Jr.
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come John Fox, Jr.
The Trail of the Lonesome Pine John Fox, Jr.
The Trumpeter Zona Gale
Monsieur Lecoq Emile Gaboriau
Cranford Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gas^ell
Apron Strings Eleanor Gates
The Yellow Dove George Gibbs
Dream Days Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame
Down to the Sea Wilfred T. Grenfell
Jan and Her Job Allen Harker
Prudence of the Parsonage Ethel Hueston
Prudence Says So Ethel Hueston
Una Mary Mrs. Una Atherton Hunt
Tales of the Alhambra Washington Irving
In the Sargasso Sea Thomas A. Janvier
In the Desert of Waiting Annie Fellows Johnston
Audrey Mary Johnston
To Have and to Hold Mary Johnston
May Iverson Tackles Life Elizabeth Garner Jordan
Brushwood Boy Rudyard Kipling
The Day's Work Rudyard Kipling
Mary Gusta Joseph C. Lincoln
ThankfuPs Inheritance Joseph C.' Lincoln
Making Over Martha Julie M. Lipman
Martha by the Day Julie M. Lipman
The Lady of the Decoration Frances Little
The Rough Road William J. Locke
The Call of the Wild Jack London
White Fang Jack London
When Knighthood Was in Flower Charles Major
Peg 0' My Heart J. Hartley Manners
Pandora's Box John Ames Mitchell
Of Water and the Spirit Margaret Prescott Montague
Anne of Green Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Avon Lee Lucy Maud Montgomery
John Halifax Gentleman Dhiah M. Mulock
Poor Margaret Kirby Kathleen Norris
Bob, Son of Battle Alfred Olivant
The Scarlet Pimpernel Baroness Orczy
The Star In the Window , Olive Higgins Prouty
Bab — A Sub-Deb Mary Roberts Rinehart
Calvary Alley Alice Hegan Rice
Over Periscope Pond Esther Root and Marjorie Crocker
The Talisman Sir Walter Scott
Quentin Durward Sir Walter Scott
Tante Anne Douglas Sedgwick
The Charm of the Impossible Margaret Slattery
Kennedy Square F. Hopkinson Smith
Peter F. Hopkinson Smith
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
St. Ives Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Arrow Robert Louis Stevenson
Fanciful Tales Frank R. Stockton
The Adventures of Captain Horn Frank R. Stockton
The Casting Away of Mrs. Leek and Mrs. Ayleshine
Frank R. Stockton
The Lady or the Tiger (in short stories) Frank R. Stockton
The Transferred Ghost (in short stories). . .Frank R. Stockton
Story of Babette Ruth McEnery Stuart
The Conquest of Canaan Booth Tarkington
The Magnificent Ambersons Booth Tarkington
Monsieur Beaucaire Booth Tarkington
Penrod Booth Tarkington
Seventeen Booth Tarkington
The Newcomes William Makepeace Thackeray
The Virginians William Makepeace Thackeray
Alice of Old Vincennes Maurice Thompson
Just Girls Ida T. Thurston
Twenty-three Tales Count Leo Tolstoi
Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
Story of the Other Wise Man Henry Van Dyke
The Wood Carver of 'Lympus Mary E. Waller
Daddy Long Legs Jean Webster
Dear Enemy Jean Webster
When Patty Went to College. Jean Webster
David Harum Frank Noyes Westcott
Hepsey Burke Frank Noyes Westcott
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Kate Douglas Wiggin
Chronicles of Rebecca Kate Douglas Wiggin
Story of Jean Valjean (translated from the French)
Sara E. Wiltse
The Virginian Owen Wister
Towards Morning Ida Alena Ross Wylie
Swiss Family Robinson Johann David Wyss
Twenty Years at Hull House Jane Addams
My Chinese Days Gulielma Alsop
When I Was a Girl in Italy Marietta Ambrosi
The Promised Land Mary Antin
All the Days of My Life Amelia Barr
Comrades in Service Margaret Burton
Letters to Betsy J. L. Cody
Dr. Luke of the Labrador James B. Conolly
Dr. GrenfelFs Parish James B, Conolly
The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe Martha Foote Crow
The Life of Mary Lyon Ruth Bradford Gilchrist
The Life of Frances Willard A. A. Gordon
Ann of Ava. - Ethel Daniels Hubbard
The Story of My Life • • • .Helen Keller
Mary Slosser of Calabar. William Pringle Livingston
Black Sheep Jean Kenyon MacKenzie
Louisa May Alcott
Dreamer and Worker Belle Moser
The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson Jacqueline Overton
How the Other Half Lives Jacob Riis
From My Youth Up Margaret Sangster
The Story of a Pioneer Anna Howard Shaw
One Girl's Influence Roebrt E. Speer
My Mother and I E. G. Stern
He Knew Lincoln Ida Tarbell
Th'e Diary of a Prairie Girl Eleanor Gates Tully
A Hilltop on the Marne Mildred Aldrich
On the Edge of the War Zone , Mildred Aldrich
The Peak of the Load Mildred Aldrich
Deer Godchild Margaret Bernard— Edith Serrell
Ambulance Number 464 Julien H. Bryan
Ambulance Number 10 Leslie Buswell
The Day of Glory Dorothy Canfield
Carry On — Letters in War-Time -Coningsby Dawson
The Glory of the Trenches Coningsby Dawson
Inside the Russian Revolution Rheta Childe Dorr
Over the Top Arthur Guy Empey
A Little Gray Home In France Helen Davenport Gibbons
A Red Triangle Girl in France
High Adventure James Norman Hall
The First Hundred Thousand Ian Hay
My Home in the Field of Mercy Frances Huard
My Home in the Field of Honor .Frances Huard
With Those Who Wait Frances Huard
Madamoiselle Miss
Women in Belgium Charlotte Kellogg"
The Red Cross Barge Mrs. Belloc-Lowndes
The Children of France and The Red Cross June E. Lucas
Outwitting the Hun Patrick A. O'Brien
Private Peat Harold Peat
Trapped in Black Russia Ruth Pierce
England's Effort Mrs. Humphrey Ward
Prunella — a play Barker-Housman
The Silent Isle Arthur C. Benson
From a College Window Arthur C. Benson
The Upton Letters Arthur C. Benson
A Treasury of War Poetry George Herbert Clarke
The Business of Being a Friend Bertha Conde
Christ in the Poetry of Today Martha Foote Crow
A Heap 0' Living , . Edgar A. Guest
Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Authors
Elbert Hubbard
My Lady's Dress — a play Edward Knoblauch
Under the Trees and Elsewhere Hamilton Wright Mabie
The Betrothal and The Blue Bird — plays. .Maurice Maeterlinck
Dream Life Ik Marvel
The Mountains of California John Muir
Bees in Amber — verse John Oxenhan.
Why Go to College Alice Freeman Palmer
Disraeli — a play Louis Napoleon Parker
Pomander Walk — a play Louis Napoleon Parker
The Piper — a play Josephine Preston Peabody
High Tide — a collection of verse Mrs. Waldo Richards
A Little Book of Modem Verse Jessie L. Rittenhouse
Letters to His Friends Forbes Robinson
Rhymes of a Red Cross Man Robert Service
Othello William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare
Taming of the Shrew William -Shakespeare
Across the Plains Robert Louis Stevenson
The Land of Heart's Desire William Butler Yeats
If You Are Twelve and Not Yet Fifteen Choose from This List
Happy House James D. Abbott
Marian Frear Js Summer Margaret Ashmun
The Sampo (Adventures of the Finnish Heroes)
James Baldwin
The Boy Emigrants Noah Brooks
A Little Princess (The Whole Story of Sara Crewe)
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Giovanni and The Other Frances Hodgosn Burnett
A Boy of Bruges Emile and Tita Cammaerts
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll
What Bird Is That Frank M. Chapman
Green Timber Trail Willard Gerard Chapman
Story of Sonny Sahib Mrs. Sarah D. Cotes
Six to Sixteen Mrs. Juliana H. Ewing
When the King Came George Hodges
Indian Why Stories Frank B. Linderman
The Cruise of the Dazzler. Jack London
Jim Davis John Masefield
Cornelia Lucy Pitch Perkins
Golden Dicky Marshall Saunders
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Margaret Sidney
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Sue Orcutt Charlotte Vail
The Orcutt Girls Charlotte Vail
Czecho-Slovak Fairy Tales Parker Fillmore
Zerah — A Tale of Old Bethlehem Montayne Perry
The Land We Live In Overton Price
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights Howard Pyle
The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions . . Howard Pyle
Bird Woman (Saca jawea) Story of Lewis and Clark
James W. Schultz
Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse *. . .Eugene Field
Poems of Childhood , Eugene Field
If You Are Fifteen or More Years Old Choose from This List.
A Man for the Ages Irving Bacheller
Sister's Vocation Josephine Daskam Bacon
Smith College Stories Josephine Daskam Bacon
Peter and Wendy J. M. Barrie
My Antonia Willa Seibert Gather
What Bird Is That Frank M. Chapman
Out of the Shadow Eose Cohen
The Doctor Ralph Connor
Man Prom Glengary Ralph Connor
Soldiers of Fortune Richard Harding Davis
Old Chester Tales Margaret Deland
The Return of Sherlock Holmes .' A. Conan Doyle
The Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas
Christmas, a Story Zona Gale
Friendship Village Zona Gale
The January Girl Joslyn Gray
The Hall With Doors Louise Hasbrouck
The Mississippi Bubble Emerson Hough
Westward, Ho Charles Kingsley
Kim Rudyard Kipling
Sergeant Jane Margaret T. Matlack
Rainbow Valley Lucy Maud Montgomery
Stickeen John Muir
Bobbie, General Manager .Olive Higgins Prouty
The Crimson Patch Augusta Hue!! Seaman
Lad—A Dog Albert Payson Terhune
Pudd'n Head Wilson Mark Twain
Out of Doors in the Holy Land Henry Van Dyke
Mysterious Island Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne
The Blazed Trail Edward Stewart White
American Women in Civic Work Helen Christine Bennett
Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution
Catherine Breshkovsky
Don Quixote (retold by Judge Parry) Miguel de Cervantes
Boy's Life of Roosevelt Hermann Hagedorn
Boy's Life of Lincoln Helen Nicolay
Boy's Life of Mark Twain Albert Bigelow Paine
Heroines of Service. M. R. Parkman
Heroes of Today M. R» Parkman
An American in the Making M. E. Ravage
Pilgrims of Today Mary Hazelton Wade
The House on Henry Street Lillian D. Waid
Up From Slavery Booker T. Washington
Girl's Book of the Red Cross Mary Kendall Hyde
Tales of the Great War Henry Newbolt
The Story of the Great War Roland G. Usher
Letters From China and Japan John Dewey
Abraham Lincoln^ a play John Drinkwater
The Rocking Horse Christopher Morley
A Little Book of American Poets Jessie B. Rittenhouse
Letters to His Children Theodore Roosevelt
A Canticle for the Year Elvira J. Slack
Dream and Voices Grace Hyde Trine
The Valley of Vision Henry Van Dyke
Your secretary or corps adviser may add to this list books
which are of especial interest to you because they have been
written about the particular part of the country In which you
live. Every Philadelphia girl wants to read "Hugh Wynne,"
and every California girl will enjoy "The Gray Dawn."
This list does not include all the books by many authors
which you will want to read. Therefore, any additional' bpoks
written by the same authors or others may be counted on
this list provided your secretary of corps adviser sends the
names to your Field Girls' Work Secretary for approval.
Write out a list of the books you have read and give it to your adviser
or secretary. It will be sent to the Field Girls' Work Secretary of the
National Young Women's Christian Associations. Then the book plates
which are sent you for every book you have read will be forwarded to you.
Any of these books may be ordered from The Woman's Press, 600 Lex-
ington Avenue, New York City.
"Life is a mission, and not a career."
L The Purpose of Vocational Guidance.
ANY programs which are designed for }teen-age girls must
recognize that these years are supremely important in de-
termining the ideals, habits and attitudes toward life which will
prevail throughout maturity. In view of the fact that women's
part in the work of the world constantly demands higher
standards of achievement, there must be incorporated into the
programs for younger girls such elements of vocational guid-
ance as will prepare them gradually, yet steadily, for the life
of productive usefulness which is the rightful heritage of every
woman today.
The purpose of such a program should be to use every nat-
ural means — information about occupations, knowledge of what
women are doing, the inspiration of personal contact with those
who have been truly successful as pioneers — to create an atti-
tude toward work which shall be truly Christian, and shall pro-
vide girls with facts and ideals adequate to stand the tests of
workaday experience.
Such a program should work in the closest harmony with
any school or community movements for vocational guidance.
Available resources for securing vocational information or coun-
sel should be studied before adopting a club program, especially
the views of school authorities, state or municipal employment
services, or any other reputable organizations. With all of
these, the vocational guidance emphases of Girl Reserve Clubs
should be to the fullest extent cooperative, and in many cases
it may be suggestive of further service not as yet developed in
a given community.
II. Standards for Vocational Guidance Emphases.
Before a program can be drafted, the standards to which it
should conform must be clearly thought out and firmly grasped.
Every part of the eventual program must do its part in making
these standards really effective in the living of real girls.
A. The individual judgment of girls must be the decisive
factor in choice of work. No tests of wisdom of others can take
from each girl the responsibility for her free choice. Her
choice, however, cannot really be free unless she knows many
things about herself, as well as about the various kinds of work
to which she feels drawn. In order, then, that the judgment of
individuals may be wise, there is need that each girl should
learn to study her own talents and capacities and to realize that
every girl has some gift awaiting expression. Furthermore,
each must help the other to know that work, which is useful to
society and satisfying to an individual, is really worth doing,
regardless of conventional estimates. In addition, all the avail-
able resources of scientific vocational guidance should be made
use of by each individual throughout her occupational life.
B. The motives underlying- the choice of work must be
right. Work which is worth doing must call into operation im-
pulses which cannot be satisfied by a monetary return alone.
The desire for self-expression, for creation, is inborn in every
person, and work which is satisfying must realize it. Often a
narrow and partial view of one's work prevents the right opera-
tion of this motive. Usefulness is another vital motive for
work. The fact that human need is satisfied by the results of
one's activities gives meaning to what one does, and finally the
fact of being a contributing member of society adds a tang of
joy that compensates for fatigue and the drudgery that attends
every worth-while task.
C. Education, in its widest meaning, and as a continuing
factor in development, is vital to a satisfying experience as a
worker. Girls in school must be aided in seeing the importance
to their future of right habits of application, and of many sub-
jects whose value the eyes of youth cannot see. Every girl
must be encouraged to stay In school as long as her mental
growth keeps pace with her studies. Girls who have left school
for various reasons must be inspired to return if possible, or at
all events, to continue their studies otherwise. Beginning thus
with a solid general school training, the necessity for special
training for vocations, must be emphasized, bearing in mind the
grave handicap which rests upon the mass of unskilled workers
— too many of them women — who are their own worst foes. In
righteous enthusiasm for more and better technical training for
girls, it must not be forgotten that the rarest gift of an educa-
tion which helps the human spirit to grow, is a breadth of cul-
ture which sees the meaning of life in terms of creative activ-
ity, and redeems the humdrum of drudgery by an understand-
ing of the productive process. So educated, a woman is the peer
of the great souls of all the ages, and has at her disposal in-
finite spiritual resources.
D. Success is judged not by the standard of the market-
place, money and reputation, but by the twin standard of indi-
vidual development and social utility. A girl can be called suc-
cessful in an occupation, not if she makes a good salary alone,
but if the work offers her the chance to grow in power and to
develop in her the latent capacities which must die if not used.
If work tends to be destructive to health — physical, mental,
moral or spiritual, it should be rejected, regardless of scale of
pay. Furthermore, the test of usefulness to the community will
help to judge the success or failure of one's work. So closely
are all people bound together to-day that all progress must be
measured by its effects upon the well-being of society. Suc-
cess for the individual cannot longer be purchased at the cost of
loss for all, and the standard for individual success must be
brought into harmony with the necessity for advance together.
IIL Content of Vocational Guidance Program.
Each item of this program is in essence concerned with sup-
plying information, but it must be information with a differ-
ence, and the difference the inspiration to apply personally the
facts at hand. Only by making- girls enthusiastic about the
knowledge which is offered can results be secured.
A. What each girl should know about herself.
Without encouraging introspection and undue self-analysis,
the first step toward an intelligent choice of any kind of work,
must be for each girl an understanding of herself — her likes and
dislikes, her weak and her strong points of character, her ability
in some directions as evidenced by indications that may prove
prophetic. A frank facing together in club groups of the influ-
ence of certain habits, and the price exacted for some practices
which appear harmless, will help many a girl to begin early to
steer her life rather than let it drift. Skillful leadership and
a wise blending in program with other elements will keep this
emphasis from becoming morbidly introspective.
Discussion centered around such a question as "How Shall
I Discover Myself" will open the whole subject and lead natur-
ally to the habit of planning one's vocational life rationally on
the basis of individual choice rather than upon the accident of
chance contact or occasional information.
B. What girls should know about occupations.
This topic opens the whole question of the extent to which
there can be laid a wise — because wide — foundation in facts
about occupations for many later choices. Much harm is done
by assuming that the purpose of this part of the program is to
attract or repel individual choices, or to play the part of director
of other people's lives. On the contrary, every girl should have
a wide and basic knowledge about every type, a knowledge
which is first of all a part of intelligent citizenship and neces-
sary for membership in a social order, and secondarily voca-
tional in intent. Every girl should know about the great stand-
ard occupations, industrial, commercial and professional — to use
a familiar classification — upon which her own comfort is built.
Such understanding will become part of her mental equipment,
and will later Influence her choice, often unconsciously. The
danger of supposing that an irrevocable choice should be made
early is so great that leaders should remember that a certain
amount of experimentation is necessary and desirable, that cer-
tain aptitudes ripen comparatively late, and that, however hard
it may be to make a decisive choice of vocation, only good
can come from a catholic familiarity with the field of occupa-
tions as a whole.
Besides such general information, particular attention should
be given to occupations which come within easy range of possi-
bility for the girls in any particular group. Local industries,
the custom of a community, the existence of certain schools or
colleges, give favorable consideration to certain vocational op-
portunities, and any informational work should take these fac-
tors into account. The more immediate and definite the facts
can be made, the more useful will they be.
C. Educational opportunity for every girl.
The untrained or half-trained woman who grows steadily
less and less employable as she grows older, and who has at
last to take only the most hopeless tasks — such is the discourag-
ing problem of every employment worker. Such wasteful lives
can only be prevented in youth. The greatest chance for voca-
tional usefulness is surely to hammer steadily upon the need for
more education, more training, a wider background of mental
knowledge against which to play a woman's part in the world of
work. Every group needs the advice, but of course there will
be wide differences in the program suggested.
With girls who are still in school, emphasis should be placed
upon remaining in school as long as possible, certainly through
high school. Special help may be needed in individual cases,
and should be easily secured.
In facing the eternal question — after high school, what? —
several factors are to be considered. Many girls go to college,
normal or special school; many others could do the same if the
necessary willingness to work could be aroused, and the indrf-
ference overcome which is sometimes individual, sometimes a
family affair. The ways by which girls can be helped to secure
real training beyond high school are multiform — a knowledge
of scholarships available, lists of schools where a girl can
work her way through, loan funds to make a start, summer
work to earn money, special coaching to overcome slight defi-
ciencies, information about the best schools for special training
— these are only some of the ways by which girls who are hesi-
tating on the brink of going to work prematurely, as the easiest
thing, can get fresh courage.
How can the door of educational opportunity swing wide
for the girl who i£ already a wage earner. She has a fund of
experience about certain jobs, but usually lacks the education
to make a change to a more congenial occupation or to rise
further in the one she has chosen. She should be helped to find
the education which will best serve her case. It may be that
she can go back into school, and with her experience, qualify
for a more responsible position. Perhaps, she needs special
vocational training which a night school, a Y. W. C. A. or
some other school can give her. Certain it is that no girl in
her teens can safely call her education finished without facing
the consequences in narrowing opportunity and starved men-
D. Information about Placement Bureaus.
After choice and training- comes the old problem of finding
a place to put knowledge into practice in doing a piece of work.
The whole question of employment, or placement is in such an
unsettled condition to-day in this country that few general rules
can be laid down. Some cities have state or municipal bureaus;
some Young Women's Christian Associations have employment
departments; there is a group of Bureaus of Occupation for
Trained Women doing professional placement. Information
about these and other agencies which are available should be
kept up to date, and girls should be informed about local agen-
cies which are not trustworthy.
E. Legislation Affecting the Situation m the United States.
1. The Vocational Education Act (Smith-Hughes Act),
a federal bill in effect March, 1918, provides federal
grants, in cooperation with equal state grants, for
salaries of teachers, and for training- teachers in agri-
culture, trade and industrial subjects, and in home
economics. Eight states had a state system of voca-
tional education in operation when the federal law
was passed. More than half the states have since
that time passed laws accepting the provisions of this
2. All Laws Bearing on Child Labor and compulsory
school attendance affect the situation.
(a) Pending Federal Legislation.
(b) State Laws of Health Insurance, Minimum Wage,
. Hours of Work, Child Labor, Prohibited Work.
P. Conditions In the Local Community Which Should Be
Known to Every Worker With Girls,
1. Occupational Information.
(a) Occupations open in the community.
(b) Educational value of the work for young workers:
Are there blind-alley occupations?
Are there facilities for training in factory or
(c) Regularity of employment: Is there seasonal
work and therefore the possibility of unemploy-
(d) Usual hours of work — daily, weekly, extent of
overtime, vacations, lunch periods, night work,
rest periods.
(f) Wages: Minimum and maximum wages with rate
of increase:
How do the girls' wages compare with the cost
of living in the community?
What is the comparative beginning wage of
trained and untrained worker?
Is the yearly income fifty-two times the weekly
wage? How much does the girl lose through
shut downs and other unemployment?
(g) Physical conditions: Positions at work, possible
danger from any unusual conditions, from ma-
chines or materials used; conditions of heat, light,
space, ventilation, sanitary arrangements and
supervision; probable effect on wealth and morals
of the workers.
IV. The Application of Vocational Guidance to Regular Pro-
gram Work.
Each club will naturally have its own idea of how best to
incorporate vocational guidance into its work ; each year's activ-
ity should include the following: regular program, conference,
personal counsel, graphic publicity.
A. Vocational Guidance in the regular program.
There are many opportunities to introduce subjects of voca-
tional interest into the regular meetings of a club. For ex-
ample, if the club has been reading the lives of famous women,
the vocations they have chosen make a fascinating study. Or,
by taking the women in any city or town who have been suc-
cessful in business or professions — could not a discussion of the
human interest in their success show real values? If some local
industry employs women, a series of visits will supply material
for a study of that occupation. Many ways of relating the
actual local opportunities to program purposes will occur to a
live program committee.
The following suggestions regarding possible topics for dis-
cussion at regular club meetings may be of service.
1. The "A-l" American girl to-day: her opportunities and
responsibilities :
a. Strong body and alert mind.
b. Steadiness.
c. Need for directed education.
2. Uncle Sam's interest in girls.
a. Vocational Education legislation.
b. Work of the Children's Bureau.
3. What is vocational training:
a. General education plus. (Illustration • a steno-
grapher is of little value unless she can spell.)
4. How to choose a job.
a. Does one choose a position because one's friend is
working there or because one is fitted for it and
there is need for such work?
b. Explain a "blind-alley" job.
5. Fitness for a job.
a. Age, health, relation between health and work.
Mental and physical tests for efficiency are neces-
sary for girls. Emphasize some of the things girls
do which are detrimental to their health:
(1) Wearing high-heeled shoes while at work.
(2) Eating wrong food.
(3) Eating between meals.
6. Importance of women's work to-day:
a. Show tremendous need for trained minds and
sound bodies in this reconstruction period. Many
of the boys and girls of Europe were called upon
to die for their country. The boys and girls of
America are being called upon to live and live to
the fullest. (Suggestions for such a talk will be
found in Hermann Hagedorn's book — "You are the
Hope of the World.") Secure it from the Womans
Book Shop, 600 Lexington -Avenue, New York City.
7. Education for social and personal efficiency.
8. Vocational opportunities in your own community.
9. Professional opportunities for women.
10. Out-of-door opportunities.
11. Some problems in economic life that you feel girls are
facing to-day.
12. How do you use your spare time.
13. The value of reading. Are the books you read help-
ful, or merely amusing?
14. A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of
various kinds of work for women.
15. Study of the lives of famous women.
16. Responsibilities of citizenship.
17. The woman movement and education.
18. The problem of the untrained girl-worker in a city.
19. Personal accounts, and budgets.
Sometimes the vocational material which is discussed
under the topics given above may be illustrated by
tableaux, charades and short plays.
If an "honor system" is being used in the clubs it is
possible to arouse interest in vocational work by al-
lowing so many points for:
a. A clever poster illustrating some idea in vocational
b. A poem, theme, play or charade on vocational
B. Vocational conferences.
Everybody needs occasionally to meet in a larger social
group than ordinary, to realize how general are the
problems that confront us to-day. A vocational confer-
ence is an excuse for gathering together girls from dif-
ferent schools or cities, or non-club members, and certain
elemental inspirations can be most readily evoked under
such conditions. Such a gathering can also call in out-
standing speakers and leaders, and may well form a
climax to a number of club meetings on vocational topics
and the starting point of more.
A vocational conference should include recreation, a
"banquet" all together, some inspirational talks, some
short informational talks by women who know special
occupations well, and as much opportunity as possible
for conferences between leaders and the girls in small
groups or individually. The conference should send every
girl away determined to know more about her vocational
possibilities, and eager to serve in her vocation to the
utmost of her ability. In planning" the meetings, em-
phasis should always be laid upon the importance of
training and the necessity of individual choice ultimately.
In no case should the conference alone be regarded as
a satisfactory meeting of the need for vocational guid-
ance. It should be preceded and followed by club study
and discussion.
1. Suggested Plans for an All Day Vocational Conference.
Program One.
10:00 A.M. Opening Exercises.
10: 15 A.M. Vocational Opportunities for Girls.
11: 15 A.M. Short addresses by representatives of lines of
work open to women (i. e. millinery, teaching,
11:45-12:00 Music and Games.
12:00-12:30 Informal Discussion: More Training, why and
where to get it.
12:30- 1;30 Luncheon.
1:30- 2:00 Recess.
2:00- 3:00 Vocations from a GirPs Point of View and from
Schoolmen's Point of View.
3:00- 4:00 Movie Reels and Stereopticon.
4:00- 5:00 (Open Forum: "What I Want to do With My
Life"; "The Get- Ahead Girl"; or group interviews
with specialists.)
5:00- 6:00 Rest Hour.
6:00 Banquet — Toasts, Cheers, Songs and Informal
Final Talk:
10:00-10:15 'Getting acquainted and community sing, with in-
troduction of leaders.
10:15-10:45 Opening talk; Vocational opportunities for Girls.
10:45-12:15 Group meetings, on different vocations, with
12:15- 1:00 Time for making appointments.
1:00- 2:80 Food and fun for inspirational talk.
2:30- 3:30 Group meetings.
3:30- 5:00 (Personal interviews or open Forum on "What to
do with My Life.)
Address of Welcome and Introduction of Leaders.
2. Suggested Plans for Two -Day Vocational Conference.
Program One.
11:00 Community Singing.
11:15 Who's Who at Our Conference.
11:30 Welcome
12:00 Luncheon.
1:30 Recreation.
2:00 Vocational Opportunities for 'Girls.
3:00 Game — Discovering Myself.
4:00 Recreation.
•8:00 Banquet — .Baptist Church, Hostess.
Informal Program — Songs, Cheers and Toasts.
7:30 Open Meeting.
Morning — With the Hostess.
Conference Leaders Guests in Local Pulpits.
2:30 Girls' Vesper Service.
Closing Address.
Program Two.
Saturday Morning.
10:00 Registration.
10:30 Conference Singing".
Acquaintance Stunt.
11:00 Opening Session.
Conference Hymn
Address of Welcome and Introduction of Leaders.
11:20 Address.
11:45 Delegates taken to hostesses.
Saturday Afternoon,
2:00 Devotional Singing.
2=15 Vocations for Girls from the Girl's Point of
Questions and Answers.
3:45 Organized Games on the Playground.
6:00 Supper served by the Domestic Science Department.
School Cheers or Song from each delegation.
7:30 "The Spirit of Sisterhood."
A Pageant. High School.
Club of the Y. W. C. A.
8:00 Vocations for Girls from the Schoolman's Point
of View.
Sunday Morning.
Church and Sunday School with hostesses, or
church of preference.
Sunday Afternoon.
3:00 Vespers and Inspirational Talk.
7:30 Union Rally in Town Hall.
Program Three.
Program of Conference.
Friday Evening.
5:00- 6:00 Registration of Delegates.
6:30 Banquet — M. E. Church.
Community Singing and Toasts. Toast Mistress:
(For Delegates only.)
8:00 Evening Session.
High School.
Presiding Chairman: — »
President of County Y. W. C. A.
— — , Supervising Principal.
Greetings from the County.
Greetings from Princeton.
Morning — High School.
9:30 Songs.
10:00-12:00 After School— What?
Talks on Vocations for Girls.
Time given for informal discussion and questions.
Noon—Luncheon. M. E. Church.
Altamont Camp Rally.
Songs, Pictures.
Afternoon — High School.
2:00 Play, "ThV Challenge of Democracy," presented by
Rondo Club.
3:00 Closing Session.
Conference Picture.
Program Four.
11:00 Singing.
11:15 Acquaintance Stunts.
11:30 Welcome.
12:00 Luncheon with Hostess.
2:00 Movie Reels.
2:30 Singing.
2:50 Talk: Vocations Open to Youn,^ Women.
3:30 Round Table Discussions.
A woman doctor, a nurse, a teacher, a business
woman, a home economics secretary present to
lead these discussions,
4:00 Recreation.
5:00 Rest Hour.
6:15 Banquet.
8:00 Entertainment,
Sunday Morning with the Hostess.
2:15 Inspirational Talk." -
Program Five.
Y. W. C. A.
Vocational Conference Opening Session.
Friday, 8:00 P. M. Y. M. C. A. Auditorium.
Address World Fellowship.
Saturday Morning Session — 9:30-11:15.
9:30 Devotions.
9:45 The Business of Home Making.
10:00 ^Social Service Work.
10:15 Physical Training and Play-Grounds, with, demon-
10:35 Opportunities in Business.
11:00 Medicine as a Profession.
11:15 The Y. "W. C. A.
11:30 Interviews.
Lunch at 12:30.
Saturday Afternoon Session — 1:45-2:30.
1:45 The Standard College.
2:00 Home Economics.
2:15 Scientific Farming.
4:00 Hike.
Sunday Session.
Sunday School.
11:00 Church Service.
C. Personal Counsel.
The temptation is great to rely overmuch upon books and
speeches, and to ignore the fact that in practice most voca-
tional guidance is done by personal counsel/ some conscious,
much entirely unconscious. Something can be done for club
girls by proper programs and conferences, but the greatest
service of all is to bring girls individually into touch with
women who have succeeded in their vocations, and whose ideals
of service are worthy to inspire younger women. Such women
should be used in conferences and as leaders wherever possible,
and in addition, club advisers should be alert to know when
individual girls need the friendly counsel of certain women as
they face vocational choices.
D. Graphic Publicity.
It would seem self-evident that the eye as well as the ear
should be enlisted to impress vocational facts. Posters giving
information, pictures of interesting occupations, films showing
certain processes, and other forms of publicity can be used
in the school or Association assembly room or on club bulletin
When a conference is being planned, exhibits of pictures and
catalogs from advanced schools and colleges may be arranged,
and a part of every conference should be a display in a club
room of catalogs from the colleges and schools to which it is
desirable that girls shall go. Posters made by a club, showing
local opportunities, excite more interest than general posters.
To be really effective, this publicity should be continuous, with
changes of exhibits and posters whenever possible.
A well-arranged poster exhibit is the most grapMc means
for presenting such a subject as vocational guidance.
The National Child Welfare Association, 70 Fifth Avenue,
New York City, has a series called "The Child and His Voca-
tions"; and one "The A-l American Girl." Bulletins illustrating
these series and containing Information about the number of
posters in each and the cost will be sent upon request.
A series of posters has been prepared by the Educational
Committee of the Department of Research and Method, Na-
tional Board Young Women's Associations, and may be obtained
from the Bureau for Work with Younger Girls, 600 Lexington
Avenue, New York City.
V. General Resources for Vocational Information.
Because the question of Vocational Guidance and Informa-
tion is so much in flux to-day, it is particularly necessary for
Girls' Work Secretaries and advisers to keep themselves in-
formed regarding present and future developments by con-
stant contact with material from the following sources. Much
of the most valuable material is to be found in pamphlets which
are issued by these agencies.
Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C.
Bureau of Vocational Information, 2 W, 43rd St., New York
Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D. C.
General Education Committee* National Board, Y. W. C. A.,
600 Lexington Ave., New York City.
National Child Welfare Association, 70 Fifth Ave., New York
National Child Labor Committee, 105 East Twenty-second
Street, New York City.
National Society for Vocational Education, 140 W. 42nd St.,
New York City.
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Washington, D. C.
Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22nd St., New York City.
The Survey Associates, 112 E. 19th St., New York City.
U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.
Woman Citizen Corporation, 171 Madison Ave., New York City.
Women's Educational and Industrial Union, 264 Boylston St.,
Boston, Mass.
Women's National Farm and Garden Association, White Plains,
New York.
Los Angeles, Gal.
Bureau of Occupations,
Women's University Club,
521 West 7th Street.
Pasadena, Cal.
Vocation and Placement
Bureau for Business and
Professional Women, 608
Central Building, 30 North
Raymond Avenue.
Denver, Col.
Collegiate Bureau of Occu-
pations, Chamber of Com-
merce Building.
Chicago, 111.
Chicago Collegiate Bureau
of Occupations, Room 1804,
5 South Wabash Avenue.
Boston, Mass.
Appointment Bureau,
Women's Educational and
Industrial Union, 264 Boyl-
ston Street/
Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. Leonard B. Orluff,
President, 489 Atkinson
Minneapolis, Minn.
Woman's 'Occupational
Bureau, 216 Meyers' Arcade.
Kansas City, Mo.
Woman's Vocational Bureau,
601 Ridge Arcade Building1.
New York City, N. Y.
Bureau of Vocational In-
formation, 2 West 43rd
Street. Miss Emma P.
Hirth, Director.
New York City, N. Y.
Employment Department Y.
W. C. A., Central Branch,
610 Lexington Avenue.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Bureau of Occupations for
Trained Women, 108 City
Philadelphia, Pa.
Bureau of Occupations for
Trained Women, 302 South
13th Street.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Women's Employment Ser-
vice Central Y. W. C. A.
Building, 59 Chatham Street.
Richmond, Va.
Bureau of Vocations for
Women, Richmond Hotel.
A Reading List of Women's Lives Arranged According to
This list of biographies has been compiled in the hope that
it will prove useful in several ways.
For a knowledge of the personalities of women who have
played a great part in the making of to-day, and for an ap-
preciation of the difficulties which they had to overcome before
the woman's age could dawn, one turns naturally to the life
stories of the women themselves.
There is in these stories much of literary and even more of
personal interest. If carefully read these pioneer choices and
struggles cannot but help younger girls to-day in the wise
selection of the vocations they shall follow. A knowledge of
the long process by which the present free choice came to be
open to women will not only make clear the great opportunities,
but also make imperative the call to the girls of this generation
for further service.
Wisdom in the making of vocational choices and consecration
in following out the wise choice will surely be stimulated by
reading the lives of such women as are listed here.
(1) Teaching Life of Mary Lyon. Gilchrist. Houghton.
Life of Alice Freemaii Palmer. G. H. Palmer.
Life of Ellen H. Richards. Hunt. Hunt.
The Corn Lady. Field.
(2) Writing Louisa May Alcott in Portraits of American
Women. Bradford. Houghton.
Harriet Beecher Stowe in Portraits of American
Women. Bradford. Houghton.
* All of these books may be secured through The Bookshop, 600 Lexington
Avenue, New York City.
Emily Dickinson in Portraits of American
Women. Bradford. Houghton.
The Early Diary of Frances Burney. G. Bell &
Fanny Crosby's Story of Ninety-four Years.
Jackson. Revel! Company.
(3) Acting Memoirs of My Life. Sarah Bernhardt. Appleton.
The Life and Adventures of Peg Woffington.
Heroines of the Modern Stage F. Izard. Sturgis
& Walton.
(4) Making The Uncensored Letters of a Canteen Girl. Harper
History Memoirs and Letters of Dolly Madison. Houghton.
Diplomatic Days. Edith O'Shaughnessy. Harper.
Diplomat's Wife in Mexico. Edith O'-Shaughnessy.
(5) Making • Life and Letters of Abigail Adams. Richards.
Homes Appleton.
Recollections of My Mother. Hymphrey, Revell.
Margaret Ogilvie. Barrie.
The Hills of Hingham. Dallas Lore Sharp.
Idyll of Twin Fires. Walter Eaton. Grosset.
Jonathan Papers. Woodbridge. Houghton.
An American Idyll. Parker. Atlantic Monthly
The Home Builder. Abbott. 'Houghton.
(6) Social Life of Elizabeth Fry. Richards. Appleton.
Service Life of Frances Willard. Gordon. W. C. T. U.
One Woman's Work for Farm Women. BuelL
Frances E. Willard in Portraits of American
Women. Bradford. Houghton.
Story of a Pioneer. Shaw. Harper.
The House on Henry Street. Wald. Houghton.
Twenty Years at Hull House. Addams. Macmillan.
(7) Medicine Florence Nightingale. Eicliards. Appleton.
and Life of Edith Cavell. Anderson. Longmans.
Nursing Dr. Elsie Inglis. Lady Frances Balfour.
Pioneer Work for Women. Dr. Elizabeth Black-
(8) Being a A New England Girlhood. Larcom.
Girl A New England Childhood. Fuller. Little.
A Daughter of the Puritans. Creevey. Putnam.
The Promised Land. Antin. Houghton.
Out of the Shadow. 'Cohen. Houghton.
Rebels. Ganz and Ferber. Dodd.
Story of My Life. Keller. Appleton.
Resume of Lives of Heroines of Service.
(a) Stories
of Achieve-
ments Told
Mary Lyon.
Clara Barton.
Frances Willard.
Julia Ward Howe.
Anna Shaw.
Heroines of the
Mary Slessor,
Madame Curce.
Jane Addams.
Alice C. Fletcher.
Alice Freeman Palmer.
Modern Stage. F. Izard.
Sturgis & Walton.
What American Girls Have Done.
Louisa M. Alcott — Life, Letters and Journal. (A story of a
Writer who loved all "Little Women.") Cheney.
Mary Slessor. Doran.
Margaret Fuller. Anthony.
If I were a Girl — A brave story of great obstacles overcome.
Uncrowned Queen — "The greatest battle ever fought,
The bravest victory ever won,
Is fought with never a soldier near,
And never the sound of a gun."
Brom My Youth Up — The real story of a real girl. Sangster.
Quaker Grandmother. Strachey.
Louise Chandler Moulton.
Guiding Girls.
Great-Hearted Women. Murphy.
A Treasury of Heroes and Heroines. Edwards.
The Road Ahead. Wilson.
Elizabeth Fry. Richards.
Abigail Adams and Her Times — "A New England Girl who
belongs to the Ages."
My Mother and I. Stern.
Sister Dora. Lonsdale.
Girls of Other Lands.
Joan of Arc — A maid who went reluctantly to royal honor.
Florence Nightingale — A girl who found happiness in service.
Tama— The Diary of a Japanese Girl. Wells.
My Chinese Days — Life in one of the World's Oldest Nations.
India, Beloved of Heaven. Baden.
Haremilik — How Young Turkish Women Live. Vaka.
Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution. Breshkovsky.
Athearn, W. S. A National System of Education.
Beard, Mary R. Womans' Work in Municipalities,
Bennett, Helen. Women and Work.
Bennett, H. C. American Women in Civic Work.
Bloomfield, Meyer. Readings in Vocational Guidance.
Brewer, John M. Vocational Guidance Movement.
Bureau of Vocational Information — Vocations for Business and
Professional Women,
Condee, Helen C. How Women May Earn a Living.
Charity Organization Society, New York City. Opportunities
in Social Work.
Cleveland and Schaf er. Democracy in Reconstruction, Chapter X.
Cope, Henry P. Education for Democracy.
Davis, Jesse. Vocational and Moral Guidance.
Dewey, John and Evelyn. Schools of Tomorrow.
Filene, Catherine. Vocations for Women.
Fled, E. C. Humanizing Industry.
Gleason, Arthur. What the Workers Want.
Goldmark, Josephine. Fatigue and Efficiency.
Basbrouck, Louise. The Hall With Doors.
Hill, D. S. Introduction to Vocational Education.
Hodgens, Margaret. Factory Work for Girls.
Rollingsworth, Harry L. Vocational Psychology.
Johnson, F. E. The New Spirit in Industry.
Kelley, Florence. Modern Industry as Related to Modern Health
— Longmans Green Co., 1916.
Klaghorn, Kate. Social Work as a Profession for Women.
LaSalle and Wiley. Vocations for Girls.
Marot, Helen. Creative Impulse